In Superset what is Database "main" used for? - apache-superset

We have an installation, which created the database "main" in the datasource list. When we changed to an older DB backup, the user was having a wrong password (and thus "test connection" was failing).
Nevertheless Superset kept working. So it used the config user from MySQL connection we defined.
Now the question: What is "main" DB used for? Can we securely delete it?


Unable to connect to AWS Athena Workgroup using JDBC connection?

I am using JDBC to connect to Athena for a specific Workgroup. But it is by default redirecting to the primary workgroup
Below is the code snippet
Properties info = new Properties();
info.put("user", "access-key");
info.put("password", "secrect-access-key");
info.put("schema", "testschema");
info.put("s3_staging_dir", "s3://bucket/athena/temp");
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:awsathena://athena.<region>", info);
As you can see I am using "Workgroup" as the key for the properties. I also tried "workgroup", "work-group", "WorkGroup". It is not able to redirect to the specified Workgroup. Always going to the default one i.e primary workgroup.
Kindly help. Thanks
If you look at the release notes of Athena JDBC, the workgroup support is from v2.0.7.
If you jar is below this version, it will not work. Try to upgrade the library to 2.0.7 or above
You need to Override Client-Side Settings in workgroup.Enable below setting and rerun the query via JDBC.
Check this doc for more information.

PostgreSQL: How can I create a temporary user and database for my unit tests?

I'm developing a C++ web application and I'm using PostgreSQL with libpqxx, on Ubuntu 16.04. The issue I'm having is that I need a portable (over Linux systems) way to run my unit tests.
What I have now is a class that controls database calls. I'd like to test how this class acts under my unit tests. For that, for every time I run a unit test, I'd like to:
Create a temp user
Create a dummy db
run my tests on it
delete the db
delete the user
Now doing the steps is fine with Google tests. I can create a fixture that will do them all reproducibly. BUT...
How can I create a user with a password in one call (without being prompted for the password), so that I can create that user on the go and run my tests?
The manual doesn't seem to provide a way to provide the password in an argument. I was hoping to do something like this:
system("createuser " + username + " -password abcdefg");
where system() runs a terminal command. Then I can connect to the DB server with that username and password to do my unit tests.
Another failed attempt for me was to pass an sql query that would create the user through the terminal:
system("psql -c \"CREATE ROLE joe PASSWORD 'aabbccdd';\"")
When I do this, I get the error:
psql: FATAL: database "user" does not exist
where user is my unix username.
Remember that I cannot connect to the server with libpqxx because I don't have credentials yet (as the temporary user). Right? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Is there any way to do what I'm planning here and make unit-tests runnable without user intervention?
The problem with the system("psql -c \"CREATE ROLE joe PASSWORD 'aabbccdd';\"") call is that it doesn't specify a database to connect to which will then default to trying a database of the same name as the user logging in. Try adding -d postgres and see if it works.
Please note that this only creates the user, it doesn't create any database or give privileges to anything.

Are "Database URL" and "Database Instance" the same id?

While following this tutorial for deploying a simple Flask app to AWS RDS and ElasticBeanstalk, I am running into the error
sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError)
(2003, 'Can\'t connect to MySQL server on
((1049, u"Unknown database \'flaskdemo\'"))') None None
at python
In the statement
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = ‘mysql+pymysql://<db_user>:<db_password>#<endpoint>/<db_url>’
what is <db_url>? Is it not precisely the name chosen for DB Instance at the RDS management console?
If, as I expect, that's the case, what else might I be missing?
Update soliciting comments
The entire process is ultimately frustrating. "Push this button", "click here", then do this and that, are all far too error prone and do not appeal to programmers. I'm now looking for a way to script all the deployment steps. And then the process becomes reproducible and reliable. That said, the experience of getting it right once from the GUI helps to identify a minimal working setup. A sequel exercise is to convert this tutorial to a script. Comments welcome.
I believe it would be the name of your DB within the instance, or specifically, the DB Name attribute. The name of the DB instance is the name of the RDS instance itself, and not the actual database that the RDS instance is hosting.
Let me know if you can find should be under Created Time and above Username. If not, I can see if I can include a screen of one of my RDS instances.
I had the same error. Make sure you are correctly writing down the parameters in the URI string. Looks like the flash demo database does not exist!.
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql+pymysql://yourusername:dbpassword#endpointhere/dbname'
The 'DB Name' parameter listed under the Summary in the Database console IS NOT your dbname in the URI string!. The worst case creates another database and writes down your parameters. You should get the DB name in the 'Database options' while creating the database.
Also, make sure that your database is using a correct security group. The 'default' security group should be removed from the database and your new security group must allow access to your database.
Security - Security Groups
Security Group Here

Connect to db through TOAD when LDAP.ora does not exist and tnsnames.ora does not have the tns entry

I was able to connect to TOAD using a db schema name that was not defined in my tnsnames.ora. I got the explanation here:
TOAD connects despite the db name not being present in tnsnames.ora
But now, I need to give the db connection credentials to a peer and that developer does not have ldap.ora file in her /network/admin folder. How can she connect to the db using TOAD?
I gave her my ldap.ora file and asked her to copy it in network/admin and then try. But that does nto seem to work.
Ok i found the answer. On my machine I did a tnsping <DB_NAME> and that gave me the complete host name and port. Now the other developer can use these to create a tnsentry.

How do I import a local MySQL db to RDS db instance?

I've created a RDS instance called realcardiodb (the engine is mysql)
and I've exported my database from my localhost. File is saved locally called localhostrealcardio.sql
Most research says to use mysqldump to import data from a local system to a web server, but my system doesn't even recognize mysqldump.
'mysqldump' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
How do I resolve this error should I use mysqldump? (I definitely have mysql install on my system)
Is there a better utility I should use?
Any help is appreciated, especially if you have experience importing mysql to aws rds.
Update 7/31/2012
So I got the error resolved. mysqldump is in the bin directory C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysqldump
AWS provides the folloinwg instructions for uploading a local database to RDS:
mysqldump acme | mysql --host=hostname --user=username --password acme
Can someone break this down for me?
1) Is the first 'acme' (after mysqldump command) the name of my local database or the exported sql file I saved locally?
2)Is the hostname the IP address, Public DNS, RDS Endpoint or neither?
3)The username and password I assume is the RDS credentials and the second acme is the name of the database I created in RDS.
This is how I did it for a couple instances that had data in the MySQl tables.
The steps to creating an RDS database instance:
Note: Make sure the RDS instance has a security group configured that relates to the EC2 security group.
Before we go forward, let me provide a list of what some of the following placeholders are:
host.address.for.rds.server = this will be what is referred to as the "end point" in your RDS description/settings page.
rdsusername = the master user account which you created during RDS setup.
rdsdatabase = a blank database which you created inside the server on your RDS instance.
backupfile.sql = the sql dump file your made of your pre-existing installation's database.
Once you've created a fresh RDS database instance, and have configured its security settings, log into this server (from within an ssh session to your EC2 server) and then create an empty database inside the instance using basic SQL commands.
mysql -h host.address.for.rds.server -P 3306 -u rdsusername -p
(enter your password)
create database rdsdatabase;
Then quit out of the MySQL environment inside your RDS server.
This tutorial assumes you already have a backup from your old database. If you don't, go create one now. After that, you’re ready to import that sql dump file into the empty database waiting on your RDS server.
mysql -h host.address.for.rds.server -u rdsusername -p rdsdatabase < backupfile.sql
It might take a few seconds to complete, depending on the size of the sql dump file. Your indication that it is finished is that the bash command prompt reappears.
Note: the command “mysqlimport” is used when imported data directly into an existing table inside a database. It might seem like we’re “importing” data, but this is not what we’re actually doing in this situation. The database we are migrating to has no tables yet, and the sql dump file we’re using contains the sql commands to generate the tables it needs.
Confirm the Transfer
Now, if you didn't get any error messages, then your sql transfer probably worked. If you want, you can double check to see if it did by connecting to your RDS database server, looking up the database you created, and check to see if the tables are now present.
mysql -h host.address.for.rds.server -P 3306 -u rdsusername -p
(enter your password)
use rdsdatabase;
show tables;
I prefer using MySQL workbench. It's much more easier & user friendly than the command line way.
It provides a simple GUI.
MySQL workbench or SQL Yog.
These are the steps that I did.
1) Install MySQL Workbench.
2) In AWS console, there must be a security group for your RDS instance.
Add an inbound rule to that group for allowing connections from your machine.
It's simple. Add your IP-address.
3) Open MySQL workbench, Add a new connection.
4) Give the connection a name you prefer.
5) Choose connection method- Standard TCP/IP
6) Enter your RDS endpoint in the field of Hostname.
7) Port:3306
8) Username: master username (the one which which you created during the creation of your RDS instance)
9)Password: master password
10) Click Test Connection to check your connection.
11) If connection is successful, click OK.
12) Open the connection.
13) you will see your database 'realcardiodb' there.
14) Now you can export your mysqldump file to this database. Go to-> Server. Click Data Import.
15) You can check whether the data has been migrated by simply opening a blank SQL file & typing in basic SQL commands like use database, select * from table;
That's it. Viola.
If you have a backup.sql in your PC, No need to transfer to EC2. Just give below line on your terminal in your PC.
$ mysql -h -u rds_username -p rds_database < /path/to/your/backup.sql
Enter password: paswd_mysql_user
That's all.
Import backup directly from existing remote server
SSH connect to your remote server
Get the remote server mysql backup (backup/path/backupfile.sql)
Import backup file to RDS mysql while you in remote server shell
mysql -h -u db_username -p db_name < backup/path/backupfile.sql
I have tried all the above criteria to import my existing backup to new RDS database, including through EC2 as in AWS documentation. It was a 10GB backup. So I have tried tables by tables as well. It shows process completed but some data were missing for large tables. So I had to write a DB to DB data migration script.
Using work bench :
setup connection
go to management tab and click on data import/restore
click on import from self contained file .
choose your mysqlbackup.sql file.
select default database.
click on start import button.
Using command line (On Windows ) :
mysqldump -u <localuser>
--databases world
-p<localpassword> | mysql -u <rds-user-name>
For more detail please refer :
Hope it helps.
The step by step instruction on how to migrate already existing db on mysql/mariadb to already running RDS instance.
Here is the AWS RDS Mysql document to import customer data into RDS
Create flat files containing the data to be loaded
Stop any applications accessing the target DB Instance
Create a DB Snapshot
Disable Amazon RDS automated backups
Load the data using mysqlimport
Enable automated backups again