apache superset http://localhost:5000/chart/add not rendering - apache-superset

I have cloned apache superset brach 1.4.0 and running dev-server. Everything is working fine except chart add section.
While navigating to http://localhost:5000/chart/add not getting blank page and not rendering page at all except logo and header part.


Django admin misbehaves after adding for django.contrib.sites on server

Django Admin Site was working fine on local server.
But the same thing when deployed on server. Admin CSS misbehaves See Screenshot Admin panel screenshot on server
admin panel site also working fine on mobile responsive view or small screens
On localhost it looks something like this.
I have ran collect static several times on server but nothing happens.
Tried Clearing Cache many time.
Nothing worked
But localhost seems to work fine
I find answer myself.
Initially a old version of site already working on server.
Then i added django.contrib.sites for django.contrib.sites
Upon adding that when update is pushed to server then
python manage.py collectstatic
command does not completely replace old files.And It doesn't work well with old files.
So run collectstatic command on local
upload generated folder to
server to avoid any such issues

Openedx Native installation : theme change not working

I have installed openedx using Native installation method. Now I want to change the default logo. As a test, i removed the logo from the folder /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/lms/static/images.
But when i open the localhost, its still there. (lms view).
In inspect view, the logo name appears as /static/images/logo.b6c374d66d57.png.
The same operation when I perform in devstack, The logo changes successfully.
What am I missing?
Since I am using the default theme, I think I don't need to configure anything regarding theme customization.
Ok, I am posting the answer as I figure it out. Maybe helpful for someone.
The application was service data from cache and I had to recompile the theme again. Following are the steps to compile the theme.
sudo -u edxapp bash
source /edx/app/edxapp/edxapp_env
cd /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform
paver update_assets lms --settings=aws
If there are changes in cms contents, execute
paver update_assets cms --settings=aws

Error on publishing a Django-CMS 2.4 page

I have just updated my site from Django-CMS 2.3 to 2.4, and from Django 1.4.3 to Django 1.5.1.
The site runs fine on my dev environment; at first it gives me the welcome to Django-CMS page (with the pony), and then I just had to run through each page in the admin panel, and press "publish draft" on it to make it appear.
When I tried to repeat the trick on prod though, all goes well until I try to press "publish draft" on the home page. The other pages are ok, but this page gives me the error message:
Field 'moderator_state' doesn't have a default value
I can preview the page fine, but it won't publish.
Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong?
Have a look through the upgrade guide and make sure to apply DB migrations:
python manage.py migrate cms
Also, the moderator option is no longer in use so make sure to remove it from the settings.py

django i18n does not translate some strings

I am trying to add translations for some strings in a django application running under nginx. I run makemessages and that updates the django.po for the specified language, I can see with rosetta that the translations are correct and there are no fuzzy items and I run compilemessages. However when I swtiched to the language I added the translations for, only the previous translations are shown but not the new strings. I also stopped and started nginx but that had no effect.
in the end the problem was that the django code was running in a separate process, using FastCGI, so that a restart of nginx had no effect. Instead I had to restart the FastCGI process with a script I found:
/etc/init.d/django site_name restart

Django Apache2 mod_wsgi flatpages admin not working

I finally got apache2 with mod_wsgi working on Linux (havent much luck with windows :D) and everything works fine, but now when I added flatpages to my project, I found out that Apache doesn't seem to be aware of URL for admin when trying to create new flatpage via admin.
It says
Page not found (404)
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
And now I noticed that when I'm on admin front page, and hit F5 again and again, flatpages admin appears and disappears, but nothing like this happens when using dev server, so I'll try to create new project with default setting and see what it'll do in apache and in dev server, did anyone came across this kind of error?
The Django dev server auto-reloads your code when you change it, but Apache does not.
If you are running mod wsgi in daemon mode, you can reload the code by touching the wsgi script.
touch myproject/mysite.wsgi
Otherwise, you may have to restart apache. For example
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart