Regex lookahead with unknown number of spaces - regex

I am trying to capture a string that can contain any character but must always be followed by ';'
I want to capture it and trim the white space around it. I've tried using positive lookahead but that does not seem to exclude the whitespace.
this is a match ;
this is not a match
"this is a match " gets captured with trailing white space behind.
expected result:
"this is a match" (without whitespace)

You have to make sure the first and the last characters of your match are not spaces. Thus we use the non-whitespace character match (\S) before and after the all character match (.*). As spaces might be optional, the any character match (.) must be optional, thus we use * instead of +.
If the string can start with space use .*\S(?=\s*;).
Thanks to #CarySwoveland for improving the answer.

You can match
provided the regex engine supports negative lookbehinds.
Note that this returns an empty string if the string is " ;".

You can make the dot non greedy and start the match with a non whitespace character:
Regex demo
If the non whitespace character itself should also not be a semicolon:


Regex to capture a single character that does not capture all words starting with it

I cannot make a regex that only captures a trailing space or N of spaces, followed by a single letter s.
Works but breaks when you start to stress test it, for example it greedily captures words beginning with s.
word s word s
word s
word suffering
word spaces
word s some ss spaces
there's something wrong
words S s
If you want a single letter s to be captured, as opposed to an s at the beginning of a longer word, you need to specify a word break \b after s:
Demo on regex101
If you for example do not want to match in s# you can also assert a whitespace boundary to the right.
Note that for a match only, you can omit all the capture groups, and using (s){1,1} is the same as (s){1} which by itself can be omitted and would leave just s
Regex demo
As \s can also match a newline, if you want to match spaces without newlines:
Regex demo

Regex match last word in string ending in

I want to regex match the last word in a string where the string ends in ... The match should be the word preceding the ...
Example: "Do not match this. This sentence ends in the last word..."
The match would be word. This gets close: \b\s+([^.]*). However, I don't know how to make it work with only matching ... at the end.
This should NOT match: "Do not match this. This sentence ends in the last word."
If you use \s+ it means there must be at least a single whitespace char preceding so in that case it will not match word... only.
If you want to use the negated character class, you could also use
( Capture group 1
[^\s.]+ Match 1+ times any char except a whitespace char or dot
) Close group
\.{3} Match 3 dots
$ End of string
Regex demo
You can anchor your regex to the end with $. To match a literal period you will need to escape it as it otherwise is a meta-character:
\S matches everything everything but space-like characters, it depends on your regex flavor what it exactly matches, but usually it excludes spaces, tabs, newlines and a set of unicode spaces.
You can play around with it here:

Unmatch complete words if a negative lookahead is satisfied

I need to match only those words which doesn't have special characters like # and :.
For example: shouldn't match
list should return a valid match
show should also return a valid match
I tried it using a negative lookahead \w+(?![#:])
But it matches gi out of but it shouldn't match that too.
You may add \w to the lookahead:
The equivalent is using a word boundary:
Besides, you may consider adding a left-hand boundary to avoid matching words inside non-word non-whitespace chunks of text:
The ^ will match the word at the start of the string and (?<!S) will match only if the word is preceded with whitespace or start of string.
See the regex demo.
Why not (?<!\S)\w+(?!\S), the whitespace boundaries? Because since you are building a lexer, you most probably have to deal with natural language sentences where words are likely to be followed with punctuation, and the (?!\S) negative lookahead would make the \w+ match only when it is followed with whitespace or at the end of the string.
You can use negative lookbehind and negative lookahead patterns around a word pattern to make sure that the word is not preceded or followed by a non-space character, or in other words, to make sure that it is surrounded by either a space or a string boundary:

RegEx: don't capture match, but capture after match

There are a thousand regular expression questions on SO, so I apologize if this is already covered. I did look first.
I have string:
Name Subname 11X22 88X620 AB33(20) YA5619 77,66
I need to capture this string: YA5619
What I am doing is just finding AB33(20) and after this I am capturing until first white space. But AB33(20) can be AB-33(20) or AB33(-20) or AB33(-1).
My preg_match regex is: (?<=\bAB\d{2}\(\d{2}\)\s).+?(?=\s)
Why I am getting error when I change from \d{2} to \d+?
For final result I was thinking this regix will work but no:
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
With most regex flavors, lookbehind needs to evaluate to a fixed-length sequence, so you can't use variable quantifiers like * or + or even {1,2}.
Instead of using lookaround, you can simply match your marker pattern and then forget it with \K.
AB-?\d+(?:\(-?\d+\))? \K[^ ]+
It depends on the language. If it is in .NET for example, it matches due to the various length in the lookbehind.
Another solution might be to use a character class and add the character you would allow to match. Then match a whitespace character and capture in a group matching \S+ which matches 1+ times not a whitespace character.
\bAB Match literally prepended with word boundary to prevent AB being part of a larger match.
[()\d-]+ Match 1+ times any of the listed character in the character class
\s Match a whitespace char (or \s+ to match 1 or more)
\K Reset the starting point of the reported match( Forget what was matched)
\S+ Match in a group 1+ times not a whitespace character
Regex demo | Php demo

Find slash that are NOT followed by non word character

I am trying to write a regex for finding slashes only that are not followed by special characters.
For example, if the string is,
/PErs/#loc/g/2, then I regex should find slashes (/) that are before P, g and 2. It should not return slash before # as # is a special character.
I could write \/\w but it is returning me /P, /g and /2.
Simplest one by using word boundary \b.
\b matches between a word character and a non-word character.
You want to use the lookahead operator.
Positive lookahead or detect if something is present after (ahead)
Try this regex instead:
We use here the positive lookahead operator (?=). It will "detect" the position of a given expression but won't match the expression.
Negative lookahead or detect if something is NOT present after (ahead)
Alternatively, you can also use the negative look ahead operator (?!).
Negative lookahead with multiple special characters
This will match any / NOT followed by #. If you have more special characters, simply add them to the character class.
For example, if # and % were special characters, the regular expression above would become:
Matching slashes NOT followed by NON word character is not the same than followed by word character.
Have a try with:
This matches slashes NOT followed by NON word character
It matches the final slash in string: PErs/