AWS SQS and visibility timeout during an exception - amazon-web-services

Im curious to know, is the visibility timeout respected if an exception is thrown by the app after taking a message off the sqs qeue..
Im of the impression it is respected, so if an exception is thrown in the application say validation failed, the message remains on queue before being moved to the DLQ? ie until timeout elapses.
is that correct?

When your application calls ReceiveMessage(), a message is returned and that message is made 'invisible' in the queue. When your application has finished processing the message, it should call DeleteMessage() to remove the message from the queue.
If that is not done within the invisibility timeout period, then the message will 'reappear' on the queue so that it can be re-processed. This means that if your application throws an exception and does not complete processing the message, then the message will be re-processed.
However, if this happens multiple times, then the message will be moved to the Dead Letter Queue. This prevents a situation where the message continually fails to be processed. When configuring the SQS Queue, you can configure the number of retries before sending the message to the Dead Letter Queue.
Amazon SQS requires the timeout because that's how it knows that processing has failed. It has no insight into the actual application failure -- it can only assume it since the timeout period has passed. For a 'quicker' response, you can use a very small timeout period, and then have your application send a 'heartbeat' signal to SQS at frequent intervals, telling it that the message is still being processed, and therefore resetting the invisibility timeout period.


AWS SQS and Lambda Function : How to fail a lambda function and force message back on to queue

We have a Lambda event source that polls SQS for messages and passes them on to a Lambda function.
The SQS has a Visibility Timeout that dictates how long after a consumer (lambda) picks up a message it will re-appear in the queue if not successfully completed.
Is there a way from the Lambda function to force this to happen as soon as we detect an error?
For example, say Lambda has a timeout of 10 mins. The SQS Visibility Timeout will need to be longer than that.
But if the Lambda function detects a problem early on, and throws an error - this will fail the message, but we have to wait for the SQS Visibility Timeout before the message is available for other consumers to try again.
Is there a way for the Lambda function to tell SQS that the message has failed and it should go back on the queue immediately ?
If you're using the built-in AWS Lambda SQS integration, then simply throwing an exception (returning a non-success status from the Lambda function) will result in all the SQS messages in the event of that invocation being placed back in the queue immediately.
From the documentation:
When Lambda reads a batch, the messages stay in the queue but become
hidden for the length of the queue's visibility timeout. If your
function successfully processes the batch, Lambda deletes the messages
from the queue. If your function is throttled, returns an error, or
doesn't respond, the message becomes visible again. All messages in a
failed batch return to the queue, so your function code must be able
to process the same message multiple times without side effects.
Call the ChangeMessageVisibility API and set the visibility timeout of each failed message to 0 seconds. Then throw an exception.
If you received a batch of SQS messages and were able to successfully process some of them, then explicitly delete those (successful) messages from the underlying SQS queue, then set the visibility timeout of each remaining failed message to 0 seconds, then throw an exception.
Setting a message's visibility timeout to 0 terminates the visibility timeout for that message and makes the message immediately visible to other consumers.

When should I delete messages in SQS?

My application consists of:
1 Amazon SQS message queue
n workers
The workers have the following logic:
1. Wait for message from SQS queue
2. Perform task described in message
3. Delete the message from the SQS queue
4. Go to (1)
I want each message to be received by only one worker to avoid redundant work.
Is there a mechanism to mark a message as "in progress" using SQS, so that other pollers do not receive it?
Alternatively, is it appropriate to delete the message as soon as it is received?
1. Wait for message from SQS queue
2. Delete the message from the SQS queue
3. Perform task described in message
4. Go to (1)
If I follow this approach, is there a way to recover received but unprocessed messages in case a worker crashes (step (3) fails)?
This question is specific to Spring, which contains all sorts of magic.
An SQS message is considered to be "inflight" after it is received from a queue by a consumer, but not yet deleted from the queue. These messages are not visible to other consumers.
In SQS messaging, a message is considered in "inflight" if:
You the consumer have received it, and
the visibility timeout has not expired and
you have not deleted it.
SQS is designed so that you can call ReceiveMessage and a message is given to you for processing. You have some amount of time (the visibility timeout) to perform the processing on this message. During this "visibility" timeout, if you call ReceiveMessage again, no worker will be returned the message you are currently working with. It is hidden.
Once the visibility timeout expires the message will be able to be returned to future ReceiveMessage calls. This could happen if the consumer fails in some way. If the process is successful, then you can delete the message.
The number of messages that are hidden from ReceiveMessage call is the "inflight" number. Currently a SQS queue is set by default to allow a max of 120,000 messages to be "inflight".
There will be ReciepientHandle String which will be sent with the message. It will be having a expiry time based on queue visibility timeout.
You can use the this ReciepientHandle to delete message from queue

Is it possible to load the same message from AWS SQS more than once

I have an SQS FIFO queue which we send bunch of ids for processing on the other end. We have 4 workers digesting the message. Once the worker receives the message, it deletes the msg and stores these ids until it hits a limit before performing actions.
What I've noticed is that some ids are received more than once when each id is only sent once. Is it normal?
Your current process appears to be:
A worker pulls (Receives) a message from a queue
It deletes the message
It performs actions on the message
This is not the recommended way to use a queue because the worker might fail after it has deleted the message but before it has completed the action. Thus, the message would be "lost".
The recommended way to use a queue would be:
Pull a message from the queue (makes the message temporarily invisible)
Process the message
Delete the message
This way, if the worker fails while processing the message, it will automatically "reappear" on the queue after the invisibility period. The worker can also send a "still working" signal to keep the message invisible for longer while it is being processed.
Amazon SQS FIFO queues provide exactly-once processing. This means that a message will only be delivered once. (However, if the invisibility period expires before the message is deleted, it will be provided again.)
You say that "some ids are received more than once". I would recommend adding debug code to try and understand the circumstances in which this happens, since it should not be happening if the messages are deleted within the invisibility period.

I'm getting same multiple Sqs message before visibility timeout

I set visibility time out 12 hours and max message 3, delay time 15 min, I'm get sqs message few minute after automatically I get same message again.
Why do I get multiple sqs message without timeout?
After visibility time out it delete message in queue or send again sqs message?
When ReceiveMessage() is called on an Amazon SQS queue, up to 10 messages (configurable) will be retrieved from the queue.
These messages will be marked as Invisible or In-Flight. This means that the messages are still in the queue, but will not be returned via another ReceiveMessage() call. The messages will remain invisible for a period of time. The default period is configured on the queue ("Default Visibility Timeout") or when the messages are retrieved (VisibilityTimeout).
When an application has finished handling a message, it should call DeleteMessage(), passing the MessageHandle that was provided with the message. The message will then be deleted from the queue.
If the invisibility period expires before a message is deleted, it will be placed on the queue again and applications can retrieve it again. Therefore, be sure to set your invisibility timeout to be longer than an application normally takes to process a message.
It is possible that a message may be retrieved more than once from Amazon SQS. It is rare, but can happen where there are multiple processes retrieving messages simultaneously. Thus, SQS is "At least once delivery". If this is a problem, you can use FIFO Queues (not yet available in every region) that will guarantee that each message is delivered only once, but there are throughput restrictions on FIFO queues.
So, if you are receiving a message more than once:
You should check your invisibility timeout setting (both the default setting and the value that can be passed when you call ReceiveMessage())
Consider using FIFO queues
Have your application check whether a message has already been processed before processing it again (eg via a unique ID)

Amazon SQS - Make message invisible for x seconds

I have an Amazon SQS Queue and I am trying to make it work this way:
When a new message added to the queue, only the first client who received that message will start work
For others, the message will be invisible for period of time
Is it possible to do this using Visibility Timeout?
When a consumer receives and processes a message from SQS queue, the message still remains in the queue (until it is deleted by the consumer). To make sure that other consumers don't process the same message, you can set visibility timeout of the queue. Once the message has been processed by the consumer, you can delete the message from the queue. For the duration of the visibility timeout, no other consumer will be able to receive and process the same message.
There is no other way to "lock" the message except setting a long Visibility Timeout, with a maximum 12 hour timeout.
However, if your real concern also including error/crashing, you can make use of the Dead-Letter-Queue redrive policy, to deal with queue contents that fail to be process indefinitely.