How do I best do local environment variables with CDK & SAM? - amazon-web-services

thanks in advance for any help/guidance you could provide.
I am currently using CDK in a project to create AWS resources (a few Lambda functions) and SAM to test locally, this works wonderfully but I'm struggling with environment variables to be used locally with my setup of CDK + SAM.
I run and test the project locally via the command
$ cdk synth --no-staging > template.yaml && sam local start-api
Deployments are done via
$ cdk deploy testStack123 --context secretToken=123
The issue came when I had to include (locally) a sensitive token required for my project and I couldn't figure out how to differentiate like how you would in a project, for example, that only uses AWS SAM where you can define:
your local environment variables via a env.json file
and your environment variables you want to use for deployment that you'd pass in via
$ sam deploy --stack-name=testStack123 --secretToken=123
What I tried?
Sam's --env-vars command such as:
$ sam local start-api --env-vars env.json
but since I'm not managing the template.yaml myself instead I'm relaying on CDK's synth command to output the CloudFormation, there is no way I can reliably reference the Lambda function names in the env.json to pass local environment variables via --env-vars env.json.
// env.json example
"TestLambdaFunction": { // Will fail as its referenced in template.yaml as TestLambdaFunction67CA3BED for example
I tried the runtime context via cdk.json that the AWS team suggests for CDK envrionments but I noticed that it is also required to push the cdk.json file to the repo, so you always ran the risk of the dev not noticing that they’re accidentally staging and pushing sensitive tokens to the repo. However, this solution would work for both CI and local dev, but comes with the risk mentioned before.
Any advice on how to best solve this so I can make it so local environments can safely be passed via an (git)ignored filed such as env.json but actually work by referencing the Lambdas correctly that are emitted by the synthesised CloudFormation template cia cdk synth.

The generated Logical IDs like TestLambdaFunction67CA3BED are stable (unless you change the Construct ID or construct tree), so are generally fine to use in env.json Alternatively, you can place all the env vars under a Parameters key:
// env.json
"Parameters": {
"TABLE_NAME": "localtable",
"BUCKET_NAME": "testBucket",
"STAGE": "dev"


Watching TypeScript CDK Builds

I need to be able to watch for my TypeScript lambda function changes within my CDK app. I'm using SAM to locally invoke the API and do not want to deploy to the cloud each time changes happen. So using something such as SAM Accelerate, for example, is not an option.
Currently, I must run cdk build and sam local start-api manually each time I change a single line in my function code, and it painfully takes a long time to start.
Any solutions or workarounds for this?
You need a Typescript watch feature with a hook to run arbitrary post-compile commands.* Typescript's tsc --watch can't do it (open issue), but the tsc-watch package can:
tsc-watch --onSuccess "./"
tsc-watch will call after each each successful compile, synthing a sam-friendly template version and starting the local testing api:
npx cdk synth $STACK_NAME -a 'ts-node ./bin/app.ts' --no-staging --no-validation --quiet --output cdk.local
sam local start-api --template cdk.local/$STACK_NAME.template.json
* cdk watch (an alias of cdk deploy --watch) won't work in your case, because you don't want to deploy on each change.

How should I inject env vars with sam build

I am using AWS SAM.
I have created a samconfig.toml file with the following entry:
container_env_var_file = "envDefault.json"
When I do sam build I see in .aws-sam/build.toml
The env values from envDefault.json
But when I check the template .aws-sam/build/template.yaml
I see the original values, not the overwrites I have in envDefault.json
What is the best way to sam deploy with overwrites of the env variables for each environment I am deploying to?
I am trying to avoid entering parameters manually during the deploy process.
It seems you are trying to set build parameters not deploy parameters.
All the build parameters section in AWS SAM toml file starts with, []
And for the overriding deployment parameters, you have to use [default.deploy.parameters] section (default denotes the default profile).
So in your case, it will be like this.
parameter_overrides = "ParamKey=\"ParamValue\""
or you can use command line,
sam deploy --parameter-overrides
But if you are trying to get some values for your lambda functions based on environment, I strongly suggest the usage of parameter store.

sam local invoke does not work with symlink

I am building a typescript project with AWS CDK and SAM.
I am trying to setup a backend where I have several lambda functions which share a common lib (which will ultimately talk to dynamo-db).
I created a very simple demo with one hello-world lambda importing from one common my-lib package (using yarn workspaces).
I am using yarn workspaces to share my common my-lib library with my hello-world lambda
If I deploy this stack to AWS and run my hello-world lambda (by testing from the AWS console) it works! (It successfully imports my-lib does not error).
However I can't invoke my lambda function locally.
I have tried to use this method (which I found here) to mock locally (this method works fine when I don't import my common my-lib).
cdk synth --no-staging > template.yml (to find the logical lambda function id = HelloWorldLambda5A02458E)
sam local invoke HelloWorldLambda5A02458E
But I get an error
{"errorType":"Runtime.ImportModuleError","errorMessage":"Error: Cannot find module 'my-lib/MyLib'\nRequire stack:\n- /var/task/index.js\n- /var/runtime/UserFunction.js\n- /var/runtime/index.js"}
It seems sam local invoke does not like my local dependency which is created as a symlink by yarn workspaces. If I replace the synlink my-lib with a hard copy of the my-lib package then the code runs fine locally. (But I don't want to so this every-time I want to run locally)
My question is
How can I invoke my hello-world lambda function locally?
Thanks a lot

Inject GitLab CI Variables into Terraform Variables

I'm having a set of Terraform files and in particular one file which sort of holds my variables like aws access key, aws access token etc. I want to now automate the resource creation on AWS using GitLab CI / CD.
My plan is the following:
Write a .gitlab-ci-yml file
Have the terraform calls in the .gitlab-ci.yml file
I know that I can have secret environment variables in GitLab, but I'm not sure how I can push those variables into my Terraform file which looks like this now!
# AWS Config
variable "aws_access_key" {
variable "aws_secret_key" {
variable "aws_region" {
default = "us-west-2"
In my .gitlab-ci.yml, I have access to the secrets like this:
How can I pipe it to my Terraform scripts? Any ideas? I would need to read the secrets from GitLab's environment and pass it on to the Terraform scripts!
Which executor are you using for your GitLab runners?
You don't necessarily need to use the Docker executor but can use a runner installed on a bare-metal machine or in a VM.
If you install the gettext package on the respective machine/VM as well you can use the same method as I described in Referencing gitlab secrets in Terraform for the Docker executor.
Another possibility could be that you set
stage: ...
stage: ...
in your CI job configuration and interpolate these. Please see Getting an Environment Variable in Terraform configuration? as well
Bear in mind that terraform requires a TF_VAR_ prefix to environment variables. So actually you need something like this in .gitlab-ci.yml
Which also means you could just set the variable in the pipeline with that prefix as well and not need this extra mapping step.
I see you actually did discover this per your comment---I'm still posting this answer since I missed your comment the first time and it would have saved me an hour of work.

How do I run my CDK app?

I created and built a new CDK project:
mkdir myproj
cd myproj
cdk init --language typescript
npm run build
If I try to run the resulting javascript, I see the following:
PS C:\repos\myproj> node .\bin\myproj.js
C:\repos\myproj\bin\myproj.js REQUEST
REQUEST is a JSON-encoded request object.
What is the right way to run my app?
You don't need to run your CDK programs directly, but rather use the CDK Toolkit instead.
To synthesize an AWS CloudFormation from your app:
cdk synth --app "node .\bin\myproj.js"
To avoid re-typing the --app switch every time, you can setup a cdk.json file with:
{ "app": "node .\app\myproj.js" }
Note: A default cdk.json is created by cdk init, so you should already see it under C:\repos\myproj.
You can also use the toolkit to deploy your app into an AWS environment:
cdk deploy
Or list all the stacks in your app:
cdk ls
The CDK application expects a request to be provided as a positional CLI argument when you're using the low-level API (aka running the app directly), for example:
node .\bin\myproj.js '{"type":"list"}'
It can also be passed as a Base64-encoded blob instead (that can make quoting the JSON less painful in a number of cases) - the Base64 needs to be prefixed with base64: in this case.
node .\bin\myproj.js base64:eyAidHlwZSI6ICJsaXN0IiB9Cg==
In order to determine what are the APIs that are available, and what arguments they expect, you can refer to the #aws-cdk/cx-api specification.