I can't seem to understand why this doesn't work I’m trying to get a sound sample to a given function.
I've based my code on a version of the function that uses objective-c which works.
But the code below written in C++ doesn't it meant to function by passing a float buffer to OXY_DecodeAudioBuffer function that latter tries and looks for data in the buffer.
Question: Am I passing the right buffer size and output from the buffer to the function? I always get no data found in buffer. Can anyone see the issue?
The hardware I'm using is Raspberry Pi 2 with a USB microphone.
I’ve also included the function with the description:
//OXY_DecodeAudioBuffer function, receives an audiobuffer of specified size and outputs if encoded data is found
//* Parameters:
// audioBuffer: float array of bufferSize size with audio data to be decoded
// size: size of audioBuffer
// oxyingObject: OXY object instance, created in OXY_Create()
//* Returns: -1 if no decoded data is found, -2 if start token is found, -3 if complete word has been decoded, positive number if character is decoded (number is the token idx)
OXY_DLLEXPORT int32_t OXY_DecodeAudioBuffer(float *audioBuffer, int size, void *oxyingObject);
The float_buffer output from the code below:
1. -0.00354004 -0.00369263 -0.00338745 -0.00354004 -0.00341797 -0.00402832
Program Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "Globals.h"
#include "OxyCoreLib_api.h"
void* mCore;
using namespace std;
void GetDecodedMode(){
std::cerr << "DECODE_MODE ---> " << OXY_GetDecodedMode(mCore) << std::endl << std::endl;
int main(void)
int i,j;
int err;
int mode = 3;
int16_t *buffer;
float* float_buffer;
// Allocate our own buffers (1 channel, 16 bits per sample, thus 16 bits per frame, thus 2 bytes per frame).
// Practice learns the buffers used contain 512 frames, if this changes it will be fixed in processAudio.
int buffer_frames = 512; //Not sure this correct but reason above
unsigned int rate = 44100;
float sampleRate = 44100.f; //to configure
snd_pcm_t *capture_handle;
snd_pcm_hw_params_t *hw_params;
snd_pcm_format_t format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE;
if ((err = snd_pcm_open(&capture_handle, "hw:1,0", SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE, 0)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open audio device %s (%s)\n","device",snd_strerror(err));
} else {fprintf(stdout, "audio interface opened\n");}
if ((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_malloc(&hw_params)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot allocate hardware parameter structure (%s)\n",
} else { fprintf(stdout, "hw_params allocated\n"); }
if ((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_any(capture_handle, hw_params)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot initialize hardware parameter structure (%s)\n",
} else { fprintf(stdout, "hw_params initialized\n"); }
if ((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_access(capture_handle, hw_params, SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot set access type (%s)\n",
} else { fprintf(stdout, "hw_params access set\n"); }
if ((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_format(capture_handle, hw_params, format)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot set sample format (%s)\n",
} else { fprintf(stdout, "hw_params format set\n"); }
if ((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near(capture_handle, hw_params, &rate, 0)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot set sample rate (%s)\n",
} else { fprintf(stdout, "hw_params rate set\n"); }
if ((err = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_channels(capture_handle, hw_params, 1)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot set channel count (%s)\n",
} else { fprintf(stdout, "hw_params channels set\n"); }
if ((err = snd_pcm_hw_params(capture_handle, hw_params)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot set parameters (%s)\n",
} else { fprintf(stdout, "hw_params set\n"); }
fprintf(stdout, "hw_params freed\n");
if ((err = snd_pcm_prepare(capture_handle)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot prepare audio interface for use (%s)\n",
} else { fprintf(stdout, "audio interface prepared\n"); }
//allocate buffer of 16bit ints, as specified in PCM_FORMAT
mCore = OXY_Create();
//Configure - Mode 3 inaudible, 44100, bufferSize
OXY_Configure(mode, sampleRate, buffer_frames, mCore);
//Debug to make sure
buffer = static_cast<int16_t*>(malloc(buffer_frames * snd_pcm_format_width(format) / 8 * 2));
//buffer = malloc(buffer_frames * snd_pcm_format_width(format) / 8 * 2);
float_buffer = static_cast<float*>(malloc(buffer_frames*sizeof(float)));
//float_buffer = malloc(buffer_frames*sizeof(float));
fprintf(stdout, "buffer allocated\n");
//where did 10000 come from doubt its correct
for (i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
//read from audio device into buffer
if ((err = snd_pcm_readi(capture_handle, buffer, buffer_frames)) != buffer_frames) {
fprintf(stderr, "read from audio interface failed (%s)\n",
err, snd_strerror(err));
//try to change buffer from short ints to floats for transformation
for (i = 0; i < buffer_frames; i++){
float_buffer[i] = (float)buffer[i]/32768.0;
//Example output of float_buffer
//send to float_to be tested
int ret = OXY_DecodeAudioBuffer(float_buffer, buffer_frames, mCore);
if (ret == -2)
std::cerr << "FOUND_TOKEN ---> -2 " << std::endl << std::endl;
else if(ret>=0)
std::cerr << "Decode started ---> -2 " << ret << std::endl << std::endl;
else if (ret == -3)
//int sizeStringDecoded = OXY_GetDecodedData(mStringDecoded, mCore);
std::cerr << "STRING DECODED ---> -2 " << std::endl << std::endl;
// ...
std::cerr << "No data found in this buffer" << std::endl << std::endl;
//no data found in this buffer
std::cerr << "memory freed\n" << std::endl << std::endl;
Working objective-c version using the same API:
// IosAudioController.m
#import "IosAudioController.h"
#import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h>
#import "OxyCoreLib_api.h"
#define kOutputBus 0
#define kInputBus 1
IosAudioController* iosAudio;
void checkStatus(int status){
if (status) {
printf("Status not 0! %d\n", status);
static OSStatus recordingCallback(void *inRefCon,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
UInt32 inBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData) {
if (iosAudio->mOxyObject->mDecoding == 0)
return noErr;
// Because of the way our audio format (setup below) is chosen:
// we only need 1 buffer, since it is mono
// Samples are 16 bits = 2 bytes.
// 1 frame includes only 1 sample
AudioBuffer buffer;
buffer.mNumberChannels = 1;
buffer.mDataByteSize = inNumberFrames * 2;
buffer.mData = malloc( inNumberFrames * 2 );
// Put buffer in a AudioBufferList
AudioBufferList bufferList;
bufferList.mNumberBuffers = 1;
bufferList.mBuffers[0] = buffer;
// Then:
// Obtain recorded samples
OSStatus status;
status = AudioUnitRender([iosAudio audioUnit],
// Now, we have the samples we just read sitting in buffers in bufferList
// Process the new data
[iosAudio processAudio:&bufferList];
//Now Decode Audio *******************
//convert from AudioBuffer format to *float buffer
iosAudio->floatBuffer = (float *)malloc(inNumberFrames * sizeof(float));
//UInt16 *frameBuffer = bufferList.mBuffers[0].mData;
SInt16 *frameBuffer = bufferList.mBuffers[0].mData;
for(int j=0;j<inNumberFrames;j++)
iosAudio->floatBuffer[j] = frameBuffer[j]/32768.0;
int ret = OXY_DecodeAudioBuffer(iosAudio->floatBuffer, inNumberFrames, (void*)iosAudio->mOxyObject->mOxyCore);
if (ret == -2)
[iosAudio->mObject performSelector:iosAudio->mSelector withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]];
else if (ret >= 0)
NSLog(#"Decode started %#",#(ret).stringValue);
else if (ret == -3)
int sizeStringDecoded = OXY_GetDecodedData(iosAudio->mStringDecoded, (void*)iosAudio->mOxyObject->mOxyCore);
NSString *tmpString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:iosAudio->mStringDecoded];
iosAudio->mOxyObject->mDecodedString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:iosAudio->mStringDecoded];
if (sizeStringDecoded > 0)
iosAudio->mOxyObject->mDecodedOK = 1;
NSLog(#"Decoded OK! %# ", tmpString);
[iosAudio->mObject performSelector:iosAudio->mSelector withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1]];
iosAudio->mOxyObject->mDecodedOK = -1;
NSLog(#"END DECODING BAD! %# ", tmpString);
[iosAudio->mObject performSelector:iosAudio->mSelector withObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:2]];
//no data found in this buffer
// release the malloc'ed data in the buffer we created earlier
return noErr;
static OSStatus playbackCallback(void *inRefCon,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
UInt32 inBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData) {
// Notes: ioData contains buffers (may be more than one!)
// Fill them up as much as you can. Remember to set the size value in each buffer to match how
// much data is in the buffer.
for (int i=0; i < ioData->mNumberBuffers; i++)
{ // in practice we will only ever have 1 buffer, since audio format is mono
AudioBuffer buffer = ioData->mBuffers[i];
// NSLog(#" Buffer %d has %d channels and wants %d bytes of data.", i, buffer.mNumberChannels, buffer.mDataByteSize);
// copy temporary buffer data to output buffer
UInt32 size = min(buffer.mDataByteSize, [iosAudio tempBuffer].mDataByteSize); // dont copy more data than we have, or than fits
memcpy(buffer.mData, [iosAudio tempBuffer].mData, size);
buffer.mDataByteSize = size; // indicate how much data we wrote in the buffer
// uncomment to hear random noise
/*UInt16 *frameBuffer = buffer.mData;
for (int j = 0; j < inNumberFrames; j++)
frameBuffer[j] = rand();*/
// Play encoded buffer
if (iosAudio->mOxyObject->mEncoding > 0)
int sizeSamplesRead;
float audioBuffer[2048];
sizeSamplesRead = OXY_GetEncodedAudioBuffer(audioBuffer, (void*)iosAudio->mOxyObject->mOxyCore);
if (sizeSamplesRead == 0)
iosAudio->mOxyObject->mEncoding = 0;
SInt16 *frameBuffer = buffer.mData;
for(int j=0;j<sizeSamplesRead;j++)
frameBuffer[j] = audioBuffer[j]*32768.0;
SInt16 *frameBuffer = buffer.mData;
for (int j = 0; j < inNumberFrames; j++)
frameBuffer[j] = 0;
return noErr;
#implementation IosAudioController
#synthesize audioUnit, tempBuffer;
- (id) init {
self = [super init];
OSStatus status;
// Describe audio component
AudioComponentDescription desc;
desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output;
desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_RemoteIO;
desc.componentFlags = 0;
desc.componentFlagsMask = 0;
desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
// Get component
AudioComponent inputComponent = AudioComponentFindNext(NULL, &desc);
// Get audio units
status = AudioComponentInstanceNew(inputComponent, &audioUnit);
// Enable IO for recording
UInt32 flag = 1;
status = AudioUnitSetProperty(audioUnit,
// Enable IO for playback
status = AudioUnitSetProperty(audioUnit,
// Describe format
AudioStreamBasicDescription audioFormat;
audioFormat.mSampleRate = 44100.0;
audioFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
audioFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked;
audioFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1;
audioFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = 1;
audioFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 16;
audioFormat.mBytesPerPacket = 2;
audioFormat.mBytesPerFrame = 2;
// Apply format
status = AudioUnitSetProperty(audioUnit,
status = AudioUnitSetProperty(audioUnit,
// Set input callback
AURenderCallbackStruct callbackStruct;
callbackStruct.inputProc = recordingCallback;
callbackStruct.inputProcRefCon = (__bridge void *)self;
status = AudioUnitSetProperty(audioUnit,
// Set output callback
callbackStruct.inputProc = playbackCallback;
callbackStruct.inputProcRefCon = (__bridge void *)self;
status = AudioUnitSetProperty(audioUnit,
// Disable buffer allocation for the recorder (optional - do this if we want to pass in our own)
flag = 0;
status = AudioUnitSetProperty(audioUnit,
// Allocate our own buffers (1 channel, 16 bits per sample, thus 16 bits per frame, thus 2 bytes per frame).
// Practice learns the buffers used contain 512 frames, if this changes it will be fixed in processAudio.
tempBuffer.mNumberChannels = 1;
int size = 512;
size = 256; //TODO check this value!! depends on play/record callback buffer size
size = 512; //TODO check this value!! depends on play/record callback buffer size
tempBuffer.mDataByteSize = size * 2;
tempBuffer.mData = malloc( size * 2);
// Initialise
status = AudioUnitInitialize(audioUnit);
return self;
- (void) start {
OSStatus status = AudioOutputUnitStart(audioUnit);
- (void) stop {
OSStatus status = AudioOutputUnitStop(audioUnit);
- (void) processAudio: (AudioBufferList*) bufferList{
AudioBuffer sourceBuffer = bufferList->mBuffers[0];
// fix tempBuffer size if it's the wrong size
if (tempBuffer.mDataByteSize != sourceBuffer.mDataByteSize) {
tempBuffer.mDataByteSize = sourceBuffer.mDataByteSize;
tempBuffer.mData = malloc(sourceBuffer.mDataByteSize);
// copy incoming audio data to temporary buffer
memcpy(tempBuffer.mData, bufferList->mBuffers[0].mData, bufferList->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize);
- (void) dealloc {
- (void) setOxyObject: (OxyCore*) oxyObject
mOxyObject = oxyObject;
- (void) setListenCallback:(id)object withSelector:(SEL)selector
mObject = object;
mSelector = selector;
One problem that I can see is that you are using 2 nested loops with the same variable for iteration. The first loop for (i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) and the second one for (i = 0; i < buffer_frames; i++), if buffer_frames >= 10000 - 1 the first loop will be executed once and exit, otherwise it will enter an infinite loop.
I have two more remarks regarding the following line:
buffer = static_cast<int16_t*>(malloc(buffer_frames * snd_pcm_format_width(format) / 8 * 2));
According to the API reference snd_pcm_format_width(format) returns the number of bits per sample. As you have 16 bits per sample and each frame contains only one sample, you should allocate buffer_frames * snd_pcm_format_width(format) / 8 bytes of memory (that 2 from your multiplication represents the number of channels which in your case is 1). Also, I suggest to change your buffer type to char* as it is the only type that is not prone to violating the strict aliasing rule. Thus, the line becomes:
static_cast<char*>(malloc(buffer_frames * (snd_pcm_format_width(format) / 8)));
and when you do the trick to change from short ints to float, the second for loop becomes:
int16_t* sint_buffer = buffer;
for (j = 0; j < buffer_frames; ++j){
float_buffer[j] = (float)sint_buffer[j]/32768.0;
// everything else goes here
I am running embedded Linux (4.14.16) built with Yocto (Pyro). I am running on a custom board that has an i.MX6DL and the SPI is connected to an FPGA (a Xilinx Artix 7). I am currently writing a class that is part of an abstraction layer, so this code sits on top of the Linux drivers. It isn't a Linux device driver. The SPI works; I can program the FPGA with a shell script, and see the SPI traffic if echo data into /dev/spi1.0 (the FPGA brings out the SPI to a header, which I have an analyzer hooked up to).
The issue is when I use my driver to try to read registers in the FPGA, it isn't sending anything; the SPI transfer doesn't happen.
I dug into the spidev and spi drivers in Linux a little bit, and I am seeing it fail the __spi_validate call in drivers/spi/spi.c right under the /* check transfer rx_nbits */ comment. What controls those bits? Everything on our board is single data bit per clock, we have no quad-spi.
Here is the code in question:
#include "os/drivers/buses/linuxos/spi_driver.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/spi/spidev.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
namespace os
namespace drivers
namespace buses
namespace linuxos
spi_driver::spi_driver(int bus_id, int cs_index, std::uint32_t speed_bps) :
std::stringstream descriptor;
descriptor << "/dev/spidev" << bus_id << '.' << cs_index;
m_device_file_descriptor = descriptor.str();
bool spi_driver::transfer(const unsigned char *out_data, unsigned char *in_data, size_t size_in_bytes)
int spi_file_handle = open(m_device_file_descriptor.c_str(), O_RDWR);
bool success = (spi_file_handle >= 0);
if (success)
printf("spidev opened\n");
struct spi_ioc_transfer transfer_parameters;
transfer_parameters.tx_buf = reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(out_data);
transfer_parameters.rx_buf = reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(in_data);
transfer_parameters.len = size_in_bytes;
transfer_parameters.speed_hz = m_speed_bps;
transfer_parameters.bits_per_word = 0;
// transfer_parameters.cs_change = 0;
// transfer_parameters.delay_usecs = 0;
int ioctl_return = ioctl(spi_file_handle, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(1), &transfer_parameters);
printf("spidev ioctl returned %d\n", ioctl_return);
success = (ioctl_return > 0);
printf("Received data: ");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size_in_bytes; i++)
printf("%02x ", in_data[i]);
return success;
I am not sure if it is relevant (the SPI appears to work...) but here is the SPI part of the device tree.
&ecspi2 {
cs-gpios = <&gpio5 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_ecspi2 &pinctrl_ecspi2_cs>;
status = "okay";
simulator-fpga {
compatible = "mi,simulator-fpga";
spi-max-frequency = <8000000>;
reg = <0>;
The mi,simulator-fpga has been added to the generic spidev driver's compatible string, since it prints an error if you use spidev directly, but it is the generic spidev device.
I did try just using the Linux read and write functions, which worked (I saw the traffic on the SPI analyzer), but I need full duplex transfers which can't be done via that method.
Edit: In case anyone is wondering what those printf statements print out, here is what I get from those:
spidev opened
spidev ioctl returned -1
Received data: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
The Received data is the correct length for the desired message being sent. I am not sure why this is getting -1 for a return value, the error thrown in spi.c in the kernel is -22 (EINVAL/Invalid argument) as noted above.
So I am not sure why this is required, but this version of the driver appears to work. I added all the extra ioctls that were in this example.
While my FPGA still doesn't like the output (even though it worked fine with 3.14), it looks correct on the logic analyzer and via a protocol analyzer.
#include "os/drivers/buses/linuxos/spi_driver.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/spi/spidev.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
namespace os
namespace drivers
namespace buses
namespace linuxos
spi_driver::spi_driver(int bus_id, int cs_index, std::uint32_t speed_bps) :
std::stringstream descriptor;
descriptor << "/dev/spidev" << bus_id << '.' << cs_index;
m_device_file_descriptor = descriptor.str();
bool spi_driver::transfer(const unsigned char *out_data, unsigned char *in_data, size_t size_in_bytes)
int spi_file_handle = open(m_device_file_descriptor.c_str(), O_RDWR);
bool success = (spi_file_handle >= 0);
const std::uint8_t mode = 3;
const std::uint8_t bits = 8;
int ioctl_return = 0;
if (success)
ioctl_return = ioctl(spi_file_handle, SPI_IOC_WR_MODE, &mode);
if (ioctl_return != 0)
success = false;
ioctl_return = ioctl(spi_file_handle, SPI_IOC_RD_MODE, &mode);
if (ioctl_return != 0)
success = false;
ioctl_return = ioctl(spi_file_handle, SPI_IOC_WR_BITS_PER_WORD, &bits);
if (ioctl_return != 0)
success = false;
ioctl_return = ioctl(spi_file_handle, SPI_IOC_RD_BITS_PER_WORD, &bits);
if (ioctl_return != 0)
success = false;
ioctl_return = ioctl(spi_file_handle, SPI_IOC_WR_MAX_SPEED_HZ, &m_speed_bps);
if (ioctl_return != 0)
success = false;
ioctl_return = ioctl(spi_file_handle, SPI_IOC_RD_MAX_SPEED_HZ, &m_speed_bps);
if (ioctl_return != 0)
success = false;
if (success)
struct spi_ioc_transfer tr;
tr.tx_buf = reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(out_data);
tr.rx_buf = reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(in_data);
tr.len = size_in_bytes;
tr.delay_usecs = 0;
tr.speed_hz = 0;
tr.bits_per_word = 0;
ioctl_return = ioctl(spi_file_handle, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(1), &tr);
success = (ioctl_return != 1);
return success;
I am using a third party WinAPI-based Serial library (SerialPort) in a C++ program to command a LED strip (iLED and pixel color), but it turns out it only seems to work for one command - if I send the same command a second time, the color of that pixel takes another random colour and for some reason the first LED turns on too with a random colour.
Here is a link to a video of what happens when the simplified code below is run, i.e. when pixel 3, 5 and 7 are commanded over and over to be red, green, and blue respectively.
I suspected the weren't synchronised so I added a start byte but it didn't seem to work either, that's what the code below does.
What is happening ?
SerialPort.h (source:
#define ARDUINO_WAIT_TIME 2000
#define MAX_DATA_LENGTH 255
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
class SerialPort
HANDLE handler;
bool connected;
COMSTAT status;
DWORD errors;
SerialPort(char const *portName, unsigned long baudrate);
int readSerialPort(char *buffer, unsigned int buf_size);
bool writeSerialPort(char *buffer, unsigned int buf_size);
bool isConnected();
#endif // SERIALPORT_H
SerialPort.cpp (source:
#include "serialport.h"
SerialPort::SerialPort(char const *portName, unsigned long baudrate)
this->connected = false;
this->handler = CreateFileA(static_cast<LPCSTR>(portName),
if (this->handler == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND){
printf("ERROR: Handle was not attached. Reason: %s not available\n", portName);
else {
DCB dcbSerialParameters = {0};
if (!GetCommState(this->handler, &dcbSerialParameters)) {
printf("failed to get current serial parameters");
else {
dcbSerialParameters.BaudRate = baudrate;
dcbSerialParameters.ByteSize = 8;
dcbSerialParameters.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
dcbSerialParameters.Parity = NOPARITY;
dcbSerialParameters.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE;
if (!SetCommState(handler, &dcbSerialParameters))
printf("ALERT: could not set Serial port parameters\n");
else {
this->connected = true;
PurgeComm(this->handler, PURGE_RXCLEAR | PURGE_TXCLEAR);
if (this->connected){
this->connected = false;
int SerialPort::readSerialPort(char *buffer, unsigned int buf_size)
DWORD bytesRead;
unsigned int toRead;
ClearCommError(this->handler, &this->errors, &this->status);
if (this->status.cbInQue > 0){
if (this->status.cbInQue > buf_size){
toRead = buf_size;
else toRead = this->status.cbInQue;
if (ReadFile(this->handler, buffer, toRead, &bytesRead, NULL)) return bytesRead;
return 0;
bool SerialPort::writeSerialPort(char *buffer, unsigned int buf_size)
DWORD bytesSend;
if (!WriteFile(this->handler, (void*) buffer, buf_size, &bytesSend, 0)){
ClearCommError(this->handler, &this->errors, &this->status);
return false;
else return true;
bool SerialPort::isConnected()
return this->connected;
#include <iostream>
#include "serialport.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
SerialPort serial("COM3", 115200);
while(1) {
unsigned char buffer[] = {255,3, 254, 0, 0};
serial.writeSerialPort((char*)buffer, 4);
unsigned char buffer2[] = {255,5, 0, 254, 0};
serial.writeSerialPort((char*)buffer2, 4);
unsigned char buffer3[] = {255,7, 0, 0, 254};
serial.writeSerialPort((char*)buffer3, 4);
return 0;
Arduino firmware
#include <FastLED.h>
#define BAUDRATE 115200
#define N_BYTES_MSG 4
#define N_LEDS 120
#define DATA_PIN 6
CRGB leds[N_LEDS] = {0};
void setup() {
FastLED.addLeds<WS2811, DATA_PIN, BRG>(leds, N_LEDS); //I don't know why the colours are BRG on this strip;
void loop() {
//Check for a quadruplet of bytes (iLED R G B) led by start byte
if(Serial.available() >= N_BYTES_MSG+1 && == 255) {
//Read message
unsigned char buf[N_BYTES_MSG] = {0};
for(unsigned char i=0; i < N_BYTES_MSG; i++) {
buf[i] =;
if(buf[0] < N_LEDS) { //Valid ID
leds[buf[0]] = CRGB(buf[1],buf[2],buf[3]); //Update LED state in internal representation; //Refresh LEDs based on internal representation
Note that the LED strip seems to work properly on its own, since I successfully tested moving at constant speed a single pixel.
The LED strip itself is the easiest debug route I have since I didn't manage to make readSerialPort() work yet and the COM port is hogged by the program so I can't get a handle on it (can we sniff that somehow?).
I test serial.writeSerialPort on Windows 10 desktop with Arduino Uno. It works for me.
The following is the code I used:
On windows:
#include <iostream>
#include "serialport.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
SerialPort serial("COM4", 115200);
while (1) {
unsigned char buffer[] = { 255,3, 254, 0, 0 };
serial.writeSerialPort((char*)buffer, 5);
unsigned char buffer2[] = { 255,5, 0, 254, 0 };
serial.writeSerialPort((char*)buffer2, 5);
unsigned char buffer3[] = { 255,7, 0, 0, 254 };
serial.writeSerialPort((char*)buffer3, 5);
return 0;
On Arduino:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11); // RX, TX
#define BAUDRATE 115200
#define N_BYTES_MSG 4
#define N_LEDS 120
#define DATA_PIN 6
void setup() {
mySerial.println("Start reading.");
void loop() {
//Check for a quadruplet of bytes (iLED R G B) led by start byte
if(Serial.available() >= N_BYTES_MSG+1 && == 255) {
//Read message
unsigned char buf[N_BYTES_MSG] = {0};
for(unsigned char i=0; i < N_BYTES_MSG; i++) {
buf[i] =;
for(unsigned char i=0; i < N_BYTES_MSG; i++) {
//Serial.write("Read complete!");
I print the received data on Arduino:
I notice that the printed data messed up when the Windows sends fast as you did in the while(1) without delay. So try adding a delay between two writes to see if it works.
Add also note the problem as #paddy pointed out.
I didn't manage to make readSerialPort() work yet
Set unsigned int toRead = buf_size; in SerialPort.cpp works for me. Use the following code to read:
unsigned char readBuffer[20] = {};
serial.readSerialPort((char*)readBuffer, 20);
Read from Arduino result:
I am trying to send data from the arm cortrx m4 microcontroller to pc through usb. There is a program written in C++ language in codeblocks ide. Basically the program sets the serial communication settings and read data using ReadFile function.
The problem is I am getting garbage values at the output even if the baud rate in pc proogram and microcontroller is same.
How can I solve this problem?
The pc program is shown below.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
HANDLE hComm; // Handle to the Serial port
char ComPortName[] = "\\\\.\\COM51"; // Name of the Serial port to be opened,
BOOL Status; // Status of the various operations
DWORD dwEventMask; // Event mask to trigger
char TempChar; // Temperory Character
char SerialBuffer[26]; // Buffer Containing Rxed Data
DWORD NoBytesRead; // Bytes read by ReadFile()
int i = 0;
printf("\n\n +==========================================+");
printf("\n | Serial Port Reception (Win32 API) |");
printf("\n +==========================================+\n");
/*---------------------------------- Opening the Serial Port -----------*/
hComm = CreateFile( ComPortName, // Name of the Port to be Opened
0, // No Sharing
NULL, // No Security
OPEN_EXISTING, // Open existing port only
0, // Non Overlapped I/O
NULL); // Null for Comm Devices
printf("\n Error! - Port %s can't be opened\n", ComPortName);
printf("\n Port %s Opened\n ", ComPortName);
DCB dcbSerialParams = { 0 }; // Initializing DCB structure
dcbSerialParams.DCBlength = sizeof(dcbSerialParams);
Status = GetCommState(hComm, &dcbSerialParams); //retreives the current settings
if (Status == FALSE)
printf("\n Error! in GetCommState()");
dcbSerialParams.BaudRate = 115200; // Setting BaudRate = 115200
dcbSerialParams.ByteSize = 8; // Setting ByteSize = 8
dcbSerialParams.StopBits = ONE5STOPBITS; // Setting StopBits = 1
dcbSerialParams.Parity = NOPARITY; // Setting Parity = None
Status = SetCommState(hComm, &dcbSerialParams); //Configuring the port according to settings in DCB
if (Status == FALSE)
printf("\n Error! in Setting DCB Structure");
else //If Successfull display the contents of the DCB Structure
printf("\n\n Setting DCB Structure Successfull\n");
printf("\n Baudrate = %ld", dcbSerialParams.BaudRate);
printf("\n ByteSize = %d", dcbSerialParams.ByteSize);
printf("\n StopBits = %d", dcbSerialParams.StopBits);
printf("\n Parity = %d", dcbSerialParams.Parity);
//----------------- Setting Timeouts ----------------------------
COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts = { 0 };
timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 50;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 50;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 50;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10;
if (SetCommTimeouts(hComm, &timeouts) == FALSE)
printf("\n\n Error! in Setting Time Outs");
printf("\n\n Setting Serial Port Timeouts Successfull");
//-------------- Setting Receive Mask -------------------------------
if (!SetCommMask(hComm, EV_RXCHAR))
printf("\n\n Error! in Setting CommMask"); // Error setting communications event mask
printf("\n\n Setting CommMask successfull");
i = 0;
printf("\n\n Waiting for Data Reception");
if (WaitCommEvent(hComm, &dwEventMask, NULL))
printf("\n\n Characters Received\n");
if (ReadFile(hComm, &TempChar, 1, &NoBytesRead, NULL))
// A byte has been read; process it.
SerialBuffer[i] = TempChar;
//printf("\n%c\n", TempChar);
if(TempChar == 's')
// An error occurred in the ReadFile call.
} while (NoBytesRead);
int j =0;
for (j = 0; j < i-1; j++) // j < i-1 to remove the dupliated last character
printf("%c", SerialBuffer[j]);
CloseHandle(hComm);//Closing the Serial Port
printf("\n +==========================================+\n");
Here image showing the garbage value printed when the char s is continuosly sent on the port.
The microcontroller code goes below.
#include "PLL.h"
#include "UART.h"
#define GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400253FC))
#define GPIO_PORTF_DIR_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025400))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AFSEL_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025420))
#define GPIO_PORTF_PUR_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025510))
#define GPIO_PORTF_DEN_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x4002551C))
#define GPIO_PORTF_LOCK_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025520))
#define GPIO_PORTF_CR_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025524))
#define GPIO_PORTF_AMSEL_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x40025528))
#define GPIO_PORTF_PCTL_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x4002552C))
#define SYSCTL_RCGC2_R (*((volatile unsigned long *)0x400FE108))
unsigned long In; // input from PF4
// time delay
void delay(int value)
//debug code
int main(void)
unsigned char i;
char string[20]; // global to assist in debugging
unsigned long n;
unsigned char c;
char text[10] = "Hello!";
unsigned long count;
SYSCTL_RCGC2_R |= 0x00000020; // 1) F clock
//delay = SYSCTL_RCGC2_R; // delay
GPIO_PORTF_LOCK_R = 0x4C4F434B; // 2) unlock PortF PF0
GPIO_PORTF_CR_R = 0x1F; // allow changes to PF4-0
GPIO_PORTF_AMSEL_R = 0x00; // 3) disable analog function
GPIO_PORTF_PCTL_R = 0x00000000; // 4) GPIO clear bit PCTL
GPIO_PORTF_DIR_R = 0x0E; // 5) PF4,PF0 input, PF3,PF2,PF1 output
GPIO_PORTF_AFSEL_R = 0x00; // 6) no alternate function
GPIO_PORTF_PUR_R = 0x11; // enable pullup resistors on PF4,PF0
GPIO_PORTF_DEN_R = 0x1F; // 7) enable digital pins PF4-PF0
UART_Init(); // initialize UART
n = 0;
while(n < 10)
This code is not correct. I suspect you keep overwriting the UART tx buffer over and over, long before the UART is given a chance to send anything at all.
First of all, you can't write the delay function like that. The compiler is free to optimize it all away, as it can't spot any side-effects. Generally, you should away "burn-away time" loops as poor man's delays, but if you for some reason must use them, they have to be written like this:
void delay(int value)
for(volatile int i=0; i<value; i++)
The volatile keyword prevents the compiler from optimizing away the whole function.
The correct way to do this though, is not to use such blunt delays at all, but instead watch the transmitter busy flag of your UART hardware. It is found in the UART status register, whatever that one is called for your specific microcontroller.
Pseudo code:
n = 0;
while(n < 10)
if((UART_SR & TX_BUSY) == 0)
/* can do other things here in the meantime */
I want to decode H.264 video from a collection of MPEG-2 Transport Stream packets but I am not clear what to pass to avcodec_decode_video2
The documentation says to pass "the input AVPacket containing the input buffer."
But what should be in the input buffer?
A PES packet will be spread across the payload portion of several TS packets, with NALU(s) inside the PES. So pass a TS fragment? The entire PES? PES payload only?
This Sample Code mentions:
BUT some other codecs (msmpeg4, mpeg4) are inherently frame based, so
you must call them with all the data for one frame exactly. You must
also initialize 'width' and 'height' before initializing them.
But I can find no info on what "all the data" means...
Passing a fragment of a TS packet payload is not working:
AVPacket avDecPkt;
av_init_packet(&avDecPkt); = inbuf_ptr;
avDecPkt.size = esBufSize;
len = avcodec_decode_video2(mpDecoderContext, mpFrameDec, &got_picture, &avDecPkt);
if (len < 0)
printf(" TS PKT #%.0f. Error decoding frame #%04d [rc=%d '%s']\n",
tsPacket.pktNum, mDecodedFrameNum, len, av_make_error_string(errMsg, 128, len));
[h264 # 0x81cd2a0] no frame!
TS PKT #2973. Error decoding frame #0001 [rc=-1094995529 'Invalid data found when processing input']
Using the excellent hits from WLGfx, I made this simple program to try decoding TS packets. As input, I prepared a file containing only TS packets from the Video PID.
It feels close but I don't know how to set up the FormatContext. The code below segfaults at av_read_frame() (and internally at ret = s->iformat->read_packet(s, pkt)). s->iformat is zero.
EDIT II - Sorry, for got post source code **
**EDIT III - Sample code updated to simulate reading TS PKT Queue
* Test program for video decoder
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
extern "C" {
#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifdef _STDINT_H
#undef _STDINT_H
#include <stdint.h>
extern "C" {
#include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"
#include "libavformat/avformat.h"
#include "libswscale/swscale.h"
#include "libavutil/imgutils.h"
#include "libavutil/opt.h"
class VideoDecoder
bool rcvTsPacket(AVPacket &inTsPacket);
AVCodec *mpDecoder;
AVCodecContext *mpDecoderContext;
AVFrame *mpDecodedFrame;
AVFormatContext *mpFmtContext;
mpFmtContext = avformat_alloc_context();
mpFmtContext->flags = AVFMT_NOFILE;
// ????? WHAT ELSE ???? //
mpDecoder = avcodec_find_decoder(AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
if (!mpDecoder)
printf("Could not load decoder\n");
mpDecoderContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(NULL);
if (avcodec_open2(mpDecoderContext, mpDecoder, NULL) < 0)
printf("Cannot open decoder context\n");
mpDecodedFrame = av_frame_alloc();
VideoDecoder::rcvTsPacket(AVPacket &inTsPkt)
bool ret = true;
if ((av_read_frame(mpFmtContext, &inTsPkt)) < 0)
printf("Error in av_read_frame()\n");
ret = false;
// success. Decode the TS packet
int got;
int len = avcodec_decode_video2(mpDecoderContext, mpDecodedFrame, &got, &inTsPkt);
if (len < 0)
ret = false;
if (got)
printf("GOT A DECODED FRAME\n");
return ret;
main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc != 2)
printf("Usage: %s tsInFile\n", argv[0]);
FILE *tsInFile = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (!tsInFile)
perror("Could not open TS input file");
unsigned int tsPktNum = 0;
uint8_t tsBuffer[256];
AVPacket tsPkt;
VideoDecoder vDecoder;
while (!feof(tsInFile))
tsPkt.size = 188; = tsBuffer;
fread(, 188, 1, tsInFile);
I've got some code snippets that might help you out as I've been working with MPEG-TS also.
Starting with my packet thread which checks each packet against the stream ID's which I've already found and got the codec contexts:
void *FFMPEG::thread_packet_function(void *arg) {
FFMPEG *ffmpeg = (FFMPEG*)arg;
for (int c = 0; c < MAX_PACKETS; c++)
ffmpeg->free_packets[c] = &ffmpeg->packet_list[c];
ffmpeg->packet_pos = MAX_PACKETS;
while (!ffmpeg->thread_quit) {
if (ffmpeg->packet_pos != 0 &&
Audio.okay_add_packet() &&
Video.okay_add_packet() &&
Subtitle.okay_add_packet()) {
pthread_mutex_lock(&ffmpeg->packet_mutex); // get free packet
AVPacket *pkt = ffmpeg->free_packets[--ffmpeg->packet_pos]; // pre decrement
if ((av_read_frame(ffmpeg->fContext, pkt)) >= 0) { // success
int id = pkt->stream_index;
if (id == ffmpeg->aud_stream.stream_id) Audio.add_packet(pkt);
else if (id == ffmpeg->vid_stream.stream_id) Video.add_packet(pkt);
else if (id == ffmpeg->sub_stream.stream_id) Subtitle.add_packet(pkt);
else { // unknown packet
pthread_mutex_lock(&ffmpeg->packet_mutex); // put packet back
ffmpeg->free_packets[ffmpeg->packet_pos++] = pkt;
//LOGI("Dumping unknown packet, id %d", id);
} else {
pthread_mutex_lock(&ffmpeg->packet_mutex); // put packet back
ffmpeg->free_packets[ffmpeg->packet_pos++] = pkt;
//LOGI("No packet read");
} else { // buffers full so yield
//LOGI("Packet reader on hold: Audio-%d, Video-%d, Subtitle-%d",
// Audio.packet_pos, Video.packet_pos, Subtitle.packet_pos);
return 0;
Each decoder for audio, video and subtitles have their own threads which receive the packets from the above thread in ring buffers. I've had to separate the decoders into their own threads because CPU usage was increasing when I started using the deinterlace filter.
My video decoder reads the packets from the buffers and when it has finished with the packet sends it back to be unref'd and can be used again. Balancing the packet buffers doesn't take that much time once everything is running.
Here's the snipped from my video decoder:
void *VideoManager::decoder(void *arg) {
LOGI("Video decoder started");
VideoManager *mgr = (VideoManager *)arg;
while (!ffmpeg.thread_quit) {
if (mgr->packet_pos != 0) {
// fetch first packet to decode
AVPacket *pkt = mgr->packets[0];
// shift list down one
for (int c = 1; c < mgr->packet_pos; c++) {
mgr->packets[c-1] = mgr->packets[c];
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mgr->packet_mutex); // finished with packets array
int got;
AVFrame *frame = ffmpeg.vid_stream.frame;
avcodec_decode_video2(ffmpeg.vid_stream.context, frame, &got, pkt);
if (got) {
if (!frame->interlaced_frame) mgr->add_av_frame(frame, 0);
else {
if (!mgr->filter_initialised) mgr->init_filter_graph(frame);
av_buffersrc_add_frame_flags(mgr->filter_src_ctx, frame, AV_BUFFERSRC_FLAG_KEEP_REF);
int c = 0;
while (true) {
AVFrame *filter_frame = ffmpeg.vid_stream.filter_frame;
int result = av_buffersink_get_frame(mgr->filter_sink_ctx, filter_frame);
if (result == AVERROR(EAGAIN) ||
result < 0)
mgr->add_av_frame(filter_frame, c++);
//LOGI("Interlaced %d frames, decode %d, playback %d", c, mgr->decode_pos, mgr->playback_pos);
#elif defined(INTERLACE_HALF)
if (!frame->interlaced_frame) mgr->add_av_frame(frame, 0);
else {
if (!mgr->filter_initialised) mgr->init_filter_graph(frame);
av_buffersrc_add_frame_flags(mgr->filter_src_ctx, frame, AV_BUFFERSRC_FLAG_KEEP_REF);
int c = 0;
while (true) {
AVFrame *filter_frame = ffmpeg.vid_stream.filter_frame;
int result = av_buffersink_get_frame(mgr->filter_sink_ctx, filter_frame);
if (result == AVERROR(EAGAIN) ||
result < 0)
mgr->add_av_frame(filter_frame, c++);
//LOGI("Interlaced %d frames, decode %d, playback %d", c, mgr->decode_pos, mgr->playback_pos);
mgr->add_av_frame(frame, 0);
//LOGI("decoded video packet");
} else {
LOGI("Video decoder ended");
As you can see, I'm using a mutex when passing packets back and forth.
Once a frame has been got I just copy the YUV buffers from the frame for later use into another buffer list. I don't convert the YUV, I use a shader which converts the YUV to RGB on the GPU.
The next snippet adds my decoded frame to my buffer list. This may help understand how to deal with the data.
void VideoManager::add_av_frame(AVFrame *frame, int field_num) {
int y_linesize = frame->linesize[0];
int u_linesize = frame->linesize[1];
int hgt = frame->height;
int y_buffsize = y_linesize * hgt;
int u_buffsize = u_linesize * hgt / 2;
int buffsize = y_buffsize + u_buffsize + u_buffsize;
VideoBuffer *buffer = &buffers[decode_pos];
if (ffmpeg.is_network && playback_pos == decode_pos) { // patched 25/10/16 wlgfx
buffer->used = false;
if (!buffer->data) buffer->data = (char*)mem.alloc(buffsize);
if (!buffer->data) {
LOGI("Dropped frame, allocation error");
} else if (playback_pos == decode_pos) {
LOGI("Dropped frame, ran out of decoder frame buffers");
} else if (!buffer->data) {
buffer->data = (char*)mem.alloc(buffsize);
if (!buffer->data) {
LOGI("Dropped frame, allocation error.");
buffer->y_frame = buffer->data;
buffer->u_frame = buffer->y_frame + y_buffsize;
buffer->v_frame = buffer->y_frame + y_buffsize + u_buffsize;
buffer->wid = frame->width;
buffer->hgt = hgt;
buffer->y_linesize = y_linesize;
buffer->u_linesize = u_linesize;
int64_t pts = av_frame_get_best_effort_timestamp(frame);
buffer->pts = pts;
buffer->buffer_size = buffsize;
double field_add = av_q2d(ffmpeg.vid_stream.context->time_base) * field_num;
buffer->frame_time = av_q2d(ts_stream) * pts + field_add;
memcpy(buffer->y_frame, frame->data[0], (size_t) (buffer->y_linesize * buffer->hgt));
memcpy(buffer->u_frame, frame->data[1], (size_t) (buffer->u_linesize * buffer->hgt / 2));
memcpy(buffer->v_frame, frame->data[2], (size_t) (buffer->u_linesize * buffer->hgt / 2));
buffer->used = true;
decode_pos = (++decode_pos) % MAX_VID_BUFFERS;
//if (field_num == 0) LOGI("Video %.2f, %d - %d",
// buffer->frame_time - Audio.pts_start_time, decode_pos, playback_pos);
If there's anything else that I may be able to help with just give me a shout. :-)
The snippet how I open my video stream context which automatically determines the codec, whether it is h264, mpeg2, or another:
void FFMPEG::open_video_stream() {
vid_stream.stream_id = av_find_best_stream(fContext, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
-1, -1, &vid_stream.codec, 0);
if (vid_stream.stream_id == -1) return;
vid_stream.context = fContext->streams[vid_stream.stream_id]->codec;
if (!vid_stream.codec || avcodec_open2(vid_stream.context,
vid_stream.codec, NULL) < 0) {
vid_stream.stream_id = -1;
vid_stream.frame = av_frame_alloc();
vid_stream.filter_frame = av_frame_alloc();
This is how I've opened the input stream, whether it be file or URL. The AVFormatContext is the main context for the stream.
bool FFMPEG::start_stream(char *url_, float xtrim, float ytrim, int gain) {
aud_stream.stream_id = -1;
vid_stream.stream_id = -1;
sub_stream.stream_id = -1;
this->url = url_;
this->xtrim = xtrim;
this->ytrim = ytrim;
Audio.volume = gain;
fContext = avformat_alloc_context();
if ((avformat_open_input(&fContext, url_, NULL, NULL)) != 0) {
return false;
if ((avformat_find_stream_info(fContext, NULL)) < 0) {
return false;
// network stream will overwrite packets if buffer is full
is_network = url.substr(0, 4) == "udp:" ||
url.substr(0, 4) == "rtp:" ||
url.substr(0, 5) == "rtsp:" ||
url.substr(0, 5) == "http:"; // added for wifi broadcasting ability
// determine if stream is audio only
is_mp3 = url.substr(url.size() - 4) == ".mp3";
LOGI("Stream: %s", url_);
if (!open_audio_stream()) {
return false;
if (is_mp3) {
vid_stream.stream_id = -1;
sub_stream.stream_id = -1;
} else {
if (vid_stream.stream_id == -1) { // switch to audio only
is_mp3 = true;
LOGI("Audio: %d, Video: %d, Subtitle: %d",
if (aud_stream.stream_id != -1) {
LOGD("Audio stream time_base {%d, %d}",
if (vid_stream.stream_id != -1) {
LOGD("Video stream time_base {%d, %d}",
LOGI("Starting packet and decode threads");
thread_quit = false;
pthread_create(&thread_packet, NULL, &FFMPEG::thread_packet_function, this);
return true;
EDIT: (constructing an AVPacket)
Construct an AVPacket to send to the decoder...
AVPacket packet;
av_init_packet(&packet); = myTSpacketdata; // pointer to the TS packet
packet.size = 188;
You should be able to reuse the packet. And it might need unref'ing.
You must first use the avcodec library to get the compressed frames out of the file. Then you can decode them using avcodec_decode_video2. look at this tutorial