I'm trying to position my Win32 API window alongside (e.g. left-sided vertical) taskbar. My display has 2560x1600 resolution and 144 DPI. I had some problems with DPI-aware apps previously, so maybe I still don't undestand some DPI-related things. For example, now I set DPI-awarness both programmatically - setting the DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2 option through the Win32 API, and adding two lines (to support Windows 7-10) to the project's manifest file:
<dpiAware xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2005/WindowsSettings">True/PM</dpiAware>
<dpiAwareness xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2016/WindowsSettings">PerMonitorV2</dpiAwareness>
Here is a code snippet, that shows how I'm setting a window's position:
RECT taskbarRect = {0, 0, 0, 0};
HWND taskbarHandle = FindWindow(L"Shell_TrayWnd", NULL);
if (taskbarHandle) {
GetWindowRect(taskbarHandle, &taskbarRect);
} else {...}
RECT notificationWindowRect; // Here is the RECT for window, I'm trying to reposition.
GetWindowRect(notificationWindowHandle, ¬ificationWindowRect);
LONG newX = 0;
LONG newY = 0;
bool taskbarIsVertical = (taskbarRect.Height() > taskbarRect.Width());
if (taskbarRect.left == 0 && taskbarIsVertical) { // left vertical taskbar
newX = taskbarRect.right;
newY = taskbarRect.bottom - notificationWindowRect.Height();
} else {...}
SetWindowPos(notificationWindowHandle, NULL, newX, newY, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
When system scaling is set to 100%, it's almost working - taskbarRect has a width of 63, but still there is a gap of a few pixels between the taskbar's right side and my window's left side. Note, that my window has the popup style and has no borders.
However, the main problem happens, when I set Windows' scaling to 150%. From the one hand, the taskbarRect's width becomes equal to 94, which I suppose is correct because 63 * 1.5 == 94. On the other hand, my window becomes hidden a little bit from the left side by the taskbar. To handle that, I need to add 65 pixels:
newX = taskbarRect.right + 65;
I don't understand where this 65-pixel shift appears from, and why it is exactly 65 pixels.
I have an edit box that contains text, sometimes many sentences long. The edit box sits at the bottom of its parent dialog (forgive me if I'm saying everything wrong, I don't quite know what I'm doing when it comes to MFC applications). When the dialog that contains my edit box in mind is drawn to the screen, it isn't drawn quite tall enough, and it cuts off a portion of my edit box at the bottom. I was hoping to be able to calculate the height of the text that is used in the edit box, and add a few multiples of that value to the function that determines the height of the parent dialog, for consistency.
I'm not sure if this makes sense, but ultimately I am just trying to find out if it's possible to get text height of text within my edit box. I'm not sure that my fix is even possible given that the edit box is created in a completely different file in the project, but I thought it might be worth asking.
You could calculate the required text height using this basic formula:
CEdit::GetLineCount() * TEXTMETRIC::tmHeight
If the edit control has any of WS_BORDER or WS_HSCROLL styles you have to account for the gap between window size and content size which can be calculated by taking the difference between the heights of the rectangles returned by CEdit::GetWindowRect() and CEdit::GetRect() (thanks Barmak!).
The following is a function to calculate the "ideal" size of an edit control. The returned height is the required window height to fit the content. The returned width equals the original window width. You can use the parameters minLines and maxLines to make sure the returned height is such that the edit control shows at least minLines and at maximum maxLines number of lines without scrolling. Leave them at their defaults to not restrict the height.
CSize GetEditIdealSize( CEdit& edit, unsigned minLines = 0, unsigned maxLines = 0 )
if( CFont* pFont = edit.GetFont() )
// Get font information.
CClientDC dc( &edit );
auto const pOldFont = dc.SelectObject( pFont );
TEXTMETRICW tm{}; dc.GetTextMetricsW( &tm );
if( pOldFont )
dc.SelectObject( pOldFont );
// Calculate required height for the text content.
int const heightRequired = edit.GetLineCount() * tm.tmHeight;
// Make sure the edit control height stays between the given minimum/maximum.
int idealHeight = std::max<int>( heightRequired, tm.tmHeight * minLines );
if( maxLines > 0 )
idealHeight = std::min<int>( idealHeight, tm.tmHeight * maxLines );
// Get window and content rect.
CRect rcEdit; edit.GetWindowRect( rcEdit );
CRect rcContent; edit.GetRect( rcContent );
// Account for gap between window rect and content rect.
idealHeight += rcEdit.Height() - rcContent.Height();
return { rcEdit.Width(), idealHeight };
return {};
Use it like this in a member function of the parent window of the edit control to resize the edit control to fit its content:
CSize const idealSize = GetEditIdealSize( m_edit );
m_edit.SetWindowPos( nullptr, 0, 0, idealSize.cx, idealSize.cy, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOMOVE );
This code has been tested under Windows 10 for an edit control with the style ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL | ES_WANTRETURN | WS_BORDER | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD.
I was trying to get the height of the title bar of a specific window on Windows. You can replicate it with Notepad. I'm using C++ and none of the codes I found online yielded the correct result. Using e.g. Screenpresso I measured 31 pixels for my window bar height.
The functions I tried are the following:
#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
inline int get_title_bar_thickness_1(const HWND window_handle)
RECT window_rectangle, client_rectangle;
GetWindowRect(window_handle, &window_rectangle);
GetClientRect(window_handle, &client_rectangle);
return window_rectangle.bottom - window_rectangle.top -
(client_rectangle.bottom - client_rectangle.top);
inline int get_title_bar_thickness_2(const HWND window_handle)
RECT window_rectangle, client_rectangle;
GetWindowRect(window_handle, &window_rectangle);
GetClientRect(window_handle, &client_rectangle);
return (window_rectangle.right - window_rectangle.left - client_rectangle.right) / 2;
auto window_handle = FindWindow("Notepad", nullptr);
auto a = get_title_bar_thickness_1(window_handle); // 59
auto b = get_title_bar_thickness_2(window_handle); // 8
auto c = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME); // 4
auto d = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); // 23
Getting the system metrics with GetSystemMetrics() does not work because windows can have different title bar heights obviously and there is no argument for the window handle.
How can I really get the result of 31?
Assuming that you don't have menu bar, you can map points from client coordinate system to screen one
RECT wrect;
GetWindowRect( hwnd, &wrect );
RECT crect;
GetClientRect( hwnd, &crect );
POINT lefttop = { crect.left, crect.top }; // Practicaly both are 0
ClientToScreen( hwnd, &lefttop );
POINT rightbottom = { crect.right, crect.bottom };
ClientToScreen( hwnd, &rightbottom );
int left_border = lefttop.x - wrect.left; // Windows 10: includes transparent part
int right_border = wrect.right - rightbottom.x; // As above
int bottom_border = wrect.bottom - rightbottom.y; // As above
int top_border_with_title_bar = lefttop.y - wrect.top; // There is no transparent part
Got 8, 8, 8 and 31 pixels (96DPI aka 100% scaling setting)
You should also take into account DPI awareness mode. Especially GetSystemMetrics is tricky because it remembers state for System DPI when your application was launched.
Send a message WM_GETTITLEBARINFOEX to the window, and you will get the bounding rectangle of the title bar.
ptinfo->cbSize = sizeof(TITLEBARINFOEX);
SendMessage(hWnd, WM_GETTITLEBARINFOEX,0, (LPARAM)ptinfo);
int height = ptinfo->rcTitleBar.bottom- ptinfo->rcTitleBar.top;
int width = ptinfo->rcTitleBar.right - ptinfo->rcTitleBar.left;
First, make sure your application is high DPI aware so that the system doesn't lie to you.
Trust GetSystemMetrics. Nearly any top-level window that actually has a different caption size is doing custom non-client area management which is going to make it (nearly) impossible. The obvious exception is a tool window (WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) which probably has a SM_CYSMCAPTION height if the WS_CAPTION style is also set.
Get the target window rect and the target window's style. Use AdjustWindowRectEx to determine the size differences with the WS_CAPTION style toggled. I'm not sure if this will work because there may be some interaction between on whether you can have a caption without some kind of border.
Get the target window rect and send WM_HITTEST messages for coordinates that move down the window. Count how many of those get HT_CAPTION in return. Bonus points if you do this with a binary search rather than a linear search. This is probably the hardest and the most reliable way to do it, assuming the window has a rectangular caption area.
If I've understood correctly, it looks like you want to take the border size of the window (which we should be able to gather from the width as there is no title bar) and subtract it from the the verticle size minus the client window...
inline int get_title_bar_thickness(const HWND window_handle)
RECT window_rectangle, client_rectangle;
int height, width;
GetWindowRect(window_handle, &window_rectangle);
GetClientRect(window_handle, &client_rectangle);
height = (window_rectangle.bottom - window_rectangle.top) -
(client_rectangle.bottom - client_rectangle.top);
width = (window_rectangle.right - window_rectangle.left) -
(client_rectangle.right - client_rectangle.left);
return height - (width/2);
I have 2 monitors with different resolution and scaling:
2560 * 1440 scaling x1 (Primary)
1920 * 1200 scaling x1.5 (to the left from primary
[2][1] aligned to top)
My application is changing position of another app window. The window I try to set location has dimensions 300x200. I set window location to (-150|200) and in the very next row check the location:
::SetWindowPos(this->handle, 0, lLeft, lTop, 0,0, SWP_NOREPOSITION | SWP_NOSIZE);
// output lLeft, lTop
RECT r = { 0 };
::GetWindowRect(this->handle, &r);
// output r.left, r.top
And I have following output:
<< -150 200 // SetWindowPos
>> -740 133 // GetWindowRect
After positioning the window has scaling 1 (from primary) while is located on secondary and should have scaling 1.5
It misplaces the window with x = [-150 ... 0]
It looks like this happens when the window is partially on secondary monitor and the middle point of the window already on primary monitor.
Is there anything I can do to avoid such behavior?
The code below calculates the size of a the rect holding the text to a checkbox. Code works fine when i'm using a stationary computer with monitors with different screen resolution. But when I run the exact same code on a laptop with an external monitor connected the box is too small. Laptop screen res is 1680x1050 and the monitor is 1920x1080.
pclRect has the same values no matter which computer I run it on.
Anybody's got an idea how to solve this?
void CForm::SetSize(CWnd *pCWnd, CRect *pclRect)
CDC *pclDC = m_pclPanel->GetDC();
CFont* font = pCWnd->GetFont();
LOGFONT logFont;
CString str;
pCWnd->GetWindowText(str);//Get controller text
CClientDC dc(pCWnd);
int iWidth;
int iHeight;
long lFontSize = -MulDiv(logFont.lfHeight, GetDeviceCaps(pclDC->m_hDC, LOGPIXELSY), 72);
iWidth = dc.GetTextExtent(str).cx; //Get controller text length
iWidth += GetExtraWidth(); //This adds 18 to the width since it's the width of the checkbox itself
iHeight = abs(lFontSize) + GetExtraHeight();
pclRect->bottom = pclRect->top + iHeight;
pclRect->right = pclRect->left + iWidth;
If target window is Vista or higher, use BCM_GETIDEALSIZE to find the minimum size. But check box cannot have multi-line flag (BS_MULTILINE). For example
m_checkBox.SetWindowText(L"long text xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx");
SIZE sz;
if (Button_GetIdealSize(m_checkBox.m_hWnd, &sz) && sz.cx > 0 && sz.cy > 0)
m_checkBox.SetWindowPos(0, 0, 0, sz.cx, sz.cy, SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOMOVE);
//use another method ...
Otherwise, modify your code and instead of supplying 18 pixels for checkbox width, use
GetSystemMetrics to find the check box width (this results in 15 pixels in default DPI, so you have to add few more pixels for text padding).
Use GetThemePartSize if theme is active. For example:
CClientDC dc(this);
SIZE sz;
HTHEME ht = OpenThemeData(m_hWnd, L"Button");
if (ht)
//sz.cx is 13 pixels in default DPI
sz.cx = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK);
//sz.cx is 15 pixels in default DPI
Screen resolution is not relevant here. The posted images suggest that both displays have the same DPI settings. Note that if DPI settings changes, and your application is DPI aware then sz.cx will be different.
I am trying to make a borderless window in Qt5.6.0, with aero-snap functionality.
Everything works, except when I maximize the window : it is too big.
My screen resolution is 2560x1440, so the window should be sized 2560x1400 (40 Pixels for the Taskbar), but in the WM_SIZE message, the new size is 2576x1416.
So the window is exactly 8 pixels too big in every direction.
This also means that the window is not aligned in the top-left corner, it is exactly 8 pixels off-screen in both directions.
I can't find a solution for this problem, everything I have tried doesn't work and causes bugs.
The only thing that fixes this is to remove the WS_CAPTION and WS_THICKFRAME styles, but then I lose the areo snap functionality.
I somehow have to tell Qt or DWM to make the window 16 pixels smaller and move it 8 pixels right, and bottom. Does anybody have an idea on how to do that?
I somehow have to tell Qt or DWM to make the window 16 pixels smaller
and move it 8 pixels right, and bottom. Does anybody have an idea on
how to do that?
DWM is Desktop Window Manager? Then the platform is Windows then.
As long as it is about Qt 5.6 and you very likely talking about the widget with Qt::CustomizeWindowHint attribute set then there is a known bug in Qt which is not fixed yet:
I stumbled upon that bug a couple of times and the workaround proposed by BiTOk at the link above worked for me.
My first try, was setting the window geometry to the available geometry:
QRect rect = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry();
setGeometry(rect.left() , rect.top(), rect.right(), rect.bottom());
The only Problem is that the window is a pixel too small on the right and bottom side and
setGeometry(rect.left() , rect.top(), rect.right() + 1, rect.bottom() + 1);
gives me an error:
QWindowsWindow::setGeometry: Unable to set geometry 2560x1400+0+0 on QWidgetWindow/'MainWindowWindow'. Resulting geometry: 2576x1416+-8+-8 (frame: 0, 0, 0, 0, custom margin: 0, 0, 0, 0, minimum size: 45x13, maximum size: 16777215x16777215)
Then I looked at the rectangle coordinates of Visual Studio 2015 and they are the same size as my implementation of a borderless window, 8 pixels larger in every direction.
I can give the contents of my window a margin of 8 so it doesn't clip out of the screen if the window is maximized and set the window region:
setContentsMargins({ 8, 8, 8, 8 });
HRGN WinRgn;
RECT winrect;
GetClientRect(hwnd, &winrect);
WinRgn = CreateRectRgn(8, 8, winrect.right - 8, winrect.bottom - 8);
SetWindowRgn(hwnd, WinRgn, true);
When the window gets restored, we need to reset the previous changes.
The result is:
case WM_SIZE:
wp.length = sizeof(WINDOWPLACEMENT);
GetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &wp);
if (wp.showCmd == SW_MAXIMIZE) {
setContentsMargins({ 8, 8, 8, 8 });
HRGN WinRgn;
RECT winrect;
GetClientRect(hwnd, &winrect);
WinRgn = CreateRectRgn(8, 8, winrect.right - 8, winrect.bottom - 8);
SetWindowRgn(hwnd, WinRgn, true);
is_fullscreen = true;
} else {
if (is_fullscreen) {
setContentsMargins({ 0, 0, 0, 0 });
SetWindowRgn(hwnd, NULL, true);
is_fullscreen = false;
Other posts have already answered the question, but I would just like to add that it might be a good idea to use GetSystemMetrics rather than a hard-coded value of 8.
#include <Windows.h>
void MyWindow::changeEvent(QEvent* ev) {
if (ev->type() == QEvent::WindowStateChange) {
const auto state = windowState();
if(state & Qt::WindowMaximized) {
const int x = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXPADDEDBORDER);
const int y = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXPADDEDBORDER);
setContentsMargins({x, y, x, y});
else {
setContentsMargins({0, 0, 0, 0});