Want to use GoogleSignInOptions instead of Google Sign-In with web UI? - amazon-web-services

I'm using AWS Amplify in my app backend. I want to use GoogleSignInOptions to sign in a user by passing the GoogleSignInaccount token to cognito userpool instead of signin with web UI.I tried it many times but it is showing an error provider is not from authorised identity provider.


AWS Cognito with Auth0 as middle layer for SAML SSO, how to skip re login

I’m using AWS Cognito as User pool (for login) <> Auth0 as SAML-IDP (idp-initiated flow) (as Cognito does not support SAML IDP) <> and connecting to 3rd party SP.
I have a web-app which has login mechanism with AWS Cognito, and I’m trying to redirect logged-in customers to third-party URL (=SP, which requires log-in as well, SAML).
I have setup Auth0 to perform the SAML SSO, as Cognito does not support it and added OpenID Connect for authentication, to sync my existing users with Auth0 (AWS Cognito - see image below), which seems to work well (users are synced from my user-pool with Auth0/User Management/Users).
When i’m redirecting my logged in users, I redirect them to Auth0 Identity Provider Login URL (i.e: dev-APP.us.auth0.com/samlp/SOME_APP?connection=AWSCognito)
the problem i’m facing is that for the first time - user is required to log-in again (to cognito) although he was already logged in (see image below).
I was trying to follow up the requests made after redirection to Auth0 Provider Login URL and it seems that /authorize URL on cognito is the issue (https://XXXXX.auth.us-east-1.amazoncognito.com/oauth2/authorize)
Redirecting directly to AWS Cognito Domain with this URL won't work as well (to Hosted UI rather than to Auth0 URL): https://<yourDomainPrefix>.auth.<region>.amazoncognito.com/login?response_type=token&client_id=<yourClientId>&redirect_uri=<redirectUrl> where the redirectURI is URLEncoded
Is there any way to skip that second login (first in my web-app and second is the Cognito hosted UI)?

How do i get an Amazon Cognito token in postman without need for manual steps

I have an existing suite of postman tests that previously ran against REST services hosted in Azure using Azure AD for Auth. Using the token endpoint (https://login.microsoftonline.com/{{tenantId}}/oauth2/token), I was able to obtain an Oauth token for an enterprise app (test app) that had deligate permissions for the application under test.
The apps have been moved to AWS and are now secured with Cognito. I have been unable to find an equivalent workflow that allows me to obtain a token without manual data being entered by the user.
The login endpoint requires me to manually enter the user name and password:
How do i integrate amazon cognito login in postman
I can setup an app and get an acceess token it does not give me permissions to the APIs, as I can not add the app to the user group with permissions.

Ampliy withAuthenticator v/s with withOAuth

AWS Amplify withAuthenticator v/s with OAuth
I want to implement an authentication mechanism for react app. I am using AWS Amplify framework, It provides 3 methods either use custom UI or with the authenticator and with OAuth components. I see with OAuth component provides Cognito hosted UI while withAuthenticator component provides AWS Amplify Custom UI.
What are the pros and cons of both except the UI
withAuthenticator is email & password against Cognito User Pools where the user is created in that directory. withOAuth and Auth.federatedSignIn use the OAuth endpoint of Cognito User Pools for OAuth flows, which performs redirects for you to authenticate users against a social provider such as Login With Amazon, Facebook, Google Sign-In, etc. A corresponding user account will be created in Cognito User Pools directory after this process takes place. More info can be found here: https://aws-amplify.github.io/docs/js/authentication#concepts

Cognito authentication using federated identity does not create a user in the pool

I'm using Cognito with a user pool to provide authentication for my Ionic application application. The application use AWS Amplify to perform the Signup and Signin operation.
Now, I need to add facebook authentication so I added an external federated identity mapping also the facebook attributes to the corresponding Cognito user pool attributes.
On the application side I use the Facebook SDK to login with Facebook, receive Facebook's JWT token and call the Amplify federatedSignIn() to authenticate. The authentication works but no user is created inside the Cognito user pool (accordingly to official documentation "Whether your users sign in directly or through a third party, all users have a profile in the user pool").
Since the user is not created I cannot call the Amplify method currentSession() to get the token (to be used for lambda authentication) since there is no user.
Am I missing something?
This is the expected behaviour using federated identity. In order to use socials login through Cognito user pool its necessary to use Cognito's built-in hosted UI which is not supported by Ionic at the moment.

User authentication in microservice application hosted on Amazon WS

I am building web application based on microservice architecture. At this moment I am considering few ways of user authentication flow. I predict following, example user roles:
admin - is able to create content, upload files etc (admin account can be created only by another admin)
unauthorized user - can view content
authorized user - can comment content
Here is, how I was thinking about authentication flow so far:
authentication service - have access to DB with users credentials and permissions
api gateway - retrieve requests from user, check if user is logged in (ie verifies OAuth2 access token with auth service) and transfer flow to other services based on user request (attaching JWT token with some basic user info)
another service - accept only requests from api gateway, and trusts user data from JWT token (does not need to connect with auth service to get information about user).
After deploying some stuff on AWS infrastructure my way of thinking have changed a little bit. As far as I understand AWS products (Lambda - serverless applications and API gateway), I should implement authentication flow as follows:
authentication service - gets request from user, retrieve data from dynamoDB and provide user cookie with JWT signed by private key
any other service - retrieves request with JWT token, verifies signature using public key, and perform some action.
And now the question comes:
How deos AWS Cognito fits here? Is it something useful for me? As far as I understand, Cognito simplifies flow of authenticating users via 3rd parties (facebook, twitter etc. etc.). Does AWS Cognito serves login page, separated from my application, or it is only background/webservices impelementation?
So far I am thinking about Cognito as a replacement for my authentication service - any of my services, should impelemnt Cognito authentication flow provided by SDK from amazon, and my static website would implement JavaScript SDK for user login/register. Am I right?
First of all AWS Cognito consists of two services.
AWS Cognito UserPools (Which is the Identity Provider) - This is the service where you can create the users and manage their credentials with other policies. It can also provide the login screen where we can customize the logo and look and feel so that it can become a plug and play Login service. Then it is also possible to configure the authentication flow (For example to make the service as an OpenIDConnect authentication provider so that it will return a JWT token once user logs in). It is also possible to connect Social Identities (Facebook, Google & etc.) and SAML.
AWS Cognito Federated Identities (Identity Federation to grant users access AWS Services) - This service is capable of accepting AWS Cognito UserPool Token or direct access from other providers where we can federate the access to AWS resources. For example, AWS Cognito Federated Identities can grant temporal access to a User, Authenticated from another provider (e.g; AWS Cognito UserPools) to upload files to S3.
For more details refer the article The Difference Between AWS Cognito UserPools and Federated Identities?.
So coming back to your questions,
So far I am thinking about Cognito as a replacement for my
authentication service?
you can use AWS Cognito UserPools authentication service to issue JWT tokens and validate the token in AWS Lambda Custom Authorizer at your other service endpoints. This is also the place where you can do Authorization.
My static website would implement JavaScript SDK for user
login/register. Am I right?
Not necessarily. If you use AWS Cognito UserPools Hosted UI, you will get Login, Signup, Password Change, Confirmation pages, by default along with auto redirection for Federated Identities (Based on the configurations) such as Facebook, Google or Corporate Credentials like Office365. Although the customization is limited, you should be able to add your own logo and change the background color of these screens. If you plan to implement this by your self, then you can use AWS SDKs to implement these screens.
For more details on the serverless architecture refer Full Stack Serverless Web Apps with AWS.