How to make an array of a composed type in Crystal? - crystal-lang

I was trying
class Output
alias Type = String | Array(Output) | Hash(Symbol, Output)
getter raw
def initialize(#raw : Type)
hash ={ :a =>"1") })
array =[hash.raw])

Type includes Array(Output) so I needed to pass the output and not the raw type:
array =[hash])


What is the difference between JSON::Any and JSON::Type in Crystal?

In Crystal language, what is the difference between JSON::Any and JSON::Type? What are the use cases of this types?
JSON::Any is a struct, which is returned as a result of parsing. It has convenient methods to access underlying data as_s, as_bool, as_f etc. :
obj = JSON.parse %({"access": true})
p obj.class # => JSON::Any
p obj["access"] # => true
p obj["access"].class # => JSON::Any
JSON::Type is an union type of all possible json types. It is used internally by JSON::Any struct to represent the data:
p obj.raw # => {"access" => true}
p obj.raw.class # => Hash(String, JSON::Type)
JSON::Type is a recursively-defined "alias":
alias Type = Nil | Bool | Int64 | Float64 | String | Array(Type) | Hash(String, Type)
Aliases are part of Crystal's type grammar. For details, see
JSON::Any is a Struct (Struct < Value < Object); an instance of JSON::Any holds the "raw" value of any JSON type:
cr(0.24.1) >"hi")
=> "hi"
icr(0.24.1) > x
=> "hi"
icr(0.24.1) > x.raw
=> "hi"

Nested hash generation error

Given the following code:
require "big"
alias Type = Nil | String | Bool | Int32 | BigFloat | Array(Type) | Hash(String | Symbol, Type)
alias HOpts = Hash(String | Symbol, Type)
ctx =
ctx["test_int"] = 1
ctx["test_s"] = "hello"
c1 = Hash(String, Type).new
ctx["stuff"] = c1
ctx["stuff"]["foo"] = { "bar" => 1 }
I get:
Error in instantiating 'Hash(String | Symbol, Type)#[]=(String, Hash(String, Type))'
ctx["stuff"] = c1
in /opt/crystal/src/ instantiating 'insert_in_bucket(Int32, String, Hash(String, Type))'
entry = insert_in_bucket index, key, value
in /opt/crystal/src/ instantiating 'Hash::Entry(String | Symbol, Type)#value=(Hash(String, Type))'
entry.value = value
in /opt/crystal/src/ expanding macro
property value : V
in macro 'property' expanded macro: macro_83313872:567, line 10:
4. #value : V
6. def value : V
7. #value
8. end
> 10. def value=(#value : V)
11. end
instance variable '#value' of Hash::Entry(String | Symbol, Type) must be Type, not Hash(String, Type)
I would expect to be able to create any kind of nested hash but it does not work.
There's a couple of things wrong here.
The type of c1 is Hash(String, Type) which is not one of the types of the Type union. Hash(String, Type) is not compatible with Hash(String | Symbol, Type).
Either include Hash(String, Type) in the Type union, or give c1 the type Hash(String | Symbol, Type) (i.e. HOpts):
c1 =
You will also have another error on this line of code:
ctx["stuff"]["foo"] = { "bar" => 1 }
ctx["stuff"] will return an object of type Type and not a hash as you expect. If you know for certain that ctx["stuff"] is a hash (which we do from this example) then you need to restrict its type. Also { "bar" => 1 } is of type Hash(String, Int32) and not Hash(String, Type), so you need to specify this too:
ctx["stuff"].as(HOpts)["foo"] = HOpts{ "bar" => 1 }

Generic Hashes as arguments?

I'm trying to implement a class which accepts a generic payload and then converts it to JSON:
require "json"
class Response
alias Payload = Hash(Symbol | String, String | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | Nil)
#payload : Payload
def initialize(#payload, #method : String = "sendMessage")
def to_json
#payload.merge({"method" => #method}).to_json
"chat_id" => update.message.not_nil!,
"text" => "Crystal is awesome but complicated",
But I get instance variable '#payload' of Response must be Hash(String | Symbol, Bool | Float32 | Float64 | Int32 | Int64 | String | Nil), not Hash(String, Int64 | String) compiler error. How can I overcome this? Does Crystal support generic Hashes? Why it can't convert even if types overlap?
The Response is a part of a shard, so I don't know which hashes would be passed as arguments, but Payload has to be enough.
Your payload hash is of type Hash(String, Int32 | String):
"chat_id" => update.message.not_nil!,
"text" => "Crystal is awesome but complicated",
}) # => Hash(String, Int32 | String)
But the constructor expects a Hash(Symbol | String, String | Bool | Int32 | Int64 | Float32 | Float64 | Nil).
These are diffferent types and cannot be magically casted. You'll need to ensure your payload has the correct type.
One way to do this is to explicitly declare the type of the hash literal:
"chat_id" => update.message.not_nil!,
"text" => "Crystal is awesome but complicated",
This is of course not great, but depending on your usecase it might be sufficient.
If you want to have a general interface that allows to receive any type of hash, you'll need to cast it to the Payload type. This means copying the data into a new hash of that type:
def, method : String = "sendMessage")
payload =
hash.each do |key, value|
payload[key] = value
new(payload, method)
For a real-world example, I am using this approach in Crinja to convert a number of different type variations to the matching ones.

Spark - remove special characters from rows Dataframe with different column types

Assuming I've a Dataframe with many columns, some are type string others type int and others type map.
field/columns types: stringType|intType|mapType<string,int>|...
| myString1 |myInt1| myMap1 |...
|"this_is_#string"| 123 |{"str11_in#map":1,"str21_in#map":2, "str31_in#map": 31}|...
|"this_is_#string"| 456 |{"str12_in#map":1,"str22_in#map":2, "str32_in#map": 32}|...
|"this_is_#string"| 789 |{"str13_in#map":1,"str23_in#map":2, "str33_in#map": 33}|...
I want to remove some characters like '_' and '#' from all columns of String and Map type
so the result Dataframe/RDD will be:
|myString1 |myInt1| myMap1|... |
|"thisisstring"| 123 |{"str11inmap":1,"str21inmap":2, "str31inmap": 31}|...
|"thisisstring"| 456 |{"str12inmap":1,"str22inmap":2, "str32inmap": 32}|...
|"thisisstring"| 789 |{"str13inmap":1,"str23inmap":2, "str33inmap": 33}|...
I am not sure if it's better to convert the Dataframe into an RDD and work with it or perform the work in the Dataframe.
Also, not sure how to handle the regexp with different column types in the best way (I am sing scala).
And I would like to perform this action for all column of these two types (string and map), trying to avoid using the column names like:
def cleanRows(mytabledata: DataFrame): RDD[String] = {
//this will do the work for a specific column (myString1) of type string
val oneColumn_clean = mytabledata.withColumn("myString1", regexp_replace(col("myString1"),"[_#]",""))
//return type can be RDD or Dataframe...
Is there any simple solution to perform this?
One option is to define two udfs to handle string type column and Map type column separately:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
val df = Seq(("this_is#string", 3, Map("str1_in#map" -> 3))).toDF("myString", "myInt", "myMap")
| myString|myInt| myMap|
|this_is#string| 3|Map(str1_in#map -...|
1) Udf to handle string type columns:
def remove_string: String => String = _.replaceAll("[_#]", "")
def remove_string_udf = udf(remove_string)
2) Udf to handle Map type columns:
def remove_map: Map[String, Int] => Map[String, Int] ={ case (k, v) => k.replaceAll("[_#]", "") -> v }
def remove_map_udf = udf(remove_map)
3) Apply udfs to corresponding columns to clean it up:
df.withColumn("myString", remove_string_udf($"myString")).
withColumn("myMap", remove_map_udf($"myMap")).show
| myString|myInt| myMap|
|thisisstring| 3|Map(str1inmap -> 3)|

How to render list in elm?

I have a hard time to render List of custom types within the view function.
This is the model:
type alias Guid = String
type alias User = String
type alias TaxonomyCategory =
{ id : Guid
, name: String
, updatedAt: Date
, updatedBy: User
, terms: List TaxonomyTerm
type TaxonomyTerm =
{ id : Guid
, name: String
, terms: List TaxonomyTerm
I tried several approaches with function but I always ended up with some kind of error message.
The 2nd argument to function `ul` is causing a mismatch.
120| ul
121| []
122|> [ renderTaxonomyTerm tc.terms ]
Function `ul` is expecting the 2nd argument to be:
List (VirtualDom.Node a)
But it is:
List (List (Html a))
The second parameter of ul should be a list of Html elements. Your second value contains a list within a list since you surrounded it with brackets. Changing it to this should fix your problem:
( renderTaxonomyTerm tc.terms)
For using ul see previous answer. Thanks to Chad.
I have an addition. You can't create recursive records. You should create structure like type TaxonomyTerm = TaxonomyTerm Guid String (List TaxonomyTerm).