Expo EAS local build: Cannot find module '#expo/config-plugins' - expo

With eas-cli version 0.52.0, the local build generates the apk as expected.
When using eas-cli version >= 0.53.0 I get the following error: Cannot find module '#expo/config-plugins'.
I use the following command as I always did: eas build --profile preview --platform android --local.
Any help? Thanks in advance.

I have the same issue using "expo": "^41.0.0"
I already install npx expo install expo-build-properties and it turns out the version of expo-build-properties is 0.4.1 so I think this version isn't compatible with either the expo version or other packages version so I tried to downgrade the version by editing package.json
so changing from
"expo-build-properties": "^0.4.1",
"expo-build-properties": "^0.3.0",
and run yarn install / npm install
Now the build run successful.

If you using "expo-build-properties" in your app.json/app.config.js/app.configInstall the package with npx expo install expo-build-properties to ensure you are using the correct version for your expo sdk.

I had similar problem I have resolved with this command
npx expo install expo-screen-orientation
issue was in versioning npx expo automatically downgraded my version of expo-screen-orientation
from version 5.0.1 to 4.0.3, after that the error was gone


Google Cloud Build fails due to missing CMake

I am trying to deploy a Flask/ML app to Google Cloud but encountering this issue;
When I try to run gcloud builds submit --tag gcr.io/project-name/index with a requirements.txt file, it throws CMake must be installed to build dlib. Since now, I didn't have any problems working with dlib (I have cmake and build-essential already installed) and when I connect Google Cloud Shell via ssh, I can see both build-essential and cmake is installed and up to date on there too.
I tried to build on Ubuntu and Windows machines, same error consists.
Solved! CMake needs to be built in Dockerfile, not locally or in cloud shell.
Adding RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install cmake before RUN pip install -r requirements.txt in Dockerfile resolved the issue.

How can I upgrade AWS SAM to a certain version?

I'm trying to upgrade SAM CLI, version 1.18.2 to 1.22.0 on Ubuntu 20.04. I used brew command:
~brew upgrade aws-sam-cli#1.22.0
but didn't work. Showed the next message:
Error: No available formula or cask with the name "aws-sam-cli#1.22".
Also I'm trying to find a downloadable to install a certain version.
Thanks for your help!
For anyone in the future, use pip.
pip3 install --user 'aws-sam-cli==1.12.0'

How can i use expo cli with my smartphone on termux

Hello friends i'm new here.
I want to run react native project with my android but i got this error when i run expo cli on termux Error: Platform not supported
error illustration
Ps: i use TECNO SPARK 5 Pro with Android 10
I had the same problem. It was solved by reverting to version 4.2.1. Uninstall expo-cli and install expo-cli#4.2.1 .
You can create easyly by using simple trick
First you need to install one linus operating systeam (ubantu2.0) in your termux android application
*You can easyly install ubantu os with anylinux application just download from playstore *
After instaling the ubantu os in your android device then you need to install nodejs in your ubantu os inaide termux just type commend apt update && apt upgrade && apt install nodejs
After this commend you need to put one more command for instaling react -native(expo)
npm install -g expo-cli
If you face any problem then you need to upgrade your nodejs version with letest version with using nvm
Here is orginal documentation about letest version nodejs using nvm https://www.vultr.com/docs/install-nvm-and-node-js-on-ubuntu-20-04/

Airflow installation failure beam[gcp]

Airflow installation with command is failing
sudo pip3 install apache-airflow[gcp_api]
Everything was working fine yesterday. Today I see the following error:
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement apache-beam[gcp]==2.3.0 (from google-cloud-dataflow->apache-airflow[gcp_api]) (from versions: 0.6.0, 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.1.1, 2.2.0)
No matching distribution found for apache-beam[gcp]==2.3.0 (from google-cloud-dataflow->apache-airflow[gcp_api])
Can someone help me on this?
Thanks in advance
I faced the same problem :(
most likely it happened because in the new version(2.3.0) of apache-beam they actually added the restriction for python3
Requires Python: >=2.7,<3.0
the previous packages didn't have this restriction, that is why it was working before(if you didn't use dataflow from gcp).
probably you have the last version of https://pypi.python.org/pypi/google-cloud-dataflow/2.3.0 which has updated apache-beam package
How to fix?
uninstall google-cloud-dataflow
pip3 uninstall google-cloud-dataflow
and install version 2.2.0 which has the old version of apache beam
pip install google-cloud-dataflow==2.2.0
Fixed this problem for me, I hope it will help you as well
This has been resolved in the master branch at Apache Airflow Github by Pull Request #3273 .
You can install the latest development branch using the below commands.
pip install git+https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow
pip install git+https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow#egg=apache-airflow[gcp_api]

Loopback lb-ng (LoopBack Angular SDK command-line tool) not working

I'm going through the tutorials of http://docs.strongloop.com, and I've reached http://docs.strongloop.com/display/public/LB/Add+a+client+app.
Yet when I execute 'lb-ng ../server/server.js js/lb-services.js' I get an error: Cannot find module 'loopback'.
Any help would be appreciated!
For the new version of loopback you need to install lb-ng command with this line of command
sudo npm install -g loopback-sdk-angular-cli
also try to be in the client folder make sure that you have js directory in client directory then execute these lb-ng commad
lb-ng ../server/server.js js/lb-services.js
it will work
did you npm install your dependencies? check and see if you have a node_modules dir in your project root.
if you're using a newer version of node, try uninstalling node and reinstalling an LTS version.
npm uninstall -g strongloop
npm cache clear
npm install -g strongloop
This is how I fixed this problem for me.
install strong loop and then run lb-ng command this is how i fixed this problem