How can I save only certain pages in SetAPDF-Formfiller - setapdf

I have 3 page PDF form which I fill with a SetaPDF formfiller. The values are taken from a database and based on some values 2nd or 3rd page of the document should be "disabled" in some cases thus not needed in resulting filled document.
How can I make SetaPDF to save only certain pages?
does not accept any parameters that define page numbers I want to have in resulting document.
Delete pages method could help me to get the expected result however I cannot make it work.

A solution with only the SetaPDF-FormFiller component is only possible if you have control about the original document and if you flatten all form fields after filling them!
It will look like following:
require_once 'library/SetaPDF/Autoload.php';
$writer = new SetaPDF_Core_Writer_File('result.pdf');
$document = SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename('701201_20220620_175952.pdf', $writer);
$formFiller = new SetaPDF_FormFiller($document);
$fields = $formFiller->getFields();
// ...fill fields
$pages = $document->getCatalog()->getPages();
ATTENTION: Use this method with care! If you e.g. do not flatten the fields, internally all other form fields and their related pages will be kept internally because they are still referenced. The resulting document may look good but its internal structure would be messed.
If you want to keep the form fields and you don't want to care about the internal structure yourself you have to go with the SetaPDF-Merger component. It will keep the internal structure of the PDF document intact and clean:
require_once 'library/SetaPDF/Autoload.php';
$writer = new SetaPDF_Core_Writer_File('result.pdf');
$document = SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename('701201_20220620_175952.pdf');
$formFiller = new SetaPDF_FormFiller($document);
$fields = $formFiller->getFields();
//...fill fields
$merger = new SetaPDF_Merger();
$merger->addDocument($document, 1); // only page 1
$resDocument = $merger->getDocument();


Drupal 8, get programmatically the list of fields of a custom content

I want create programmatically a custom content (custom content created via the admin UI). But, before the creation, I want check programmatically the types of fields of my custom content
My custom content contains a field "body" (type text), a field "description" (type text), an int field (type int), an attached file field (type fid ?)...
I test several ways with the new api of Drupal 8, my last try..
// I get the entity object "my_custom_content"
$entity_object = NodeType::load("my_custom_content");
dpm($entity_object); //Work perfectly
$test = \Drupal::getContainer()->get("entity_field.manager")->getFieldDefinitions("my_custom_content",$entity_object->bundle())
//The \Drupal::getConta... Return an error : The "my_custom_content" entity type does not exist.
With this $entity_object, how can I get the list of the fields of my custom content ?
I see the EntityFieldManager Class, the FieldItemList Class...But I still do not understand how to play with drupal 8 / class / poo ... :/
Thanks !
NodeType is the (config) bundle entity for the Node (content) entity.
The correct call would be:
\Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getFieldDefinitions('node', 'my_custom_content');
To get the field definitions of any entity_type use the following structure:
\Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getFieldDefinitions(ENTITY_TYPE_ID, BUNDLE_ID);
For example, if you want to get all the field definitions of a paragraph bundle with the id multy_purpose_link then replace ENTITY_TYPE_ID with paragraph and BUNDLE_ID with multy_purpose_link
\Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getFieldDefinitions('paragraph', 'multy_purpose_link');
The given answers are deprecated. You should now load the entity and just use getFieldDefinitions() to fetch the field definitions.
$node = Node::load($slide_id);
$field_defs = $node->getFieldDefinitions();
$field_defs = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getFieldDefinitions('taxonomy_term', '<taxonomy machine name here>');
If you want to get the list of field_definitions for a taxonomy vocabulary
If the entity type does not have a bundle, for example the user entity.
Try this:
// All user fields and ones added
$user_fields = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getFieldDefinitions('user','user');
// Just default
$default_user_fields = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')->getFieldDefinitions('user', NULL);

Doctrine paginator

I'm running into a problem with the Doctrine Paginator.
In my repository I have a function to retrieve a specific dataset.
I use the querybuilder for this:
In order to select only specific fields I use the following:
if (count($selectFields) > 0) {
foreach ($selectFields as $selectField) {
$qb->addSelect($alias . '.' . $selectField);
This works fine when I retrieve the whole set like this:
$query = $qb->getQuery();
$data = $query->getResult(AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
But it fails when I use the paginator:
$paginator = new Paginator($qb, $fetchJoinCollection = false);
$total = $paginator->count(),
$data = $paginator->getQuery()->getResult(AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY)
I get the error:
Not all identifier properties can be found in the ResultSetMapping:
Question: Why does the paginator fail when I select only specific fields?
Am I overlooking something? Or am I doing it wrong all together?
i am using this solution.
add use statements
use Zend\Paginator\Paginator;
use DoctrineORMModule\Paginator\Adapter\DoctrinePaginator as DoctrineAdapter;
use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator as ORMPaginator;
in your action
$viewModel = new ViewModel();
$entityManager = $this->getServiceLocator()
$queryBuilder = $entityManager
$queryBuilder->add('select', new Expr\Select(array('', '')));
$queryBuilder->add('from', 'Application\Entity\Table t');
$adapter = new DoctrineAdapter(
new ORMPaginator(
$paginator = new Paginator($adapter);
$page = (int)$this->params()->fromQuery('page');
if($page) $paginator->setCurrentPageNumber($page);
$viewModel->results = $paginator;
return $viewModel;
Doctrine is trying to hydrate a relationship outlined by your YAML file, using a field that doesn't exist because you've excluded it from your SELECT statement. Take a look at your mapping file to figure out what you need to add back in.
I would think that it's only complaining with the Paginator because the field is not being accessed (and therefore not being lazy-loaded) when you don't use the Paginator.
As an aside (and with zero understanding of your stack, so YMMV) I would avoid making a habit of SELECTing reduced result sets, as you'll find yourself running into odd issues like this all the time. If you do need extra performance, you'd be better off putting a good old caching layer in place...

output variable stored in database

I'm storing the page content in a database table. The page content also includes some CF variables (for example "...this vendor provides services to #VARIABLES.vendorLocale#").
VARIABLES.vendorLocal is set on the page based on a URL string.
Next a CFC is accessed to get the corresponding page text from the database.
And this is then output on the page: #qryPageContent.c_content#
But #VARIABLES.vendorLocale# is showing up as is, not as the actual variable. Is there anyway to get a "variable within a variable" to be output correctly?
This is on a CF9 server.
If you have a string i.e.
variables.vendorLocal = 'foo';
variables.saveMe = 'This is a string for supplier "#variables.vendorLocal#'"' ;
WriteOutput(variables.saveMe); // This is a string for locale "foo"
then coldfusion will attempt to parse that to insert whatever variable variables.vendorLocale is. To get around this, you can use a placeholder string that is not likely to be used elsewhere. Commonly you'll see [[NAME]] used for this purpose, so in this example
variables.saveMe = 'This is a string for supplier "[[VENDORLOCALE]]'"' ;
WriteOutput(variables.saveMe); // This is a string for supplier "[[VENDORLOCALE]]"
Now you've got that you can then later on replace it for your value
variables.vendorLocal = 'bar';
variables.loadedString = Replace(variables.saveMe,'[[VENDORLOCALE]]',variables.vendorLocal);
WriteOutput(variables.loadedString); // This is a string for locale "bar"
I hope this is of help
There are lots of reasons storing code itself in the database is a bad idea, but that's not your question, so I won't go into that. One way to accomplish what you want is to take the code you have stored as as string, write a temporary file, include that file in the page, then delete that temporary file. For instance, here's a little UDF that implements that concept:
function dynamicInclude(cfmlcode){
var pathToInclude = createUUID() & ".cfm";
var pathToWrite = expandPath(pathToInclude);
include pathToInclude;
language = "CFML";
somecfml = "This has some <b>#language#</b> in it";

sitecore query items by client url

I am looking for a quick and dirty way to query the layouts files of a particular page by its friendly url. This is probably easy, but I can't find the solution.
Basically I want to say something like the following. Pseudo-code:
var mainpage = Sitecore.EasyQueryUtility.GetItemByFriendlyUrl(requestedUrl);
var mainpage = Sitecore.EasyQueryUtility.GetOppositeOfFriendlyUrl(friendlyurl);
It sounds like you want to do two things here:
Determine an item based on its rendered URL in the address bar (i.e. friendly URL)
Determine the layout being used by the item once you determine the item.
If those are correct, hopefully this can help you out:
Note: untested code I did on-the-fly
// if you have the full URL with protocol and host
public static Item GetItemFromUrl(string url)
string path = new Uri(url).PathAndQuery;
return GetItemFromPath(path);
// if you have just the path after the hostname
public static Item GetItemFromPath(string path)
// remove query string
path = path.split('?')[0];
path = path.Replace(".aspx", "");
return Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(path);
Once you have the item you can get the layout's name like so:
Or the layout's physical file path to the ASPX:
If you want to get the path of the aspx file which is used for the layout of your page, you can use:
I may have misunderstood you but if you want to control the format of friendly URLs you can set several attributes via the Sitecore.Links.UrlOptions class and pass an instance of this in to the link manager. See here for more details. (Note - the LinkManager class is only available from SiteCore 6 I beleive).
The code you would end up with looks like this:
Sitecore.Links.UrlOptions urlOptions = (Sitecore.Links.UrlOptions)Sitecore.Links.UrlOptions.DefaultOptions.Clone();
urlOptions.SiteResolving = Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.Rendering.SiteResolving;
string url = Sitecore.Links.LinkManager.GetItemUrl(item, urlOptions);
You can then set fields like AddAspxExtension on the urlOptions you pass in.
As you can see, the process is reliant on you passing in an item - whether it be obtained via the current context or retrieved from the URL you start off with.
If you were asking about obtaining the layout definition item, take a look at this which shows you how.

Adding a search box to filter a list of results in Symfony?

I need to put a search box within a list of objects as a result of a typical indexSuccess action in Symfony. The goal is simple: filter the list according to a criteria.
I've been reading the Zend Lucene approach in Jobeet tutorial, but it seems like using a sledge-hammer to crack a nut (at least for my requirements).
I'm more interested in the auto-generated admin filter forms but I don't know how to implement it in a frontend.
I could simply pass the search box content to the action and build a custom query, but is there any better way to do this?
I forgot to mention that I would like to have a single generic input field instead of an input field for each model attribute.
I'm using this solution, instead of integrating Zend Lucene I manage to use the autogenerated Symonfy's filters. This is the way i'm doing it:
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
//set the form filter
$this->searchForm = new EmployeeFormFilter();
//bind it empty to fetch all data
//fetch all
$this->employees = $this->searchForm->getQuery()->execute();
I made a search action which does the search
public function executeSearch(sfWebRequest $request)
//create filter
$this->searchForm = new EmployeeFormFilter();
//bind parameter
$fields = $request->getParameter($this->searchForm->getName());
//set paginator
$this->employees = $this->searchForm->getQuery()->execute();
It's important that the search form goes to mymodule/search action.
Actually, i'm also using the sfDoctrinePager for paginate setting directly the query that the form generate to get results properly paginated.
If you want to add more fields to the search form check this :)
I finally made a custom form using the default MyModuleForm generated by Symfony
public function executeIndex {
// Add a form to filter results
$this->form = new MyModuleForm();
but displaying only a custom field:
<div id="search_box">
<input type="text" name="criteria" id="search_box_criteria" value="Search..." />
<?php echo link_to('Search', '#my_module_search?criteria=') ?>
Then I created a route named #my_module_search linked to the index action:
url: my_module/search/:criteria
param: { module: my_module, action: index }
requirements: { criteria: .* } # Terms are optional, show all by default
With Javascript (jQuery in this case) I append the text entered to the criteria parameter in the href attribute of the link:
$('#search_box a').click(function(){
$(this).attr('href', $(this).attr('href') + $(this).prev().val());
And finally, back to the executeIndex action, I detect if text was entered and add custom filters to the DoctrineQuery object:
public function executeIndex {
// Deal with search criteria
if ( $text = $request->getParameter('criteria') ) {
$query = $this->pager->getQuery()
->where(" LIKE ?", "%$text%")
->orWhere("MyTable.remarks LIKE ?", "%$text%")
// Add a form to filter results
$this->form = new MyModuleForm();
Actually, the code is more complex, because I wrote some partials and some methods in parent classes to reuse code. But this is the best I can came up with.