Copying a war file from GitLab CI to Tomcat - dockerfile

I am trying to create a CI/CD pipeline to build war file and deploy it to Tomcat Container from GitLab.
I am using a Maven image to build the project. Once the war file is created, I would like to copy it to some folder so that from there it can be copied to the tomcat server, in a container, webapps directory.
My current approach and goal is to use a Dockerfile in my project. From a Tomcat image, run Tomcat using the project war. I tried using ADD in the Dockerfile but the directory paths where the war resides, $CI_PROJECT_DIR, is not where the Dockerfile is looking.
The following is the ".gitlab-ci.yml" file.
# Build project
- build
- package
# Build and deploy mailService
#- deploy
# Variables that can be used throughout the pipeline are defined here.
# Maven variables
MAVEN_CLI_OPTS: '-s /appdir/.m2/settings.xml'
MAVEN_PATH: '/appdir/opt/apache-maven-3.8.4/bin'
image: ${IMAGE_PATH}/maven
- tomcat:latest
stage: build
- ${MAVEN_PATH}/mvn ${MAVEN_CLI_OPTS} clean package
- ls -als
- ls -als target
build docker image:
stage: package
image: docker
- docker:dind
- echo $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD | docker login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER $CI_REGISTRY --password-stdin
- docker build -t $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE .
- docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE
- dind
The following is the "Dockerfile" I am using to run Tomcat using the image. I need to copy my war file to the Tomcat webapps folder and build another image.
FROM tomcat:latest
LABEL maintainer=”Jacquelyne Wilson”
# ADD $CI_PROJECT/target/geoint-rfi-data-api.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/
CMD [“”, “run”]
NOTE: These images I have in our Gitlab Container Registry. Hope this is enough information.
This is my first experience creating Gitlab CI pipeline. My apologies if my terms and approach is not ideal.

You can provide the WAR file built in your project-build job as an artifact, so it is available in the following job. By the way, you should probably not use spaces in the job name.
This could look like the following:
image: ${IMAGE_PATH}/maven
- tomcat:latest
stage: build
- /path/to/your/war
- ${MAVEN_PATH}/mvn ${MAVEN_CLI_OPTS} clean package
- ls -als
- ls -als target
And in the docker build job, you can then copy the WAR file from the artifact to the docker build context path so it can be ADDed to your image.
Hope this helps :)
Best regards


Why does google cloud build run differently for these two commands?

We run these two commands (the first one is async and the other runs synchronously)
#async BUT does something funky and doesn't run the Dockerfile image as-is
gcloud alpha builds triggers run staging-deploy --branch master
# sync BUT runs the image the way it's supposed to run!!!
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml
both are using our cloudbuild.yaml
- name:$PROJECT_ID/continuous-deploy
args: ['${_SERVICE}', '${_DOWNLOAD_URL}']
timeout: 1000s
_SERVICE: none
timeout: 1100s
Our Dockerfile is very very simple
RUN mkdir -p ./monobuild
COPY . ./monobuild/
WORKDIR "/monobuild"
#NOTE: This file in google cloud build trigger MUST be in root of monorepo BUT I don't know why
#NOTE: This command receives any arguments to docker
#ie. for "docker run {image} {args}", it receives the args
Sooo, when I run the SECOND command, it completely uses the docker image obeying the Dockerfile. When I run the first command, it's ignoring all my Dockerfile stuff and trying to run scripts in my git repo(which is very frustrating and not what I want).
We HAD this directory structure
- gitroot
- stagingDeploy
- Dockerfile
- # part of Dockerfile
- cloudbuild.yaml
- prodDeploy
- Dockerfile
- #part of Docker file
- cloudbuild.yaml
Of course, only the second command works with this directory structure. The first command CANNOT find UNTIL we ln -s stagingDeploy/ from our gitrepo root and we have around 5 deploy directories and now our git repo root is fully polluted.
It is to say the least very frustrating and we are not sure how to clean this up so prodDeploy contains all the prod deploy scripts and staging, the staging ones and get rid of all root files.
Of course, we now have a corrupted git repo directory structure with a whole slew of files in the root directory from various different builds(sometimes conflicting on accident as files get the same names sometimes).
EDIT: Not really much to share on configuration of twitter as each one just points to the yaml file is all like so

Elastic Beanstalk - .ebextensions not running on deploy

I have a dotnet core application. And I'm packed it for docker.
My aim is deploying this application to EB but I need to run some commands after deploy.
Thats why I have created a Dockerfile
# copy csproj and restore as distinct layers
COPY . ./App/
RUN dotnet restore
RUN dotnet publish -c release -o /build --no-restore
WORKDIR /build
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "WebApi.dll"]
And I have a
"AWSEBDockerrunVersion": "1"
And finally this is my .ebextensions/01_nginx.conf
command: "touch /tmp/x.f"
Then I'm creating an EB application
$ eb init
and creating an enviorment
$eb create
It is deploying my application successfully.
What is expected?
When I login to my EC2 container with ssh I want to see the /tmp/x.f file.
What is the problem?
I have tried several ways, I'm sure that .ebextensions/01_nginx.conf not running any way, because /tmp/x.f file not exists.
Notes :
I'm sure that the zip file which is deployed has .ebextensions/01_nginx.conf file
I'm sure that it is not about git. Because I'm including .ebignore in my root directory.
I can react the end point without any problem, my application is deploying successfully.
What is my mistake?
A probable reason is wrong extension of your files in .ebextensions. It should be .config, not .conf:
Configuration files are YAML- or JSON-formatted documents with a .config file extension that you place in a folder named .ebextensions and deploy in your application source bundle.

AWS codeBuild: Multiple input source into one output artifact

I have angular client and Nodejs server deployed into one elasticBeanstalk.
The structure is that I put angular client files in 'html' folder and the proxy is defined in .ebextensions folder.
-other serverapp folder
-other serverapp folder
Everytime when I do a release, I build angular app and put it into html folder in the node app, zip it and upload to elasticBeanstalk.
Now I want to move on to CICD. Basically I want to automate the above step, use two source(angular and node app), do the angular build and put it into html folder of node app and generate only one output artifact.
I've got to the stage where have separate pipeline works for each app. I'm not very familiar with AWS yet, I just have vague idea that I might need to use aws lambda.
Any help would be really appreciated.
The output artifact your CodeBuild job creates can be thought of as a directory location that you ask CodeBuild to zip as artifact. You can use regular UNIX commands to manipulate this directory before the packaging of the artifacts. Following 'buildspec.yml' is an example:
version: 0.2
# build commands
#- command
- mkdir /tmp/html
- cp -R ./ /tmp/html
- '**/*'
base-directory: /tmp/html
Buildspec reference:

How to serve a Java application as Docker container and .war file?

Currently our company is creating individual software for B2B customers.
Some applications can be used for multiple customers.
Usually we can host the application in the cloud and deploy everything with Docker.
Running a GitLab pipeline and deploying etc. is fine for that.
Now we got some customers who rely on an external installation.
Since some of them still use Windows Server (2008 tho), I can not install a proper Docker environment on there and we need to install an Apache Tomcat and run the application inside the tomcat.
Question: How to deal with that? I would need a pipeline to create a docker image and a war file.
Simply create two completely independent pipelines?
Handle everything in a single pipeline?
Our current gitlab-ci.yml file for the .war
image: maven:latest
MAVEN_CLI_OPTS: "-s settings.xml -q -B"
MAVEN_OPTS: "-Dmaven.repo.local=.m2/repository"
- .m2/repository/
- target/
- build
- test
- deploy
stage: build
- mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS compile
stage: test
- mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS test
stage: deploy
- mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS install
name: "datahub-$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG"
- target/*.war
Using to separate delivery pipeline is preferable: you are dealing with two very installation processes, and you need to be sure which one is running for a given client.
Having two separate GitLab pipeline allows for said client to chose the right one.

How to update code in a docker container?

I've set up a docker django container and made its image using build using tutorial here. The tutorial shows how to make a basic django application and mounts the application to "/code", which as I understand, is contained in a data-volume.
However I want to understand that how will I be able to update and develop this code, and be able to ship/deploy it. Since when I make a commit, it's doesn't take account any changes in the code, since it's a part of the data volume.
Is there any way I can make the django code a part of the image, or update the image with the updated code?
In my experience Docker serves two purposes:
To be able to develop code in a containerized environment. This is very useful as I am now able to get new developers on my team ready to work in about 5 mins Previously, this could have taken anywhere from an hour to several hours for misc issues, especially on older projects.
To be able to package an application in a containerized environment. This is also a great time saver as the only requirement for the environment is to have Docker installed.
When you are developing your code you should mount the source/volume so that your changes are always reflected inside the container. When you want to package an app for deployment you should COPY the source into the container and package it appropriately.
Here is a docker-compose file I use to (1) build an image to develop against, (2) develop my code, and (3) ship it (I'm using spring boot):
version: '3.7'
image: '${MVN_BUILDER}'
container_name: '${CONTAINER_NAME}'
- '8080:8080'
- './src:/build/src'
- './db:/build/db'
- './target:/build/target'
- './logs:/build/logs'
command: 'mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments="-Xmx512m" -Dmaven.test.skip=true'
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile-Deploy
container_name: '${CONTAINER_NAME}'
- '8080:8080'
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
image: '${MVN_BUILDER}'
container_name: '${CONTAINER_NAME}'
I would run docker-compose build maven to build my base image. This is needed so that when I run my code in a container all the dependencies are installed in the image. The Dockerfile for this essentially copies to pom.xml into the image and downloads the dependencies needed for the app. Note this would need to be performed anytime dependencies change. Here is the Dockerfile to build that image that is referenced in the maven service:
### BUILD a maven builder. This will contain all mvn dependencies and act as an abstraction for all mvn goals
FROM maven:3.5.4-jdk-8-alpine as builder
#Copy Custom Maven settings
#COPY settings.xml /root/.m2/
# create app folder for sources
RUN mkdir -p /build
RUN mkdir -p /build/logs
# The WORKDIR instruction sets the working directory for any RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY and ADD instructions that follow it in the Dockerfile.
WORKDIR /build
COPY pom.xml /build
#Download all required dependencies into one layer
RUN mvn -B dependency:go-offline dependency:resolve-plugins
RUN mvn clean install
Next, I would run docker-compose up dev to start my dev service and begin to develop my application. This service mounts my code into the container and uses Maven to start a spring boot application. Anytime I change the code spring boot restarts the server and my changes are reflected.
Finally, once I am happy with my application I build an image that has my application packaged for deployment using docker-compose build deploy. I use a two-stage build process to first copy the source into a container and package it for deployment as a Jar then that Jar is put into the 2nd stage where I can simply run java -jar build/app.jar (in the container) to start my application and the first stage is removed. That's It! Now you can deploy this latest image anywhere Docker is installed.
Here is what that last Dockerfile (Dockerfile-Deploy) looks like:
### Stage 1 - BUILD image
FROM $MVN_BUILDER as builder
COPY src /build/src
RUN mvn clean package -PLOCAL
### Stage 2 - Deploy Jar
FROM openjdk:8
RUN mkdir -p /build
COPY --from=builder /build/target/*.jar /build/app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","build/app.jar"]
Here the .env file in the same directory as the docker-compose file. I use it to abstract image/container names and simply bump up the version number in one place when a new image is needed.
I think it's too late to answer your question, however, it might be beneficial for others who reach out.
The tutorial you mentioned is a bit tricky to use for the first-timers, so, I change the structure a little bit. I assume that you have a docker registry account (like Dockerhub) for the purpose of publishing the images to. This is required if you want to access the image on a remote host (you can copy the actual image file but is not recommended).
creating a project
Assume that you are going to create a website with Django and dockerize it, first, you do:
django-admin startproject samplesite
It creates a directory samplesite that includes the following (I added requirements.txt):
db.sqlite3 requirements.txt samplesite
adding Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml
For the Dockerfile, as you can see, nothing is changed compared to the Dockerfile.
FROM python:3
RUN mkdir /code
COPY requirements.txt /code/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . /code/
However for the docker-compose.yml:
version: '3'
image: postgres
build: .
image: yourUserNameOnDockerHub/mywebsite:0.1 # this line is added
command: python runserver
# - .:/code
- "8000:8000"
- db
docker-compose.yml is also almost identical to the one mentioned in the tutorial, with volume commented and one line added image: mywebsite:0.1. This line allows us to track the built image and deploy it whenever we want. The volume mounting is not related to the code you write and was put there to take out the dynamic content that is changed by Django (sqlite, uploaded files, etc.).
build and run
If you run docker-compose up the first time everything works fine, however, because of the new line added, when you change the code after the first time, the changes will not reflect in the container that runs. This is because upon each docker-compose up, compose will look for mywebsite:0.1 (that already exists) and does not build a new image and creates a container based on the old one. As we need that image name and tag to publish/deploy our image, we need to instead use:
docker-compose up --build
It will re-build an image with the changes reflected. Every time you make some changes, run it and a new fresh image is created that can be seen with (note that although the name and tag remain unchanged, change in image id shows that this is a new image):
$ docker images
yourUserNameOnDockerHub/mywebsite 0.1 033c9d2bfac0 7 seconds ago 974MB
publishing and deployment
If you have set up an account on Dockerhub (or any other registry) you can publish the image for later use or deployment on a remote server:
docker push yourUserNameOnDockerHub/mywebsite:01
If you want to deploy it on a remote host and want to use docker-compose again, Just change the docker-compose.yml to:
version: '3'
image: postgres
image: yourUserNameOnDockerHub/mywebsite:0.1
command: python runserver
# - .:/code
- "8000:8000"
- db
Note that the build: . line is removed (as we are going to run it only). When developing locally, whenever you run docker-compose up --build a new image will be created and tagged and a container based on that will run in the compose stack. If you thought that you are happy with the changes, you follow the publishing step to make it live on the server.
When you want to update an image, lets say due to your application code changes, you use COPY during your image-build, so in the Dockerfile you do something like
COPY /you/code/on/the/host /var/www
Also see my answer about "volumes" and image-building to clarify why your code is missing in the build
In step 9 of the tutorial you set a volume. This volume will link your current directory and your container /code directory. In other words, they will be the same.
So any updates to your local files will change the files in your container as well. Remember that you will need to restart your app so the changes can take place.
Before you deploy your image, you will need to create a second docker compose file. This file will remove the volume so the code will stay inside the container and won't change from outside. You can follow the steps provided in docker compose documentation.