g++ cross compile to windows from linux - c++

Im trying to cross compile a c++ application to windows from linux. I want to be able to use the normal g++ compiler as I have always used.
I tried looking online for help on this issue and found only mingw or clang stuff or stuff with a long complex setup.
Is there like a one line command I can use like g++ -windows to get it to build a windows executable right there. My code doesnt use any windows libaries so should compile just fine.
Thanks for the help.

Is really not that hard. The only thing you need to do is install g++-mingw-w64 with:
sudo apt install g++-mingw-w64 -y
After that, the only thing you need to do is compile with:
x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ hello.c -o hello.exe
That is going to give you a 64-bit executable for windows that just runs. That's how I do it and I haven't had any problems.
If you want a 32-bit executable just do:
i686-w64-mingw32-g++ hello.c -o hello.exe


Can you install winegcc/wineg++ on Mac OS?

I am writing a c++ program specifically for Windows operating system. However, I am writing it on a Mac OS. I know it seems counter productive, but I have my reasons that would take the next paragraph to explain. What I want is to be able to compile it on my Mac, and turn it into a .exe file, but I won't be running it on a Mac. I'll be running it on a Windows machine. The header that I want to use, but I obviously have problems with is windows.h. Using the standard g++ on a Mac I am unable to do this.
However, winegcc using wineg++ is able to do this. I have seen that you are able to install these on a Linux machine. I want to know if it is possible to do on a Mac as well.
This will allow you to import windows.h on a Mac OS, you just won't be able to run it on a Mac OS
The comment that said to install MinGW worked great. I just ran brew install mingw-w64 in terminal, then this example command worked on a mac and compiled a windows executable file:
i686-w64-mingw32-g++ shell.cpp -o shellv1.exe -lws2_32 -s -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Wno-write-strings -fno-exceptions -fmerge-all-constants -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc

Compiling multiple C++ files. Calling a binary to run a code

I have 2 cpp files(with one main function) in /home/misha/proga/c++again folder. I built C/C++: g++ build active task and modified it to compile all files in the folder above. Now, I need to add one more task to call a binary. I think I should add one more entry in "tasks" to finally be able to run a code. Where can I read about how to write this second task? I am new to programming. Is my approach correct to run this code contained in two files? I also do not know where this binary lies. Is it tasks file in .vscode folder ?
I use Ubuntu 19.10 and VSC 1.46.1
In Terminal,
cd /home/misha/proga/c++again
Let's suppose your two cpp files are mainFile.cpp and file2.cpp
If g++ (so GCC) was not installed in your system, you can install it by running this command on the Terminal:
sudo apt-get install gcc g++
and, to compile the program (read about invoking GCC, you want warnings and debug information), write this command into the Terminal:
g++ -Wall -g mainFile.cpp file2.cpp -o yourprog
Then, you can run the program by typing:
It should work now. You could need to use the GDB debugger and GNU make (to be installed with sudo apt-get install gdb make)
Read also some C++ programming book and this C++ reference.
I do not understand your approach usualy your create a makefile and compile your cpp files
g++ -g -c -fpic -o name.o
at the end you link them
g++ name.o 2name.o and so on
If you create binarys you should store them in /usr/lib
and the name should libname.so you can acces them by using the -l argument

C++ code compiles, but shows an error when running on Zorin OS

I'm learning C++ and trying to run a simple hello world program. It compiles but it won't execute. It worked on Windows, but it won't run on Zorin OS.
I read online that the command to run it is ./test or ./test.exe.
This is what is looks like on the terminal:
$ g++ test.cpp -o test.exe
$ ./test
bash: ./test: No such file or directory
I looked at the questions similar to this, but none have helped me.
You can not expect to be able to execute the same commands on both Windows and Linux. They use different shells with different syntax and different behaviors.
Here's a typical example of compiling a file on GNU/Linux:
dir$ g++ myfile.cpp -o myfile
dir$ ./myfile
Here's a typical example of compiling the same file on Windows:
dir> g++ myfile.cpp -o myfile.exe
dir> myfile
Note in particular:
Linux doesn't use .exe or other extensions on executables, but Windows does.
Windows doesn't require specifying directory to run files in the working directory, but Bash on GNU/Linux generally does.
The only reason why the compilation command is as similar as it is is that g++ is a Unix tool ported to both platforms. Windows normally uses / instead of - for flags like -o
As commands get more complex, they start diverging even further.

Install xgboost under python with 64-bit msys failing

I want to install xgboost using anaconda python. In this process, I am trying to install xgboost. While trying to "make" the xgboost i am getting the below error:
g++ -m64 -c -Wall -O3 -msse2 -Wno-unknown-pragmas -funroll-loops -fopenmp -fPIC
-o updater.o src/tree/updater.cpp
src/tree/updater.cpp:1:0: warning: -fPIC ignored for target (all code is positio
n independent)
// Copyright 2014 by Contributors
src/tree/updater.cpp:1:0: sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled in
make: *** [updater.o] Error 1
I understood from the other Stack overflow posts that 32 bit gcc cannot go with the 64bit anaconda that i am using. However when i installed mingw-w64 i could see that it has g++ only for mingw32 and not for mingw-w64. Under the mingw-w64 package, g++ and other applications+folders are present only for mingw32 and not for 64. For mingw-64 only a batch file and a internet short cut is present.
Could you please guide me what is going wrong or guide me to an appropriate place from where i can download for mingw-64.
Thanks in advance.
If you are really using MSYS2, then you should not be downloading separate compilers. You should install 64-bit g++ using MSYS2's package manager, by running pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain. Then make sure that you start the MSYS2 shell using the shortcut that is named something like "MSYS2 Win64 Shell" in your start menu. Type which g++ in Bash and make sure it outputs /mingw64/bin/g++. Then you should be able to compile code for 64-bit Windows.
I'm not sure that this answer is complete. If you need more help with MSYS2, it would be good to post the exact commands you are running to download/extract the source code and build so that others can reproduce the error.

RInside segmentation fault and linking issue

I'm trying to call R from c++ on linux via RInside, I compiled R-2.15.1 from source with gcc version 4.5.3 (Debian 4.5.3-1) , I don't have sudo rights to use apt-get install. I'm using OpenBlas and a system optimized lapack. The blas and lapack libraries work fine for many scalapack applications
I installed R with
./configure --with-blas="-I/lib/OpenBLAS-v0.2.3-0/xianyi-OpenBLAS-48f075c/install/include -L/lib/OpenBLAS-v0.2.3-0/xianyi-OpenBLAS-48f075c/install/lib -lopenblas -lgfortran" --with-lapack="/usr/lib/liblapack.so -lgfortran" --enable-BLAS-shlib=yes --enable-R-shlib --enable-R-static-lib --prefix= .
which installed and runs fine,I ran make check with no errors, also all the packages (Rcpp and RInside) installed fine..
however when i use the given RInside makefile , the basic hello world example from /standard/rinside_sample0.cpp compiles! but it does not run and i get the following error
./rinside_sample0: error while loading shared libraries: libRblas.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
the file libRblas.so exists and is in the R/lib folder,
when i try to link it manually with the g++ command the make file creates or linking as follows i get a segmentation fault
/R/lib/libRblas.so ./hello_world
Segmentation fault
EDIT: heres how the example make file tries to compile an example, (which compiles fine) but won't run with the above missing libRblas.so error
g++ -I/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/include -I/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/include -I/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/library/RInside/include -g -O2 -Wall -I/usr/local/include hello_world.cpp -L/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/lib -lR -L/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/lib -lRblas -L/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/lib -lRlapack -L/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/lib -lRblas -L/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/lib -lRcpp -Wl,-rpath,/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/library/Rcpp/lib -L/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/library/RInside/lib -lRInside -Wl,-rpath,/nfs/user03/jimmie21/libs/lib64/R/library/RInside/lib -o hello_world
Couple of things:
Reproducible examples, please
You have a non-standard setup
With the script from 1), try it on a standard setting as that is how Rcpp / RInside get developed and tested (on Ubuntu / Debian)
The Rcpp test suite now contains almost 800 unit tests from around 350 unit test functions. These do not seg.fault, so the issue is at your end. Similarly, RInside has dozens of examples in the four examples/ subdirectories. This also works.
It may be as easy as tweaking the Makefile / Makevars files to make sure you get your libraries in all cases. But we can't tell as there is nothing reproducible here.
Edit If you want to link with libRblas.so then you have a completely non-standard setup as the R packages for Debian / Ubuntu as use the external BLAS. Again, not an RInside issue.
I fixed the problem by adding the R install path lib ../R/lib: to the beginning of LD_LIBRARY_PATH after that all the examples compiled and run fine