Tailwindcss prettier plugin only affects css files - ember.js

Ive installed the prettier-plugin-tailwindcss in my emberjs app. It runs and sorts the classes in my css files correctly but it doesnt touch the handlebars files. The standard prettier stuff still works in the handlebar files.
Ive tried adding a twConfig to the .prettierrc as suggested in the docs but that was unrecognised.
I'd really like to use this plugin but I need to support the handlebars files. Please let me know if anyone has any ideas on how I could solve this.
Here's my current prettierrc.yaml
# We use pretty much all defaults from Prettier https://prettier.io/docs/en/options.html
# We prefer single quotes to align with our internal RECONZ styleguide
singleQuote: true
twConfig: 'app/tailwind/config.js' // adding this throws this error below
// [warn] Ignored unknown option { twConfig: "app/tailwind/config.js" }.
- files: '*.hbs'
parser: 'glimmer'
# The Ember community uses single quotes in JS & double in templates
singleQuote: false
These are the versions I have installed:
"prettier": "^2.6.0",
"prettier-plugin-tailwindcss": "^0.1.11",
yarn: v1.22.17
UPDATE: the issue seems to be the parser which is set to glimmer When I tried with html instead the plugin worked but unfortunately I need to keep the parser as glimmer because html also causes some unwanted effects. Is there another option I could use?


How to load local CSS with react-styleguidist 7 and Webpack 4

I want to load local 3rd party css (eg font-awesome icons) as part of my styleguide. As many components uses the same CSS, I want it to be loaded automatically and included as part of the static build.
I settled on using mini-css-extract-plugin to accompolish this, but styleguidist maintainer #sapegin basically told me that I have no idea what I am doing and stop complaining to him without providing any help. So I was hoping the stack-overflow community would give me a hand in pointing out what is the correct way:
styleguidist discussion: https://github.com/styleguidist/react-styleguidist/pull/985#issuecomment-389422909
My github repo demonstrating the three ways of doing it:
master: uses mini-css-extract-plugin + require config, build and devserver works as expected.
require: I couldn't get it to work without mini-css-extract-plugin
template: devserver works, but build does not. The only workwaround I can think of is to use publicPath and copy the css there, but publicPath isn't allowed unless you dangerouslyupdatewebpackconfig https://github.com/styleguidist/react-styleguidist/pull/956

How to highlight code in hbs template?

I want to introduce into my project some code to be highlighted on certain pages (like index.hbs) I've searched for libraries that can do this and found tools like highlight.js, but I was unable to use it in my ember project. Can anyone explain how to import a custom library like highlight.js or can someone give me a recomandation for a tool. I've tried to use this tool: ember-cli-eg-code-highlight, but it is not specified how to use it. Ok I have installed it, pasted the {{highlight-js code=file lang=language hasLineNumbers=hasLineNumbers}} in my index.hbs, but it does not work. Also the ENV.emberHighlightJs: { style: 'arta' };I have no ideea where to put it. Tried to put it inember-cli-build.js but it is not working.
I have found also markdown-code-highlighting. But I am lost at this step: "In your Brocfile you'll need to import the CSS styling you want for the highlighter. " So where exactly is my brocfile in my ember project?
Did you restart ember server ?
You can find example of using ember-cli-eg-code-highlight here: https://github.com/EmberGrep/ember-cli-eg-code-highlight/blob/master/tests/dummy/app/templates/application.hbs
But it looks like addon is buggy. So it worth to check this PR https://github.com/EmberGrep/ember-cli-eg-code-highlight/pull/9
P.S. about brocfile -- now it names as ember-cli-build.js at the root of project

How to compile project's CSS files into one file

By default ember-cli seems to be set up not to compile css files into one (as it does with the JS files).
What is the best way to configure ember-cli to merge all files in app/styles (and subdirectories) into one app.css file (and then fingerprint etc)? Is this possible via the Brocfile or do I need to override EmberApp.styles()?
Update: As far as I can see there are the following (not very elegant) options:
1) Using SASS and #import the CSS files into app.scss individually. The downside of this is that I need to use an extra plugin (SASS) and that SASS does not seem to allow for globbing patterns in #import (e.g. #import('**/*.scss')), which makes this solution cumbersome for big projects.
2) Overriding EmberApp.styles() such that it does not copy the CSS files (this is currently being done by a wrapper around broccoli-static-compiler) and configuring Broccoli such that it concatenates the css files into app.css. This solution seems a bit hacky though and there is a risk of incompatibility with newer versions of ember-cli.
3) Workaround: Use broccoli-funnel and broccoli-concat to do the concatenation yourself.
In Brocfile.js:
var appTree = app.toTree()
var concatenated = concat(appTree, {
inputFiles: [
outputFile: '/assets/app.css',
module.exports = mergeTrees([appTree, concatenated], { overwrite: true });
This will create a new app.css with all our concatenated CSS in /assets/app.css.However, this file not fingerprinted. Our assets directory now looks something like this:
So a - admittedly hacky - second step is to 1) get the filename of the fingerprinted app-<fingerprint>.css, 2) delete app-<fingerprint>.css and 3) rename app.css to app-<fingerprint>.css. This last step can be automated using Grunt or gulp.
Personally, I think SCSS would be the way to go. It is the simplest solution and there are other advantages to using SCSS besides importing things into one file (variables for repeated patterns, for example).
In addition, manually adding files allows the developer to configure exactly where each piece of code is included. I don't see that as a con, but I can understand the other point of view and I've definitely spent 5m trying to figure out why my styles weren't being applied until I realized it was because I didn't include a new style file.
Edit: There are some node-sass globbing solutions available that could probably be added if that is a big show stopper.

Ember-cli-compass-compiler: how to override the default options?

I'm using ember-cli-compass-compiler right now, it works well if only compass used, but I also want to use some plugins, such as Susy. I don't know how to require plugins with compass.
I've try to read the source code, founded it has a option object and includes require: sass-CSS-importer by default, but how to override/extend this option? What code should I put in Broccoli.js file?
Thanks for helping.
Finally I figure this out by myself, in case of someone needs help, I put my solution at here:
Open Brocfile.js and find this line:
var app = new EmberApp();
then, change it to:
var app = new EmberApp({
compassOptions: {
require: ['sass-css-importer', 'susy']
this assumes you want to use Susy as well as me, and of course you can override other options like above.
BTW, if you use sass syntax checker, e.g. syntastic in vim, #import "susy"; will rise an error about load path problem. Before using Ember-CLI, I use a config.rb as compass's configurations, so sass knows about require "susy" is a dependency should be concerned about. But now we no longer have config.rb file anymore, fortunately you can let sass knows required gem(s) by passing -r GEM_NAME to passing the syntax checker. For case of syntastic, you can simply put this line in your .vimrc file:
let g:syntastic_scss_sass_args = "-r sass-css-importer -r susy"

How can I consume handlebars command-line generated templates with Ember?

I'm using precompiled templates for several reasons:
Performance (no need to re-compile at runtime)
Code separation (cleaner than embedding <script> tags and hardcoding in JS)
Content security policy (this is for an extension).
Basically, I'm generating templates.js via the handlebars command line utility, based on several template.handlebars files. Next I try to bring these templates into Ember with the following loop:
for (var name in Handlebars.templates) {
var template = Handlebars.templates[name];
Ember.TEMPLATES[name] = template;
The result is weird: text seems to be loaded, but many template features (eg. {{outlet}}) don't work. I suspect that this is because Handlebars and Ember-Handlebars are not the same thing.
I guess there are two options (and questions):
Precompile Ember-friendly templates (how can I do this via a command line?)
Properly import Handlebars templates into Ember (how?)
UPDATE: As per the answer, Ember.Handlebars is not the same as Handlebars, so the precompilation is different. Wrote a simple script to precompile for Ember: https://gist.github.com/3723927
Yes, the plain Handlebars compiler compiles to different JavaScript than Ember.Handlebars, so you cannot consume its output with Ember.
I don't know of a way to run Ember.Handlebars through the command line, though it should be possible in principle to write something.
To find out how to precompile with Ember.Handlebars, take a look at the source code of ember-rails - it supports precompilation.