How can i add cloudfront behavior path pattern which matched by querystring - regex

I want to add cloudfront behavior pattern like below (jpg can replaced various image type eg, gif, png ...)
/original/a/b/c/d/a.jpg?p1=1&p2=2 : match
/original/a/b/c/d/a.jpg : not match
i tried below but not working
how can i do this??
please help me

Path patterns don't support regex or globbing. Also, it doesn't support query.
The path you specify applies to requests for all files in the specified directory and in subdirectories below the specified directory. CloudFront does not consider query strings or cookies when evaluating the path pattern. For example, if an images directory contains product1 and product2 subdirectories, the path pattern images/*.jpg applies to requests for any .jpg file in the images, images/product1, and images/product2 directories. If you want to apply a different cache behavior to the files in the images/product1 directory than the files in the images and images/product2 directories, create a separate cache behavior for images/product1 and move that cache behavior to a position above (before) the cache behavior for the images directory.

From your samples, I think that you want a regex like this:
Since you require a globbing pattern try this:
You can find more about the globing patterns here:


Regex Assistance for replacing filepaths in markdown documents

I migrated my notes from evernote to markdown files with yarle. unfortunately it created me a lot of folders seperatively for the attachments (although I set it up for one folder only).
I moved all attachements to one folder, so the filepath to the attachments in the mardown files needs to be updated.
I think regex would be right for this, but I don't have any knowledge about regex and would be really thankful for help.
Filepaths are as follows:![[./_attachmentsMove/Coordination_Patterns.resources/CoordinationPattern_Ipsi.MOV]]
All filepaths are identical ![[./_attachmentsMove/]] up to this
The second folder varies e.g. Coordination_Patterns.resources/.
I want to delete everything but the filename.extension itself e.g. ![[CoordinationPattern_Ipsi.MOV]].
An example of the other filepaths:
![[./_attachmentsMove/Jonglieren_(Hände).resources/07 Jonglieren.MOV]]
(second folder changes, filename changes, I also have .png and .mov).
I use MassReplaceIt (app for mac) which allows me to replace expressions in documents with regex. If someone has a solution using the terminal/commandline, I'll try this as well of course :)
Try if this regexp suffices:
Replace with empty string.
It should delete the part from the ![[ up to the last / before the next ]].

Do not include certain source files

I have a folder containing all the log files, the filenames are colour-red, colour-green, colour-blue, colour-yellow, etc. I am writing the spl to include all the files except one, e.g. colour-white.
I know the * performs the wildcard search, and [^c] excludes specific character in the bracket. But I don't know how to combine them to exclude a certain word. On the other hand, I am not sure the same regrex rule apply for splunk.
source= "log/colour-*"
source= "log/colour-[^w]"
The desired result of the query is to retrieve all the files, expect colour-white.
Maybe some filters can be applied to retrieve the desired result, but so far the filters I know are for the file contents, not the file names.
You can also use something like this in your search query,
And you can also check the difference between != and NOT at below link to get a more clear info on what to use.
Splunk Answers
The search command (the implicit command before the first |) does not support regex. To exclude something, use NOT.
(source = "log/colour-*" NOT source = "log/colour-w*")

List only files but not directories using list.files

How can I list only files, but not directories using list.files (not recursively)? It has an include.dirs argument, but this is ignored when not being used recursively.
I had been thinking something like
list.files(path=myDir, pattern="[^/]$")
but that doesn't seem to work, or a few variations on it. Is there a regex that I can plug in here or a function. I know I can do list.dirs and take a setdiff, but this is already slow enough, I want this to be quicker.
PS: currently on linux, but need something that works cross-platform.
PPS: is really slow, so I think that is also not going to work.
PPPS: It doesn't need to be list.files, that is just the function I had thought should do it.
Consider this regex pattern that matches any file containing letters or numbers and contains the dot extension (to leave out subdirectories but unfortunately files without extensions):
files <- list.files(path, pattern=("[a-zA-Z0-9]*[.][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"))
files = list.files(myDir, pattern=("[a-zA-Z0-9]*[.]"))
files = list.files(myDir, pattern=("*[.]"))
Some other regex variations to catch files with periods (note these also get directories with periods and miss files with no extensions)
And using system2 with ls seems to work pretty well (thanks #42- as well from comments),
system2("ls", args=c("-al", "|", "grep", "^-"))
should get only regular files (including ones without extensions), or
system2("ls", args=c("--classify"))
should return files with directories having a "/" appended so they can be determined.
For an alternative open-source solution, consider the Python solution that allows you to condition if item is a directory and using os.path.join() is agnostic to any OS platform.
import os
files = [f for f in os.listdir(myDir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(myDir, f))]

give sudo permission to log files on different paths like /a/b1/c.log and /a/b2/d.log etc. files

I need a nice column for Centrify tool which include all the log files under the different folders, for example;
I used this but after the * character user can see all logs;
Which expression I must use.
If I understandy our question correctly, you want only .log files. You can use a positive lookahead to assert that it is indeed a log file (contains .log at the end of filename), and match the filename whatever it is (.*).
Then it's really easy. (?=.*\.log(?:$|\s)).* Of course, you can also add specific folders if you wish to restrict the matches, but the positive lookahead will still do its work. I.e. (?=.*\.log(?:$|\s)).*/scripts/.*
EDIT: As your comment, you only need those folders, so you just specify their filepaths in alternations and add [^.\s\/]*\.log at the end. So:
(?:\/oradata1\/oracle\/admin\/A\/scripts\/rman_logs\/|\/oracle\/oracle\/admin\/B\/scripts\/rman_logs\/|\/oradata2\/admin\/C\/scripts\/logs\/)[^\s.\/]*\.log You may shorten the regex by trying to combine filepath elements, but, imo, not necessary as you might as well specify each filepath individually, if they don't overlap too much.
I have found a global expression.
this is not a good way but it works and save me from lots of job. The main files are under the ....../scripts/rman_logs/ for all servers so I use this way.
I can produce these lines and can be a command group for users so this works good
tail /////scripts/rman_logs/*.log
tail ////scripts/rman_logs/.log
Thanks for your helps.

RegEx to rewrite folder structure of varying length and file name to string

This is the code I'm using, developed with the help of #anubhava to rewrite a path generated by a CGI script to redirect the path from the location of my jpg image files to another folder that contains watermarked image files in the same folder structure organization as the originals, but exclude files that begin with tn_ or AM (plus _category_image.jpg):
RewriteRule ^ImageFolio4_files/1/([^/]+)/((?!AM|tn_)[^.]+\.jpg)$ /ImageFolio4_files/cache/images/~$1~$2 [L,R=302,NC]
The original path of:
And the above RegEx works to properly generate this output:
My CHALLENGE: I need to accommodate a multi-folder structure up to three folders deep underneath the ImageFolio4_files/1/ structure. The current code doesn't accomodate that. I also need to exclude any files named _category_image.jpg which occurs at each of the folder levels beneath ImageFolio4_files/1/ (these files are unique small display icons that appear next to the category names)
I really have no idea how to accomodate the multi-folder structure so your help would be appreciated.
First, change
([^/]+)/ to (([^/]+)/)+
in your expression.
Second, change
(?!AM|tn_) to (?!AM|tn_|_category_image.jpg)
You can use the the negative lookahead (?!) for the whole filename as well, it doesn't eat up characters, just checks if the regex "AM|tn_|_category_image.jpg" matches at the actual position.