How to do a Active Shape Model? - pca

I am trying to create an active shape model. I already have the average model and the PCA. I don't know how to apply the average model to the CT image to segment and vary with the PCA's.


Power BI Model relationship between 2 model going blank when drilled

I have a problem with a relationship that is not working correctly.
I have a model in Power BI that pulls in data from 2 other models (Direct Query to the other models, which have imported the data). In both models there is a table called Cost Center (let's call them Cost Center and Cost Center FM, which has a 1-to-1 both direct relationship setup. Then there is a fact table that has a relationship to Cost Center FM.
In the rows of a matrix table I have Cost Center as one of the rows and a measure of a value from the Fact Table. The fact table value is showing up correctly until I drill to the Cost Center row at this point it is going blank.
You can see in the above picture that the 240016 line is expanded, but has nothing underneath it. The 240016 is the Cost Center ID from the fact table and the next row is Cost Center from the Cost Center table.
In the above picture you can see the relationship between the value table (Operations VMA) and the Cost Center FM table.
And in this picture you can see the 1-to-1 relationship between the 2 Cost Center tables.
I cannot figure out why these relationship are not working.

How to extract a size of an object from a image

I'm attempting to assemble a pipeline that can predict the size of a object given an image i.e predict the size in unit X given a photo of a apple.
From what I have looked at there are not any training sets that have a calibration object that have been training alongside; my actual problem is to extract the nutritional information (roughly speaking) from a food group - once I know the foods w*h or bounding box area I can then have everything I need to accurately count calories.
As mentioned above lightly there is only one way of doing this that I am aware of and that's training a classifier with a calibration object; so images could be taken here and grouped into a class for the object that you're calibrating such as a Dime or Penny, credit card etc. something with static dimensions.
What is throwing me off a little bit is if there is a better way of doing things and if there are please share additionally, if there are any pre-trained models that have been calibrated using a static object that could be used to estimate the size of a object given any image
Based on the definition of your problem, I don't think you should train your classifier to predict the size of the object. You might want to train NN to identify some common object (dime, penny, CC etc) and train another network to identify foods. Once you put your "calibration" object near the plate, you can easily normalize the image and calculate food's size.

Creating a 3D model of object with non-overlapping stereo cameras?

Say I wanted to create a 3D model of an object, and I have a pair of cameras that will take a photo of the object at a given distance (the position of the cameras is fixed relative to the object itself.) However, the Field Of View of the cameras is such that not all of the object is visible for each camera; only part of the object is visible for both cameras. See the figure below for what I mean.
Is it possible to create a 3D model of the object using the images from the two cameras, even thought they do not completely see the entirety of the model? If so, how can this be done?

fbx mesh load geometry transformation

I am trying to load a car model from fbx file with one model that divided into 5 sub models.
4 sub models are the wheels and one sub model is the car.
At first when I tried to render it I Saw only one wheel so I start diagnostic on the frame.
I realized that all the four wheel are much more big then the car.
This and the fact that I see only one wheel make me think that in fbx each sub model has own transformation matrix.
Am I right?
And if yes how can I get the specific transformation for the specific sub model?
All nodes in fbx have own transformation. You can take it by EvaluateLocalTransform(if you keep hierarchy) or EvaluateGlobalTransform (if you don't)

Getting the Gaussian model weight

I am wondering how to get single model weight from several Gaussian mixture models in OpenCV. For
For instance, if the number of models is five for GMM I want to get the weight of the second or third model.
Could someone help me on this? Another saying, I want to know which model is the mostly used one among these five?