Reinterpret casting from __m256i to __m256 [duplicate] - c++

Why does _mm_extract_ps return an int instead of a float?
What's the proper way to read a single float from an XMM register in C?
Or rather, a different way to ask it is: What's the opposite of the _mm_set_ps instruction?

None of the answers appear to actually answer the question, why does it return int.
The reason is, the extractps instruction actually copies a component of the vector to a general register. It does seem pretty silly for it to return an int but that's what's actually happening - the raw floating point value ends up in a general register (which hold integers).
If your compiler is configured to generate SSE for all floating point operations, then the closest thing to "extracting" a value to a register would be to shuffle the value into the low component of the vector, then cast it to a scalar float. This should cause that component of the vector to remain in an SSE register:
/* returns the second component of the vector */
float foo(__m128 b)
return _mm_cvtss_f32(_mm_shuffle_ps(b, b, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 2)));
The _mm_cvtss_f32 intrinsic is free, it does not generate instructions, it only makes the compiler reinterpret the xmm register as a float so it can be returned as such.
The _mm_shuffle_ps gets the desired value into the lowest component. The _MM_SHUFFLE macro generates an immediate operand for the resulting shufps instruction.
The 2 in the example gets the float from bit 95:64 of the 127:0 register (the 3rd 32 bit component from the beginning, in memory order) and places it in the 31:0 component of the register (the beginning, in memory order).
The resulting generated code will most likely return the value naturally in a register, like any other floating point value return, with no inefficient writing out to memory and reading it back.
If you're generating code that uses the x87 FPU for floating point (for normal C code that isn't SSE optimized), this would probably result in inefficient code being generated - the compiler would probably store out the component of the SSE vector then use fld to read it back into the x87 register stack. In general 64-bit platforms don't use x87 (they use SSE for all floating point, mostly scalar instructions unless the compiler is vectorizing).
I should add that I always use C++, so I'm not sure whether it is more efficient to pass __m128 by value or by pointer in C. In C++ I would use a const __m128 & and this kind of code would be in a header, so the compiler can inline.

Confusingly, int _mm_extract_ps() is not for getting a scalar float element from a vector. The intrinsic doesn't expose the memory-destination form of the instruction (which can be useful for that purpose). This is not the only case where the intrinsics can't directly express everything an instruction is useful for. :(
gcc and clang know how the asm instruction works and will use it that way for you when compiling other shuffles; type-punning the _mm_extract_ps result to float usually results in horrible asm from gcc (extractps eax, xmm0, 2 / mov [mem], eax).
The name makes sense if you think of _mm_extract_ps as extracting an IEEE 754 binary32 float bit pattern out of the FP domain of the CPU into the integer domain (as a C scalar int), instead of manipulating FP bit patterns with integer vector ops. According to my testing with gcc, clang, and icc (see below), this is the only "portable" use-case where _mm_extract_ps compiles into good asm across all compilers. Anything else is just a compiler-specific hack to get the asm you want.
The corresponding asm instruction is EXTRACTPS r/m32, xmm, imm8. Notice that the destination can be memory or an integer register, but not another XMM register. It's the FP equivalent of PEXTRD r/m32, xmm, imm8 (also in SSE4.1), where the integer-register-destination form is more obviously useful. EXTRACTPS is not the reverse of INSERTPS xmm1, xmm2/m32, imm8.
Perhaps this similarity with PEXTRD makes the internal implementation simpler without hurting the extract-to-memory use-case (for asm, not intrinsics), or maybe the SSE4.1 designers at Intel thought it was actually more useful this way than as a non-destructive FP-domain copy-and-shuffle (which x86 seriously lacks without AVX). There are FP-vector instructions that have an XMM source and a memory-or-xmm destination, like MOVSS xmm2/m32, xmm, so this kind of instruction would not be new. Fun fact: the opcodes for PEXTRD and EXTRACTPS differ only in the last bit.
In assembly, a scalar float is just the low element of an XMM register (or 4 bytes in memory). The upper elements of the XMM don't even have to be zeroed for instructions like ADDSS to work without raising any extra FP exceptions. In calling conventions that pass/return FP args in XMM registers (e.g. all the usual x86-64 ABIs), float foo(float a) must assume that the upper elements of XMM0 hold garbage on entry, but can leave garbage in the high elements of XMM0 on return. (More info).
As #doug points out, other shuffle instructions can be used to get a float element of a vector into the bottom of an xmm register. This was already a mostly-solved problem in SSE1/SSE2, and it seems EXTRACTPS and INSERTPS weren't trying to solve it for register operands.
SSE4.1 INSERTPS xmm1, xmm2/m32, imm8 is one of the best ways for compilers to implement _mm_set_ss(function_arg) when the scalar float is already in a register and they can't/don't optimize away zeroing the upper elements. (Which is most of the time for compilers other than clang). That linked question also further discusses the failure of intrinsics to expose the load or store versions of instructions like EXTRACTPS, INSERTPS, and PMOVZX that have a memory operand narrower than 128b (thus not requiring alignment even without AVX). It can be impossible to write safe code that compiles as efficiently as what you can do in asm.
Without AVX 3-operand SHUFPS, x86 doesn't provide a fully efficient and general-purpose way to copy-and-shuffle an FP vector the way integer PSHUFD can. SHUFPS is a different beast unless used in-place with src=dst. Preserving the original requires a MOVAPS, which costs a uop and latency on CPUs before IvyBridge, and always costs code-size. Using PSHUFD between FP instructions costs latency (bypass delays). (See this horizontal-sum answer for some tricks, like using SSE3 MOVSHDUP).
SSE4.1 INSERTPS can extract one element into a separate register, but AFAIK it still has a dependency on the previous value of the destination even when all the original values are replaced. False dependencies like that are bad for out-of-order execution. xor-zeroing a register as a destination for INSERTPS would still be 2 uops, and have lower latency than MOVAPS+SHUFPS on SSE4.1 CPUs without mov-elimination for zero-latency MOVAPS (only Penryn, Nehalem, Sandybridge. Also Silvermont if you include low-power CPUs). The code-size is slightly worse, though.
Using _mm_extract_ps and then type-punning the result back to float (as suggested in the currently-accepted answer and its comments) is a bad idea. It's easy for your code to compile to something horrible (like EXTRACTPS to memory and then load back into an XMM register) on either gcc or icc. Clang seems to be immune to braindead behaviour and does its usual shuffle-compiling with its own choice of shuffle instructions (including appropriate use of EXTRACTPS).
I tried these examples with gcc5.4 -O3 -msse4.1 -mtune=haswell, clang3.8.1, and icc17, on the Godbolt compiler explorer. I used C mode, not C++, but union-based type punning is allowed in GNU C++ as an extension to ISO C++. Pointer-casting for type-punning violates strict aliasing in C99 and C++, even with GNU extensions.
#include <immintrin.h>
// gcc:bad clang:good icc:good
void extr_unsafe_ptrcast(__m128 v, float *p) {
// violates strict aliasing
*(int*)p = _mm_extract_ps(v, 2);
gcc: # others extractps with a memory dest
extractps eax, xmm0, 2
mov DWORD PTR [rdi], eax
// gcc:good clang:good icc:bad
void extr_pun(__m128 v, float *p) {
// union type punning is safe in C99 (and GNU C and GNU C++)
union floatpun { int i; float f; } fp;
fp.i = _mm_extract_ps(v, 2);
*p = fp.f; // compiles to an extractps straight to memory
vextractps eax, xmm0, 2
mov DWORD PTR [rdi], eax
// gcc:good clang:good icc:horrible
void extr_gnu(__m128 v, float *p) {
// gcc uses extractps with a memory dest, icc does extr_store
*p = v[2];
extractps DWORD PTR [rdi], xmm0, 2
vmovups XMMWORD PTR [-24+rsp], xmm0
mov eax, DWORD PTR [-16+rsp] # reload from red-zone tmp buffer
mov DWORD PTR [rdi], eax
// gcc:good clang:good icc:poor
void extr_shuf(__m128 v, float *p) {
__m128 e2 = _mm_shuffle_ps(v,v, 2);
*p = _mm_cvtss_f32(e2); // gcc uses extractps
icc: (others: extractps right to memory)
vshufps xmm1, xmm0, xmm0, 2
vmovss DWORD PTR [rdi], xmm1
When you want the final result in an xmm register, it's up to the compiler to optimize away your extractps and do something completely different. Gcc and clang both succeed, but ICC doesn't.
// gcc:good clang:good icc:bad
float ret_pun(__m128 v) {
union floatpun { int i; float f; } fp;
fp.i = _mm_extract_ps(v, 2);
return fp.f;
unpckhps xmm0, xmm0
shufpd xmm0, xmm0, 1
vextractps DWORD PTR [-8+rsp], xmm0, 2
vmovss xmm0, DWORD PTR [-8+rsp]
Note that icc did poorly for extr_pun, too, so it doesn't like union-based type-punning for this.
The clear winner here is doing the shuffle "manually" with _mm_shuffle_ps(v,v, 2), and using _mm_cvtss_f32. We got optimal code from every compiler for both register and memory destinations, except for ICC which failed to use EXTRACTPS for the memory-dest case. With AVX, SHUFPS + separate store is still only 2 uops on Intel CPUs, just larger code size and needs a tmp register. Without AVX, though, it would cost a MOVAPS to not destroy the original vector :/
According to Agner Fog's instruction tables, all Intel CPUs except Nehalem implement the register-destination versions of both PEXTRD and EXTRACTPS with multiple uops: Usually just a shuffle uop + a MOVD uop to move data from the vector domain to gp-integer. Nehalem register-destination EXTRACTPS is 1 uop for port 5, with 1+2 cycle latency (1 + bypass delay).
I have no idea why they managed to implement EXTRACTPS as a single uop but not PEXTRD (which is 2 uops, and runs in 2+1 cycle latency). Nehalem MOVD is 1 uop (and runs on any ALU port), with 1+1 cycle latency. (The +1 is for the bypass delay between vec-int and general-purpose integer regs, I think).
Nehalem cares a lot of about vector FP vs. integer domains; SnB-family CPUs have smaller (sometimes zero) bypass delay latencies between domains.
The memory-dest versions of PEXTRD and EXTRACTPS are both 2 uops on Nehalem.
On Broadwell and later, memory-destination EXTRACTPS and PEXTRD are 2 uops, but on Sandybridge through Haswell, memory-destination EXTRACTPS is 3 uops. Memory-destination PEXTRD is 2 uops on everything except Sandybridge, where it's 3. This seems odd, and Agner Fog's tables do sometimes have errors, but it's possible. Micro-fusion doesn't work with some instructions on some microarchitectures.
If either instruction had turned out to be extremely useful for anything important (e.g. inside inner loops), CPU designers would build execution units that could do the whole thing as one uop (or maybe 2 for the memory-dest). But that potentially requires more bits in the internal uop format (which Sandybridge simplified).
Fun fact: _mm_extract_epi32(vec, 0) compiles (on most compilers) to movd eax, xmm0 which is shorter and faster than pextrd eax, xmm0, 0.
Interestingly, they perform differently on Nehalem (which cares a lot of about vector FP vs. integer domains, and came out soon after SSE4.1 was introduced in Penryn (45nm Core2)). EXTRACTPS with a register destination is 1 uop, with 1+2 cycle latency (the +2 from a bypass delay between FP and integer domain). PEXTRD is 2 uops, and runs in 2+1 cycle latency.

From the MSDN docs, I believe you can cast the result to a float.
Note from their example, the 0xc0a40000 value is equivalent to -5.125 (a.m128_f32[1]).
Update: I strongly recommend the answers from #doug65536 and #PeterCordes (below) in lieu of mine, which apparently generates poorly performing code on many compilers.

Try _mm_storeu_ps, or any of the variations of SSE store operations.


Instruction/intrinsic for taking higher half of uint64_t in C++?

Imagine following code:
Try it online!
uint64_t x = 0x81C6E3292A71F955ULL;
uint32_t y = (uint32_t) (x >> 32);
y receives higher 32-bit part of 64-bit integer. My question is whether there exists any intrinsic function or any CPU instruction that does this in single operation without doing move and shift?
At least CLang (linked in Try-it-online above) creates two instruction mov rax, rdi and shr rax, 32 for this, so either CLang doesn't do such optimization, or there exists no such special instruction.
Would be great if there existed imaginary single instruction like movhi dst_reg, src_reg.
If there was a better way to do this bitfield-extraction for an arbitrary uint64_t, compilers would already use it. (At least in theory; compilers do have missed optimizations, and their choices sometimes favour latency even if it costs more uops.)
You only need intrinsics for things that you can't express efficiently in pure C, in ways the compiler can already easily understand. (Or if your compiler is dumb and can't spot the obvious.)
You could maybe imagine cases where the input value comes from the multiply of two 32-bit values, then it might be worthwhile on some CPUs for the compiler to use widening mul r32 to already generate the result in two separate 32-bit registers, instead of imul r64, r64 + shr reg,32, if it can easily use EAX/EDX. But other than gcc -mtune=silvermont or other tuning options, you can't make the compiler do it that way.
shr reg, 32 has 1 cycle latency, and can run on more than 1 execution port on most modern x86 microarchitectures ( The only thing one might wish for is that it could put the result in a different register, without overwriting the input.
Most modern non-x86 ISAs are RISC-like with 3-operand instructions, so a shift instruction can copy-and-shift, unlike x86 shifts where the compiler needs a mov in addition to shr if it also needs the original 64-bit value later, or (in the case of a tiny function) needs the return value in a different register.
And some ISAs have bitfield-extract instructions. PowerPC even has a fun rotate-and-mask instruction (rlwinm) (with the mask being a bit-range specified by immediates), and it's a different instruction from a normal shift. Compilers will use it as appropriate - no need for an intrinsic.
x86 with BMI2 has rorx rax, rdi, 32 to copy-and-rotate, instead of being stuck shifting within the same register. A function returning uint32_t could/should use that instead of mov+shr, in the stand-alone version that doesn't inline because the caller already has to ignore high garbage in RAX. (Both x86-64 System V and Windows x64 define the return value as only the register width matching the C type of the arg; e.g. returning uint32_t means that the high 32 bits of RAX are not part of the return value, and can hold anything. Usually they're zero because writing a 32-bit register implicitly zero-extends to 64, but something like return bar() where bar returns uint64_t can just leave RAX untouched without having to truncate it; in fact an optimized tailcall is possible.)
There's no intrinsic for rorx; compilers are just supposed to know when to use it. (But gcc/clang -O3 -march=haswell miss this optimization.)
If a compiler was doing this in a loop, it could have 32 in a register for shrx reg,reg,reg as a copy-and-shift. Or more silly, it could use pext with 0xffffffffULL << 32 as the mask. But that's strictly worse that shrx because of the higher latency.
AMD TBM (Bulldozer-family only, not Zen) had an immediate form of bextr (bitfield-extract), and it ran efficiently as 1 uop ( shows gcc11 -O3 -march=bdver4 (Excavator) uses bextr rax, rdi, 0x2020, while clang misses that optimization. gcc -march=znver1 uses mov + shr because Zen dropped Trailing Bit Manipulation along with the XOP extension.
Standard BMI1 bextr needs position/len in a register, and on Intel CPUs is 2 uops so it's garbage for this. It does have an intrinsic, but I recommend not using it. mov+shr is faster on Intel CPUs.

Why are clang and GCC not using xchg to implement std::swap?

I have the following code:
char swap(char reg, char* mem) {
std::swap(reg, *mem);
return reg;
I expected this to compile down to:
swap(char, char*):
xchg dil, byte ptr [rsi]
mov al, dil
But what it actually compiles to is (at -O3 -march=haswell -std=c++20):
swap(char, char*):
mov al, byte ptr [rsi]
mov byte ptr [rsi], dil
See here for a live demo.
From the documentation of xchg, the first form should be perfectly possible:
XCHG - Exchange Register/Memory with Register
Exchanges the contents of the destination (first) and source (second) operands. The operands can be two general-purpose registers or a register and a memory location.
So is there any particular reason why it's not possible for the compiler to use xchg here? I have tried other examples too, such as swapping pointers, swapping three operands, swapping types other than char but I never get an xchg in the compile output. How come?
TL:DR: because compilers optimize for speed, not for names that sound similar. There are lots of other terrible ways they also could have implemented it, but chose not to.
xchg with mem has an implicit lock prefix (on 386 and later) so it's horribly slow. You always want to avoid it unless you need an atomic exchange, or are optimizing completely for code-size without caring at all for performance, in cases where you do want the result in the same register as the original value. Sometimes seen in naive (performance oblivious) or code-golfed hand-written Bubble Sort as part of swapping 2 memory locations.
Possibly clang -Oz could go that crazy, IDK, but hopefully wouldn't in this case because your xchg way is larger code size, needing a REX prefix on both instructions to access DIL, vs. the 2-mov way being a 2-byte and a 3-byte instruction. clang -Oz does do stuff like push 1 / pop rax instead of mov eax, 1 to save 2 bytes of code size.
GCC -Os won't use xchg for swaps that don't need to be atomic because -Os still cares some about speed.
Also, IDK why would you think xchg + dependent mov would be faster or a better choice than two independent mov instructions that can run in parallel. (The store buffer makes sure that the store is correctly ordered after the load, regardless of which uop finds its execution port free first).
See and other links in
Seriously, I just don't see any plausible reason why you'd think a compiler might want to use xchg, especially given that the calling convention doesn't pass an arg in RAX so you still need 2 instructions. Even for registers, xchg reg,reg on Intel CPUs is 3 uops, and they're microcode uops that can't benefit from mov-elimination. (Some AMD CPUs have 2-uop xchg reg,reg. Why is XCHG reg, reg a 3 micro-op instruction on modern Intel architectures?)
I also guess you're looking at clang output; GCC will avoid partial register shenanigans (like false dependencies) by using a movzx eax, byte ptr [rsi] load even though the return value is only the low byte. Zero-extending loads are cheaper than merging into the old value of RAX. So that's another downside to xchg.
So is there any particular reason why it's not possible for the compiler to use xchg here?
Because mov is faster than xchg and compilers optimize for speed.
Why is XCHG reg, reg a 3 micro-op instruction on modern Intel architectures?
Why does GCC use mov/mfence instead of xchg to implement C11's atomic_store?
Use xchg for -Os
Bug 47949 - Missed optimization for -Os using xchg instead of mov

How to get efficient asm for zeroing a tiny struct with MSVC++ for x86-32?

My project is compiled for 32-bit in both Windows and Linux. I have an 8-byte struct that's used just about everywhere:
struct Value {
unsigned char type;
union { // 4 bytes
unsigned long ref;
float num;
In a lot of places I need to zero out the struct, which is done like so:
#define NULL_VALUE_LITERAL {0, {0L}};
// example of clearing a value
This however does not compile to the most efficient code in Visual Studio 2013, even with all optimizations on. What I see in the assembly is that the memory location for NULL_VALUE is being read, then written to the var. This results in two reads from memory and two writes to memory. This clearing however happens a lot, even in routines that are time-sensitive, and I'm looking to optimize.
If I set the value to NULL_VALUE_LITERAL, it's worse. The literal data, which again is all zeroes, is copied into temporary a stack value and THEN copied to the variable--even if the variable is also on the stack. So that's absurd.
There's also a common situation like this:
*pd->v1 = NULL_VALUE;
It has similar assembly code to the var=NULL_VALUE above, but it's something I can't optimize with inline assembly should I choose to go that route.
From my research the very, very fastest way to clear the memory would be something like this:
xor eax, eax
mov byte ptr [var], al
mov dword ptr [var+4], eax
Or better still, since the struct alignment means there's just junk for 3 bytes after the data type:
xor eax, eax
mov dword ptr [var], eax
mov dword ptr [var+4], eax
Can you think of any way I can get code similar to that, optimized to avoid the memory reads that are totally unnecessary?
I tried some other methods, which end up creating what I feel is overly bloated code writing a 32-bit 0 literal to the two addresses, but IIRC writing a literal to memory still isn't as fast as writing a register to memory. I'm looking to eke out any extra performance I can get.
Ideally I would also like the result to be highly readable. Your help is appreciated.
I'd recommend uint32_t or unsigned int for the union with float. long on Linux x86-64 is a 64-bit type, which is probably not what you want.
I can reproduce the missed-optimization with MSVC CL19 -Ox on the Godbolt compiler explorer for x86-32 and x86-64. Workarounds that work with CL19:
make type an unsigned int instead of char, so there's no padding in the struct, then assign from a literal {0, {0L}} instead of a static const Value object. (Then you get two mov-immediate stores: mov DWORD PTR [eax], 0 / mov DWORD PTR [eax+4], 0).
gcc also has struct-zeroing missed-optimizations with padding in structs, but not as bad as MSVC (Bug 82142). It just defeats merging into wider stores; it doesn't get gcc to create an object on the stack and copy from that.
std::memset: probably the best option, MSVC compiles it to a single 64-bit store using SSE2. xorps xmm0, xmm0 / movq QWORD PTR [mem], xmm0. (gcc -m32 -O3 compiles this memset to two mov-immediate stores.)
void arg_memset(Value *vp) {
memset(vp, 0, sizeof(gvar));
;; x86 (32-bit) MSVC -Ox
mov eax, DWORD PTR _vp$[esp-4]
xorps xmm0, xmm0
movq QWORD PTR [eax], xmm0
ret 0
This is what I'd choose for modern CPUs (Intel and AMD). The penalty for crossing a cache-line is low enough that it's worth saving an instruction if it doesn't happen all the time. xor-zeroing is extremely cheap (especially on Intel SnB-family).
IIRC writing a literal to memory still isn't as fast as writing a register to memory
In asm, constants embedded in the instruction are called immediate data. mov-immediate to memory is mostly fine on x86, but it's a bit bloated for code-size.
(x86-64 only): A store with a RIP-relative addressing mode and an immediate can't micro-fuse on Intel CPUs, so it's 2 fused-domain uops. (See Agner Fog's microarch pdf, and other links in the x86 tag wiki.) This means it's worth it (for front-end bandwidth) to zero a register if you're doing more than one store to a RIP-relative address. Other addressing modes do fuse, though, so it's just a code-size issue.
Related: Micro fusion and addressing modes (indexed addressing modes un-laminate on Sandybridge/Ivybridge, but Haswell and later can keep indexed stores micro-fused.) This isn't dependent on immediate vs. register source.
I think memset would be a very poor fit since this is just an 8-byte struct.
Modern compilers know what some heavily-used / important standard library functions do (memset, memcpy, etc.), and treat them like intrinsics. There's very little difference as far as optimization is concerned between a = b and memcpy(&a, &b, sizeof(a)) if they have the same type.
You might get a function call to the actual library implementation in debug mode, but debug mode is very slow anyway. If you have debug-mode perf requirements, that's unusual. (But does happen for code that needs to keep up with something else...)

Atomic double floating point or SSE/AVX vector load/store on x86_64

Here (and in a few SO questions) I see that C++ doesn't support something like lock-free std::atomic<double> and can't yet support something like atomic AVX/SSE vector because it's CPU-dependent (though nowadays of CPUs I know, ARM, AArch64 and x86_64 have vectors).
But is there assembly-level support for atomic operations on doubles or vectors in x86_64? If so, which operations are supported (like load, store, add, subtract, multiply maybe)? Which operations does MSVC++2017 implement lock-free in atomic<double>?
C++ doesn't support something like lock-free std::atomic<double>
Actually, C++11 std::atomic<double> is lock-free on typical C++ implementations, and does expose nearly everything you can do in asm for lock-free programming with float/double on x86 (e.g. load, store, and CAS are enough to implement anything: Why isn't atomic double fully implemented). Current compilers don't always compile atomic<double> efficiently, though.
C++11 std::atomic doesn't have an API for Intel's transactional-memory extensions (TSX) (for FP or integer). TSX could be a game-changer especially for FP / SIMD, since it would remove all overhead of bouncing data between xmm and integer registers. If the transaction doesn't abort, whatever you just did with double or vector loads/stores happens atomically.
Some non-x86 hardware supports atomic add for float/double, and C++ p0020 is a proposal to add fetch_add and operator+= / -= template specializations to C++'s std::atomic<float> / <double>.
Hardware with LL/SC atomics instead of x86-style memory-destination instruction, such as ARM and most other RISC CPUs, can do atomic RMW operations on double and float without a CAS, but you still have to get the data from FP to integer registers because LL/SC is usually only available for integer regs, like x86's cmpxchg. However, if the hardware arbitrates LL/SC pairs to avoid/reduce livelock, it would be significantly more efficient than with a CAS loop in very-high-contention situations. If you've designed your algorithms so contention is rare, there's maybe only a small code-size difference between an LL/add/SC retry-loop for fetch_add vs. a load + add + LL/SC CAS retry loop.
x86 natually-aligned loads and stores are atomic up to 8 bytes, even x87 or SSE. (For example movsd xmm0, [some_variable] is atomic, even in 32-bit mode). In fact, gcc uses x87 fild/fistp or SSE 8B loads/stores to implement std::atomic<int64_t> load and store in 32-bit code.
Ironically, compilers (gcc7.1, clang4.0, ICC17, MSVC CL19) do a bad job in 64-bit code (or 32-bit with SSE2 available), and bounce data through integer registers instead of just doing movsd loads/stores directly to/from xmm regs (see it on Godbolt):
#include <atomic>
std::atomic<double> ad;
void store(double x){, std::memory_order_release);
// gcc7.1 -O3 -mtune=intel:
// movq rax, xmm0 # ALU xmm->integer
// mov QWORD PTR ad[rip], rax
// ret
double load(){
return ad.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
// mov rax, QWORD PTR ad[rip]
// movq xmm0, rax
// ret
Without -mtune=intel, gcc likes to store/reload for integer->xmm. See and related bugs I reported. This is a poor choice even for -mtune=generic. AMD has high latency for movq between integer and vector regs, but it also has high latency for a store/reload. With the default -mtune=generic, load() compiles to:
// mov rax, QWORD PTR ad[rip]
// mov QWORD PTR [rsp-8], rax # store/reload integer->xmm
// movsd xmm0, QWORD PTR [rsp-8]
// ret
Moving data between xmm and integer register brings us to the next topic:
Atomic read-modify-write (like fetch_add) is another story: there is direct support for integers with stuff like lock xadd [mem], eax (see Can num++ be atomic for 'int num'? for more details). For other things, like atomic<struct> or atomic<double>, the only option on x86 is a retry loop with cmpxchg (or TSX).
Atomic compare-and-swap (CAS) is usable as a lock-free building-block for any atomic RMW operation, up to the max hardware-supported CAS width. On x86-64, that's 16 bytes with cmpxchg16b (not available on some first-gen AMD K8, so for gcc you have to use -mcx16 or -march=whatever to enable it).
gcc makes the best asm possible for exchange():
double exchange(double x) {
return; // seq_cst
movq rax, xmm0
xchg rax, QWORD PTR ad[rip]
movq xmm0, rax
// in 32-bit code, compiles to a cmpxchg8b retry loop
void atomic_add1() {
// ad += 1.0; // not supported
// ad.fetch_or(-0.0); // not supported
// have to implement the CAS loop ourselves:
double desired, expected = ad.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
do {
desired = expected + 1.0;
} while( !ad.compare_exchange_weak(expected, desired) ); // seq_cst
mov rax, QWORD PTR ad[rip]
movsd xmm1, QWORD PTR .LC0[rip]
mov QWORD PTR [rsp-8], rax # useless store
movq xmm0, rax
mov rax, QWORD PTR [rsp-8] # and reload
addsd xmm0, xmm1
movq rdx, xmm0
lock cmpxchg QWORD PTR ad[rip], rdx
je .L5
mov QWORD PTR [rsp-8], rax
movsd xmm0, QWORD PTR [rsp-8]
jmp .L8
compare_exchange always does a bitwise comparison, so you don't need to worry about the fact that negative zero (-0.0) compares equal to +0.0 in IEEE semantics, or that NaN is unordered. This could be an issue if you try to check that desired == expected and skip the CAS operation, though. For new enough compilers, memcmp(&expected, &desired, sizeof(double)) == 0 might be a good way to express a bitwise comparison of FP values in C++. Just make sure you avoid false positives; false negatives will just lead to an unneeded CAS.
Hardware-arbitrated lock or [mem], 1 is definitely better than having multiple threads spinning on lock cmpxchg retry loops. Every time a core gets access to the cache line but fails its cmpxchg is wasted throughput compared to integer memory-destination operations that always succeed once they get their hands on a cache line.
Some special cases for IEEE floats can be implemented with integer operations. e.g. absolute value of an atomic<double> could be done with lock and [mem], rax (where RAX has all bits except the sign bit set). Or force a float / double to be negative by ORing a 1 into the sign bit. Or toggle its sign with XOR. You could even atomically increase its magnitude by 1 ulp with lock add [mem], 1. (But only if you can be sure it wasn't infinity to start with... nextafter() is an interesting function, thanks to the very cool design of IEEE754 with biased exponents that makes carry from mantissa into exponent actually work.)
There's probably no way to express this in C++ that will let compilers do it for you on targets that use IEEE FP. So if you want it, you might have to do it yourself with type-punning to atomic<uint64_t> or something, and check that FP endianness matches integer endianness, etc. etc. (Or just do it only for x86. Most other targets have LL/SC instead of memory-destination locked operations anyway.)
can't yet support something like atomic AVX/SSE vector because it's CPU-dependent
Correct. There's no way to detect when a 128b or 256b store or load is atomic all the way through the cache-coherency system. ( Even a system with atomic transfers between L1D and execution units can get tearing between 8B chunks when transferring cache-lines between caches over a narrow protocol. Real example: a multi-socket Opteron K10 with HyperTransport interconnects appears to have atomic 16B loads/stores within a single socket, but threads on different sockets can observe tearing.
But if you have a shared array of aligned doubles, you should be able to use vector loads/stores on them without risk of "tearing" inside any given double.
Per-element atomicity of vector load/store and gather/scatter?
I think it's safe to assume that an aligned 32B load/store is done with non-overlapping 8B or wider loads/stores, although Intel doesn't guarantee that. For unaligned ops, it's probably not safe to assume anything.
If you need a 16B atomic load, your only option is to lock cmpxchg16b, with desired=expected. If it succeeds, it replaces the existing value with itself. If it fails, then you get the old contents. (Corner-case: this "load" faults on read-only memory, so be careful what pointers you pass to a function that does this.) Also, the performance is of course horrible compared to actual read-only loads that can leave the cache line in Shared state, and that aren't full memory barriers.
16B atomic store and RMW can both use lock cmpxchg16b the obvious way. This makes pure stores much more expensive than regular vector stores, especially if the cmpxchg16b has to retry multiple times, but atomic RMW is already expensive.
The extra instructions to move vector data to/from integer regs are not free, but also not expensive compared to lock cmpxchg16b.
# xmm0 -> rdx:rax, using SSE4
movq rax, xmm0
pextrq rdx, xmm0, 1
# rdx:rax -> xmm0, again using SSE4
movq xmm0, rax
pinsrq xmm0, rdx, 1
In C++11 terms:
atomic<__m128d> would be slow even for read-only or write-only operations (using cmpxchg16b), even if implemented optimally. atomic<__m256d> can't even be lock-free.
alignas(64) atomic<double> shared_buffer[1024]; would in theory still allow auto-vectorization for code that reads or writes it, only needing to movq rax, xmm0 and then xchg or cmpxchg for atomic RMW on a double. (In 32-bit mode, cmpxchg8b would work.) You would almost certainly not get good asm from a compiler for this, though!
You can atomically update a 16B object, but atomically read the 8B halves separately. (I think this is safe with respect to memory-ordering on x86: see my reasoning at
However, compilers don't provide any clean way to express this. I hacked up a union type-punning thing that works for gcc/clang: How can I implement ABA counter with c++11 CAS?. But gcc7 and later won't inline cmpxchg16b, because they're re-considering whether 16B objects should really present themselves as "lock-free". (
On x86-64 atomic operations are implemented via the LOCK prefix. The Intel Software Developer's Manual (Volume 2, Instruction Set Reference) states
The LOCK prefix can be prepended only to the following instructions and only to those forms of the instructions
where the destination operand is a memory operand: ADD, ADC, AND, BTC, BTR, BTS, CMPXCHG, CMPXCH8B,
Neither of those instructions operates on floating point registers (like the XMM, YMM or FPU registers).
This means that there is no natural way to implement atomic float/double operations on x86-64. While most of those operations could be implemented by loading the bit representation of the floating point value into a general purpose (i.e. integer) register, doing so would severely degrade performance so the compiler authors opted not to implement it.
As pointed out by Peter Cordes in the comments, the LOCK prefix is not required for loads and stores, as those are always atomic on x86-64. However the Intel SDM (Volume 3, System Programming Guide) only guarantees that the following loads/stores are atomic:
Instructions that read or write a single byte.
Instructions that read or write a word (2 bytes) whose address is aligned on a 2 byte boundary.
Instructions that read or write a doubleword (4 bytes) whose address is aligned on a 4 byte boundary.
Instructions that read or write a quadword (8 bytes) whose address is aligned on an 8 byte boundary.
In particular, atomicity of loads/stores from/to the larger XMM and YMM vector registers is not guaranteed.

Is there a more direct method to convert float to int with rounding than adding 0.5f and converting with truncation?

Conversion from float to int with rounding happens fairly often in C++ code that works with floating point data. One use, for example, is in generating conversion tables.
Consider this snippet of code:
// Convert a positive float value and round to the nearest integer
int RoundedIntValue = (int) (FloatValue + 0.5f);
The C/C++ language defines the (int) cast as truncating, so the 0.5f must be added to ensure rounding up to the nearest positive integer (when the input is positive). For the above, VS2015's compiler generates the following code:
movss xmm9, DWORD PTR __real#3f000000 // 0.5f
addss xmm0, xmm9
cvttss2si eax, xmm0
The above works, but could be more efficient...
Intel's designers apparently thought it was important enough a problem to solve with a single instruction that will do just what's needed: Convert to the nearest integer value: cvtss2si (note, just one 't' in the mnemonic).
If the cvtss2si were to replace the cvttss2si instruction in the above sequence two of the three instructions would just be eliminated (as would the use of an extra xmm register, which could result in better optimization overall).
So how can we code C++ statement(s) to get this simple job done with the one cvtss2si instruction?
I've been poking around, trying things like the following but even with the optimizer on task it doesn't boil down to the one machine instruction that could/should do the job:
int RoundedIntValue = _mm_cvt_ss2si(_mm_set_ss(FloatValue));
Unfortunately the above seems bent on clearing out a whole vector of registers that will never be used, instead of just using the one 32 bit value.
movaps xmm1, xmm0
xorps xmm2, xmm2
movss xmm2, xmm1
cvtss2si eax, xmm2
Perhaps I'm missing an obvious approach here.
Can you offer a suggested set of C++ instructions that will ultimately generate the single cvtss2si instruction?
This is an optimization defect in Microsoft's compiler, and the bug has been reported to Microsoft. As other commentators have mentioned, modern versions of GCC, Clang, and ICC all produce the expected code. For a function like:
int RoundToNearestEven(float value)
return _mm_cvt_ss2si(_mm_set_ss(value));
all compilers but Microsoft's will emit the following object code:
cvtss2si eax, xmm0
whereas Microsoft's compiler (as of VS 2015 Update 3) emits the following:
movaps xmm1, xmm0
xorps xmm2, xmm2
movss xmm2, xmm1
cvtss2si eax, xmm2
The same is seen for the double-precision version, cvtsd2si (i.e., the _mm_cvtsd_si32 intrinsic).
Until such time as the optimizer is improved, there is no faster alternative available. Fortunately, the code currently being generated is not as slow as it might seem. Moving and register-clearing are among the fastest possible instructions, and several of these can probably be implemented solely in the front end as register renames. And it is certainly faster than any of the possible alternatives—often by orders of magnitude:
The trick of adding 0.5 that you mentioned will not only be slower because it has to load a constant and perform an addition, it will also not produce the correctly rounded result in all cases.
Using the _mm_load_ss intrinsic to load the floating-point value into an __m128 structure suitable to be used with the _mm_cvt_ss2si intrinsic is a pessimization because it causes a spill to memory, rather than just a register-to-register move.
(Note that while _mm_set_ss is always better for x86-64, where the calling convention uses SSE registers to pass floating-point values, I have occasionally observed that _mm_load_ss will produce more optimal code in x86-32 builds than _mm_set_ss, but it is highly dependent upon multiple factors and has only been observed when multiple intrinsics are used in a complicated sequence of code. Your default choice should be _mm_set_ss.)
Substituting a reinterpret_cast<__m128&>(value) (or moral equivalent) for the _mm_set_ss intrinsic is both unsafe and inefficient. It results in a spill from the SSE register to memory; the cvtss2si instruction then uses that memory location as its source operand.
Declaring a temporary __m128 structure and value-initializing it is safe, but even more inefficient. Space is allocated on the stack for the entire structure, and then each slot is filled with either 0 or the floating-point value. This structure's memory location is then used as the source operand for cvtss2si.
The lrint family of functions provided by the C standard library should do what you want, and in fact compile to straightforward cvt* instructions on some other compilers, but are extremely sub-optimal on Microsoft's compiler. They are never inlined, so you always pay the cost of a function call. Plus, the code inside of the function is sub-optimal. Both of these have been reported as bugs, but we are still awaiting a fix. There are similar problems with other conversion functions provided by the standard library, including lround and friends.
The x87 FPU offers a FIST/FISTP instruction that performs a similar task, but the C and C++ language standards require that a cast truncate, rather than round-to-nearest-even (the default FPU rounding mode), so the compiler is obligated to insert a bunch of code to change the current rounding mode, perform the conversion, and then change it back. This is extremely slow, and there's no way to instruct the compiler not to do it except by using inline assembly. Beyond the fact that inline assembly is not available with the 64-bit compiler, MSVC's inline assembly syntax also offers no way to specify inputs and outputs, so you pay double load and store penalties both ways. And even if this weren't the case, you'd still have to pay the cost of copying the floating-point value from an SSE register, into memory, and then onto the x87 FPU stack.
Intrinsics are great, and can often allow you to produce code that is faster than what would otherwise be generated by the compiler, but they are not perfect. If you're like me and find yourself frequently analyzing the disassembly for your binaries, you will find yourself frequently disappointed. Nevertheless, your best choice here is to use the intrinsic.
As for why the optimizer emits the code in the way that it does, I can only speculate since I don't work on the Microsoft compiler team, but my guess would be because a number of the other cvt* instructions have false dependencies that the code-generator needs to work around. For example, a cvtss2sd does not modify the upper 64 bits of the destination XMM register. Such partial register updates cause stalls and reduce the opportunity for instruction-level parallelism. This is especially a problem in loops, where the upper bits of the register form a second loop-carried dependency chain, even though we don't actually care about their contents. Because execution of the cvtss2sd instruction cannot begin until the preceding instruction has completed, latency is vastly increased. However, by executing an xorss or movss instruction first, the register's upper bits are cleared, thus breaking dependencies and avoiding the possibility for a stall. This is an example of an interesting case where shorter code does not equate to faster code. The compiler team started inserting these dependency-breaking instructions for scalar conversions in the compiler shipped with VS 2010, and probably applied the heuristic overzealously.
Visual Studio 15.6, released today, appears to finally correct this issue. We now see a single instruction used when inlining this function:
inline int ConvertFloatToRoundedInt(float FloatValue)
return _mm_cvt_ss2si(_mm_set_ss(FloatValue)); // Convert to integer with rounding
I'm impressed that Microsoft finally got a round tuit.