I have a table with a hierarchy Area/Region. I want to filter a region and see a card with that region sales and another card with the sales of the Area the region is from (one level above the hierarchy).
I can do that with a table, attached the example, where the fist column shows the sales and the second the sales of one level above the hierarchy. What I need is, replicate this with cards and filters so, if i filter C100 one card shows 1.9% and the other 22.8%.
My formula:
Above hierarchy = SWITCH(True, ISFILTERED('BD'[Region]), CALCULATE(FACT[Sales], all('BD'[Region])), ISFILTERED('BD'[Area]), CALCULATE(FACT[Sales], all('BD'[Area])),FACT[Sales])
Something like this?
VAR areaValue =SelectedValue('BD'[Area])
For a region level it should work either.
I have a table from a survey that reports the score given to a specific employee, and various columns are there to hold each score for each question. Like this table below:
Now, what I want to do is make a row for each question, and in the original table, each question is a column. And I'd like for example, John, to have 1 entry for each question, and the average of that score stored next to each question like in this table here:
This shows clearly what I'm aiming for.
I believe I need some sort of pivot or unpivot table going on, but I'm not too sure on the Power BI DAX syntax for creating a new table.
I currently have a table that provides each Employee once, and columns showing their average score for each question, but that is a bit harder to dice up the way I want to. Code pasted below:
ReportTable =
ALL ( '360Sample'[Name], '360Sample'[Relationship to person being reviewed]),
'360Sample'[Relationship to person being reviewed],
"Employee Satisfaction", DIVIDE(CALCULATE(AVERAGE('360Sample'[Treats others with respect/Truly values employees]))+AVERAGE('360Sample'[Encourages and supports staff in developing their skills])+AVERAGE('360Sample'[Provides effective mentoring]),3),
"Quality Product", DIVIDE(CALCULATE(AVERAGE('360Sample'[Consistently strives to provide products above industry quality standards]))+AVERAGE('360Sample'[Takes ownership of project outcome])+AVERAGE('360Sample'[Ensures quality control always happens on products]),3),
"Client Satisfaction", DIVIDE(CALCULATE(AVERAGE('360Sample'[Fosters open, honest, and consistent communication with clients]))+AVERAGE('360Sample'[Responds quickly to client questions and concerns.])+AVERAGE('360Sample'[Successfully communicates contractual needs and requirements with the Client, including schedules and scope and fee increases]),3),
Only difference here is that I have an extra attribute of "Relationship" which I'll also need to include but is less important for now. It makes a row of each employee for every unique Relationship, which is 2.
Hello You need to first use the "unpivot" in Power Query to convert your table into this shape: It is not so hard.
Like this:
Then use this DAX Code:
ReportTable =
SUMMARIZE ( 360Sample, 360Sample[Name], 360Sample[ScoreNum] ),
"ScoreAvg", CALCULATE ( AVERAGE ( 360Sample[Score] ) )
And It produces:
I have created a table in Power BI and it has deal names, deal stage, amount, sales region etc. Is there any way, where if I select the deal name - it should be coloured or highlighted and stay like that unless i remove it?
You can make it this way. Create an additional table with Label (column which you use to slice/select) don't add relationship!. For example, I want to highlight Day from the selected month (not filtering). We need to create a measure to check what is pickedup
WhatISelected = var __label = SELECTEDVALUE(MonthLabel[Calendar[Month]]])
if (SELECTEDVALUE(Query1[Calendar[Month]]]) = __label, 1,0)
Then go to conditional Formating:
Repeat for every column.
As you see below, I Select February.
I’m wondering if there is a way, in a table, to calculate the percentage over a grand total.
I think this is a fairly simple issue, but I really can't wrap my head around it.
I have a table with a count, divided into different Categories:
I also have several slicers:
What I would like the table to show is the percentage of the current selection over the grand total, while keeping at least other two filters set (the Year(Anno) and another one set on the entire page).
If I select in the slicer “Range Scostamento %” a value, the table will obviously update the numbers:
The value I’m looking for is the “weight” in percentage of the filtered values over the total value.
So for example, for the first row I will have 317/14.793 = 0,0214 = 2,14% and so on.
I think my question has something to do with the SELECTEDVALUE/ALLSELECTED, maybe KEEPFILTERS, but I really don’t know how to make it work.
Thanks in advance!
If I understand your requirement correct, you need these below measures for your purpose-
contratti = count(table_name[column_name])
grand_total =
//-- ALL will return count of entire table
//-- you can use ALLSELECTED if you wants the
//-- grand_total for filtered data based on slicer
percentage = [contratti] / [grand_total]
Basically, I’d like to get one entity totals, but calculated for another (but still related/associated!) entity. Relation type between these entities is many-to-many.
Just to be less abstract, let’s take Trips and Shipments as mentioned entities and Shipments’ weight as a total to be calculated.
Calculating weight totals just per each trip is pretty easy task. Here is a table of Shipments weights:
We place them into some amounts of trucks/trips and get following weight totals per trip:
But when I try to show SUM of Trip weight totals (figures from 2nd table) per each related Shipment (Column from 1st table), it becomes much harder than I expect.
It should look like:
And I can’t get such table within Power BI.
Data model for your reference:
Seems like SUMMARIZE function is almost fit, but it doesn’t allow me to use a column from another table than initialized in the function:
Additional restrictions:
Selections made by user (clicks on cells etc.) should not affect calculation anyhow.
The figures should be able to be used in further calculations, using them as a basis.
Can anyone advise a solution? Or at least proper DAX references to consider? I thought I could find a quick answer in DAX reference guide on my own. However I failed to find a quick answer.
Version 1
Try the following DAX function as a calculated column inside of your shipments table:
TripWeight =
VAR tripID =
RELATED ( Trips[TripID] )
SUM ( Shipments[ShipmentTaxWeightKG] );
FILTER ( Shipments; RELATED ( InkTable[TripID] ) = tripID )
The first expression var tripID is storing the TripID of the current row and the CALCULATE function gets the SUM of all of the weight for all the shipments that belong to the current trip.
Version 2
You can also create a calculated table using the following DAX and create a relationship between the newly created table and your Trips table and simply display the weight in this table:
TripWeight =
"Total Weight KG"; SUMX ( CURRENTGROUP (); Shipments[ShipmentTaxWeightKG] )
Version 3
Version 1 and 2 are only working if the relationship between lnkTrip and Shipment is a One-to-One relationship. If it is a many-to-one relationship, the following calculated column can be created inside of the Trips table:
ShipmentTaxWeightKG by Trip = SUMX(RELATEDTABLE(Shipments); Shipments[ShipmentTaxWeightKG])
hope this helps.
I'm trying to obtain the MAX of a particular column in a Power BI Report and place this as a new Measure within each ROW of the same dataset. Please see the example below.
Is this possible in DAX and via DirectQuery/LiveConnection? The report is pointing to a tabular model but due to outside factors the measure must be created in the report.
You can accomplish this a few ways. Essentially, you need override the filter context so that the MAX function isn't just running over whatever slice you're showing in the visual. Using CALCULATE or the iterator function MAXX, set the wrap the table in the ALL() function to override the context and calculate max over all rows.
= CALCULATE(MAX([Calendar`Year]), ALL('Smithfield_Fiscal_Calendar'))
= MAXX(ALL('Smithfield_Fiscal_Calendar'), [Calendar`Year])
To get the breakout by date, you'll need to include a Date table in your model. PowerBI makes this possible with a few different DAX options. As an example, go to your Model tab, click 'New Table' and put in the following expression:
MyCalendar = CALENDAR(DATE(2019,1,1), DATE (2019,1,10))
This is a little trivial -- you'd want to use a useful range of dates but this one matches your example above. Next, add a column to [MyCalendar]
CalendarMonthYear = month([date]) & "-" & year([date])
Go to your budget table and add a similar field
BudgetMonthYear = month([date]) & "-" & year([date])
Go into your Model view and create a relationship between CalendarMonthYear and BudgetMonthYear. This will associate every date in the date table with the particular budget row from your budget table.
Hope it helps.