How to accurately summate Clenshaw algorithm - c++

I have following code to summate Chebyshev expansion of a function using Clenshaw algorithm:
long double summate_chebyshev(long double x, long double* c, int count) {
long double bn, bn_1 = 0, bn_2 = 0;
for (int i = count - 1; i > 0; i--) {
bn = c[i] + 2.0*x*bn_1 - bn_2;
bn_2 = bn_1;
bn_1 = bn;
bn = 2.0l*c[0] + 2.0*x*bn_1 - bn_2;
return (bn - bn_2)/2.0l;
I gives me pretty nice precision but Chebyshev polynomial coefficients tend to converge to 0 pretty quickly (c[17] is already 4.34e-20 < LDBL_EPS, so it ignores it). I wish to increase accuracy of summation and add more terms that is quite small but make the difference together. Is there any way to achieve this (improved versions of Clenshaw summation or any other method to evaluate Chebyshev polynomials accurately)?


How to do logarithmic binning on a histogram?

I'm looking for a technique to logarithmically bin some data sets. We've got data with values ranging from _min to _max (floats >= 0) and the user needs to be able to specify a varying number of bins _num_bins (some int n).
I've implemented a solution taken from this question and some help on scaling here but my solution stops working when my data values lie below 1.0.
class Histogram {
double _min, _max;
int _num_bins;
double Histogram::logarithmicValueOfBin(double in) const {
if (in == 0.0)
return _min;
double b = std::log(_max / _min) / (_max - _min);
double a = _max / std::exp(b * _max);
double in_unscaled = in * (_max - _min) / _num_bins + _min;
return a * std::exp(b * in_unscaled) ;
When the data values are all greater than 1 I get nicely sized bins and can plot properly. When the values are less than 1 the bins come out more or less the same size and we get way too many of them.
I found a solution by reimplementing an opensource version of Matlab's logspace function.
Given a range and a number of bins you need to create an evenly spaced numerical sequence
module.exports = function linspace(a,b,n) {
var every = (b-a)/(n-1),
ranged = integers(a,b,every);
return ranged.length == n ? ranged : ranged.concat(b);
After that you need to loop through each value and with your base (e, 2 or 10 most likely) store the power and you get your bin ranges.
module.exports.logspace = function logspace(a,b,n) {
return linspace(a,b,n).map(function(x) { return Math.pow(10,x); });
I rewrote this in C++ and it's able to support ranges > 0.
You can do something like the following
// Create isolethargic binning
int T_MIN = 0; //The lower limit i.e. 1.e0
int T_MAX = 8; //The uper limit i.e. 1.e8
int ndec = T_MAX - T_MIN; //Number of decades
int N_BPDEC = 1000; //Number of bins per decade
int nbins = (int) ndec*N_BPDEC; //Total number of bins
double step = (double) ndec / nbins;//The increment
double tbins[nbins+1]; //The array to store the bins
for(int i=0; i <= nbins; ++i)
tbins[i] = (float) pow(10., step * (double) i + T_MIN);

Multidimensional Integration - Coupled Limits

I need to calculate the value of a high dimensional integral in C++. I have found numerous libraries capable of solving this task for fixed limit integrals,
\int_{0}^{L} \int_{0}^{L} dx dy f(x,y) .
However the integrals which I am looking at have variable limits,
\int_{0}^{L} \int_{x}^{L} dx dy f(x,y) .
To clarify what i mean, here is a naive 2D Riemann sum implementation in 2D, which returns the desired result,
int steps = 100;
double integral = 0;
double dl = L/((double) steps);
double x[2] = {0};
for(int i = 0; i < steps; i ++){
x[0] = dl*i;
for(int j = i; j < steps; j ++){
x[1] = dl*j;
double val = f(x);
integral += val*val*dl*dl;
where f is some arbitrary function and L the common upper integration limit. While this implementation works, it's slow and thus impractical for higher dimensions.
Effective algorithms for higher dimensions exist, but to my knowledge, library implementations (e.g. Cuba) take a fixed value vector as the limit argument which renders them useless for my problem.
Is there any reason for this and/or is there any trick to circumvent the problem?
Your integration order is wrong, should be dy dx.
You are integrating over the triangle
0 <= x <= y <= L
inside the square [0,L]x[0,L]. This can be simulated by integrating over the full square where the integrand f is defined as 0 outside of the triangle. In many cases, when f is defined on the full square, this can be accomplished by taking the product of f with the indicator function of the triangle as new integrand.
When integrating over a triangular region such as 0<=x<=y<=L one can take advantage of symmetry: integrate f(min(x,y),max(x,y)) over the square 0<=x,y<=L and divide the result by 2. This has an advantage over extending f by zero (the method mentioned by LutzL) in that the extended function is continuous, which improves the performance of the integration routine.
I compared these on the example of the integral of 2x+y over 0<=x<=y<=1. The true value of the integral is 2/3. Let's compare the performance; for demonstration purpose I use Matlab routine, but this is not specific to language or library used.
Extending by zero
f = #(x,y) (2*x+y).*(x<=y);
result = integral2(f, 0, 1, 0, 1);
Warning: Reached the maximum number of function evaluations
(10000). The result fails the global error test.
Extending by symmetry
g = #(x,y) (2*min(x,y)+max(x,y));
result2 = integral2(g, 0, 1, 0, 1)/2;
The second result is 500 times more accurate than the first.
Unfortunately, this symmetry trick is not available for general domains; but integration over a triangle comes up often enough so it's useful to keep it in mind.
I was a bit confused by your integral definition but from your code i see it like this:
just did some testing so here is your code:
double f(double *x) { return (x[0]+x[1]); }
void integral0()
double L=10.0;
int steps = 10000;
double integral = 0;
double dl = L/((double) steps);
double x[2] = {0};
for(int i = 0; i < steps; i ++){
x[0] = dl*i;
for(int j = i; j < steps; j ++){
x[1] = dl*j;
double val = f(x);
integral += val*val*dl*dl;
Here is optimized code:
void integral1()
double L=10.0;
int i0,i1,steps = 10000;
double x[2]={0.0,0.0};
double integral,val,dl=L/((double)steps);
#define f(x) (x[0]+x[1])
for(x[0]= 0.0,i0= 0;i0<steps;i0++,x[0]+=dl)
#undef f
[ 452.639 ms] integral0
[ 336.268 ms] integral1
so the increase in speed is ~ 1.3 times (on 32bit app on WOW64 AMD 3.2GHz)
for higher dimensions it will multiply
but still I think this approach is slow
The only thing to reduce complexity I can think of is algebraically simplify things
either by integration tables or by Laplace or Z transforms
but for that the f(*x) must be know ...
constant time reduction can of course be done
by the use of multi-threading
and or GPU ussage
this can give you N times speed increase
because this is all directly parallelisable

How to compute sum of evenly spaced binomial coefficients

How to find sum of evenly spaced Binomial coefficients modulo M?
ie. (nCa + nCa+r + nCa+2r + nCa+3r + ... + nCa+kr) % M = ?
given: 0 <= a < r, a + kr <= n < a + (k+1)r, n < 105, r < 100
My first attempt was:
int res = 0;
int mod=1000000009;
for (int k = 0; a + r*k <= n; k++) {
res = (res + mod_nCr(n, a+r*k, mod)) % mod;
but this is not efficient. So after reading here
and this paper I found out the above sum is equivalent to:
summation[ω-ja * (1 + ωj)n / r], for 0 <= j < r; and ω = ei2π/r is a primitive rth root of unity.
What can be the code to find this sum in Order(r)?
n can go upto 105 and r can go upto 100.
Original problem source:
Editorial for the problem from the contest:
After revisiting this post 6 years later, I'm unable to recall how I transformed the original problem statement into mine version, nonetheless, I shared the link to the original solution incase anyone wants to have a look at the correct solution approach.
Binomial coefficients are coefficients of the polynomial (1+x)^n. The sum of the coefficients of x^a, x^(a+r), etc. is the coefficient of x^a in (1+x)^n in the ring of polynomials mod x^r-1. Polynomials mod x^r-1 can be specified by an array of coefficients of length r. You can compute (1+x)^n mod (x^r-1, M) by repeated squaring, reducing mod x^r-1 and mod M at each step. This takes about log_2(n)r^2 steps and O(r) space with naive multiplication. It is faster if you use the Fast Fourier Transform to multiply or exponentiate the polynomials.
For example, suppose n=20 and r=5.
(1+x) = {1,1,0,0,0}
(1+x)^2 = {1,2,1,0,0}
(1+x)^4 = {1,4,6,4,1}
(1+x)^8 = {1,8,28,56,70,56,28,8,1}
(1+x)^16 = {3249,4104,5400,9090,13380,9144,8289,7980,4900}
(1+x)^20 = (1+x)^16 (1+x)^4
= {12393,12393,13380,13990,13380}*{1,4,6,4,1}
This tells you the sums for the 5 possible values of a. For example, for a=1, 211585 = 20c1+20c6+20c11+20c16 = 20+38760+167960+4845.
Something like that, but you have to check a, n and r because I just put anything without regarding about the condition:
#include <complex>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main( void )
const int r = 10;
const int a = 2;
const int n = 4;
complex<double> i(0.,1.), res(0., 0.), w;
for( int j(0); j<r; ++j )
w = exp( i * 2. * M_PI / (double)r );
res += pow( w, -j * a ) * pow( 1. + pow( w, j ), n ) / (double)r;
return 0;
the mod operation is expensive, try avoiding it as much as possible
uint64_t res = 0;
int mod=1000000009;
for (int k = 0; a + r*k <= n; k++) {
res += mod_nCr(n, a+r*k, mod);
if(res > mod)
res %= mod;
I did not test this code
I don't know if you reached something or not in this question, but the key to implementing this formula is to actually figure out that w^i are independent and therefore can form a ring. In simpler terms you should think of implement
(1+x)^n%(x^r-1) or finding out (1+x)^n in the ring Z[x]/(x^r-1)
If confused I will give you an easy implementation right now.
make a vector of size r . O(r) space + O(r) time
initialization this vector with zeros every where O(r) space +O(r) time
make the first two elements of that vector 1 O(1)
calculate (x+1)^n using the fast exponentiation method. each multiplication takes O(r^2) and there are log n multiplications therefore O(r^2 log(n) )
return first element of the vector.O(1)
O(r^2 log(n) ) time and O(r) space.
this r^2 can be reduced to r log(r) using fourier transform.
How is the multiplication done, this is regular polynomial multiplication with mod in the power
vector p1(r,0);
vector p2(r,0);
now we want to do the multiplication
vector res(r,0);
for(int i=0;i<r;i++)
for(int j=0;j<r;j++)
return res[0];
I have implemented this part before, if you are still cofused about something let me know. I would prefer that you implement the code yourself, but if you need the code let me know.

Efficient way to compute geometric mean of many numbers

I need to compute the geometric mean of a large set of numbers, whose values are not a priori limited. The naive way would be
double geometric_mean(std::vector<double> const&data) // failure
auto product = 1.0;
for(auto x:data) product *= x;
return std::pow(product,1.0/data.size());
However, this may well fail because of underflow or overflow in the accumulated product (note: long double doesn't really avoid this problem). So, the next option is to sum-up the logarithms:
double geometric_mean(std::vector<double> const&data)
auto sumlog = 0.0;
for(auto x:data) sum_log += std::log(x);
return std::exp(sum_log/data.size());
This works, but calls std::log() for every element, which is potentially slow. Can I avoid that? For example by keeping track of (the equivalent of) the exponent and the mantissa of the accumulated product separately?
The "split exponent and mantissa" solution:
double geometric_mean(std::vector<double> const & data)
double m = 1.0;
long long ex = 0;
double invN = 1.0 / data.size();
for (double x : data)
int i;
double f1 = std::frexp(x,&i);
return std::pow( std::numeric_limits<double>::radix,ex * invN) * std::pow(m,invN);
If you are concerned that ex might overflow you can define it as a double instead of a long long, and multiply by invN at every step, but you might lose a lot of precision with this approach.
EDIT For large inputs, we can split the computation in several buckets:
double geometric_mean(std::vector<double> const & data)
long long ex = 0;
auto do_bucket = [&data,&ex](int first,int last) -> double
double ans = 1.0;
for ( ;first != last;++first)
int i;
ans *= std::frexp(data[first],&i);
return ans;
const int bucket_size = -std::log2( std::numeric_limits<double>::min() );
std::size_t buckets = data.size() / bucket_size;
double invN = 1.0 / data.size();
double m = 1.0;
for (std::size_t i = 0;i < buckets;++i)
m *= std::pow( do_bucket(i * bucket_size,(i+1) * bucket_size),invN );
m*= std::pow( do_bucket( buckets * bucket_size, data.size() ),invN );
return std::pow( std::numeric_limits<double>::radix,ex * invN ) * m;
I think I figured out a way to do it, it combined the two routines in the question, similar to Peter's idea. Here is an example code.
double geometric_mean(std::vector<double> const&data)
const double too_large = 1.e64;
const double too_small = 1.e-64;
double sum_log = 0.0;
double product = 1.0;
for(auto x:data) {
product *= x;
if(product > too_large || product < too_small) {
sum_log+= std::log(product);
product = 1;
return std::exp((sum_log + std::log(product))/data.size());
The bad news is: this comes with a branch. The good news: the branch predictor is likely to get this almost always right (the branch should only rarely be triggered).
The branch could be avoided using Peter's idea of a constant number of terms in the product. The problem with that is that overflow/underflow may still occur within only a few terms, depending on the values.
You may be able to accelerate this by multiplying numbers as in your original solution and only converting to logarithms every certain number of multiplications (depending on the size of your initial numbers).
A different approach which would give better accuracy and performance than the logarithm method would be to compensate out-of-range exponents by a fixed amount, maintaining an exact logarithm of the cancelled excess. Like so:
const int EXP = 64; // maximal/minimal exponent
const double BIG = pow(2, EXP); // overflow threshold
const double SMALL = pow(2, -EXP); // underflow threshold
double product = 1;
int excess = 0; // number of times BIG has been divided out of product
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
product *= A[i];
while(product > BIG)
product *= SMALL;
while(product < SMALL)
product *= BIG;
double mean = pow(product, 1.0/n) * pow(BIG, double(excess)/n);
All multiplications by BIG and SMALL are exact, and there's no calls to log (a transcendental, and therefore particularly imprecise, function).
There is simple idea to reduce computation and also to prevent overflow. You can group together numbers say atleast two at time and calculate their log and then evaluate their sum.
log(abcde) = 5*log(K)
log(ab) + log(cde) = 5*log(k)
Summing logs to compute products stably is perfectly fine, and rather efficient (if this is not enough: there are ways to get vectorized logarithms with a few SSE operations -- there are also Intel MKL's vector operations).
To avoid overflow, a common technique is to divide every number by the maximum or minimum magnitude entry beforehand (or sum log differences to the log max or log min). You can also use buckets if the numbers vary a lot (eg. sum the log of small numbers and large numbers separately). Note that typically neither of this is needed except for very large sets since the log of a double is never huge (between say -700 and 700).
Also, you need to keep track of the signs separately.
Computing log x keeps typically the same number of significant digits as x, except when x is close to 1: you want to use std::log1p if you need to compute prod(1 + x_n) with small x_n.
Finally, if you have roundoff error problems when summing, you can use Kahan summation or variants.
Instead of using logarithms, which are very expensive, you can directly scale the results by powers of two.
double geometric_mean(std::vector<double> const&data) {
double huge = scalbn(1,512);
double tiny = scalbn(1,-512);
int scale = 0;
double product = 1.0;
for(auto x:data) {
if (x >= huge) {
x = scalbn(x, -512);
} else if (x <= tiny) {
x = scalbn(x, 512);
product *= x;
if (product >= huge) {
product = scalbn(product, -512);
} else if (product <= tiny) {
product = scalbn(product, 512);
return exp2((512.0*scale + log2(product)) / data.size());

How do I calculate the determinant of a 6x6 matrix in C++ really fast?

In C++ I need to calculate the determinant of a 6x6 matrix really fast.
This is how I would do this for a 2x2 matrix:
double det2(double A[2][2]) {
return A[0][0]*A[1][1] - A[0][1]*A[1][0];
I want a similar function for the determinant of a 6x6 matrix but I do not want to write it by hand since it contains 6! = 720 terms where each term is the product of 6 elements in the matrix.
Therefore I want to use Leibniz formula:
static int perms6[720][6];
static int signs6[720];
double det6(double A[6][6]) {
double sum = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < 720; i++) {
int j0 = perms6[i][0];
int j1 = perms6[i][1];
int j2 = perms6[i][2];
int j3 = perms6[i][3];
int j4 = perms6[i][4];
int j5 = perms6[i][5];
sum += signs6[i]*A[0]*A[j0]*A[1]*A[j1]*A[2]*A[j2]*A[3]*A[j3]*A[4]*A[j4]*A[5]*A[j5];
return sum;
How do I find the permutations and the signs?
Is there some way I could get the compiler to do more of the work (e.g. C macros or template metaprogramming) so that the function would be even faster?
I just timed the following code (Eigen):
Matrix<double,6,6> A;
// ... fill A
for(long i = 0; i < 1e6; i++) {
PartialPivLU< Matrix<double,6,6> > LU(A);
double d = LU.determinant();
to 1.25 s. So using LU or Gauss decomposition is definitely fast enough for my use!
Use Gauss method to make the matrix upper-triangular. For every operation you know how determinant is changed (not changed of multiplied by constant d) and it works in O(n^3). After that just multiply numbers on main diagonal and delete to product of all d's
Use Eigen, An example can be found here.