Netlogo: how to assign list values to patches attributes - list

i am new to Netlogo, so i apologize if this is a trivial question. I would like to assign/copy the values of a list into patches attribute, making sure that the order of the values is respected. The following code does the opposite, that is, it copies the values of a patches attribute (attr1) into list1
patches-own [ attr1 attr2]
to setup
ask patches [set attr1 random 10]
let patch-list sort patches
let list1 map [ p -> [attr1] of p ] patch-list
now, say that I would like to assign/copy the values of varX into patches attribute attr2, making sure that the order of the values is respected.
let nPix world-width * world-height
let varX (range nPix)
any suggestion? thanks

You can let Netlogo iterate through two lists simultanously by feeding the anonymous procedure two inputs. To do that, you need to put brackets around the entire procedure.
patches-own [attr2]
to setup
resize-world 0 4 0 4
to go
let nPix world-width * world-height
let varX n-values nPix [random 140]
(foreach sort patches varX [ [the-patch the-var] ->
ask the-patch [set attr2 the-var]
show varX
ask patches [set pcolor attr2]
You can also always opt for a good old while loop where you increment an index (i) within the loop and use that index to couple the corresponding items from both lists.
to go-3
let nPix world-width * world-height
let varX n-values nPix [random 140]
let patch-list sort patches
let i 0
while [i < nPix] [
ask item i patch-list [set attr2 item i varX]
set i i + 1
show varX
ask patches [set pcolor attr2]


Iterate through list to update particular items in the list

How can I update the values in a list for the indices that are equal to everyone in the selected group agents?:
persons-own [
to create-trustConnection
set nrPersons count persons
set vector []
repeat nrPersons [set vector 0.4 vector]
to updateVector
let alonePersons (count persons with [grouped = false])
set flockmates n-of (random alonePersons) persons
ask flockmates [
foreach vector [ i ->
set item i vector 0.6
You can use the replace-item reporter to update an item in a list.
Let this [ 1 2 3 4 ]
Let new-list replace-item 3 this “a”
Print new-list
Note that this does not affect the original list: it reports a new list with the specified item replaced with the given value.
Changing an item in a list of lists of similar.. but again, the entire list
Of lists is created anew.
But maybe use links?
In the case of using a list for a turtle to track its relationship with other turtles, or of groups, links are useful, and simplify managing those relationships, and enable things that are very difficult with lists.
LINKS are just another kind of agent, specifically for recording a relationship between two turtles. They have a pair of built-in variables, end1 and end2 that refer to those two turtles. The -own variables of the link can be used to record properties of the relationship. Like “anniversary” or “affinity” or whatever! Links can be directional, so the “intimacy” value can be different depending on the “direction” of the relationship.
Directed-link-breed [ relationships relationship]
Relationships-own [ intimacy ]
to setup-all-relationships
Ask protestors
[ setup-relationship ]
To setup-relationship
;; link with everyone else
Create-relationships-to other protestor
[ set intimacy .5 ]
The relationship between two turtles can be obtained in several ways.
(Link (this turtle) (that turtle))
Refers to the link from this turtle to that turtle.
Out-Link-neighbors is used to get the set of all turtles linked to from this turtle.
You can also use turtles to represent groups, and links to record membership in that group.
In that case, the members of the group are link-neighbors of the group.
While perhaps not a feature of your model, this opens up the possibility of multiple groups and of agents being members of more than one group, or of tracking things like former members.
Here is a complete, minimal reproducible example of what I think you are looking for. Note that one can just paste it into NetLogo and it compiles and runs. I've made some assumptions here - in particular that intimacy is a protesters-own variable, which it was not in the code you provided, but which your textual description seemed to indicate. Again, using who numbers is not a good idea, but that is a different question and answer. If I have time tomorrow, I might be able to provide you with an example of how one might use agentsets, but if intimacy values can vary from agent-pair to agent-pair, then links is really the way to go.
breed [protesters protester]
globals [numberOfProtesters intimacyVector]
protesters-own [
partOfGroup ;initially set to false for all agents
to setup
create-protesters 10
to create-intimacyRelationship
ask protesters [
set numberOfProtesters count protesters
set intimacy []
repeat numberOfProtesters [set intimacy lput 0.2 intimacy]
set partOfGroup false
to updateIntimacy
let nrUngroupedProtesters (count protesters with [partOfGroup = false])
let NRelatedProtesters n-of (random nrUngroupedProtesters) protesters
ask NRelatedProtesters [
foreach ([who] of NRelatedProtesters) [ i -> set intimacy replace-item i intimacy 0.8 ]
set partOfGroup true
ask NRelatedProtesters [ show intimacy ]
to go
let ProportionProtestersInSubgroup (count protesters with [partOfGroup = true])/ numberOfProtesters
ifelse ((count protesters with [partOfGroup = false])/
numberOfProtesters) > ProportionProtestersInSubgroup
Hope this gets you started.

Create accumulative list over time

I want to store values from a variable in a list, adding new variable output for every tick. Lets say the variable outputs a different value every tick. For simplicity this is determined by the formula; 2 * ticks (var = 2 * ticks), thus the list should look something like this after five ticks [0 2 4 6 8]. I cannot get this to work however. Since NetLogo does not allow taking values from the past, how would I go about this?
I now have something like this:
ask turtles[
let var_list [ ]
foreach var_list [
set var_list lput var var_list
print var_list
This however only gives empty lists or lists only showing the most recent var value (when I change let var_list [] to let var_list [ 0 ]. How can I get it to correctly input the variable value in the table for every tick?
You are using let to create a temporary local variables. There's no problem in retaining values across ticks, but you do need to use global or turtle/patch/link variables.
Here's a complete model to demonstrate
turtles-own [my-list]
to setup
create-turtles 1
[ set my-list []
to go
ask turtles
[ set my-list fput random 10 my-list
print my-list

Netlogo code for sorting agents in lists according to their properties

I am trying to sort my agents [industries] into a list and make many further lists based on that initial list sequence.
Each industry has two properties [bid-cap] and [bid-price]. I want first, a sorted list [low-bid-ind] of agents according to their ascending bid-prices, then I want to use the same sequence and fetch the values of [bid-cap] and make a list [low-cap-list], then I want to fetch bid-price for same sequence as [low-bid-ind] list and save it in a list [low-cap-list]. I only make this list so I can make another list with cumulative sum values of the [bid-cap] of agents.
Following is my code. There's an error : LPUT expected input to be a list but got the number 0 instead.
But it doesn't show where the error occurs in the code.
set agentlist-low []
set low-bid-ind []
set low-cap-list []
set sum-low-bid []
set agentlist-low industries with [group = 0]
set low-bid-ind sort-on [bid-price] agentlist-low
foreach low-bid-ind
[ the-industry ->
set low-cap-list lput ([bid-cap] of the-industry) low-cap-list ]
let sum-low 0
let m 0
foreach low-bid-ind
[set m m + 1
set sum-low sum-low + item m low-cap-list
set sum-low-bid lput sum-low sum-low-bid ]
print sum-low-bid
Can anyone help with this problem?
I have looked at Netlogo help and other questions on the internet but I am unable to find an answer.
I cannot reproduce the error you are getting. Are you sure that you are setting low-cap-list and sum-low-bid to empty lists in your actual code? That kind of error normally comes when lput is given a list which has not been initialized, as uninitialized variables in NetLogo are set to 0.
But more generally, NetLogo has a map operation that eliminates the need for looping over lists in most cases. So the loop
foreach low-bid-ind
[ the-industry ->
set low-cap-list lput ([bid-cap] of the-industry) low-cap-list ]
can be written more economically as
set low-cap-list map [the-industry -> [bid-cap] of the-industry] low-bid-ind
and the code segment
let sum-low 0
let m 0
foreach low-bid-ind
[set m m + 1
set sum-low sum-low + item m low-cap-list
set sum-low-bid lput sum-low sum-low-bid ]
can be written as a single line
set sum-low-bid map [m -> sum sublist low-cap-list 0 (m + 1)] range (length low-bid-ind)
map creates a list by performing the operation in brackets on each item in the list it is given. In the latter case, that input list is simply the numbers from 0 to the length of the low-bid-ind list.

How to implement a numerical formula across the items in a netlogo list

I have to do some operations in netlogo using Lists. While i can do simple tasks with them i am not yet proficient enough to code my current requirements.
I have a scenario where turtles have variables called Current-Age and Previous-Age. And turtles can be born and die if they don't meet a certain threshold.
I want to implement the following formula for each patch.
Best-list = (-1/Previous-Age) * (Distance between Patch & Turtle) for all the turtles
Best = Min [ Best-list]
I know the steps involved but have been unsuccessful in coding them. Following are the steps:
Create a list with all the current turtles that are alive
Create a second list which contains the Previous-Age
Create a third list with the distance between an individual patch and each of the live turtles
Then create another list with the output from the the Best-List formula for all the turtles in the list
Finally find the Min value in the list and store the name/who# of turtle with the minimum value in a separate variable called Best-Turtle
This is the code that i tried but didn't work.
set turtle-list (list turtles)
set turtle-age-list n-values length(turtle-list) [0]
set turtle-patch-dist-list n-values length(turtle-list) [0]
set best-list n-values length(turtle-list) [0]
ask patches[
foreach turtle-list(
set turtle-age-list replace-item ?1 turtle-age-list Previous-Age of turtles with [turtle= ?1]
I couldn't proceed to the next steps since the above code itself was not correct.
Would appreciate help with the code, thanks in advance.
First, lists are probably not the simplest way to do this. However, if you must use lists for some reason, I think what you're asking for is possible. I'm not exactly sure what you mean with best- are you trying to have each patch assess which turtle is the best turtle for that patch, and store that variable in a global list? I'm going to assume that's what you mean, but if I'm misunderstanding I think you can adapt what I do here to what you need.
First, any list passed to foreach must be the same length. So, since you mean to do this per-patch, make sure that every patch calls the procedure of list creation, not just for checking the lists. Next, review the dictionary for n-values- the syntax for the reporter means you need to use the reporter you're trying to receive- using n-values length(turtle-list) [0] will just give you a list of zeroes that is the same length as the number of turtles.
So each patch needs to create these lists- make sure you either define the patches-own for the list variables, or just use let to define the lists inside the procedure. You would need a list of ordered turtles, their previous ages, and the distance from the patch calling the procedure to each turtle. Next, you can create a list that generates a value according to your formula. Then, you can use the position primitive to find the location of the minimum value in your formula-generated list and use that to index the turtle with that value.
It might look something like
to numerical
set best-turtle []
ask patches [
let turtle-list (sort turtles) ;;; list of sorted turtles
let turtle-prev-age-list n-values length(turtle-list) [ [i] -> [pre_age] of turtle i ] ;;; list of previous ages of turtles, in same order as above
let turtle-patch-dist n-values length(turtle-list) [ [i] -> distance turtle i ] ;;; list of distance from this patch to each turtle, in same order
set best-list n-values length(turtle-list) [ [i] -> ( ( -1 / ( item i turtle-prev-age-list ) ) * ( item i turtle-patch-dist ) ) ] ;;; list of calculated values for each turtle
let best-position position (min best-list) best-list ;;; gets the index of minimum value
set best-turtle lput item best-position turtle-list best-turtle ;;; adds the best turtle for this patch to the global list of best turtles
The above procedure assumes that your turtles have a pre_age variable, patches have a best-list variable, and the list of each patches 'best turtle' is held in the global variable best-turtle. From there, you can use foreach to ask turtles in the list to do something. Note that if a turtle's previous age is 0, you will get a divide by zero error.
turtles-own [age previous-age]
to-report evalfrom [_patch]
report (- distance _patch) / previous-age
to test
crt 25 [
set age (10 + random 75)
set previous-age age - random 10
print min-one-of turtles [evalfrom (patch 0 0)]

Netlogo adding to list of lists

I am looking to add patch variable values to a list of empty lists. The patches are divided into different zones, and I'm trying to see how certain patch variables differ by zone.
I have an empty list of lists (actually contains 12 lists, but for simplicity):
set mylist [[] [] [] []]
And a list corresponding to the different zones:
set zone-list [1 2 3 4]
Here's how I'm trying to build the lists:
(foreach mylist zone-list [set ?1 lput (sum-zone-variable ?2) ?1])
to-report sum-zone-variable [ n ]
report (sum [patch-variable] of patches with [zone = n])
When I run this, mylist stays empty (ie unchanged). I think the problem is with the foreach statement, but I can't figure out what it is. Any help?
I can see the thinking behind foreach mylist [ set ?1 ... ], but NetLogo doesn't work that way. set ?1 ... has no effect on the original list. NetLogo lists are immutable, and ?1 is not a reference to an updatable location in a list — it's just a temporary variable into which a value has been copied. So set ?1 ... is something you will basically never write.
If I understand your question correctly, the relevant primitive here is map. This should do the job:
set mylist (map [lput (sum-zone-variable ?2) ?1] mylist zonelist)
Your basic approach is ok except that you must assign to a name. E.g.,
globals [mylist zone-list n-zones]
patches-own [zone zone-variable]
to setup
set n-zones 4
set zone-list n-values n-zones [?]
ask patches [set zone one-of zone-list]
set mylist n-values n-zones [[]]
to go
ask patches [set zone-variable random-float 1]
foreach zone-list [
let total sum [zone-variable] of patches with [zone = ?]
let oldvals item ? mylist
set mylist replace-item ? mylist (lput total oldvals)
However, you might want to use the table extension for this.