Livewire 404 error when refreshing component with parameter - laravel-livewire

When i try to refresh (from his child) a component directly displayed by a route like this :
Route::get('/facility/{idinstall}', Facility::class)->where(['idinstall' => '[0-9.]+' ]);
Or when i try to upload file like in the documentation i got a 404 error message like this :
/livewire/message/stock.facility 404 (Not Found)
Any idea ?


Getting error 500 while bypass the login in superset #apache superset

I have followed one documentation doc for custom authentication but getting error in
"POST /api/v1/dashboard/11/filter_state?tab_id=16 HTTP/1.1" 500
Can someone please help me out.
Thanks in advance!!!
using iframe tag:
const token = "guest token id";
id: "91919b", // given by the Superset embedding UI
supersetDomain: "",
mountPoint: document.getElementById("dashboardtest1"), // html element in which iframe render
fetchGuestToken: () => token,
dashboardUiConfig: { hideTitle: true }
and in added all necessary features flag
also allow roles even trying to embed dashboard with admin role.

How do I make an error handler with flask

I am creating a web application and I would like to do a styled 404 page not found if someone tries to enter one of my routes that is not created. Is there a way I can do this?
welcome to stackoverflow!
To create a error handler of any error code in flask you must do the following, for my example I will use a 404 error as requested in the post:
def page_not_found(e):
return render_template('404.html'), 404
If you want to error handle a 505 just substitut the 404 for a 505 and create a new html file in templates

django-rest-social-auth login with give me error 400 bad request

guys im working on django-rest-social-auth that is here in github
and trying to add google login to my django rest framwork app
first i get code from this url{{CLIENT_ID}}&redirect_uri={{REDIRECT_URL}}&scope=email
i send needed parameter like clientId,redirect_uri,provider and code to
with postman and browser form but :
i get HTTP 400 Bad Request error also i see this in my server console :
raise AuthForbidden(args[0])
social_core.exceptions.AuthForbidden: Your credentials aren't allowed
this is the data that i post :
"clientId": "",
"redirect_uri": "http://localhost:4200/",
"provider": "google-oauth2",
"code": "4%2Fto7CCGznNFgE-rsssPlEQzV3lY9yjUWW_85YmPWF4OU"
why ???

Node.js + express + regex paths, on page refreshes node.js doesn't send a responce

When using the following route:
app.get(/\/api\/core\/(c|humanities)/gi, function(req, res) {
On the first page load I get the proper 'hi' response. But after a few page refreshes I'll get 404 errors stating:
Cannot GET /api/core/c
The regex is supposed to match /api/core/c and /api/core/humanities as well as be case insensitive.
Any ideas?

Error : (#1) An error occured while creating the share on php sdk

I have a php/javascript API on my website for posting messages on the user wall depending on actions on my website.
I use on one side the javascript API for logging the user to the App and the PHP sdk on the other side for posting on the user wall some link.
The thing is that when I launch the PHP graph API method, Facebook respond me with the given error :
error :
array(1) {
'error' =>
array(3) {
'message' =>
string(46) "(#1) An error occured while creating the share"
'type' =>
string(14) "OAuthException"
'code' => int(1)
The php call is like this :
$facebook->api( '/me/feed/', 'post' ,$data );
And the data with the $data array are just the message and the link
But if I do the exact same code in javascript( using the FB.api('/me/feed' ) method), the message is well posted on my wall.
Is there something I have missed ?