In C++, how to pause and resume a thread from outside? - c++

I want to pause and resume a thread from outside, and at any time (not at certain breakpoints, and thus wait and notify won't work).
For example, we create a thread in foo(), and then it keeps running. (the Thread could be any thread class similar to std::thread)
void A::foo() {
this->th = Thread([]{
// This thread runs a time-consuming job with many steps
// I hope to pause and resume it at any time outside ths thread (e.g. press a button)
I need to pause and resume the thread outside the thread, maybe by calling methods like this...
void A::bar() {
cout << "The thread is paused now" << endl;
void A::baz() {
cout << "The thread is resumed now" << endl;
How can I implement this in C++?

#freakish said it can be done with pthread and signals, but no portable way.
In Windows, I just found SuspendThread(t.native_handle()) and ResumeThread(t.native_handle()) (where t is of type std::thread) are available. These would solve my problem.


Thread crashing when trying to join

I did as recommended to create a std::vector of threads outside the scope, so I can .join() as soon as the thread has finished it's job, the problem now is that as soon as the thread is joined the program not exactly crashes, because it still runs in the background but the abort window appears. I checked if the thread was joinable and indeed it is when trying to join.
void Timer::Start(int time, void(*lf)()) {
slaveTimer = std::thread(&Timer::RunTimer, this, time, lf);
void Timer::RunTimer(int seconds, void(*lf)()) {
auto time = (std::chrono::seconds)seconds;
slaveTimer.join(); //Program Crashes
Timer timer1(10, [](){ std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl; });
Original Post
I was trying to make coroutines with multithreading, the thing is that when I try to make the thread wait for X seconds, i then thread.detach(); but that takes a couple of milliseconds and the screen (because I’m displaying with GL) freezes. One of the possible solutions that I can think of is making the thread detach itself before executing the action, but that doesn’t seem possible, so I was wondering if there is any way to do that or something similar to solve this problem.
You cannot call join from the function which is the body of execution thread. It will give you the error:
Error Conditions :
resource_deadlock_would_occur if this->get_id() ==
std::this_thread::get_id() (deadlock detected)
you need to add additional method for instance
void Timer::stop() {
and call this method from thread which created timer1 instance
Timer timer1(10, [](){ std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl; });
or join thread in dtor of Timer:
Timer::~Timer() {

Terminating custom std::thread pool

Ive been playing around with multithreaded game engine architecture and thread pools lately. Now ive implemented a basic Kernel class. This class has an std::vector<std::thread>, which represents the threadpool. Now, the following function is run by a single thread in the pool:
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> kernelstateLocker(m_KernelStateMutex);
if(m_KernelState == KernelState::KernelShutdown || m_KernelState == KernelState::KernelTerminate)
//std::cout << "Worker #" << _workerID << std::endl console log here
else if(m_KernelState == KernelState::KernelWorkAvailable)
As you can see, a thread wakes up if the KernelState variable changes. This can happen when a Task is added to the queue, or when the Kernel shuts down. The kernel shutdown condition variable gets called by the main program thread, via m_KernelStateCond.notify_all(). However, as i added cout's as seen in the comment, only one of at times up to 8 worker threads would print its name and id, indicating that the others never terminated. Does anybody know why this is, and how i can terminate all of the threads in my pool? In case it matters, my platform is TDM-GCC-64 5.1 on Windows 10 64-bit.
As per comment request and SO rules, here is the code that calls the condition variable.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> shutdownLocker(m_IsRunningMutex);
m_ShutdownCond.wait(shutdownLocker, [this](){ return !m_IsRunning; });
m_KernelState = KernelState::KernelShutdown;
Im pretty sure this part of my code is working, since at least one of the thread workers actually closes. And for completeness, here is my full Kernel class:
class Kernel : public Singleton<Kernel>
void boot(unsigned int _workerCount);
void run();
void shutdown();
void addTask(std::shared_ptr<Task> _task);
friend class Singleton<Kernel>;
bool m_IsRunning;
KernelState m_KernelState;
std::vector<std::thread> m_Workers;
std::queue<std::shared_ptr<Task>> m_Tasks;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Task>> m_LoopTasks;
std::condition_variable m_KernelStateCond;
std::mutex m_KernelStateMutex;
void workTask(unsigned int _workerID);
I figured the problem out. It was not a problem with my thread pool implementation per se, but it had to do with the fact that there were still tasks arriving while the kernel was shutting down. So some of the worker threads never shut down, and thus, the kernel got stuck. Adding constraints to the tasks solved this.

C++ Windows does window force the waking-up of thread in wait?

I know that sometime, thread in condition-variable wait can be wake - up from Windows, which send them a notify without reason. So we overload the function wait with a function which verify if the thread must be wake up or not.
Suppose to have this pseudo:
if (A == false)
conditionVariable.wait (lock, []() { return (A == true) });
cout << "Exit from wait " << endl;
Suppose that immediately before the wait, another thread put A = true, and it does a conditionVariable.notifyAll() (but I cannot listen it because I'm not on wait yet). After that, I enter in the wait and nobody could take the lock in other part of the code. The behaviour of my program is the execution of the cout! I'd like to understand if the motivation is:
A) Even if nobody notify the thread, it exit from the wait because the lock is free and because the condition A==true is true.
B) The synchronization is wrong, teorically your program should be wait forever but a "Windows notify" save you even if you miss the notification.
Thanks for your help.
Note that the reference mentions that wait-with-predicate is equivalent to:
while (!pred()) {
Your if is unnecessary. As to your question: behaviour is still B) (broken) for the reasons you list yourself. Note that even the reference has this snippet before notifying the waiting thread:
// send data to the worker thread
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m);
ready = true;
std::cout << "main() signals data ready for processing\n";
Acquiring the lock first before setting ready ensures the worker sees the expected sequence.

Solving run-time problems with QT threads

My current problem is with two QT threads. One of them emits a signal for starting an operation in the second thread, and afterwards wait for the result. As soon as the second thread finishes, the first thread should continue with its own operation using results from the second thread.
For letting the first thread sleep I use a QMutex and a QWaitCondition. The first thread emits a signal, and afterwards sleeps at the wait condition. But the problem is now: If the second thread somehow managed to be faster than the first thread, and emits the wakeAll()-call before the first thread enters the wait-condition, I get stuck. I could implement a waiting time, but then I am unflexible again, and if the second threads needs more time than the first thread is waiting, I have a problem again.
This problem has already been addressed here:, but they decided to leave this problem unsolved. So, is there a possibility to avoid this race-condition?
Addition: I don't want to convert this function into a function of the first thread, because this specific function should be accessable from several threads at once without leading to a race condition. I.e. Thread1 should call the function in Thread2, wait til it is finished, Thread3 also wants to call the function, but is not allowed to do that, it has to wait till finish, too. If the function has finished, Thread3 can access it. (Same goes for more than only two threads).
Example function:
This function should emit the signal and afterwards wait for the wake signal:
void Spectrometer_Control::moveStepper(int steps, bool dir)
emit stepperMoving();
qDebug() << "From Spectrometer_Control: Stepper should move in direction " + QString::number(dir) + " from position " + QString::number(MonoPos);
int newTarget = MonoPos + ((dir == true)?(steps):(-1 * steps));
qDebug() << "New target: " + QString::number(newTarget);
emit moveStepperToTarget(steps, dir);
qDebug() << "Locking WaitMutex!";
qDebug() << "Waiting for signal!";
qDebug() << "Finally unlocked!";
And this function receives the call, and should wake every waiting function up:
void Stepper_Control_Worker::moveStepper(int steps, bool dir)
qDebug() << "Motor moved from down below!";
Stepper_Control_Worker::STP[1]->setValue((dir == true)?BlackLib::high:BlackLib::low);
for(int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
emit StepperMoved(steps, dir);
The second function is a sub-member (not directly, but can only accessed via) of the class "stepper_control". The stepper-controller outer controls can be used by several functions, not only the function moveStepper from Spectrometer_Control, but for making things easier I only added one external function. But after I don't want to get my stepper confused, I wanted to restrict the access as described above.
It's probably safe to let the second thread send a signal back and move the code post wait to that slot.
class Worker1: public QObject{
void startWorking();
void answer(QVariant);
class Worker2: public QObject{
void startWorking();
void answer(QVariant);
Otherwise you need to have a variable that the second thread sets while holding the QMutex to signal the first:
emit startWorking();
QMutexLocker lock(&thread2->mutex);
while(!thread2->finished){//loop guards against spurious wakeups
and thread2:
QMutexLocker lock(&mutex);
That way if thread2 is faster then thread2->finished is already true by the time thread1 arrives and the mutex protects the variable between testing it and waiting on the QWaitCondition.
Maybe Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection is what you need?
a blocking queued connection is like a queued connection, but the sender thread blocks until the event is picked up by the event loop of the thread the receiver is living in, the slot is invoked, and it returns;

how a thread can signal when it's finished?

#include <iostream>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
using std::endl; using std::cout;
using namespace boost;
mutex running_mutex;
struct dostuff
volatile bool running;
dostuff() : running(true) {}
void operator()(int x)
cout << "dostuff beginning " << x << endl;
cout << "dostuff is done doing stuff" << endl;
mutex::scoped_lock running_lock(running_mutex);
running = false;
bool is_running(dostuff& doer)
mutex::scoped_lock running_lock(running_mutex);
return doer.running;
int main()
cout << "Begin.." << endl;
dostuff doer;
thread t(doer, 4);
if (is_running(doer)) cout << "Cool, it's running.\n";
if (!is_running(doer)) cout << "Cool, it's done now.\n";
else cout << "still running? why\n"; // This happens! :(
return 0;
Why is the output of the above program:
Cool, it's running.
dostuff beginning 4
dostuff is done doing stuff
still running? why
How can dostuff correctly flag when it is done? I do not want to sit around waiting for it, I just want to be notified when it's done.
The problem in this example is that there are two instances of dostuff, so the version being set to false in operator() is different then the one in main.
From the thread management documentation:
A new thread is launched by passing an object of a callable type that can be invoked with no parameters to the constructor. The object is then copied into internal storage, and invoked on the newly-created thread of execution. If the object must not (or cannot) be copied, then boost::ref can be used to pass in a reference to the function object. In this case, the user of Boost.Thread must ensure that the referred-to object outlives the newly-created thread of execution.
If you don't want to copy the object, use boost::ref:
thread t(boost::ref(doer), 4);
You can't assume the thread will be finished just by sleeping.
You can call join on the thread. This will wait until the thread is done and then resume flow.
For advanced notifying between threads of a certain event happening you can use boost condition.
I'm guessing your problem is actually a bug in your code. From the Boost documentation for thread:
Thread Constructor with arguments
template <class F,class A1,class A2,...>
thread(F f,A1 a1,A2 a2,...);
F and each An must by copyable or movable.
As if thread(boost::bind(f,a1,a2,...)). Consequently, f and each an are copied into internal storage for access by the new thread.
So, I think the thread is modifying its own copy of doer, and not the object whose runnable state you're checking.
The real question isn't how the dostuff thread should send the signal, but rather how the main thread should receive the signal. My favorite method is to use socketpair() to create a local socket connection and then give one socket to the child thread and the other socket to the main thread. The two threads can then use the socket-connection to communicate with each other. In your case, all you would need is for the child thread to send a byte on the socket (or just close its socket file descriptor) just before it exits, and that would be enough to break the main thread out of select() or poll() or whatever it is blocking in and let it know that the child thread has finished its task.
Note that the main thread should still call join() on the child thread's thread-ID (after it receives the child-going-away signal), to make sure that the child thread is really really dead, before freeing any resources... otherwise you risk a race condition of the main thread freeing a resource after the child thread has signalled but before the thread-cleanup routines have completed.