Conway's Game of Life in Clojure: Add Glider to Grid - clojure

I'm trying to implement the Game of Life in Clojure. I managed to implement the main logic, but now I'd like to provide a couple of functions that add an object (e.g. a Glider) to the grid.
Here are some functions that work fine so far:
(ns glider.core
(defn new-grid
"Creates a 2d grid with rows*cols."
[rows cols]
(partition cols (take (* rows cols) (repeat false))))
(defn get-coordinates
"Returns the row/col coordinates of each 2d grid field."
(let [rows (count grid)
cols (count (get grid 0))]
(partition cols (for [r (range rows) c (range cols)] [r c]))))
(defn set-at
"Sets the field at row/col to state."
[grid row col state]
(assoc grid row (assoc (get grid row) col state)))
new-grid creates a grid.
get-coordinates turns the grid with true/false states into a grid of row/col coordinates.
set-at sets a new state to the grid at row/col.
Now I'd like to add a glider. Here's my approach:
(defn add-glider
"Adds a glider pattern to the lower-right quadrant of the grid."
(let [rows (count grid)
cols (count (get grid 0))
row-offset (/ rows 2)
col-offset (/ cols 2)
glider [[false true false]
[false false true]
[true true true]]
glider-coords (get-coordinates glider)
grid-coords (map (fn [[r c]] [(+ r row-offset) (+ c col-offset)]) glider-coords)]
(apply (fn [[r c]] (set-at grid r c true)) grid-coords)))
First, I compute rows/cols, and also the mid-point of the grid (row-offset/col-offset). Second, I build up a glider in a 3x3 field with true/false states. I turn the glider into coordinates (glider-coords), which I then move by the offset (grid-coords).
Now I have a sequence of coordinates. I'd like to set the grid state to true on all these points.
I wrote this program to test it:
(defn -main
"Creates a grid and adds a glider to it."
[& args]
(let [grid (new-grid 8 8)
grid-with-glider (add-glider grid)]
(println grid)
(println grid-with-glider)))
Which gives me the following error message when I run it using lein:
$ lein repl
glider.core=> (-main)
Execution error (ClassCastException) at glider.core/add-glider$fn (core.clj:32).
class clojure.lang.PersistentVector cannot be cast to class java.lang.Number (clojure.lang.PersistentVector is in unnamed module of loader 'app'; java.lang.Number is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
Line 32 refers to the following code:
grid-coords (map (fn [[r c]] [(+ r row-offset) (+ c col-offset)]) glider-coords)
My questions:
What does that error message mean?
Is my approach using apply sensible, or how should one tackle such an issue?

The error means that a Number is expected, but an array is provided. Why that happens, we can see if we capture the value of glider-coords, for example by doing the following while debugging:
defn add-glider
"Adds a glider pattern to the lower-right quadrant of the grid."
(let [rows (count grid)
cols (count (get grid 0))
row-offset (/ rows 2)
col-offset (/ cols 2)
glider [[false true false]
[false false true]
[true true true]]
glider-coords (get-coordinates glider)
_ (def glider-coords-debug glider-coords)
grid-coords (map (fn [[r c]] [(+ r row-offset) (+ c col-offset)]) glider-coords)]
(apply (fn [[r c]] (set-at grid r c true)) grid-coords)))
Now, if you look at the contents, you will see:
> glider-coords-debug
([0 0] [0 1] [0 2])
([1 0] [1 1] [1 2])
([2 0] [2 1] [2 2])
And doing a similar trick on the next, reveals the value of r:
(map (fn [[r c]] [(+ r row-offset) (+ c col-offset)]) glider-coords)
In the first iteration, the value of r is [0 0], which is not a Number, as + expects, and that is the cause of the error message.
Regarding the apply there, it seems very wrong. I would rewrite that piece using reduce + assoc-in, as the idea is to iteratively modify the state by traversing the results. You even don't have to destructure the coordinates vector. Something like
(reduce #(assoc-in %1 %2 true)
There's also an error with get-coordinates- you should return only those indices you want to update (= these, where (get-in grid [r c]) is true).
Here is a fixed version:
(ns glider.core
(defn new-grid
"Creates a 2d grid with rows*cols."
[rows cols]
;; makes sure its a vector of vectors, to get random access using assoc
(mapv (fn [_] (into [] (repeat rows false)))
(range cols)))
(defn get-coordinates
"Returns the row/col coordinates of each 2d grid field."
(let [rows (count grid)
cols (count (grid 0))]
(for [r (range rows)
c (range cols)
:when (get-in grid [r c])]
[r c])))
(defn add-glider
"Adds a glider pattern to the lower-right quadrant of the grid."
(let [rows (count grid)
cols (count (grid 0))
row-offset (/ rows 2)
col-offset (/ cols 2)
glider [[false true false]
[false false true]
[true true true]]
grid-coords (->> (get-coordinates glider)
(map (fn [[r c]] [(+ r row-offset) (+ c col-offset)])))]
(reduce #(assoc-in %1 %2 true)
(defn -main
"Creates a grid and adds a glider to it."
[& args]
(let [grid (new-grid 8 8)
grid-with-glider (add-glider grid)]
(println grid-with-glider)))


Extracting two map elements with the largest distance in Clojure

I am trying to extract two elements of a map with the largest distance. For that, I defined the function for calculating the distance and can obtain the distance between the first element (p1) and other elements of the map. But I need to calculate distances between the second item (p2) and the next ones (p3, p4, p5), the third item (p3) and (p4, p5), the fourth item (p4) and fifth item (p5). Then I need to identify the maximum amount between all distances and return the 2 items with the largest distance and the distance itself. Any help is highly appreciated.
Here is my code:
(defn eclid-dist
[u v]
(Math/sqrt (apply + (map #(* % %) (mapv - u v)))))
(def error
{:p1 [1 2 3]
:p2 [4 5 6]
:p3 [7 8 9]
:p4 [1 2 3]
:p5 [6 5 4]})
(dotimes [i (dec (count error))]
(let [dis (eclid-dist (second (nth (seq error) 0))
(second (nth (seq error) (+ i 1))))
max-error (max dis)]
(println [':dis' dis ':max-error' max-error])))
I tried to save each calculated distance as a vector element separately to prevent overwriting but it was not successful.
You could use the for macro for this. It let's you combine two nested loops to test for all pairs. Then you can use max-key to pick the pair with largest distance:
(defn find-largest-dist-pair [vec-map]
(apply max-key second
(for [[[k0 v0] & r] (iterate rest vec-map)
:while r
[k1 v1] r]
[[k0 k1] (eclid-dist v0 v1)])))
(find-largest-dist-pair error)
;; => [[:p3 :p4] 10.392304845413264]
There is nothing wrong with eclid-dist, you could just use the dedicated Clojure library clojure.math (and ->> thread-last macro for better readability) and rewrite it like this:
(:require [clojure.math :as m])
(defn distance [u v]
(->> (mapv - u v)
(mapv #(m/pow % 2))
(reduce +)
Your main problem is, how to create unique pairs of points from your data. You could write a recursive function for this:
(defn unique-pairs [point-seq]
(let [[f & r] point-seq]
(when (seq r)
(concat (map #(vector f %) r)
(unique-pairs r)))))
(def error {:p1 [1 2 3]
:p2 [4 5 6]
:p3 [7 8 9]
:p4 [1 2 3]
:p5 [6 5 4]})
(unique-pairs (vals error))
or use library clojure.math.combinatorics:
Dependency: [org.clojure/math.combinatorics "0.1.6"]
(:require [clojure.math.combinatorics :as combi])
(combi/combinations (vals error) 2)
Note that these functions have slightly different results- it doesn't affect the final result, but if you can, you should use combinations.
Now, you have to compute distance for all these pairs and return the pair with the largest one:
(defn max-distance [point-map]
(->> (combi/combinations (vals point-map) 2)
(map (fn [[u v]] {:u u :v v :distance (distance u v)}))
(apply max-key :distance)))
(max-distance error)
=> {:u [1 2 3], :v [7 8 9], :distance 10.392304845413264}

Genetic programming Clojure

I've pasted the code on this page in an IDE and it works. The problem is that when I replace the definition of target-data with this vector of pairs* it gives me this error**.
(vector [[1 2]
[2 3]
[3 4]
[4 5]] ) ; *
UnsupportedOperationException nth not supported on this type: core$vector clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom ( **
What should I do to use my own target-data?
(ns evolvefn.core)
;(def target-data
; (map #(vector % (+ (* % %) % 1))
; (range -1.0 1.0 0.1)))
;; We'll use input (x) values ranging from -1.0 to 1.0 in increments
;; of 0.1, and we'll generate the target [x y] pairs algorithmically.
;; If you want to evolve a function to fit your own data then you could
;; just paste a vector of pairs into the definition of target-data instead.
(def target-data
(vec[1 2]
[2 3]
[3 4]
[4 5]))
;; An individual will be an expression made of functions +, -, *, and
;; pd (protected division), along with terminals x and randomly chosen
;; constants between -5.0 and 5.0. Note that for this problem the
;; presence of the constants actually makes it much harder, but that
;; may not be the case for other problems.
(defn random-function
(rand-nth '(+ - * pd)))
(defn random-terminal
(rand-nth (list 'x (- (rand 10) 5))))
(defn random-code
(if (or (zero? depth)
(zero? (rand-int 2)))
(list (random-function)
(random-code (dec depth))
(random-code (dec depth)))))
;; And we have to define pd (protected division):
(defn pd
"Protected division; returns 0 if the denominator is zero."
[num denom]
(if (zero? denom)
(/ num denom)))
;; We can now evaluate the error of an individual by creating a function
;; built around the individual, calling it on all of the x values, and
;; adding up all of the differences between the results and the
;; corresponding y values.
(defn error
(let [value-function (eval (list 'fn '[x] individual))]
(reduce + (map (fn [[x y]]
(- (value-function x) y)))
;; We can now generate and evaluate random small programs, as with:
;; (let [i (random-code 3)] (println (error i) "from individual" i))
;; To help write mutation and crossover functions we'll write a utility
;; function that injects something into an expression and another that
;; extracts something from an expression.
(defn codesize [c]
(if (seq? c)
(count (flatten c))
(defn inject
"Returns a copy of individual i with new inserted randomly somwhere within it (replacing something else)."
[new i]
(if (seq? i)
(if (zero? (rand-int (count (flatten i))))
(if (< (rand)
(/ (codesize (nth i 1))
(- (codesize i) 1)))
(list (nth i 0) (inject new (nth i 1)) (nth i 2))
(list (nth i 0) (nth i 1) (inject new (nth i 2)))))
(defn extract
"Returns a random subexpression of individual i."
(if (seq? i)
(if (zero? (rand-int (count (flatten i))))
(if (< (rand) (/ (codesize (nth i 1))
(- (codesize i)) 1))
(extract (nth i 1))
(extract (nth i 2))))
;; Now the mutate and crossover functions are easy to write:
(defn mutate
(inject (random-code 2) i))
(defn crossover
[i j]
(inject (extract j) i))
;; We can see some mutations with:
;; (let [i (random-code 2)] (println (mutate i) "from individual" i))
;; and crossovers with:
;; (let [i (random-code 2) j (random-code 2)]
;; (println (crossover i j) "from" i "and" j))
;; We'll also want a way to sort a populaty by error that doesn't require
;; lots of error re-computation:
(defn sort-by-error
(vec (map second
(sort (fn [[err1 ind1] [err2 ind2]] (< err1 err2))
(map #(vector (error %) %) population)))))
;; Finally, we'll define a function to select an individual from a sorted
;; population using tournaments of a given size.
(defn select
[population tournament-size]
(let [size (count population)]
(nth population
(apply min (repeatedly tournament-size #(rand-int size))))))
;; Now we can evolve a solution by starting with a random population and
;; repeatedly sorting, checking for a solution, and producing a new
;; population.
(defn evolve
(println "Starting evolution...")
(loop [generation 0
population (sort-by-error (repeatedly popsize #(random-code 2)))]
(let [best (first population)
best-error (error best)]
(println "======================")
(println "Generation:" generation)
(println "Best error:" best-error)
(println "Best program:" best)
(println " Median error:" (error (nth population
(int (/ popsize 2)))))
(println " Average program size:"
(float (/ (reduce + (map count (map flatten population)))
(count population))))
(if (< best-error 0.1) ;; good enough to count as success
(println "Success:" best)
(inc generation)
(repeatedly (* 1/2 popsize) #(mutate (select population 7)))
(repeatedly (* 1/4 popsize) #(crossover (select population 7)
(select population 7)))
(repeatedly (* 1/4 popsize) #(select population 7)))))))))
;; Run it with a population of 1000:
(evolve 1000)
And the error is:
(evolve 1000)
Starting evolution...
IllegalArgumentException No matching method found: abs clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod (

Clojure : idiomatic weighted mean of vectors

I would like to compute the weighted mean of vectors in an idiomatic way.
To illustrate what I want, imagine I have this data :
data 1 = [2 1] , weight 1 = 1
data 2 = [3 4], weight 2 = 2
Then mean = [(2*1 + 3*2)/(1+2) (1*1 + 2*4)/(1+2)] = [2.67 3.0]
Here is my code :
(defn meanv
"Returns the vector that is the mean of input ones.
You can also pass weights just like apache-maths.stats/mean"
(let [n (count (first data))]
(->> (for [i (range 0 n)]
(vec (map (i-partial nth i) data)))
(mapv stats/mean))))
([data weights]
(let [n (count (first data))]
(->> (for [i (range 0 n)]
(vec (map (i-partial nth i) data)))
(mapv (i-partial stats/mean weights))))))
(meanv [[2 1] [3 4]] [1 2]) = [2.67 3.0]
Few notes :
stats/means takes 1 or 2 inputs.
One input version has weights = 1 by default.
Two inputs is the weighted version.
i-partial is like partial but the fn has reversed args
Ex : ((partial / 2) 1) = 2
((i-partial / 2) 1 = 1/2
So my function works, no problem.
But in a way I would like to implement it in a more idiomatic Clojure.
I tried many combinations with things like (map (fn [&xs ... but it does not work.
Is it possible to take all nth elements of undefined number of vectors and directly apply stats/mean ? I mean a one-liner
EDIT (birdspider answer)
(defn meanv
(->> (apply mapv vector data)
(mapv stats/mean)))
([data weights]
(->> (apply mapv vector data)
(mapv (i-partial stats/mean weights)))))
And with
(defn transpose [m]
(apply mapv vector m))
(defn meanv
(->> (transpose data)
(mapv stats/mean)))
([data weights]
(->> (transpose data)
(mapv (i-partial stats/mean weights)))))
(def mult-v (partial mapv *))
(def sum-v (partial reduce +))
(def transpose (partial apply mapv vector))
(defn meanv [data weights]
(->> data
(map (partial mult-v weights))
(map sum-v)
(map #(/ % (sum-v weights)))))
First thing you want to do is to transpose the matrix (get the firsts, seconds, thirds, etc.)
See this SO page.
(defn transpose [m]
(apply mapv vector m))
Then I would do it as follows, input checks are utterly absent.
(defn meanv
; no weigths default to (1 1 1 ...
(meanv data (repeat (count data) 1))))
([data weigths]
(let [wf (mapv #(partial * %) weigths) ; vector of weight mult fns
wsum (reduce + weigths)]
(fn [i datum]
; map over datum apply corresponding weight-fn - then sum
(apply + (map-indexed #((wf %1) %2) datum))
(transpose data)))))
(meanv [[2 1] [3 4]] [1 2]) => (8/3 3) ; (2.6666 3.0)

Idiomatic Creation of Hash-Map

I'd like to create a hash-map that has n number of key-value pairs created in sets of 3 where the sets do not intersect, e.g. [(34 false) (35 false) (36 false)] && [(24 false) (25 false) (26 false)] -> {34 false 35 false 36 false 24 false 25 false 26 false}
To play/practice with Clojure, I'm attempting to implement an idiomatic version of the battleship board game. I decided to store the battleship coordinates in a hash-map where the keys are coordinates and the values are booleans indicating whether that section of the ship has been hit. The specific piece of code below is supposed to
Select an axis (horizontal or vertical)
Select a coordinate for the bow of the ship
"Build" the rest of the ship (3 coordinates in total) by increasing the x or y value accordingly, e.g. {"10" false "11" false "12" false}. Note the "10" translates into the second row of a matrix, first column.
Note: Before adding the ship to the hash-map of coordinates the new ship coordinates must be checked to ensure that an intersection does not exist. If it does, the ship must be "re-built."
To that end, I've created the code below. It has 2 issues:
Executing the function results in the following exception from the use of the 'acc' accumulator:
clojure.lang.LazySeq cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Associative
The result of the function is not a single hash-map, but rather a list of n hash-maps
Using idiomatic clojure, how can I achieve my goal?
(defn launch
(loop [cnt n acc {}]
(if (= cnt 0)
(- cnt 1)
((fn []
(let [axis (rand-int 2)]
(if (= axis 0)
(let [x (rand-int 8) y (rand-int 10)]
(for [k (range 3)]
(assoc acc (str y (+ x k)) false)))
(let [x (rand-int 10) y (rand-int 8)]
(for [k (range 3)]
(assoc acc (str (+ y k) x) false)))))))))))
that's how i would rewrite it:
(defn create-key [axis-val i]
(if axis-val
(str (rand-int 10) (+ (rand-int 8) i))
(str (+ (rand-int 8) i) (rand-int 10))))
(defn launch [n]
(reduce (fn [acc axis]
(reduce #(assoc % (create-key axis %2) false)
(range 3)))
(repeatedly n #(zero? (rand-int 2)))))
in repl:
user> (launch 5)
{"40" false, "07" false, "19" false,
"46" false, "87" false, "47" false,
"41" false, "62" false, "86" false}
or (in case you don't like reduce):
(defn launch [n]
(zipmap (mapcat #(map (partial create-key %) (range 3))
(repeatedly n #(zero? (rand-int 2))))
(repeat false)))
the third variant is to use list comprehension to generate keys:
(defn launch [n]
(zipmap (for [_ (range n)
:let [axis (zero? (rand-int 2))]
i (range 3)]
(create-key axis i))
(repeat false)))
all three of them are idiomatic ones, i guess, so it's up to you to choose one, according to your own preferred programming style.
notice that the resulting keys are shuffled inside the map, because unsorted maps don't preserve order. If it is important, you should use sorted-map
What about your variant, the one generating error is this:
(for [k (range 3)] (assoc acc (str y (+ x k)) false))
it doesn't put all the keys to one map, rather it generates a seq of three items equalling (assoc acc k false):
(let [acc {}]
(for [k (range 3)] (assoc acc k false)))
;;=> ({0 false} {1 false} {2 false})
to do what you want, you use reduce:
(let [acc {}]
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 false) acc (range 3)))
;;=> {0 false, 1 false, 2 false}
leetwinski has given a more concise answer, but I thought I would post this anyway, since I basically left your structure intact, and this may help you see the error a bit more clearly.
First, I am not sure why you were rebinding acc to the value of an anonymous function call. Your let will happily return a result; so, you should probably do some thinking about why you thought it was necessary to create an anonymous function.
Second, the problem is that for returns a lazy seq, and you are binding this to what you think is a map data structure. This explains why it works fine for cases 0 and 1, but when you use a value of 2 it fails.
Since I don't really fully understand what you're trying to accomplish, here is your original code, modified to work. Disclaimer--this is not really idiomatic and not how I would write it, but I'm posting because it may be helpful to see versus the original, since it actually works.
(defn launch
(loop [cnt n
acc {}]
(if (= cnt 0)
(dec cnt)
(into acc
(let [axis (rand-int 2)]
(if (= axis 0)
(let [x (rand-int 8) y (rand-int 10)]
(map #(hash-map (str y (+ x %)) false) (range 3)))
(let [x (rand-int 10) y (rand-int 8)]
(map #(hash-map (str (+ y %) x) false) (range 3))))))))))

Perform multiple reductions in a single pass in Clojure

In Clojure I want to find the result of multiple reductions while only consuming the sequence once. In Java I would do something like the following:
double min = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double max = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (Item item : items) {
double price = item.getPrice();
if (price > min) {
min = price;
if (price < max) {
max = price;
In Clojure I could do much the same thing by using loop and recur, but it's not very composable - I'd like to do something that lets you add in other aggregation functions as needed.
I've written the following function to do this:
(defn reduce-multi
"Given a sequence of fns and a coll, returns a vector of the result of each fn
when reduced over the coll."
[fns coll]
(let [n (count fns)
r (rest coll)
initial-v (transient (into [] (repeat n (first coll))))
fns (into [] fns)
(fn [v x]
(loop [v-current v, i 0]
(let [y (nth v-current i)
f (nth fns i)
v-new (assoc! v-current i (f y x))]
(if (= i (- n 1))
(recur v-new (inc i))))))]
(persistent! (reduce reduction-fn initial-v r))))
This can be used in the following way:
(reduce-multi [max min] [4 3 6 7 0 1 8 2 5 9])
=> [9 0]
I appreciate that it's not implemented in the most idiomatic way, but the main problem is that it's about 10x as slow as doing the reductions one at at time. This might be useful for lots performing lots of reductions where the seq is doing heavy IO, but surely this could be better.
Is there something in an existing Clojure library that would do what I want? If not, where am I going wrong in my function?
that's what i would do: simply delegate this task to a core reduce function, like this:
(defn multi-reduce
([fs accs xs] (reduce (fn [accs x] (doall (map #(%1 %2 x) fs accs)))
accs xs))
([fs xs] (when (seq xs)
(multi-reduce fs (repeat (count fs) (first xs))
(rest xs)))))
in repl:
user> (multi-reduce [+ * min max] (range 1 10))
(45 362880 1 9)
user> (multi-reduce [+ * min max] [10])
(10 10 10 10)
user> (multi-reduce [+ * min max] [])
user> (multi-reduce [+ * min max] [1 1 1000 0] [])
[1 1 1000 0]
user> (multi-reduce [+ * min max] [1 1 1000 0] [1])
(2 1 1 1)
user> (multi-reduce [+ * min max] [1 1 1000 0] (range 1 10))
(46 362880 1 9)
user> (multi-reduce [max min] (range 1000000))
(999999 0)
The code for reduce is fast for reducible collections. So it's worth trying to base multi-reduce on core reduce. To do so, we have to be able to construct reducing functions of the right shape. An ancillary function to do so is ...
(defn juxt-reducer [f g]
(fn [[fa ga] x] [(f fa x) (g ga x)]))
Now we can define the function you want, which combines juxt with reduce as ...
(defn juxt-reduce
([[f g] coll]
(if-let [[x & xs] (seq coll)]
(juxt-reduce (list f g) [x x] xs)
[(f) (g)]))
([[f g] init coll]
(reduce (juxt-reducer f g) init coll)))
For example,
(juxt-reduce [max min] [4 3 6 7 0 1 8 2 5 9]) ;=> [9 0]
The above follows the shape of core reduce. It can clearly be extended to cope with more than two functions. And I'd expect it to be faster than yours for reducible collections.
Here is how I would do it:
(ns clj.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str] )
(:use tupelo.core))
(def data (flatten [ (range 5 10) (range 5) ] ))
(spyx data)
(def result (reduce (fn [cum-result curr-val] ; reducing (accumulator) fn
(it-> cum-result
(update it :min-val min curr-val)
(update it :max-val max curr-val)))
{ :min-val (first data) :max-val (first data) } ; inital value
data)) ; seq to reduce
(spyx result)
(defn -main [] )
;=> data => (5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4)
;=> result => {:min-val 0, :max-val 9}
So the reducing function (fn ...) carries along a map like {:min-val xxx :max-val yyy} through each element of the sequence, updating the min & max values as required at each step.
While this does make only one pass through the data, it is doing a lot of extra work calling update twice per element. Unless your sequence is very unusual, it is probably more efficient to make two (very efficient) passes through the data like:
(def min-val (apply min data))
(def max-val (apply max data))
(spyx min-val)
(spyx max-val)
;=> min-val => 0
;=> max-val => 9