feeding real time data into aws personalize - amazon-web-services

I want to feed real time data into aws personalize to build a recommendation engine. I've read online resources and in those guides, I could see that the training user-interaction data, user data and item data is provided in the beginning while creating the recommendation engine.
However, I have an app and I will gather data in the app and want to feed those realtime data into aws personalize. I want to know if building the recommendation engine is possible without providing any data at first and then stream real time data from my app later with the putevents, putItem and putUser api from aws-sdk? I'm quite new to this so I'm quite confused with this initial step

I want to know if building the recommendation engine is possible without providing any data at first and then stream real time data from my app later with the putevents, putItem and putUser api from aws-sdk?
Yes, it is possible. You just need to adjust the sequence of creating resources.
Interaction data is required for all Personalize recipes before a recommender can be created that provides recommendations. However, if you don't have interaction data (or enough data; see quotas and limits) to start with, you can create a dataset group and an interactions dataset, feed interactions to the dataset using the PutEvents API (see recording events page), and then create a domain recommender or custom solution when enough data has been ingested.
The minimum amount of interaction data (and potentially item metadata) required before you can train a model/recommender depends on the recipe that you select. Generally speaking, you will need 1000 interactions across 25 distinct users where each of those users has 2+ interactions. The domain recommenders also require specific event types. Check the docs linked above. The quality and relevance of recommendations will improve as you collect more data and retrain.


AWS Personalize - Recommender retraining questions

I'm a new user with AWS Personalize. So, I only have a few questions about recommender retraining below.
Currently, I focus on E-Commerce data set group and use the e-commerce use-case recommender. If I use this; It can't create a campaign right?
If I understand correctly this one is no need to retrain the model right? (If I use recommender above) because I read in many docs, it has only a retraining process when we use only the custom resource and create a campaign right?
So, when I increment the new event data, the recommender will apply the new data directly for recommendations, right? If yes, that means we don't need to focus on the retraining process for the e-commerce use case right? following this docs
that's all from my question.
Currently, I focus on E-Commerce data set group and use the e-commerce use-case recommender. If I use this; It can't create a campaign right?
The recommenders for domain dataset groups automatically manage the inference endpoint for you. So the step of creating a campaign is not necessary. The service handles this.
If I understand correctly this one is no need to retrain the model right? (If I use recommender above) because I read in many docs, it has only a retraining process when we use only the custom resource and create a campaign right?
Correct. Training and retraining is managed by the service for domain recommenders.
So, when I increment the new event data, the recommender will apply the new data directly for recommendations, right? If yes, that means we don't need to focus on the retraining process for the e-commerce use case right?
You can send in new event data two ways. First, an event tracker can be used to incrementally stream in new events. In this case, Personalize will use new events to adjust recommendations in near-real-time to match the user's evolving intent (retraining is not necessary for this). Personalize will also persist those new events in the incremental interactions dataset so they are included in the next retraining.
The other way you can send in new event data is with a bulk import of the interactions dataset. Since bulk imports replace the previous bulk import, your bulk files need to include all interaction history you want to train on and not just new interactions. Bulk imports of the interactions dataset are included in the next retraining.

Data Storage and Analytics on AWS

I have one data analytics requirement on AWS. I have limited knowledge on Big Data processing, but based on my
analysis, I have figured out some options.
The requirement is to collect data by calling a Provider API every 30 mins. (data ingestion)
The data is mainly structured.
This data need to be stored in a storage (S3 data lake or Red Shift.. not sure)and various aggregations/dimensions from this data are to be provided through a REST API.
There is a future requirement to run ML algorithms on the original data and hence the storage need to be decided accordingly. So based on this, can you suggest:
How to ingest data (Lambda to run at a scheduled interval and pull data, store in the storage OR any better way to pull data in AWS)
How to store (store in S3 or RedShift)
Data Analytics (currently some monthly, weekly aggregations), what tools can be used? What tools to use if I am storing data in S3.
Expose the analytics results through an API. (Hope I can use Lambda to query the Analytics engine in the previous step)
Ingestion is simple. If the retrieval is relatively quick, then scheduling an AWS Lambda function is a good idea.
However, all the answers to your other questions really depend upon how you are going to use the data, and then work backwards.
For Storage, Amazon S3 makes sense at least for the initial storage of the retrieved data, but might (or might not) be appropriate for the API and Analytics.
If you are going to provide an API, then you will need to consider how the API code (eg using AWS API Gateway) will need to retrieve the data. For example, is it identical to the blob of data original retrieved, or are there complex transformations required or perhaps combining of data from other locations and time intervals. This will help determine how the data should be stored so that it is easily retrieved.
Data Analytics needs will also drive how your data is stored. Consider whether an SQL database sufficient. If there are millions and billions of rows, you could consider using Amazon Redshift. If the data is kept in Amazon S3, then you might be able to use Amazon Athena. The correct answer depends completely upon how you intend to access and process the data.
Bottom line: Consider first how you will use the data, then determine the most appropriate place to store it. There is no generic answer that we can provide.

Do I need to update item csv in AWS personalize?

I'm trying to use AWS personalize, and following their documents.
So I've uploaded dataset files(interaction, user, item) to S3, then created a solution and a campaign.
And I implemented PutEvents API using java.
GetRecommendations API call works good.
At this moment I'm curious I need to update dataset files, especially item csv.
In general it's done at this point for very basic recommendations.
Since you are using PutEvents call, then all of the real-time events are added to Interactions dataset this way. Interactions datasets created by manual import and by PutEvents calls are separated from themselves. You can actually see them in Personalize Datasets web console.
Still you might want to update dataset files, using dataset import job feature, but it's going to replace your existing dataset. In general I would recommend using it only when:
You just created a fresh/bigger/better dump of your database with Interactions.
You've found, that your previous interactions dataset was invalid.
The schema of dataset changed (pretty much you are forced to do it then).
User or Item dataset changed/improved, it's actually a good idea to refresh it often, so Personalize can produce better recommendations. Keep in mind, that it also requires retraining of the Solution, so the new Items/Users will be included during the recommendations generation.
So for interactions you usually don't want to update dataset. For other datasets it might be a good idea to even create an automatic import mechanism.
Keep in mind, that Items and Users datasets are used only with Personalize Recipes, that support metadata. Otherwise they are simply ignored.

Logstash and looking up additional data from a relational table?

I have mobile app log data being posted daily (eventually it will be a data stream). I am looking at different solutions for processing this log data and providing analytics. I am considering using logstash/elasticsearch/kibana combination, but we have additional data on our users stored in a redshift database. So in addition to the mobile data, I would like to pull in additional data from redshift about the user at the time of interaction with mobile app.
However, I've read in some places that doing an actual database query through logstash isn't feasible, but you can use a dictionary file to do a lookup of each user.
I have two questions regarding this approach
Is there a limit to have large this lookup file can be? Mine would be < 500K records so I'd imagine it would be fine?
Can the process of making the the lookup file from redshift tables be fully automated (ideally though aws services) - i.e. each night the lookup table is refreshed and posted to logstash, and then used for breakouts in Kibana
The way we're currently doing it is processing a daily jason file with a lambda function, posting it to s3 and then reading it into a redshift table. This data is then processed into sessions and joined up with other tables to generate the final dataset to be used for visualization. This is currently done in Tableau but we are exploring other options (such as quicksight, or possibly the ELK stack)
Just trying to figure out what solution is going to be scalable to clickstream data and will be the most useful down the line.
logstash 7 has a jdbc_streaming filter plugin for dynamically adding stuff to your events, as well as the jdbc_static filter for static stuff.
As you found, you can also use the translate filter. The man page says they've tested "very large" datasets up to 100,000 entries, so your dataset may require some testing. The good part about this filter is that it will reload the data when it detects a change, so you can publish the data on your own schedule (e.g. cron) without restarting logstash. Be on the lookout for events that don't get the translated value, which might be a sign that your publishing frequency should be updated.

AWS hosted data storage for storing simple entities

I need to choose data storage for simple system. The main purpose of the system is storing events - simple entities with timestamp, user id and type. No joins. Just single table.
Stored data will be fetched rarely (compared with writes). I expect following read operations:
get latest events for a list of users
get latest events of a type for a list of users
I expect about 0.5-1 million writes a day. Data older than 2 years can be removed.
I'm looking for best fitted service provided by AWS. I wonder if using redshift is like taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut?
For your requirement you can use AWS DynamoDB and also define the TTL values to remove the older items automatically. You get the following advantages.
Fully managed data storage
Able to scale with the need for write throughput (Though it can be costly)
Use sort key with timestamp to query latest items.
I would also like to check the AWS Simple DB as it looks more fit(in a first glance) for your requirements.
Please refer this article which explains some practical user experience.