Looking for the support to launch a application in Azure Market place Via managed app in AKS Cluster - azure-managed-app

We are having one application which is currently running in K8s cluster which we need to further publish in Azure market place . Looks like we are unable to know the path how to deploy the applicaion in marketplace along with AKS cluster . Can anybody will help me please to perfrom this task .


Is it possible to run kubeflow pipelines or notebooks using AWS EMR as Spark Master/Driver

I am trying to implement as solution on an EKS cluster where jobs are expected to be submitted using kubeflow central dashboard by users/developers. To include spark as a service for users on platform I tried to have standalone spark installation on EKS cluster where everything other config will have to managed by admin. So managed service EMR could be possibly used here as an independent service and will be triggered only when job is submitted.
I an trying to make EMR on EC2 or EMR on EKS available as an endpoint to be used in kubeflow notebooks or pipelines. Tried various things but could not have any robust solution for it.
So if anybody has any sort of experience in the same please feel free to drop in your suggestions.

Connect two cloud run services on GCP

I need to deploy two cloud run servicen on GCP, one is frontend and the other is backend so I wanna ask
is it possible to connect 2 services like this ones?
if its possible what is the best way of connecting those two services which will be able to communicate?
I searched through the internet didn't find a lot of useful info
Please consider the official documentation :
Securing Cloud Run services tutorial
This tutorial walks through how to create a secure two-service
application running on Cloud Run. This application is a Markdown
editor which includes a public "frontend" service which anyone can use
to compose markdown text, and a private "backend" service which
renders Markdown text to HTML.
Yes you i'm not going to go into details. but i will give you a quick overview of the workflow.
Assuming you don't have the code in source control and this is an already built docker containers.
you want to load the docker image via gcloud by using
docker load to load the docker .tar image.
next you will tag that image.
push the image to container registry
navigate to cloud web-console click create service or you can run gcloud run image on the cli.
if you need a db its much better to use the cloud sql assuming its postgresql. you want to create one beforehand in the same region.
during deployment you can click connection tab and attach your db instance set the container port to your listening port.
don't for get to like if it helps!

Deploying a command line python program using Azure

My question is specifically related to Azure OR AWS, ie. a cloud provider. So, please do not downvote.
I want to ask how can I deploy a commdn line program like:
which is written in python.
to the cloud?
I want the program to just run indefinitely, ie.e it will post data from reddit to twitter.
Can it be done with Azure, i know Azure provides for website deployment.
But for this, I think is there any service?
Or if I have to setup a Virtual machien and set up the code, how to configure my machine so that it posts data to twitter (are any networking issues associated)?
Sorry if the question is beginner, I have just started using cloud.
If you were to choose AWS, you could run this easily within a docker container within Elastic Container Service (ECS). Look here for more information: AWS ECS Features
You can probably get what you want in the free tier.

how to deploy code form bitbucket to amaozn EC2 server

I have created a laravel application and now i have push my code to a staging server.
In my amazon AWS account I have created an EC2 server, simple way to do this, and find it confusing.
I want to run this project on server.
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
You can use startup script on your EC2.
Your startup script should do the following steps:
1-Install requirement software or services in the new machine.
2-Download or clone latest your app code from git and build it if necessary.
3-Download other assets or software or data from the S3 bucket.(Java, Tomcat, or WARs)
4-Start and configure services.
You should strongly consider using the AWS CodeDeploy service to manage the deployment of code on your instance.
It is easy to setup, and the service itself is free; you pay for instance usage only.

Using a pre-made complex cloud application for benchmarking

I am evaluating a few "cloud monitoring" tools. What ready-made complex applications can I deploy to AWS, to evaluate these tools? I am looking for something which automatically creates a multi-node LAMP stack, for example, or a Hadoop/Spark cluster.
EDIT: as an example, I'm looking for something like CloudSuite, but that is meant to be deployed in a multi-host environment.
I am not aware of any premade complex setups that are turnkey and ready to go. They all take some configuration.
You can setup some preconfiured LAMP servers from BitNami:
LAMP powered by Bitnami
You can then cluster them via an Elastic Load Balance and connect them to a RDS instance for few hours and run tests.
You can also review the AWS Quick Start Reference Deployments
Another option would be to use CloudFormation Sample Templates to automate the setup of common services.