Given Sample Text -
This is just testing user1 (Dreamer: db-vd) test test user 2
(company1) (Super: ab-cd1): user_lore set from 'Sc' to 'Re', Ext PID
hit from '' to '', Make O profiles disabled, Make A
Groups enabled, Shift P configurations enabled, A groups set from
'abc' to 'abc'
Pattern to find in the above text -
Ext PID hit from '' to ''
Need to take care that tom.hanks1 before # is a variable and could be anything like brad_pitt2 or abc.abc123
If the regex pattern is present in the text then I need to do something. What I came up with is given below:
/Ext PID hit from \'\' to \'.*#tt\.com\'/
Doesn't look effective so need help with the regex to be used! Appreciate it.
I am reading a log file where i am trying to fetch some values from lines which contains a substring "edited by:" and ending with " bye".
This is how a log file is designed.
Error nothing reported
19-06-2021 LOGGER:INFO edited by : James Cooper Person Administrator bye. //Line 2
No data match.
19-06-2021 LOGGER:INFO edited by : Harry Rhodes Person External bye. //Line 4
So i am trying to fetch:
James Cooper Person Administrator //from line 2
Harry Rhodes Person External //from line 4
And assign them to variables in my tcl program.
I am assuming the fetched lines are in a list name line2.
set splitList[$line2 ' ']
set agent [lindex $splitList 0]
set firstName [lindex $splitList 1]
set lastName [lindex $splitList 2]
set role [lindex $splitList 3]
I understand that having the fetched or extracted lines from log file in a list is not a good idea as they are unstructured input. Using Tcl list functions can lead to weird things when they aren't in proper Tcl list format.
I am very new to tcl. And don't have much idea using regex in tcl.
So I tried extracting values from the matched line using regex. Suppose line2 is a variable holding the extracted matched line2 from the log file,
regexp -- {edited by:(.*) bye.$} $line2 match agent
I was able to get the expected output like below.
Person Harry Rhodes External
However, on this extracted string I don't know how I can further drill to get my variables assigned values. Any suggestion on this approach or any other functions which are present in tcl library which can help me with this task please let me know.
Updated the question by editing the log format. The format of the log file was not correct.
To err on the safe side, I would modify the regex to look for whitespace ([[:space:]]) between words, using * (= "any amount") and + (= "at least one") as appropriate and storing each variable in a capturing group (surrounded by parentheses ()):
Please note that [^[:space:]] matches any character except whitespace.
Regex101 demo:
First off, taking apart the name of a person into its components is extremely difficult. For example, some people have a multi-word family name. (Yes, I know specific examples of this.) Other people put the parts in different orders. Can you avoid splitting the name?
The other parts of parsing that substring are easier as we can assume that agent and role will not have spaces in. The trick to this RE is that \w+ matches a “word” character sequence, \s+ matches a space character sequence (more robustly than a single space), and .*? matches anything, but as little of it as possible.
regexp {^\s*(\w+)\s+(.*?)\s+(\w+)\s*$} $substring -> agent name role
OK, that's great for the substring, but what about the whole line? It's really just a matter of adjusting the anchors. (\y matches a word boundary.)
regexp {\yedited by:\s*(\w+)\s+(.*?)\s+(\w+)\s+bye\y} $line -> agent name role
It's often not a good idea to feed more than a line at a time into a regular expression search, not unless you need to. Fortunately your records are newline-delimited so that's not a problem here.
I have following strings on which I need to run RE Search to extract only account ids and to avoid extracting transaction related ids -
Transaction ID 989898989
Trx no. 989898989
Account ID 1234567890
Account Number 1234567890
Acnt No. 1234567890
Account # 1234567890
ID 1234567890
I have created a regex to extract only account id that appear in the text like this to extract 3rd group in the regex.
import re
txt = <all strings from 1 to 7 one by one>
rg = re.compile(re1,re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)
m =
if m:
If I run this code then all INT will be extracted. But I want to stop RE search if "transaction" or "trx" word is identified in the string. I tried using negative lookahead but unable to find solution.
Solution I am expecting is all strings should print INT in code above apart from strings that have "transaction" or "trx" word in it.
I want to create a regex that if "transaction" is found then stop searching further for group existence
Something like this -
Please Help!
Solution - Using Conditional statement in regex
Explanation -
(transaction|trx) => 1st Group
(?(1)|\d{3,12}) => 2nd Group - where ?(1) checks whether first group was found, if not found match whatever is there after '|' pipe - else run whatever is before '|'
After that just run =>
and it will return either number or word.
In business logic, typecast the value and check if it can be type casted to INT then great we figured out correctly if not then whatever we extracted is not INT
I'm trying to get some exclusions into our sendmail regex for the R command. The following configuration & regex works:
Kcheckaddress regex -a#MATCH
# check address against various regex checks
R$* $: $>Parse0 $>3 $1
R$+ $: $(checkaddress $1 $)
R#MATCH $#error $: "553 Your Domain is Blocked for Unsolicited Mail"
So we are blocking but not I'd like to add exclusions for cities and schools so to allow and user#subdomain.[state].us. (note that [state] means 1 of the 50 states including DC).
This regex is not working (using CA for California as a test):
I get this error:
sendmail -bt
/etc/mail/ line 199: pattern-compile-error: Invalid preceding regular expression
What surprises me, in order to get the regex that does work that it requires the leading spaces and I'm not sure what the function of the +<# part of the regex does? What is the less than (<) doing here? Does it need to be added to the bigger regex?
edit: I'm pretty sure that sendmail's R & K commands do not support negative look-aheads. So if anyone can help re-write the regex in a sed-friendly format I'd be grateful!
Your criteria is not clear, you say block all subdomains but then allow them too?
Unless you are using the user name specifically, don't match it.
Ksubsubdomains regex -a#MATCH #([a-zA-Z_0-9-]+\.){2}us
R$+ $: $(subsubdomains $1 $)
R#MATCH $#error $: "553 No Thank You."
# sendmail -bt
Enter <ruleset> <address>
> subsub
subsub input: a # sub . sub . us
subsub returns: $# error $: "553 No Thank You."
> subsub
subsub input: a # sub . sub . sub . us
subsub returns: a # sub . sub . sub . us
since states have 2 letter abbreviations, block sub domains of 3 or more characters
Ksubstates regex -a#MATCH #[a-zA-Z_0-9-]+\.([a-zA-Z_0-9]){3,}+\.us
I ended up taking a different approach as suggested on the SpamAssassin mailing list. I used sendmail's access.db. Since the locality namespaces I want to white list are all fourth-level domain registrations of the form "<organization-name>.<locality>.<state>.us" I simply created 50 entries for all the states like below, starting with rejecting
I haven't seen ANY false negatives, i.e., missed spam, since enabling this for a few days now.
I'm trying to write a script to simplify the process of searching through a particular applications log files for specific information. So I thought maybe there's a way to convert them into an XML tree, and I'm off to a decent start....but The problem is, the application log files are an absolute mess if you ask me
Some entries are simple
2014/04/09 11:27:03 INFO Some.code.function - Doing stuff
Ideally I'd like to turn the above into something like this
<Sub>Doing stuff</Sub>
Other entries are something like this where there's additional information and line breaks
2014/04/09 11:27:04 INFO Some.code.function - Something happens
this stuff happened
I'd like to turn this last chunk into something like the above, but add the additional info into a section
<Sub>Doing stuff</Sub>
this stuff happened</details>
and then other messages, errors will be in the form of
2014/04/09 11:27:03 ERROR Some.code.function - Something didn't work right
Error Code: E3145
Application: Name
message information etc etc and more line breaks, this part of the message may add up to an unknown number of lines before the next entry
This last chunk I'd like to convert as the last to above examples, but adding XML nodes for log entry, error code, application, and again, details like so
<Type>ERROR </Type>
<Sub>Something didn't work right</Sub>
<details>message information etc etc and more line breaks, this part of the message may add up to an unknown number of lines before the next entry</details>
Now I know that Select-String has a context option which would let me select a number of lines after the line I've filtered, the problem is, this isn't a constant number.
I'm thinking a regular expression would also me to select the paragraph chunk before the date string, but regular expressions are not a strong point of mine, and I thought there might be a better way because the one constant is that new entries start with a date string
the idea though is to either break these up into xml or tables of sorts and then from there I'm hoping it might take the last or filtering non relevant or recurring messages a little easier
I have a sample I just tossed on pastebin after removing/replacing a few bits of information for privacy reasons
Sorry this is kind of late, I got tied up with work for a bit there (darn work expecting me to be productive while on their dime). I ended up with something similar to Ansgar Wiechers solution, but formatted things into objects and collected those into an array. It doesn't manage your XML that you added later, but this gives you a nice array of objects to work with for the other records. I'll explain the main RegEx line here, I'll comment in-line where it's practical.
'(^\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) [\d+?] (\w+?) {1,2}(.+?) - (.+)$' is the Regex that detects the start of a new record. I started to explain it, but there are probably better resources for you to learn RegEx than me explaining it to me. See this link for a full breakdown and examples.
$Records=#() #Create empty array that we will populate with custom objects later
$Event = $Null #make sure nothing in $Event to give script a clean start
Get-Content 'C:\temp\test1.txt' | #Load file, and start looping through it line-by-line.
?{![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_)}|% { #Filter out blank lines, and then perform the following on each line
if ($_ -match '(^\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) \[\d+?] (\w+?) {1,2}(.+?) - (.+)$') { #New Record Detector line! If it finds this RegEx match, it means we're starting a new record.
if ($Event) { #If there's already a record in progress, add it to the Array
$Event = New-Object PSObject -Property #{ #Create a custom PSObject object with these properties that we just got from that RegEx match
DateStamp = [datetime](get-date $Matches[1]) #We convert the date/time stamp into an actual DateTime object. That way sorting works better, and you can compare it to real dates if needed.
Type = $Matches[2]
Source = $Matches[3]
Message = $Matches[4]}
Ok, little pause for the cause here. $Matches isn't defined by me, why am I referencing it? . When PowerShell gets matches from a RegEx expression it automagically stores the resulting matches in $Matches. So all the groups that we just matched in parenthesis become $Matches[1], $Matches[2], and so on. Yes, it's an array, and there is a $Matches[0], but that is the entire string that was matched against, not just the groups that matched. We now return you to your regularly scheduled script...
} else { #End of the 'New Record' section. If it's not a new record if does the following
if($_ -match "^((?:[^ ^\[])(?:\w| |\.)+?):(.*)$"){
RegEx match again. It starts off by stating that this has to be the beginning of the string with the carat character (^). Then it says (in a non-capturing group noted by the (?:<stuff>) format, which really for my purposes just means it won't show up in $Matches) [^ \[]; that means that the next character can not be a space or opening bracket (escaped with a ), just to speed things up and skip those lines for this check. If you have things in brackets [] and the first character is a carat it means 'don't match anything in these brackets'.
I actually just changed this next part to include periods, and used \w instead of [a-zA-Z0-9] because it's essentially the same thing but shorter. \w is a "word character" in RegEx, and includes letters, numbers, and the underscore. I'm not sure why the underscore is considered part of a word, but I don't make the rules I just play the game. I was using [a-zA-Z0-9] which matches anything between 'a' and 'z' (lowercase), anything between 'A' and 'Z' (uppercase), and anything between '0' and '9'. At the risk of including the underscore character \w is a lot shorter and simpler.
Then the actual capturing part of this RegEx. This has 2 groups, the first is letters, numbers, underscores, spaces, and periods (escaped with a \ because '.' on it's own matches any character). Then a colon. Then a second group that is everything else until the end of the line.
$Field = $Matches[1] #Everything before the colon is the name of the field
$Value = $Matches[2].trim() #everything after the colon is the data in that field
$Event | Add-Member $Field $Value #Add the Field to $Event as a NoteProperty, with a value of $Value. Those two are actually positional parameters for Add-Member, so we don't have to go and specify what kind of member, specify what the name is, and what the value is. Just Add-Member <[string]name> <value can be a string, array, yeti, whatever... it's not picky>
} #End of New Field for current record
else{$Value = $_} #If it didn't find the regex to determine if it is a new field then this is just more data from the last field, so don't change the field, just set it all as data.
} else { #If it didn't find the regex then this is just more data from the last field, so don't change the field, just set it all as data.the field does not 'not exist') do this:
$Event.$Field += if(![string]::isNullOrEmpty($Event.$Field)){"`r`n$_"}else{$_}}
This is a long explanation for a fairly short bit of code. Really all it does is add data to the field! This has an inverted (prefixed with !) If check to see if the current field has any data, if it, or if it is currently Null or Empty. If it is empty it adds a new line, and then adds the $Value data. If it doesn't have any data it skips the new line bit, and just adds the data.
$Records+=$Event #Adds the last event to the array of records.
Sorry, I'm not very good with XML. But at least this gets you clean records.
Edit: Ok, code is notated now, hopefully everything is explained well enough. If something is still confusing perhaps I can refer you to a site that explains better than I can. I ran the above against your sample input in PasteBin.
One possible way to deal with such files is to process them line by line. Each log entry starts with a timestamp and ends when the next line starting with a timestamp appears, so you could do something like this:
Get-Content 'C:\path\to\your.log' | % {
if ($_ -match '^\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}') {
if ($logRecord) {
# If a current log record exists, it is complete now, so it can be added
# to your XML or whatever, e.g.:
$logRecord -match '^(\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}) (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) (\S+) ...'
$message = $xml.CreateElement('Message')
$date = $xml.CreateElement('Date')
$date.InnerText = $matches[1]
$time = $xml.CreateElement('Time')
$time.InnerText = $matches[2]
$type = $xml.CreateElement('Type')
$type.InnerText = $matches[3]
$logRecord = $_ # start new record
} else {
$logRecord += "`r`n$_" # append to current record
I'm quite inexperienced with RegEx - just an occasional straighforward RegEx for a programming task that I worked out by trial and error, but now I have a serious regEx challenge:
I have about 970 text files containing Sybase Transact SQL snippets, and I need to find every table name in those files and preface the table name with ' #'. So my options are to either spend a week editing the files by hand or write a script or application using regEx (Python 3 or Delphi-PRCE) that will perform this task.
The rules are as follows:
Table names are ALWAYS upperCase - so I'm only looking for upperCase
Column names, SQL expressions and variables are ALWAYS lowerCase;
SQL keywords, Table aliases and column values CAN BE upperCase, but must NOT be prefixed with ' #';
Table aliases (must not be prefixed) will always have whiteSpace preceding them until the end of the
previous word, which will be a table name.
Column values (must not be prefixed) will either be numerical values or characters enclosed in
Here is some sample text requiring application of all the above mentioned rules:
set ok = convert(char(10),MB.limit)
where MB.move_num = PPL.move_num
AND PPL.mot_ind = 'B'
AND PPL.trade_type_ind = 'P'
So far with I've gotten only this far: (not too far...)
Any help would be most appreciated.
This is not doable with a simple regex-replacement. You will not be able to make a distinction between upper case words that are tables, are string literals or are commented:
update TABLE set x='NOT_A_TABLE' where y='NOT TABLES EITHER'
You seem to think that determining if a word is inside a string literal or not is easy, then consider SQL like this:
-- a quote: '
update TABLE set x=42 where y=666
-- another quote: '
update TABLE set x='not '' A '''' table' where y=666
Okay, I (obsessively) hammered on the fact that a simple regex replacements is not doable. But I didn't offer a (possible) solution yet. What you could do is create some sort of "hybrid-lexer" based on a couple of different regex-es. What you do is scan through the input file and at the start of each character, try to match either a comment, a string literal, a keyword, or a capitalized word. And if none of these 4 previous patterns matched, then just consume a single character and repeat the process.
A little demo in Python:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
input = """
SET ok = convert(char(10),MB.limit) -- ignore me!
where MB.move_num = PPL.move_num
-- comment '
AND PPL.mot_ind = 'B '' X'
-- another comment '
AND PPL.trade_type_ind = 'P -- not a comment'
regex = r"""(?xs) # x = enable inline comments, s = enable DOT-ALL
(--[^\r\n]*) # [1] comments
| # OR
('(?:''|[^\r\n'])*') # [2] string literal
| # OR
(\b(?:AND|UPDATE|SET)\b) # [3] keywords
| # OR
([A-Z][A-Z_]*) # [4] capitalized word
| # OR
. # [5] fall through: matches any char
output = ''
for m in re.finditer(regex, input):
# append a `#` if group(4) matched
if output += '#'
# append the matched text (any of the groups!)
output +=
# print the adjusted SQL
print output
which produces:
SET ok = convert(char(10),#MB.limit) -- ignore me!
where #MB.move_num = #PPL.move_num
-- comment '
AND #PPL.mot_ind = 'B '' X'
-- another comment '
AND #PPL.trade_type_ind = 'P -- not a comment'
This may not be the exact output you want, but I'm hoping the script is simple enought for you to adjust to your needs.
Good luck.