GEE try to get LST time series data - libgee

I try to get Daily LST data from Google Earth Engine.
Here is my code;
// Import image collection
var modis = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/061/MOD11A1');
// A start date is defined and the end date is determined by advancing 1 year from the start date.
var start = ee.Date('2012-01-01');
var dateRange = ee.DateRange(start, start.advance(1, 'year'));
// Filter the LST collection to include only images from time frame and select day time temperature band
var modLSTday = modis.filterDate(dateRange).select('LST_Day_1km')
.map(function(image){return image.clip(studyArea)});
// Scale to Kelvin and convert to Celsius, set image acquisition time.
var modC = {
return image
.copyProperties(image, ['system:time_start']);
//Convert data to bands
var daily = modC.toBands();
//Creating sample points in the given geometry(study area; assets or simple rectangle)
var Sample_points = daily.sampleRegions({
collection: studyArea,
scale: 500,
geometries: true
//Getting LST values from sample points
var collection_with_latlon = (feature) {
var coordinates = feature.geometry().transform('epsg:4326').coordinates();
return feature.set('lon', coordinates.get(0), 'lat', coordinates.get(1));
My problem is daily variable is not create sample points and does not get LST values. I used the same code for NDVI data, it works perfectly but in LST data it is not working.
when I use the;
var Sample_points ={
collection: studyArea,
scale: 500,
geometries: true
SampleRegions works and gets LST values to the csv table in my drive. But it works for just one image. I need to get 366 images (a year) data.
Please give me some help...


Google Sheets Search and Sum in two lists

I have a Google Sheets question I was hoping someone could help with.
I have a list of about 200 keywords which looks like the ones below:
**List 1**
Italy City trip
Italy Roundtrip
Italy Holiday
Hungary City trip
Czechia City trip
Croatia Montenegro Roundtrip
And I then have another list with jumbled keywords with around 1 million rows. The keywords in this list don't exactly match with the first list. What I need to do is search for the keywords in list 1 (above) in list 2 (below) and sum all corresponding cost values. As you can see in the list below the keywords from list 1 are in the second list but with other keywords around them. For example, I need a formula that will search for "Italy City trip" from list 1, in list 2 and sum the cost when that keyword occurs. In this case, it would be 6 total. Adding the cost of "Italy City trip April" and "Italy City trip June" together.
**List 2** Cost
Italy City trip April 1
Italy City trip June 5
Next week Italy Roundtrip 4
Italy Holiday next week 1
Hungary City holiday trip 9
I hope that makes sense.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
TEXTJOIN("|", 1, SORT(PROPER(A1:A), 1, 0)))), D1:D},
"select Col1,sum(Col2)
where Col1 is not null
group by Col1
label sum(Col2)''", 0))
You want to establish whether keywords in one list (List#1) can be found in another list (List#2).
List#2 is 1,000,000 rows long, so I would recommend segmenting the list so that execution times are not exceeded. That's something you will be able to establish by trial and error.
The solution is to use the javascript method indexOf.
Paraphrasing from w3schools: indexOf() returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified value in a string. If the value is not found, it returns -1. So testing if (idx !=-1){ will only return List#1 values that were found in List#2. Note: The indexOf() method is case sensitive.
function so5864274503() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var srcname = "source";
var tgtname = "target";
var sourceSheet = ss.getSheetByName(srcname);
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName(tgtname);
// get the source list
var sourceLR = sourceSheet.getLastRow();
var srcData = sourceSheet.getRange(1,1,sourceLR).getValues();
//get the target list
var targetLR = targetSheet.getLastRow();
var tgtlist = targetSheet.getRange(1,1,targetLR,2).getValues();
var totalcostvalues = [];
// start looping through the keywords (list 1)
for (var s = 0;s<srcData.length;s++){
var totalcost = 0;
var value = srcData[s][0]
// start looping through the strings (List 2)
for (var i=0;i<tgtlist.length;i++){
// set cost to zero
var cumcost = 0;
// use indexOf to test if keyword is in the string
var idx = tgtlist[i][0].indexOf(value);
// value of -1 = no match, value >-1 indicates posuton in the string where the key word was found
if (idx !=-1){
var cost = tgtlist[i][1]
cumcost = cumcost + cost;
totalcost = totalcost+cost
}//end of loop - list2
//Logger.log("DEBUG: Summary: "+value+", totalcost = "+totalcost)
}// end of loop - list1
//Logger.log(totalcostvalues); //DEBUG
I also got this one, but it's case sensitive a bit
function myFunction() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet1 = ss.getSheets()[0];
var sheet2 = ss.getSheets()[1];
var valuesSheet1 = sheet1.getRange(2,1, (sheet1.getLastRow()-1), sheet1.getLastColumn()).getValues();
var valuesCol1Sheet1 ={return r[0]});
var valuesCol2Sheet1 ={return r[1]});
var valuesSheet2 = sheet2.getRange(2,1, (sheet2.getLastRow()-1)).getValues();
var valuesCol1Sheet2 ={return r[0]});
for (var i = 0; i<= valuesCol1Sheet2.length-1; i++){
var price = 0;
var position = elt.toLowerCase().indexOf(valuesCol1Sheet2[i].toLowerCase());
if(position >-1){
price = price + valuesCol2Sheet1[index];

PowerBi subtracting two cells in different rows with condition

I am wondering if something that i would like to achieve is possible, please look at the picture and read description below:
I would like to add a column to the right, where if a cell table[ActionType] = "TERMINATING", it calculates a difference between timestamps (timestamp for TERMINATING - timestamp for STARTING in below row). If the result is positive (>0) then store it in a column in a corresponding row (eg next to timestapm for terminating), if result is negative don't store it. And all of that applied to whole table.
I tried conditional column and i guess it cannot be done with this or at least I couldn't make it.
Will be very thankful for responses and tips!
Pre-requisite :- Add an Index Column using the query editor. Make sure they are in the next row to each other.
It is advisable to keep TimeStamp column as a DateTime Column itself.
So, if you can change your TimeStamp column to a DateTime column then try this :-
Difference =
Var Get_Action_Type = Table1[ActionType]
Var required_Index_1 = Table1[Index] + 1
Var required_Index = IF(required_Index_1 > MAX(Table1[Index]),required_Index_1-1, required_Index_1)
Var Current_Action_TimeStamp = Table1[TimeStamp]
Var next_Action_TimeStamp = CALCULATE(MAX(Table1[TimeStamp]),FILTER(Table1, Table1[Index] = required_Index))
Var pre_result = IF(Get_Action_Type = "TERMINATING", DATEDIFF(Current_Action_TimeStamp, next_Action_TimeStamp,SECOND), BLANK())
Var result = IF(pre_result > 0, pre_result, BLANK())
return result
And if you cannot change it to a Date Time, then try this calculated column,
Difference_2 =
Var Get_Action_Type = Table1[ActionType]
Var required_Index_1 = Table1[Index] + 1
Var required_Index = IF(required_Index_1 > MAX(Table1[Index]),required_Index_1-1, required_Index_1)
Var Current_Action_TimeStamp = Table1[Time_Stamp_Number]
Var next_Action_TimeStamp = CALCULATE(MAX(Table1[Time_Stamp_Number]),FILTER(Table1, Table1[Index] = required_Index))
Var pre_result = IF(Get_Action_Type = "TERMINATING", next_Action_TimeStamp - Current_Action_TimeStamp, BLANK())
Var result = IF(pre_result > 0, pre_result, BLANK())
return result
The Output looks as below :-
Kindly accept the answer if it helps and do let me know, how it works for you.

Google Sheets - formula for expense sheet

I need a formula that will help me calculate the $ expense amount for my milage rates.
Here is my sheet
On the tab that's expenses, I need to check the year of my date in Col A (because different years have different rates), then check Col D to see if it says Milage, then check Col E for what type of milage (there are 4 types), then return the number input in Col I times the appropriate rate for that year and type of milage. I have a table set up with the rates in another tab.
I'm thinking it will be a long IF and AND formula. Any help would be great!
In 'Essentials Log', I've changed the format of your year start-end dates to state the year you're referencing. I've added a column for "Milage".
Expense Reference Screenshot
In 'Expenses'!M2, I tried this and it seems to work:
=ARRAYFORMULA(iferror(if(isblank(A2:A),"",I2:I*vlookup(D2:D&year(A2:A)&E2:E,query({'Essentials Log'!Y2:Y&'Essentials Log'!Z2:Z&'Essentials Log'!AA2:AA,'Essentials Log'!AB2:AB},"Select *"),2,false))))
Working Example Screenshot
Have a look (I copied your example sheet): Milage expense
I solved this with creating an app script.
I realized I didn't want to use a formula because in my $ col most entries will be keyed in and so I didn't want to copy and paste a formula every time.
Here is the code if anyone might need it. I added it to the menu so the calculation is done with a click.
function expenseMilageCalculation() {
var auditionsSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var expensesTab = auditionsSheet.getActiveSheet();
var activeCell = expensesTab.getActiveCell();
var activeRow = activeCell.getRow();
var expenseDate = expensesTab.getRange(activeRow, 1).getValue();
var expenseYear = expenseDate.getFullYear();
var expenseType = expensesTab.getRange(activeRow, 4).getValue();
var expenseDetails = expensesTab.getRange(activeRow, 5).getValue();
var numMiles = expensesTab.getRange(activeRow, 9).getValue();
var essentialsLogTab = auditionsSheet.getSheetByName("Essentials Log")
//2018 Business Milage
if (expenseYear == 2018 && expenseType == "Milage" && expenseDetails == "Business") {
var milageBusinessRate2018 = essentialsLogTab.getRange(3, 27).getValue();
var dollarMilesDeduction = numMiles * milageBusinessRate2018
expensesTab.getRange(activeRow, 8).setValue(dollarMilesDeduction)
//2019 Business Milage
if (expenseYear == 2019 && expenseType == "Milage" && expenseDetails == "Business") {
var milageBusinessRate2019 = essentialsLogTab.getRange(8, 27).getValue();
var dollarMilesDeduction = numMiles * milageBusinessRate2019
expensesTab.getRange(activeRow, 8).setValue(dollarMilesDeduction)

Apply Tooltip to diffrent datasets or pass an array to tooltip in Chart.js?

I am trying to show multi line graph for showing profit/loss . I am able to plot graph.
var niftyProfit = [];
var niftyProfitChartData = [];
var sum = 0;
data.forEach(function(obj) {
for (var i in niftyProfit) {
sum = sum + niftyProfit[i];
obj.profit is the p/l column data. I want to populate the value, which I did in for loop for eg. consider profit = [4,2,-3,-5], then my final array to populate in chart would become [4,6,3,-2]. I ploted data on chart which is array niftyProfitChartData , now In tooltip on hover its showing data from niftyProfitChartData .But I want to show data from niftyProfit array in tooltip . Here is Fiddle Link of what i tried till now .

Retrieve values from an array - get "cannot call value of non-function type String"

I'm trying to retrieve a value from an array, based on an index parsed from a string of digits. I'm stuck on this error, and the other answers to similar questions in this forum appear to be for more advanced developers (this is my first iOS app).
The app will eventually look up weather reports ("MAFOR" groupings of 5 digits each) from a web site, parse each group and lookup values from arrays for wind direction, speed, forecast period etc using each character.
The playground code is below, appreciate any help on where I am going wrong (look for ***)
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
var str = "Hello, playground"
// create array for Forecast Period
let forecastPeriodArray = ["Existing conditions at beginning","3 hours","6 hours","9 hours","12 hours","18 hours","24 hours","48 hours","72 hours","Occasionally"]
// create array for Wind Direction
let windDirectionArray = ["Calm","Northeast","East","Southeast","South","Southwest","West","Northwest","North","Variable"]
// create array for Wind Velocity
let windVelocityArray = ["0-10 knots","11-16 knots","17-21 knots","22-27 knots","28-33 knots","34-40 knots","41-47 knots","48-55 knots","56-63 knots","64-71 knots"]
// create array for Forecast Weather
let forecastWeatherArray = ["Moderate or good visibility (> 3 nm.","Risk of ice accumulation (temp 0C to -5C","Strong risk of ice accumulkation (air temp < -5C)","Mist (visibility 1/2 to 3 nm.)","Fog (visibility less than 1/2 nm.)","Drizzle","Rain","Snow, or rain and snow","Squally weather with or without showers","Thunderstorms"]
// retrieve full MAFOR line of several information groups (this will be pulled from a web site)
var myMaforLineString = "11747 19741 13757 19751 11730 19731 11730 13900 11630 13637"
// split into array components wherever " " is encountered
var myMaforArray = myMaforLineString.components(separatedBy: " ")
let count = myMaforArray.count
print("There are \(count) items in the array")
// Go through each group and parse out the needed digits
for maforGroup in myMaforArray {
print("MAFOR group \(maforGroup)")
// get Forecast Period
var idx = maforGroup.index(maforGroup.startIndex, offsetBy: 1)
var periodInt = maforGroup[idx]
print("periodInt is \(periodInt)")
// *** here is where I am stuck... trying to use the periodInt index value to retrieve the description from the ForecastPeriodArray
var periodDescription = forecastPeriodArray(periodInt)
print("Forecast period = (forecastPeriodArray(periodInt)")
// get Wind Direction
idx = maforGroup.index(maforGroup.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
var directionInt = maforGroup[idx]
print("directionInt is \(directionInt)")
// get Wind Velocity
idx = maforGroup.index(maforGroup.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)
var velocityInt = maforGroup[idx]
print("velocityInt is \(velocityInt)")
// get Weather Forecast
idx = maforGroup.index(maforGroup.startIndex, offsetBy: 4)
var weatherInt = maforGroup[idx]
print("weatherInt is \(weatherInt)")
#shallowThought was close.
You are trying to access an array by its index, therefore use the array[index] notation. But your index has to be of the correct type. forecastPeriodArray[periodInt] therefore does not work since periodInt is not an Int as the name would suggest. Currently it is of type Character which does not make much sense.
What you are probably trying to achieve is convert the character to an integer and use that to access the array:
var periodInt = Int(String(maforGroup[idx]))!
You might want to add error handling for the case when the character does not actually represent an integer.