I am working with some clojure and need to call a grpc based endpoint.
ExampleGrpcRequest {
string name = 1
ExampleGrpcResponse {
repeated string Books = 1
Book {
string name = 1
int pages = 2
service ExampleService {
rpc GetBook(ExampleGrpcRequest) returns (ExampleGrpcResponse) {}
This is my grpc request/response struct. I want to parse the response from an api call in Clojure and map it to another object. I even tried searching some resources but couldn't find much on the same lines.
This is core clojure based question
grpc proto used are based on java
getBooks() would return an a list of books.
Making my Question a bit clear-
How do I parse grpc response in clojure? Is there any efficient way to do it? I checked out some blogs & didn't understood.
As I am new to clojure & grpc, I want to undestand is this similar to
how we parse a grpc response in Java? i.e.
If I would want to parse a grpc response from a java client-
I would do something like:
I have a backend listener that posts JMeter results to an external server. It works for most parts. However, I'd like to get cookie info for failed requests. Backend listener only gets SampleResult and I don't see an API to access cookie info from SampleResult. Does anyone have an idea?
View Result Tree listener is able to print out request cookies, so there must be a way. However, it's not obvious what's the class name for that particular listener. If anyone can point me to that source code, it'll be a starting point.
With current JMeter implementation it is not possible unless your create your own AbstractBackendListenerClient implementation which will be cookies-aware.
Also depending on how do you parse result you can substitute a "not interesting" SampleResult field (for example Response Message) with cookie values for failed requests. It can be done using i.e. JSR223 PostProcessor and the following Groovy code
if (!prev.isSuccessful()) {
def manager = sampler.getCookieManager()
def cookies = new StringBuilder()
for (int i = 0; i < manager.getCookieCount(); i++) {
Hard to help without seeing some code, but one general direction could be this: you can check if your SampleResult is of type HTTPSampleResult, and if yes, get its cookies, using getCookies() method. Whole process could be wrapped as the following function:
public String getCookiesForHttpResult(SampleResult sampleResult) {
if (sampleResult instanceof HTTPSampleResult) {
HTTPSampleResult httpSampleResult = (HTTPSampleResult) sampleResult;
return httpSampleResult.getCookies();
// not HTTP result
return null;
Something like that is done in JMeter's RequestViewHTTP.java
Getting CookieManager in backend listener can be problematic, since it's mutable: by the time backend listener reads from CookieManager, list of cookies may be different from the time of request execution.
I have recently used Java Spring to create REST services. In it, there were annotations for binding each specific function to a different REST query. Lets not go too technical here, as a psuedo, it was like this:
/** list records */
#bind("/list", WebMethod.GET)
List<Record> getRecords()
/** get record */
#bind("/record", WebMethod.GET)
Record getRecord()
/** add record */
#bind("/record", WebMethod.POST)
void addRecord()
Now I am given a tesk to perform a REST with Casablanca SDK in C++, but in every tutorial I checked covers a single GET or POST request. Is it possible to bind multpile requests to custom targets similar to Spring in Casablanca SDK?
You can make a single get function where you capture all get requests, then just get the path from the query and use a switch to call different functions to process the request for that path.
I'm developing a REST server in Play with Scala, that at some point needs to request data at one or more other web services. Based on the responses from these services the server must compose a unified result to use later on.
Event C on www.someplace.com needs to be executed. In order to execute Event C, Event A on www.anotherplace.com and Event B on www.athirdplace.com must also be executed.
Event C has a Seq(www.anotherplace.com, www.athirdplace.com) from which I would like to iterate and send a WS request to each URL respectively to check wether B and C are executed.
It is assumed that a GET to these URLs returns either true or false
How do I collect the responses from each request (preferably combined to a list) and assert that each response is equal to true?
EDIT: An event may contain an arbitrary number of URL's. So I cant know beforehand how many WS requests i need to send.
Short Answer
You can use sequence method available on Future object.
For example:
import scala.concurrent.Future
val urls = Seq("www.anotherplace.com", "www.athirdplace.com")
val requests = urls.map(WS.url)
val futureResponses = Future.sequence(requests.map(_.get()))
Aggregated Future
Note that the type of futureResponses will be Future[Seq[WSResponse]]. Now you can work on the results:
futureResponses.map { responses =>
responses.map { response =>
val body = response.body
// do something with response body
More Details
From ScalaDocs of sequence method:
Transforms a TraversableOnce[Future[A]] into a
Future[TraversableOnce[A]]. Useful for reducing many Futures into a
single Future.
Note that if any of the Futures you pass to sequence fails, the resulting Future will be failed as well. Only when all Futures are completed successfully the result will complete successfully. This is good for some purposes, especially if you want to send requests at the same time, no one after another.
Have a look at the documentation and see if you can get their example to work.
Try something like this:
val futureResponse: Future[WSResponse] = for {
responseOne <- WS.url(urlOne).get()
responseTwo <- WS.url(responseOne.body).get()
responseThree <- WS.url(responseTwo.body).get()
} yield responseOne && responseTwo && responseThree
You probably need to parse the response of your WebService since they (probably) won't return booleans, but you'll get the idea.
I have created a sample application to get full idea of Spring MVC with REST Webservice. I have created an application which host webservice and a client which calls to this webservice and fetch the relevant data. I am able to pass the arguments from client side like String, and able to receive the data as List or single object, and till here it goes smooth..
Now I want to pass the List as an argument from client side, and also want to implement on webservice side to get the List which is passed from client application. Can anyone helpout with this scenario?
Please find code snippet of my working version.
ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("appContext.xml", Client.class);
RestTemplate restTemplate = applicationContext.getBean("restTemplate", RestTemplate.class);
String url;
// retrieve a list of customers
url = "http://localhost:8080/restful-ws/app/testlist.xml";
List<CustomerBean> custList = (List) restTemplate.getForObject(url, List.class);
for (CustomerBean cust : custList) {
System.out.println(">> cust :"+ cust.toString());}
Web Service side implementation.
#RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="/testlist")
public ModelAndView showCustomers() {
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("customerListKey");
List<Customer> custs = new ArrayList<Customer>();
for (Customer customer:customers.values()) {
mv.addObject("allCustomers", custs);
return mv;
also i have related files, but if will put all code snippets, it will become too much. Mainly my query is how can I pass List from client side and how can i get it from receiver/server side?, in both side i am using spring only
Thanks in advance for your time and help.
Use an array of CustomerBean
CustomerBean[] custList = restTemplate.getForObject(url, CustomerBean[].class);
The conversion from array to list is left as an exercise for the interested reader...
Hey guys. I've developed some services in REST that are running on Glassfish 3.1.
I have a Java SE application and I am using Jersey as the client api.
public <T> T findAll_JSON(Class<T> responseType) throws UniformInterfaceException {
WebResource resource = webResource;
return resource.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(responseType);
This is the client code that is generated by Netbeans.
My main problem is passing a list of objects as the response type
Here is the client code.
List<PkgLine> pkgLine = service.findAll_JSON(List.class);
Obviously this is not working because the response needs to be a List of PkgLine. How do I pass that as a generic? My service is set to return the List of PkgLine. Thanks.
The problem is "erasure". You can declare a List<PkgLine> in your program, but at runtime the information that the objects in the List are PkgLines is erased. List<String>, List<PkgLine> and List<Object> are all the same type at runtime. (There's a reason why this is so; I won't explain it here but you can look up "erasure" if you are interested.)
The objects in the List are still PkgLines of course, but to the List they are just Objects, and you'll have to cast each one to a PkgLine. It's not pretty.
List<?> pkgLine = service.findAll_JSON(List.class);
What about parsing an array? It has the same json represantation.
You could write something like this: