OpenGL: mouse move objects, object can't follow mouse - c++

After picking an object with the mouse, I want to be able to move the object using the mouse. First, I translate mouse position to world position, and use glReadPixels() to read the depth of the object as z's:
double xpos, ypos, zpos;
glfwGetCursorPos(window_ptr, &xpos, &ypos);
float xPercent = (xpos + 0.5f) / scr_width_ * 2.0f - 1; // range is -1 to +1
float yPercent = (ypos + 0.5f) / scr_height_ * 2.0f - 1; // range is -1 to +1
yPercent = -yPercent;
glReadPixels(xpos, scr_height_ - ypos - 1, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &zPercent);
then we move the mouse until we want to release the mouse.
last_position = (xPercent, yPercent, zPercent);
Finally we use the same value as z's value and calculate the x's world position and y's position:
current_position = (xPercent, yPercent, zPercent);
then we translate the object model:
model = glm::translate(model, current_position - last_postion);
the issue is:
the object's speed is not same as mouse's.
waiting for your answer.

The problem is caused by the difference in coordinate systems between the screen and the world. Your cursor position is in "percent" (fraction of the screen width), but your objects are likely placed in some other coordinate system that is determined by your projection matrix (for example, in meters). Unless you are using an orthographic projection and the world-space coordinates of the object are in the same space as the screen-space coordinates, you will get different motion.
For example, even if you had an orthographic projection, it may be configured such that the screen maps to a region of game world that is 20 meters wide, so moving your mouse anywhere within the range [-1, 1] (across the full width of the screen) will only translate to the object moving over 1/10th of the screen.
Furthermore, you may be working with a perspective projection. In that case, not only will your world coordinates differ from the screen coordinates, but there is actually a nonlinear transformation between the screen coordinates and the world coordinates that will cause the object's motion to be distorted near the edges of the screen. You can correct for this by un-projecting your mouse cursor's screen-space coordinates back into world coordinates using glm::unproject. Here is a good explanation of this process.


X,Y position of semi cylinder - ray - triangle- intersection to space [-1,1] [-1,1]

I am rendering a tile map to a fbo and then moving the resulted buffer to a texture and rendering it on a FSQ. Then from the mouse click events, I got the screen coordinates and move them to clip space [-1,1]:
glm::vec2 posMouseClipSpace((2.0f * myCursorPos.x) / myDeviceWidth -
1.0f, 1.0f - (2.0f * myCursorPos.y) / myDeviceHeight);
I have logic on my program that based on those coordinates, it selects a specific tile on the texture.
Now, moving to 3D, I am texturing a semi cylinder with the FBO I used in the previous step:
In this case I am using a ray-triangle intersection point that hits the cylinder with radius r and height h. The idea is moving this intersection point to space [-1,1] so I can keep the logic on my program to select tiles
I use the Möller–Trumbore algorithm to check points on the cylinder hit by a ray. Lets say the intersected point is (x,y) (not sure if the point is in triangle, object or world space. Apparently it's worldspace).
I want to translate that point to space x:[-1,1], y[-1,1].
I know the height of my cylinder, which is a quarter of the cylinder's arc length:
cylinderHeight = myRadius * (PI/2);
so the point in the Y axis can be set in [-1,1]space:
vec2.y = (2.f * (intersectedPoint.y - myCylinder->position().y) ) /
(myCylinder->height()) - 1.f
and That works perfectly.
However, How to compute the horizontal axis which depends on 2 variables x and z?
Currently, my cylinder's radius is 1, so by coincidence a semi cylinder set in the origin would go from (-1 ,1) on the X axis, which made me think it was [-1,1] space, but it turns out is not.
My next approach was using the arc length of a semi circle s =r * PI and then plug that value into the equation:
vec2.x = (2.f * (intersectedPoint.x - myCylinder->position().x) ) /
(myCylinder->arcLength()) - 1.f
but clearly it goes off by 1 unit on the negative direction.
I appreciate the help.
From your description, it seems that you want to convert the world space intersection coordinate to its corresponding normalized texture coordinate.
For this you need the Z coordinate as well, as there must be two "horizontal" coordinates. However you don't need the arc length.
Using the relative X and Z coordinates of intersectedPoint, calculate the polar angle using atan2, and divide by PI (the angular range of the semi-circle arc):
vec2.x = atan2(intersectedPoint.z - myCylinder->position().z,
myCylinder->position().x - intersectedPoint.x) / PI;

Screen Coordinates to World Coordinates

I want to convert from Screen coordinates to world coordinates in OpenGL. I am using glm for that purpose (also I am using glfw)
This is my code:
static void mouse_callback(GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int mods)
if (button == GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) {
if(GLFW_PRESS == action){
int height = 768, width =1024;
double xpos,ypos,zpos;
glfwGetCursorPos(window, &xpos, &ypos);
glReadPixels(xpos, ypos, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &zpos);
glm::mat4 m_projection = glm::perspective(glm::radians(45.0f), (float)(1024/768), 0.1f, 1000.0f);
glm::vec3 win(xpos,height - ypos, zpos);
glm::vec4 viewport(0.0f,0.0f,(float)width, (float)height);
glm::vec3 world = glm::unProject(win, mesh.getView() * mesh.getTransform(),m_projection,viewport);
std::cout << "screen " << xpos << " " << ypos << " " << zpos << std::endl;
std::cout << "world " << world.x << " " << world.y << " " << world.z << std::endl;
Now, I have 2 problem, the first is that the world vector that I get from glm::unProject has a very small x, y and z. If i use this values to translate the mesh, the mesh suffers a small translate and doesn't follow the mouse pointer.
The second problem is, that as said in the glm docs ( the result is returned in object coordinates. So in order to convert screen to world coordinates I should use a transform matrix from one mesh, but what happens if a have many meshes and i want to convert from screen to world coordinates? what model matrix should I multuply by camera view matrix to form ModelView matrix?
There are a couple of issues with this sequence:
glfwGetCursorPos(window, &xpos, &ypos);
glReadPixels(xpos, ypos, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &zpos);
glm::vec3 win(xpos,height - ypos, zpos);
Window space origin. glReadPixels is a GL function, and as such adheres to GL's conventions, with the origin beeing the lower left pixel. While you flip to that convention for your win variable, you do still use the wrong origin for reading the depth buffer.
Furthermore, your flipping is wrong. Since ypos should be in [0,height-1], the correct formula is height-1 - ypos, so you are also off by one here. (We will see later that that isn't exactly true either.)
"Screen Coordinates" vs. Pixel Coordinates. Your code assumes that the coordinates you get back from GLFW are in pixels. This is not the case. GLFW uses the concept of "virtual screen coordinates" which don't necessarily map to pixels:
Pixels and screen coordinates may map 1:1 on your machine, but they
won't on every other machine, for example on a Mac with a Retina
display. The ratio between screen coordinates and pixels may also
change at run-time depending on which monitor the window is currently
considered to be on.
GLFW generally provides two sizes for a window, glfwGetWindowSize will return the result in said virtual screen coordinates, while glfwGetFramebufferSize will return the actual size in pixels, relevant for OpenGL. So basically, you must query both sizes, and than can appropriately scale the mouse coords from screen coords to the actual pixels you need.
Sub-Pixel position. While glReadPixels addresses a specific pixel with integer coordinates, the whole transformation math works with floating point and can represent arbitrary sub-pixel positions. GL's window space is defined so that integer coordinates represent the corners of the pixels, the pixel centers lie at half integer coordinates. Your win variable will represent the lower left corner of said pixel, but the more useful convention would be to use the pixel center, so you'd better add an offset of (0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f) to win, assuming you point to the pixel center. (We can do a bit better if the virtual screen coords are higher resolution than our pixels, which means we already get a sub-pixel position for the mouse cursor, but the math won't change, because we have still to switch to the GL's convent where integer means border instead of integer means center). Note that since we now consider a space which is going from [0,w) in x and [0,h) in y, this also affects point 1. If you click at pixel (0,0), it will have the center (0.5, 0.5), and the y flipping should be h-y so h-0.5 (which should be rounded down towards h-1 when accessing the framebuffer pixel).
To put it all together, you could do (conceptually):
glfwGetWindowSize(win, &screen_w, &screen_h); // better use the callback and cache the values
glfwGetFramebufferSize(win, &pixel_w, &pixel_h); // better use the callback and cache the values
glfwGetCursorPos(window, &xpos, &ypos);
glm::vec2 screen_pos=glm::vec2(xpos, ypos);
glm::vec2 pixel_pos=screen_pos * glm::vec2(pixel_w, pixel_h) / glm::vec2(screen_w, screen_h); // note: not necessarily integer
pixel_pos = pixel_pos + glm::vec2(0.5f, 0.5f); // shift to GL's center convention
glm::vec3 win=glm::vec3(pixel_pos., pixel_h-pixel_pos.y, 0.0f);
glReadPixels( (GLint)win.x, (GLint)win.y, ..., &win.z)
// ... unproject win
what model matrix should I multuply by camera view matrix to form ModelView matrix?
None. The basic coordinate transformation pipeline is
object space -> {MODEL} -> World Space -> {VIEW} -> Eye Space -> {PROJ} -> Clip Space -> {perspective divide} -> NDC -> {Viewport/DepthRange} -> Window Space
There is no model matrix influencing the way from world to window space, hence inverting it will also not depend on any model matrix either.
that as said in the glm docs ( the result is returned in object coordinates.
The math doesn't care about which spaces you transform between. The documentation mentions object space, and the function uses an argument named modelView, but what matrix you put there is totally irrelevant. Putting just view there will be fine.
So in order to convert screen to world coordinates I should use a transform matrix from one mesh.
Well, you could even do that. You could use any model matrix of any object, as long as the matrix isn't singular, and as long as you use the same matrix for the unproject as you later use for going from object space to world space. You can even make up a random matrix, if you make sure it is regular. (Well, there might be numerical issues if the matrix is ill-conditioned). The key thing here is that when you specify (V*M) and P as the matrices for glm::unproject, it will internally calculate (V*M)^-1 * P^-1 * ndc_pos which is M^-1 * V^-1 & P^-1 * ndc_pos. If you transform the result back from object space to world space, you multiply that by M again, resulting in M * M^-1 * V^-1 & P^-1 * ndc_pos, which is of course just V^-1 & P^-1 * ndc_pos which you would directly have gotten if you didn't put M into the unproject in the first place. You just added more computational work, and introduced more potential for numerical issues...

OpenGL Rotate camera around center-of-scene

I have a scene which is basically a square floor measuring 15x15 (a quad with coordinates (0,0,0) (0,0,15) (15,0,15) (15,0,0) ).
I 've set the center-of-scene to be at (7.5,0,7.5). Problem is I can't figure out how to rotate the camera horizontally around that center of scene (aka make the camera do a 360 horizontal circle around center-of-scene). I know you need to do something with sin and cos, but don't know what exactly.
Here is the code (plain C):
//set camera position
//camera height is 17
GLfloat camx=0, camy=17, camz=0;
//set center of scene
GLfloat xref=7.5, yref=0, zref=7.5;
gluLookAt(camx, camy, camz, xref, yref, zref, 0, 1, 0);
//projection is standard gluPerspective, nothing special
gluPerspective(45, (GLdouble)width/(GLdouble)height, 1, 1000);
You need to modify the camx and camz variables.
The points you want to walk through lie on the circle and their coordinates are determined by x = r*sin(alpha) + 7.5, z = r*cos(alpha) + 7,5, where r is the radius of the circle and alpha is the angle between xy plane and the current position of your camera.
Of course the angle depends on the rotation speed and also on the time from the beginning of the animation. Basically, the only thing you need to do is to set the right angle and then calculate the coordinates from the expressions above.
For more info about the circle coordinates, see Wiki :
I think there are two ways you can use:
You can use sin/cos to compute your camx and camz position. This picture is a good example how this works.
An alternative would be to move the camera to 7.5, 0, 7.5, then rotate the camera with the camera angle you want. After that you move the camera by -7.5, 0, -7.5.

How to move a camera using in a ray-tracer?

I am currently working on ray-tracing techniques and I think I've made a pretty good job; but, I haven't covered camera yet.
Until now, I used a plane fragment for view plane which is located between (-width/2, height/2, 200) and (width/2, -height/2, 200) [200 is just a fixed number of z, can be changed].
Addition to that, I use the camera mostly on e(0, 0, 1000), and I use a perspective projection.
I send rays from point e to pixels, and print it to image's corresponding pixel after calculating the pixel color.
Here is a image I created. Hopefully you can guess where eye and view plane are by looking at the image.
My question starts from here. It's time to move my camera around, but I don't know how to map 2D view plane coordinates to the canonical coordinates. Is there a transformation matrix for that?
The method I think requires to know the 3D coordinates of pixels on view plane. I am not sure it's the right method to use. So, what do you suggest?
There are a variety of ways to do it. Here's what I do:
Choose a point to represent the camera location (camera_position).
Choose a vector that indicates the direction the camera is looking (camera_direction). (If you know a point the camera is looking at, you can compute this direction vector by subtracting camera_position from that point.) You probably want to normalize (camera_direction), in which case it's also the normal vector of the image plane.
Choose another normalized vector that's (approximately) "up" from the camera's point of view (camera_up).
camera_right = Cross(camera_direction, camera_up)
camera_up = Cross(camera_right, camera_direction) (This corrects for any slop in the choice of "up".)
Visualize the "center" of the image plane at camera_position + camera_direction. The up and right vectors lie in the image plane.
You can choose a rectangular section of the image plane to correspond to your screen. The ratio of the width or height of this rectangular section to the length of camera_direction determines the field of view. To zoom in you can increase camera_direction or decrease the width and height. Do the opposite to zoom out.
So given a pixel position (i, j), you want the (x, y, z) of that pixel on the image plane. From that you can subtract camera_position to get a ray vector (which then needs to be normalized).
Ray ComputeCameraRay(int i, int j) {
const float width = 512.0; // pixels across
const float height = 512.0; // pixels high
double normalized_i = (i / width) - 0.5;
double normalized_j = (j / height) - 0.5;
Vector3 image_point = normalized_i * camera_right +
normalized_j * camera_up +
camera_position + camera_direction;
Vector3 ray_direction = image_point - camera_position;
return Ray(camera_position, ray_direction);
This is meant to be illustrative, so it is not optimized.
For rasterising renderers, you tend to need a transformation matrix because that's how you map directly from 3D coordinates to screen 2D coordinates.
For ray tracing, it's not necessary because you're typically starting from a known pixel coordinate in 2D space.
Given the eye position, a point in 3-space that's in the center of the screen, and vectors for "up" and "right", it's quite easy to calculate the 3D "ray" that goes from the eye position and through the specified pixel.
I've previously posted some sample code from my own ray tracer at

OpenGL simultaneous translate and rotate around local axis

I am working on an application that has similar functionality to MotionBuilder in its viewport interactions. It has three buttons:
Button 1 rotates the viewport around X and Y depending on X/Y mouse drags.
Button 2 translates the viewport around X and Y depending on X/Y mouse drags.
Button 3 "zooms" the viewport by translating along Z.
The code is simple:
glRotatef(rotX, 1, 0, 0);
glRotatef(rotY, 0, 1, 0);
Now, the problem is that if I translate first, the translation will be correct but the rotation then follows the world axis. I've also tried rotating first:
glRotatef(rotX, 1, 0, 0);
glRotatef(rotY, 0, 1, 0);
^ the rotation works, but the translation works according to world axis.
My question is, how can I do both so I achieve the translation from code snippet one and the rotation from code snippet 2.
I drew this rather crude image to illustrate what I mean by world and local rotations/translations. I need the camera to rotate and translate around its local axis.
Ok, the image makes things a bit clearer.
If you were just talking about an object, then your first code snippet would be fine, but for the camera it's quite different.
Since there's technically no object as a 'camera' in opengl, what you're doing when building a camera is just moving everything by the inverse of how you're moving the camera. I.e. you don't move the camera up by +1 on the Y axis, you just move the world by -1 on the y axis, which achieves the same visual effect of having a camera.
Imagine you have a camera at position (Cx, Cy, Cz), and it has x/y rotation angles (CRx, CRy). If this were just a regular object, and not the camera, you would transform this by:
glTranslate(Cx, Cy, Cz);
glRotate(CRx, 1, 0, 0);
glRotate(CRy, 0, 1, 0);
But because this is the camera, we need to do the inverse of this operation instead (we just want to move the world by (-Cx, -Cy, and -Cz) to emulate the moving of a 'camera'. To invert the matrix, you just have to do the opposite of each individual transform, and do them in reverse order.
glRotate(-CRy, 0, 1, 0);
glRotate(-CRx, 1, 0, 0);
glTranslate(-Cx, -Cy, -Cz);
I think this will give you the kind of camera you're mentioning in your image.
I suggest that you bite the apple and implement a camera class that stores the current state of the camera (position, view direction, up vector, right vector) and manipulate that state according to your control scheme. Then you can set up the projection matrix using gluLookAt(). Then, the order of operations becomes unimportant. Here is an example:
Let camPos be the current position of the camera, camView its view direction, camUp the up vector and camRight the right vector.
To translate the camera by moveDelta, simply add moveDelta to camPos. Rotation is a bit more difficult, but if you understand quaternions you'll be able to understand it quickly.
First you need to create a quaternion for each of your two rotations. I assume that your horizontal rotation is always about the positive Z axis (which points at the "ceiling" if you will). Let hQuat be the quaternion representing the horizontal rotation. I further assume that you want to rotate the camera about its right axis for your vertical rotation (creating a pitch effect). For this, you must apply the horizontal rotation to the camera's current angle. The result is the rotation axis for your vertical rotation hQuat. The total rotation quaternion is then rQuat = hQuat * vQuat. Then you apply rQuat to the camera's view direction, up, and right vectors.
Quat hRot(rotX, 0, 0, 1); // creates a quaternion that rotates by angle rotX about the positive Z axis
Vec3f vAxis = hRot * camRight; // applies hRot to the camera's right vector
Quat vRot(rotY, vAxis); // creates a quaternion that rotates by angle rotY about the rotated camera's right vector
Quat rQuat = hRot * vRot; // creates the total rotation
camUp = rQuat * camUp;
camRight = rQuat * camRight;
camView = rQuat * camView;
Hope this helps you solve your problem.
glRotate always works around the origin. If you do:
Then the 'object' is rotate around (x,y,z) instead of the origin, because you moved (x,y,z) to the origin, did the rotation, and then pushed (x,y,z) back where it started.
However, I don't think that's going to be enough to get the effect you're describing. If you always want transformations to be done with respect to the current frame of reference, then you need to keep track of the transformation matrix yourself. This why people use Quaternion based cameras.