How to add divisibility constraint in GNU mathprog - linear-programming

I want to add a constraint that a variable should be divisible by a particular integer.
I tried using mod operator but it cannot be used with variables:
s.t. c1 x1 mod 10 = 0
I get the following error:
operand preceding mod has invalid type
How to resolve it?

This is actually surprisingly easy.
Your constraint:
x mod 10 = 0
is equivalent to
x = 10 * n where n is an integer
So the recipe is: add an integer variable n and add the linear constraint:
x = 10 * n


Writing power function in Standard ML with a predefined compound function

Having trouble writing a power function inStandard Ml. Im trying to write a function called exp of type int -> int -> int.
The application exp b e, for non-negative e, should return b^e.
For example, exp 3 2 should return 9. exp must be implemented with the function compound provided below. exp should not directly calls itself. Here is the compound function, it takes in a value n, a function, and a value x. All it does is it applies the function to the value x n number of times.
fun compound 0 f x = x
| compound n f x = compound (n-1) f (f x);
Im having trouble figuring out how to write this function without recursion, and with the restraint of having to use a function that only can use a function with one parameter. Anyone have any ideas of where to start with this?
This is what I have:
fun exp b 0 = 1
| exp b e = (compound e (fn x => x*x) b)
I know that this doesn't work, since if i put in 2^5 it will do:
2*2, 4*4, 16*16 etc.
You are extremely close. Your definition of exp compounds fn x => x*x which (as you noticed) is not what you want, because it is repeatedly squaring the input. Instead, you want to do repeated multiplication by the base. That is, fn x => b*x.
Next, you can actually remove the special case of e = 0 by relying upon the fact that compound "does the right thing" when asked to apply a function 0 times.
fun exp b e = compound e (fn x => b*x) 1
You could just do this instead I believe
fun exp 0 0 = 1
| exp b 0 = 1
| exp b e = (compound (e - 1) (fn x => b * x ) b);
this may not be exactly 100% proper code. I sort of just now read a bit of Standard ML documentation and took some code and reworked it for your example but the general idea is the same for most programming languages.
fun foo (num, power) =
val counter = ref power
val total = 1
while !counter > 0 do (
total := !total * num
counter := !counter - 1
To be more clear with some pseudo-code:
input x, pow
total = 1
loop from 1 to pow
total = total * x
end loop
return total
This doesn't handle negative exponents but it should get you started.
It basically is a simple algorithm of what exponents truly are: repeated multiplication.
2^4 = 1*2*2*2*2 //The 1 is implicit
2^0 = 1

Sum of digits in an integer using SML

I'm trying to create a function that will sum the digits of an integer in SML but I'm getting the following error.
Error: operator and operand don't agree [overload conflict]
operator domain: real * real
operand: [* ty] * [* ty]
in expression:
n / (d * 10)
I've tried to typecast the variables to real but it didn't work. Also I don't understand why I'm getting this error. Is not possible to use operators such as * and / with int and real in SML?
The code is the following:
fun sumDigits (n) =
if n < 10 then n
val d = 10
n mod d + sumDigits(trunc(n/(d*10)))
Looks like you have a few things wrong. To start, you'll want to use "div" rather than "/" when dividing integers. / is for reals. Also, trunc is a function for reals. 3rd, you'll want your recursive logic to just be sumDigits(n div 10), not sumDigits(n div (d*10)). You can also clean up the code by removing the d variable.
fun sumDigits (n) =
if n < 10 then n
n mod 10 + sumDigits(n div 10)

Python - IndexError cannot fit 'long' into an index-sized integer

My code is working for small test cases but this is showing
IndexError: cannot fit 'long' into an index-sized integer
when I am using large numbers.
global mod
mod = 1000000007
global lim
lim = 10010
global cnt
cnt = [[None for x in range(0,4)] for x in range(0,lim+1)]
def precomp():
cnt[2][0] = cnt[2][1] = cnt[2][2] = 1
for i in range(3,lim):
cnt[i][0] = cnt[i-1][2] % mod
cnt[i][1] = cnt[i-1][0] % mod
cnt[i][2] = (cnt[i-1][2] + cnt[i-1][1]) % mod
t = input()
for iterate in range( t ):
n = long(raw_input())
print long((cnt[n][0] + cnt[n][1] + cnt[n][2]) % mod)
When I test case with following input:
But when I am using following input:
It is showing an error. What are the other ways I can set size of the 2D list or can overcome this error? By changing the range from(0,4) not giving the error but it is taking very long time.

How to assign binary variable in AMPL in respect to another variable

I have a problem with AMPL modelling. Can you help me how to define a binary variable u that suppose to be equall to 0 when another variable x is also equall to 0 and 1 when x is different than 0?
I was trying to use logical expressions but solver that I am working with (cplex and minos) doesn't allow it.
My idea was:
subject to:
u || x != u && x
Take M a 'big' constant such as x < M holds, and assume x is an integer (or x >= 1 if x is continuous). You can use the two constraints:
u <= x (if x=0, then u=0)
x <= M*u (if x>0, then u=1)
with u a binary variable.
If now x is continuous and not necessarily greater than 1, you will have to adapt the constraints above (for example, the first constraint here would not be verified with x=0.3 and u=1).
The general idea is that you can (in many cases) replace those logical constraints with inequalities, using the fact that if a and b are boolean variables, then the statement "a implies b" can be written as b>=a (if a=1, then b=1).

Turn while loop into math equation?

I have two simple while loops in my program that I feel ought to be math equations, but I'm struggling to convert them:
float a = someValue;
int b = someOtherValue;
int c = 0;
while (a <= -b / 2) {
a += b;
while (a >= b / 2) {
a -= b;
This code works as-is, but I feel it could be simplified into math equations. The idea here being that this code is taking an offset (someValue) and adjusting a coordinate (c) to minimize the distance from the center of a tile (of size someOtherValue). Any help would be appreciated.
It can be proved that the following is correct:
c = floor((a+b/2)/b)
a = a - c*b
Note that floor means round down, towards negative infinity: not towards 0. (E.g. floor(-3.1)=-4. The floor() library functions will do this; just be sure not to just cast to int, which will usually round towards 0 instead.)
Presumably b is strictly positive, because otherwise neither loop will never terminate: adding b will not make a larger and subtracting b will not make a smaller. With that assumption, we can prove that the above code works. (And paranoidgeek's code is also almost correct, except that it uses a cast to int instead of floor.)
Clever way of proving it:
The code adds or subtracts multiples of b from a until a is in [-b/2,b/2), which you can view as adding or subtracting integers from a/b until a/b is in [-1/2,1/2), i.e. until (a/b+1/2) (call it x) is in [0,1). As you are only changing it by integers, the value of x does not change mod 1, i.e. it goes to its remainder mod 1, which is x-floor(x). So the effective number of subtractions you make (which is c) is floor(x).
Tedious way of proving it:
At the end of the first loop, the value of c is the negative of the number of times the loop runs, i.e.:
0 if: a > -b/2 <=> a+b/2 > 0
-1 if: -b/2 ≥ a > -3b/2 <=> 0 ≥ a+b/2 > -b <=> 0 ≥ x > -1
-2 if: -3b/2 ≥ a > -5b/2 <=> -b ≥ a+b/2 > -2b <=> -1 ≥ x > -2 etc.,
where x = (a+b/2)/b, so c is: 0 if x>0 and "ceiling(x)-1" otherwise. If the first loop ran at all, then it was ≤ -b/2 just before the last time the loop was executed, so it is ≤ -b/2+b now, i.e. ≤ b/2. According as whether it is exactly b/2 or not (i.e., whether x when you started was exactly a non-positive integer or not), the second loop runs exactly 1 time or 0, and c is either ceiling(x) or ceiling(x)-1. So that solves it for the case when the first loop did run.
If the first loop didn't run, then the value of c at the end of the second loop is:
0 if: a < b/2 <=> a-b/2 < 0
1 if: b/2 ≤ a < 3b/2 <=> 0 ≤ a-b/2 < b <=> 0 ≤ y < 1
2 if: 3b/2 ≤ a < 5b/2 <=> b ≤ a-b/2 < 2b <=> 1 ≤ y < 2, etc.,
where y = (a-b/2)/b, so c is: 0 if y<0 and 1+floor(y) otherwise. [And a now is certainly < b/2 and ≥ -b/2.]
So you can write an expression for c as:
x = (a+b/2)/b
y = (a-b/2)/b
c = (x≤0)*(ceiling(x) - 1 + (x is integer))
+(y≥0)*(1 + floor(y))
Of course, next you notice that (ceiling(x)-1+(x is integer)) is same as floor(x+1)-1 which is floor(x), and that y is actually x-1, so (1+floor(y))=floor(x), and as for the conditionals:
when x≤0, it cannot be that (y≥0), so c is just the first term which is floor(x),
when 0 < x < 1, neither of the conditions holds, so c is 0,
when 1 ≤ x, then only 0≤y, so c is just the second term which is floor(x) again.
So c = floor(x) in all cases.
c = (int)((a - (b / 2)) / b + 1);
a -= c * b;
Test case at
I think you want something like this:
c = ((int) a + b / 2 * sign(a)) / b
That should match your loops except for certain cases where b is odd because the range from -b/2 to b/2 is smaller than b when b is odd.
Assuming b is positive, abs(c) = floor((abs(a) - b/2) / b). Then, apply sign of a to c.