I have a field of type date in a table.
enter image description here
enter image description here
apex settings of the field as above. It won't let me change the format. this is the default format. When I query from Sql Workshop, I get the following error.
enter image description here
how can i solve the problem?
Please try out the below code
extract(hour from cast(sysdate as timestamp))
In the above code replace sysdate with your page items
Anyone help me?
"Select List" (name: P2_SHOPS_LIST) that is created with the following SQL
It is necessary "GROUP_ID" because it is PK . But I need edit "SHOP_NAME" value and display to Text Field.
I think I can get the currently displayed SHOP_NAME by combining the above SQL with the selection row number, but is there any way to access this value with No SQL? Like
(This gave me an error XD).
In the context of JavaScript, you can use the following
$('#P2_SHOPS_LIST option:selected').text()
This can be passed through to PL/SQL via a dynamic action, such as on change of your select list.
Or you could set your text item on change via a JS based action, using 'Set Value' and that code as the expression.
JavaScript code to add 60 days automatically to release_date field when enter an date to resignation_date field in Oracle Apex .
I think Damir's suggestion to use a Dynamic Action with PL/SQL is a good one. But if you want a true client-side solution, look into https://date-fns.org/. See the addDays function: https://date-fns.org/v2.8.0/docs/addDays
I have a date field and a interactive grid. I am trying to generate the Interactive grid based on the value inputted in the date field.
I am trying to write the query as below :
select pap.effective_start_date , pap.effective_end_date
from per_all_people_f pap
where :SELECT_DATE between pap.effective_start_date and
Here, SELECT_DATE is the name of the Date field (datatype Date picker). I am writing a dynamic action on Change of Date field, and refreshing the interactive grid region.
But when I change the value in Date field, it doesn't return any rows.
I have done a similar change where my interactive grid was based on a dropdown. There I had to set the "page action on selection" to Submit, and it worked. But here, since it is a Date field, the "Page Action on selection" property doesn't appear on the page .
Can somebody please suggest, how can I achieve this.
You need to explicitly convert your bind variables, which are treated as strings, to dates.
The format mask will come from the application properties, or you can be explicit with that, too.
So I've been working on an application in Oracle Application Express 5, in which I have multiple interactive reports with an update form. I have noticed that when I use aliases in the SQL query of the report, the edit on the report stops working. When I want to edit a row, I just get the blank form for adding a new entry, even though I can see in the URL that the primary key has been sent.
Is this a known issue, and is there any way to make this work?
My column names are partly Croatian abbreviations, so leaving the original column names would be too messy.
Here's an example of my code which works:
select "SIFRA_A_P",
from "#OWNER#"."PJESMA"
Writing it like this
select "SIFRA_A_P" as "ALBUM",
"SIFRA_P" as "ID",
from "#OWNER#"."PJESMA"
makes it stop working properly.
Go on your page where you have the problematic report, go at Report Attributes and in the Link Column section now you have something like this
Name Value
Item 1:P3_SIFRA_A_P Value 1: #SIFRA_A_P#
Item 2:P3_SIFRA_P Value 2: #SIFRA_P#
Change the #SIFRA_A_P# to #ALBUM# and #SIFRA_P# to #ID# in the value column.
include rowid in your select statement.
select rowid,"SIFRA_A_P" as "ALBUM", "SIFRA_P" as "ID", "NAZIV_P" as "TITLE", "CIJENA" as "PRICE" from "#OWNER#"."PJESMA"
I have inserted data in table format in text editor of opencart. But this description is visible in the form of paragraph on front end of the store. How can I display product description in table form. In C:\Xamp\htdocs\opencart-\upload\catalog\view\theme\default\template\product\category.tpl line 102
I am unable to convert this paragraph description into table format. so that the data entered in table format from admin should be displayed in table format not paragraph
if you get the html code of table in front then you need to use
which convert you html tags into its respective.