How to divide 2 numeric columns in SAS - sas

Please, how to divide 2 numeric columns in SAS.
For example, the first colum is readmission, the second column is the total_admission, and I need to create a third column called readmission_rate by dividing column A / B

readmission_rate = readmission / total_admission ;


Need a way to dynamically sum multiple columns into a Merged cell of varying heights

In this scenario, I am looking to total Columns G through M by 'user' in Column E. Column N does have the correct data, but it is using the formula =sum(f4:m5). I am looking for a way to add an array formula because the heights of the merged cells in column N varies often. A formula would be preferred to a script in this case.
QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(IF(G2:M="",,F2:F&"โ™€"&G2:M)), "โ™€"),
"select Col1,sum(Col2) group by Col1"), 2, 0)))

How to divide a PySpark list into different columns?

I have a Data Frame with one column in each row of this column there is a list with 2 numbers. The first number is an integer and the second number is double. For example row 1 is [12, 14.5] and row 2 is [21, 27.3]. How can I divide this list into 2 columns so I will have the first number of list in one column and second number of the list in another column?
The thing that you need to add or update in your code :
df ='vals.val1').alias("val1"), col('vals.val2').alias("val2"))

Calculated Column in PowerBI With Filters

I have a problem to solve similar to the example in the image below. I have the values of Column 1, 2 and 3, and want to get the calculated values exampled in Column 4. These are the number of times that the same number of Column 3 appears for different combinations of values from Column 1 and 2.
Thanks in advance for any help!
If your table has as name 'table1',
then the following dax statement will calculate column4.
Column4 = CALCULATE(countrows(Table1);filter(Table1;Table1[Column3]= EARLIER(Table1[Column3])))
Keep in mind that based on regional settings, you have to replace the ; with , in the example provided.

How to create a custom measure?

I need each column to use the function below. The values โ€‹โ€‹of each column entered into the VN and changed automatically with this formula below:
I'm trying to use DAX, but I'm kind of lost on how to apply this custom formula to EVERY column and their respective values.
Remembering that the calculation in this formula personalizes is for EVERY value of the respective column, and replacement of the new phrases generated in the formula.
The formula should be used in the entire column and in all columns, however in this example I will do in a column and row only ..I am using for example the "Correlation (MIN)" column in line 1:
R= (3.5 + 1543) / 2.380.849 = 6,50
Then the new value in this row and column will be replaced by 6.50 and so on in all columns separately from this column and then the same for the other columns.
Good morning, if I understood you correctly the following DAX will work:
Column R Transformation :=
VAR Numerator = ( 'Table'[Column] + 1543 )
VAR Denominator = 2380849
CALCULATE ( DIVIDE ( Numerator, Denominator ) )
You can create a calculated column to transform each original column; just change the 'Table'[Column] part in the measure accordingly.

Calculated column offset by 2
I am trying to generate a calculated column B from column A. Notice that column B is basically the same rows as column A except it's offset by 2 rows. I'm trying to generate this with DAX but I don't even know where to begin. I would appreciate any help.
You can use in PowerBI the PowerQuery Editor to append a Column with 2 "null" values (as numeric type) like the example below:
append column in powerbi example
To get this result:
final result of "column B"
Think is a easy way to get what you want.