replace expression format xx-xx-xxxx_12345678 - replace

how can i remove (only) the "XX-XX-XXXXX_" Part in certain values of a column in SSIS but WITHOUT affecting values that doesn't have this format? For example "21-05-2022_12345678" = "12345678" but the other values i don't want them affected. This are just examples of many rows from this column so i want only the ones that have this format to be affected.
SELECT REVERSE(substring(REVERSE('09-03-2022_13481330'),0,CHARINDEX('_',REVERSE('09-03-2022_13481330'),0)))
but this also affects others values.Also this is in ssms not ssis because i am not sure how to transform this expression in ssis code.
Update : Corrected code in SSIS goes as following:

Do you have access to the SQL source? You can do this on the sql by using a LIKE and crafting a match pattern using the single char wildcard _ please see below example
DECLARE #Value VARCHAR(50) = '09-03-2022_13481330'
SELECT CASE WHEN #Value LIKE '__-__-____[_]%' THEN
SUBSTRING(#Value,12,LEN(#Value)-11) ELSE #Value END
Please see the Microsoft Documentation on LIKE and using single char wildcards
If you don't have access to the source SQL it gets a bit more tricky as you might need to use regex in a script task or maybe there is a expression you can apply


Is there any way that I can do format matching within a column in powerBI? ( something similar Fuzzy)

I have a column look like as below.
Dk 685 (there is a space after Dk).
This is obviously due to human error. Is there any way that I can ensure the format is correct based on the specified format which is two uppercase DK followed by three digits?
Or Am I being too ambitious!!??
Go to the power query editor. Select advance editor and paste this 2 steps
#"Uppercase" = Table.TransformColumns(#"Source",{{"Column", Text.Upper, type text}}),
#"Replace Value" = Table.ReplaceValue(#"Uppercase"," ","",Replacer.ReplaceText,{"Column"})
Note: be sure to replace the "Source" statement into the Uppercase sentence for your previuos step name if needed.
So you will have something like this:
This is the expected result:

What is wrong with my Power BI query (using a parameter)?

I'm brand new to using PBI but as far as I can tell, I should be able to substitute a parameter as part of a Direct Query in place of a hard-coded
Source = Sql.Database("NAMEOFDB", "CMUtility", [Query="sp_get_residentsinfo "& home_name]),.....
instead of
Source = Sql.Database("NAMEOFDB", "CMUtility", [Query="sp_get_residentsinfo 'NAME OF HOME'"]),...
However, the parameter-included version just says
DataSource.Error: Microsoft SQL: Incorrect syntax near 'House'.
Message=Incorrect syntax near 'House'.
"House" is the currently - assigned last word of the home_name variable. What have I done wrong?
PS - I have surmised that I shouldn't need the extra & at the end of the parameter, as I'm not adding anything else to the query, but even with both &s it still doesn't work.
The type of your parameters is text. In SQL, text literals must be quoted, i.e. sp_get_residentsinfo 'NAME OF HOME', but the statement build by you is sp_get_residentsinfo NAME OF HOME.
You should use Text.Replace to escape single quotes in the parameter's value and append a quote before and after it.

sqlite valid email input [duplicate]

I'd like to use a regular expression in sqlite, but I don't know how.
My table has got a column with strings like this: "3,12,13,14,19,28,32"
Now if I type "where x LIKE '3'" I also get the rows which contain values like 13 or 32,
but I'd like to get only the rows which have exactly the value 3 in that string.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
As others pointed out already, REGEXP calls a user defined function which must first be defined and loaded into the the database. Maybe some sqlite distributions or GUI tools include it by default, but my Ubuntu install did not. The solution was
sudo apt-get install sqlite3-pcre
which implements Perl regular expressions in a loadable module in /usr/lib/sqlite3/
To be able to use it, you have to load it each time you open the database:
.load /usr/lib/sqlite3/
Or you could put that line into your ~/.sqliterc.
Now you can query like this:
SELECT fld FROM tbl WHERE fld REGEXP '\b3\b';
If you want to query directly from the command-line, you can use the -cmd switch to load the library before your SQL:
sqlite3 "$filename" -cmd ".load /usr/lib/sqlite3/" "SELECT fld FROM tbl WHERE fld REGEXP '\b3\b';"
If you are on Windows, I guess a similar .dll file should be available somewhere.
SQLite3 supports the REGEXP operator:
WHERE x REGEXP <regex>
A hacky way to solve it without regex is where ',' || x || ',' like '%,3,%'
SQLite does not contain regular expression functionality by default.
It defines a REGEXP operator, but this will fail with an error message unless you or your framework define a user function called regexp(). How you do this will depend on your platform.
If you have a regexp() function defined, you can match an arbitrary integer from a comma-separated list like so:
... WHERE your_column REGEXP "\b" || your_integer || "\b";
But really, it looks like you would find things a whole lot easier if you normalised your database structure by replacing those groups within a single column with a separate row for each number in the comma-separated list. Then you could not only use the = operator instead of a regular expression, but also use more powerful relational tools like joins that SQL provides for you.
A SQLite UDF in PHP/PDO for the REGEXP keyword that mimics the behavior in MySQL:
function ($pattern, $data, $delimiter = '~', $modifiers = 'isuS')
if (isset($pattern, $data) === true)
return (preg_match(sprintf('%1$s%2$s%1$s%3$s', $delimiter, $pattern, $modifiers), $data) > 0);
return null;
The u modifier is not implemented in MySQL, but I find it useful to have it by default. Examples:
SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE "name" REGEXP 'sql(ite)*';
SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE regexp('sql(ite)*', "name", '#', 's');
If either $data or $pattern is NULL, the result is NULL - just like in MySQL.
My solution in Python with sqlite3:
import sqlite3
import re
def match(expr, item):
return re.match(expr, item) is not None
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
conn.create_function("MATCHES", 2, match)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT MATCHES('^b', 'busy');")
print cursor.fetchone()[0]
If regex matches, the output would be 1, otherwise 0.
With python, assuming con is the connection to SQLite, you can define the required UDF by writing:
con.create_function('regexp', 2, lambda x, y: 1 if,y) else 0)
Here is a more complete example:
import re
import sqlite3
with sqlite3.connect(":memory:") as con:
con.create_function('regexp', 2, lambda x, y: 1 if,y) else 0)
cursor = con.cursor()
# ...
cursor.execute("SELECT * from person WHERE surname REGEXP '^A' ")
I don't it is good to answer a question which was posted almost an year ago. But I am writing this for those who think that Sqlite itself provide the function REGEXP.
One basic requirement to invoke the function REGEXP in sqlite is
"You should create your own function in the application and then provide the callback link to the sqlite driver".
For that you have to use sqlite_create_function (C interface). You can find the detail from here and here
An exhaustive or'ed where clause can do it without string concatenation:
WHERE ( x == '3' OR
x LIKE '%,3' OR
x LIKE '3,%' OR
x LIKE '%,3,%');
Includes the four cases exact match, end of list, beginning of list, and mid list.
This is more verbose, doesn't require the regex extension.
UPDATE TableName
SET YourField = ''
And :
SELECT * from TableName
SQLite version 3.36.0 released 2021-06-18 now has the REGEXP command builtin.
For CLI build only.
Consider using this
WHERE x REGEXP '(^|,)(3)(,|$)'
This will match exactly 3 when x is in:
Other examples:
WHERE x REGEXP '(^|,)(3|13)(,|$)'
This will match on 3 or 13
You may consider also
WHERE x REGEXP '(^|\D{1})3(\D{1}|$)'
This will allow find number 3 in any string at any position
You could use a regular expression with REGEXP, but that is a silly way to do an exact match.
You should just say WHERE x = '3'.
If you are using php you can add any function to your sql statement by using: SQLite3::createFunction.
In PDO you can use PDO::sqliteCreateFunction and implement the preg_match function within your statement:
See how its done by Havalite (RegExp in SqLite using Php)
In case if someone looking non-regex condition for Android Sqlite, like this string [1,2,3,4,5] then don't forget to add bracket([]) same for other special characters like parenthesis({}) in #phyatt condition
WHERE ( x == '[3]' OR
x LIKE '%,3]' OR
x LIKE '[3,%' OR
x LIKE '%,3,%');
You can use the sqlean-regexp extension, which provides regexp search and replace functions.
Based on the PCRE2 engine, this extension supports all major regular expression features. It also supports Unicode. The extension is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Some usage examples:
-- select messages containing number 3
select * from messages
where msg_text regexp '\b3\b';
-- count messages containing digits
select count(*) from messages
where msg_text regexp '\d+';
-- 42
select regexp_like('Meet me at 10:30', '\d+:\d+');
-- 1
select regexp_substr('Meet me at 10:30', '\d+:\d+');
-- 10:30
select regexp_replace('password = "123456"', '"[^"]+"', '***');
-- password = ***
In Julia, the model to follow can be illustrated as follows:
using SQLite
using DataFrames
db = SQLite.DB("<name>.db")
register(db, SQLite.regexp, nargs=2, name="regexp")
SQLite.Query(db, "SELECT * FROM test WHERE name REGEXP '^h';") |> DataFrame
for rails
db = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection
db.create_function('regexp', 2) do |func, pattern, expression|
func.result = expression.to_s.match(, Regexp::IGNORECASE)) ? 1 : 0

SPARQL: combine and exclude regex filters

I want to filter my SPARQL query for specific keywords while at the same time excluding other keywords. I thought this may be easily accomplished with FILTER (regex(str(?var),"includedKeyword","i") && !regex(str(?var),"excludedKeyword","i")). It works without the "!" condition, but not with. I also separated the FILTER statements, but no use.
I used this query on :
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX edm: <>
PREFIX ore: <>
?proxy dc:subject ?subject .
FILTER ( regex(str(?subject),"gemälde","i") && !regex(str(?subject),"Fotografie","i") )
?proxy edm:type "IMAGE" .
?proxy ore:proxyFor ?CHO.
?agg edm:aggregatedCHO ?CHO; edm:country "germany".
But I always get the result on the first row with the title "Gemäldegalerie", which has a dc:subject of "Fotografie" (the one I want excluded). I think the problem lies in the fact that one object from the Europeana database can have more than one dc:subject property, so maybe it looks only for one of these properties while ignoring the other ones.
Any ideas? Would be very thankful!
The problem is that your combined filter checks for the same binding of ?subject. So it succeeds if at least one value of ?subject matches both conditions (which is almost always true, because the string "Gemäldegalerie", for example, matches your first regex and does not match the second).
So for the negative condition, you need to formulate something that checks for all possible values, rather than just one particular value. You can do this using SPARQL's NOT EXISTS function, for example like this:
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX edm: <>
PREFIX ore: <>
?proxy edm:type "IMAGE" .
?proxy ore:proxyFor ?CHO.
?agg edm:aggregatedCHO ?CHO; edm:country "germany".
?proxy dc:subject ?subject .
?proxy dc:subject ?otherSubject.
As an aside: since you are doing regular expression checks, and now combining them with an NOT EXISTS operator, this is likely to become very expensive for the query processor quite quickly. You may want to think about alternative ways to formulate your query (for example, using the exact subject string to include or exclude to eliminate the regex), or even having a look at some non-standard extensions that the SPARQL endpoint might provide (OWLIM, for example, the store on which the Europeana endpoint runs, supports various full-text-search extensions, though I am not sure they are enabled in the Europeana endpoint).

How do I use regex in a SQLite query?

I'd like to use a regular expression in sqlite, but I don't know how.
My table has got a column with strings like this: "3,12,13,14,19,28,32"
Now if I type "where x LIKE '3'" I also get the rows which contain values like 13 or 32,
but I'd like to get only the rows which have exactly the value 3 in that string.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
As others pointed out already, REGEXP calls a user defined function which must first be defined and loaded into the the database. Maybe some sqlite distributions or GUI tools include it by default, but my Ubuntu install did not. The solution was
sudo apt-get install sqlite3-pcre
which implements Perl regular expressions in a loadable module in /usr/lib/sqlite3/
To be able to use it, you have to load it each time you open the database:
.load /usr/lib/sqlite3/
Or you could put that line into your ~/.sqliterc.
Now you can query like this:
SELECT fld FROM tbl WHERE fld REGEXP '\b3\b';
If you want to query directly from the command-line, you can use the -cmd switch to load the library before your SQL:
sqlite3 "$filename" -cmd ".load /usr/lib/sqlite3/" "SELECT fld FROM tbl WHERE fld REGEXP '\b3\b';"
If you are on Windows, I guess a similar .dll file should be available somewhere.
SQLite3 supports the REGEXP operator:
WHERE x REGEXP <regex>
A hacky way to solve it without regex is where ',' || x || ',' like '%,3,%'
SQLite does not contain regular expression functionality by default.
It defines a REGEXP operator, but this will fail with an error message unless you or your framework define a user function called regexp(). How you do this will depend on your platform.
If you have a regexp() function defined, you can match an arbitrary integer from a comma-separated list like so:
... WHERE your_column REGEXP "\b" || your_integer || "\b";
But really, it looks like you would find things a whole lot easier if you normalised your database structure by replacing those groups within a single column with a separate row for each number in the comma-separated list. Then you could not only use the = operator instead of a regular expression, but also use more powerful relational tools like joins that SQL provides for you.
A SQLite UDF in PHP/PDO for the REGEXP keyword that mimics the behavior in MySQL:
function ($pattern, $data, $delimiter = '~', $modifiers = 'isuS')
if (isset($pattern, $data) === true)
return (preg_match(sprintf('%1$s%2$s%1$s%3$s', $delimiter, $pattern, $modifiers), $data) > 0);
return null;
The u modifier is not implemented in MySQL, but I find it useful to have it by default. Examples:
SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE "name" REGEXP 'sql(ite)*';
SELECT * FROM "table" WHERE regexp('sql(ite)*', "name", '#', 's');
If either $data or $pattern is NULL, the result is NULL - just like in MySQL.
My solution in Python with sqlite3:
import sqlite3
import re
def match(expr, item):
return re.match(expr, item) is not None
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
conn.create_function("MATCHES", 2, match)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT MATCHES('^b', 'busy');")
print cursor.fetchone()[0]
If regex matches, the output would be 1, otherwise 0.
With python, assuming con is the connection to SQLite, you can define the required UDF by writing:
con.create_function('regexp', 2, lambda x, y: 1 if,y) else 0)
Here is a more complete example:
import re
import sqlite3
with sqlite3.connect(":memory:") as con:
con.create_function('regexp', 2, lambda x, y: 1 if,y) else 0)
cursor = con.cursor()
# ...
cursor.execute("SELECT * from person WHERE surname REGEXP '^A' ")
I don't it is good to answer a question which was posted almost an year ago. But I am writing this for those who think that Sqlite itself provide the function REGEXP.
One basic requirement to invoke the function REGEXP in sqlite is
"You should create your own function in the application and then provide the callback link to the sqlite driver".
For that you have to use sqlite_create_function (C interface). You can find the detail from here and here
An exhaustive or'ed where clause can do it without string concatenation:
WHERE ( x == '3' OR
x LIKE '%,3' OR
x LIKE '3,%' OR
x LIKE '%,3,%');
Includes the four cases exact match, end of list, beginning of list, and mid list.
This is more verbose, doesn't require the regex extension.
UPDATE TableName
SET YourField = ''
And :
SELECT * from TableName
SQLite version 3.36.0 released 2021-06-18 now has the REGEXP command builtin.
For CLI build only.
Consider using this
WHERE x REGEXP '(^|,)(3)(,|$)'
This will match exactly 3 when x is in:
Other examples:
WHERE x REGEXP '(^|,)(3|13)(,|$)'
This will match on 3 or 13
You may consider also
WHERE x REGEXP '(^|\D{1})3(\D{1}|$)'
This will allow find number 3 in any string at any position
You could use a regular expression with REGEXP, but that is a silly way to do an exact match.
You should just say WHERE x = '3'.
If you are using php you can add any function to your sql statement by using: SQLite3::createFunction.
In PDO you can use PDO::sqliteCreateFunction and implement the preg_match function within your statement:
See how its done by Havalite (RegExp in SqLite using Php)
In case if someone looking non-regex condition for Android Sqlite, like this string [1,2,3,4,5] then don't forget to add bracket([]) same for other special characters like parenthesis({}) in #phyatt condition
WHERE ( x == '[3]' OR
x LIKE '%,3]' OR
x LIKE '[3,%' OR
x LIKE '%,3,%');
You can use the sqlean-regexp extension, which provides regexp search and replace functions.
Based on the PCRE2 engine, this extension supports all major regular expression features. It also supports Unicode. The extension is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Some usage examples:
-- select messages containing number 3
select * from messages
where msg_text regexp '\b3\b';
-- count messages containing digits
select count(*) from messages
where msg_text regexp '\d+';
-- 42
select regexp_like('Meet me at 10:30', '\d+:\d+');
-- 1
select regexp_substr('Meet me at 10:30', '\d+:\d+');
-- 10:30
select regexp_replace('password = "123456"', '"[^"]+"', '***');
-- password = ***
In Julia, the model to follow can be illustrated as follows:
using SQLite
using DataFrames
db = SQLite.DB("<name>.db")
register(db, SQLite.regexp, nargs=2, name="regexp")
SQLite.Query(db, "SELECT * FROM test WHERE name REGEXP '^h';") |> DataFrame
for rails
db = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection
db.create_function('regexp', 2) do |func, pattern, expression|
func.result = expression.to_s.match(, Regexp::IGNORECASE)) ? 1 : 0