This is probably not unique to these exact components, but this is where I have encountered this problem:
I am standing up multiple EKS clusters with CDK and they all need to be able to assume certain IAM roles with RBAC to do AWS-y things. For instance:
var AllowExternalDNSUpdatesRole = new Role(
new RoleProps
Description = "Route53 External DNS Role",
InlinePolicies = new Dictionary<string, PolicyDocument>
["AllowExternalDNSUpdates"] = externalDnsPolicy
RoleName = "AllowExternalDNSUpdatesRole",
AssumedBy = new FederatedPrincipal(Cluster.OpenIdConnectProvider.OpenIdConnectProviderArn, new Dictionary<string, object>
["StringLike"] = ExternalDnsCondition,
}, "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity"),
I'm giving it a RoleName so I can reference it in a sane way in the Kubernetes yaml files. At the time I'm creating the role, I need to be able to create a FederatedPrincipal referring to the Cluster's OIDC provider so I can drop it in AssumedBy. I can't create the same named role when I stand up the second or nth cluster. It bombs spectacularly.
Ideally I would create these kinds of roles in their own IAM-only stack, and then attach the FederatedPrincipal to the created roles at EKS Cluster creation time. I have tried to figure out how to do that. When these clusters get built up and torn down they would just add and remove themselves from the AssumedBy part of the role. I would love a clue to help me figure that out.
Beyond that the only other thing I can think of to do is to create roles-per-cluster and then have to modify the YAML to refer to the uniquely-named generated roles. That is less than ideal. I'm trying to avoid having to maintain per-cluster yaml files for Kubernetes.
I'm game for other strategies too....
I created cloud9 instance and vpc environment via cdk. Also with role permissions and instance profile, how do i attach that at the end via cdk too?
Currently there seem to be no in built parameters about setting iam role in Ec2Environment
Can't achieve this automatically too if i use CloudFormation, so i am thinking this is not available yet?
I know i can use custom resource or create a lambda to achieve that, but was thinking it's just a bit too much to just to use to attach an instance profile
My code:
const c9IamRole = new iam.Role(this, 'C9IamRole', {
roleName: 'cloud9-admin-access-role',
assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal(''),
managedPolicies: [
const c9InstanceProfile = new iam.CfnInstanceProfile(this, 'C9InstanceProfile', {
roles: [c9IamRole.roleName],
// create a cloud9 ec2 environment in a new VPC
const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'VPC', { maxAzs: 3 });
const c9Env = new cloud9.Ec2Environment(this, 'Cloud9Env', {
instanceType: ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.T3, ec2.InstanceSize.MICRO),
IAM role that i want to attach the instance profile (at the created cloud9 ec2 instance page)
Anything using a Cfn prefixed method is an L1 construct. They do not have the hooks necessary to automatically apply them to other constructs (l2 and l3 - the higher level objects) - they are bare bones, just basically a translation from your code to cfn template snippet.
if iam.CfnInstanceProfile does not have a l2 or l3 version (as of this answer it does not seem to, but the CDK team is always updating) then you'll have to manually attach it using other cfn methods.
Also, the cloud9 library is (as of this writing) still Experimental, which is a good indication that it wont have all the things it needs - It does not seem to have any property for attaching a role. You might be able to manually (again using cfn escape hatch methods) attach a role.
You might try instead applying the roles to a User/Group and giving them permission to access the cloud9, rather than attaching the role to cloud9 and give allowance to various Identities - it may be easier with current CDK constructs.
I am trying to create new aws account within our AWS org, but I am still getting no changes after terraform plan:
"No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.
Terraform has compared your real infrastructure against your configuration and found no differences, so no changes are needed."
Am I missing something? This is the code:
resource "aws_organizations_account" "new_aws_member_account" {
name = "XXX"
email = "XXX#XXX"
iam_user_access_to_billing = "ALLOW"
I already tried to deploy new IAM policy (within AWS org account) and there was no problem, but I just can't create new account using this code, I probably missed something, but don't know what.
Our AWS org is created manually using AWS console, so not via terraform, but this shouldn't be a problem or yes?
Can you help please?
I'm using CDK to build our infra on AWS. I create my IAM User for my microservices to talk to AWS Services under the defined policies. My issue is I cannot get aws secret key and id and then, pass as Env variable to my container. See below:
First, I create my IAM user which will be used by my microservices.
const user = new User(this, "user", {
userName: `${myAppEnv}-api-iam-user`,
Second, I'm trying to create Access Key.
const accessKey = new CfnAccessKey(this, "ApiUserAccessKey", {
userName: user.userName,
const accessKeyId = new CfnOutput(this, "AccessKeyId", {
value: accessKey.ref,
const accessKeySecret = new CfnOutput(this, "SecretAccessKeyId", {
value: accessKey.attrSecretAccessKey,
Next, I want to pass it as an env variable.
const apiContainer = apiTaskDefinition.addContainer(containerId, {
image: apiImage,
environment: {
APP_ENV: myAppEnv,
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: awsAccessKeyId.value || ":(",
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: awsSecretAccessKey.value || ":(",
NOTIFICATIONS_TABLE_ARN: notificationsTableDynamoDBArn,
NOTIFICATIONS_QUEUE_URL: notificationsQueueUrl,
cpu: 256,
memoryLimitMiB: 512,
logging: new AwsLogDriver({ streamPrefix: `${myAppEnv}-ec-api` }),
When my CDK deploy finishes successfully, I see the below printed out :/
staging-ecstack.AccessKeyId = SOMETHING
staging-ecstack.SecretAccessKeyId = SOMETHINGsy12X21xSSOMETHING2X2
Do you have any idea how I can achieve this?
Generally speaking, creating an IAM user isn't the way to go here - you're better off using an IAM role. With the CDK it will create a taskRole for you automatically when you instantiate the taskDefinition construct. You can assign permissions to other constructs in your stack using various grant* methods as described here:
const taskDefinition = new ecs.Ec2TaskDefinition(stack, 'TaskDef');
const container = taskDefinition.addContainer('web', {
image: ecs.ContainerImage.fromRegistry("apps/myapp"),
memoryLimitMiB: 256,
// Grant this task role access to use other resources
In short, find the answer in my blogpost here:
To explain a bit more detailled on your issue:
Avoid custom created IAM Roles and use the generated ones by CDK. They are aligned and using the least-privilege principle. In my blog post, the manual IAM role creation isn't necessary. Yes, I know... I need to update that. ;)
Use the grant* method of the corresponding resource, e.g. taskDefinition.
This will create a policy statement for the generated role of 1)
Don't use environment variables for secrets.
There are a lot of resources on the web, which tell you why.
One is this here:
Especially, when working with ECS, make use of the secrets argument in the task definition (see the blog post).
It seems, that you're passing the token instead of the actual secret value.
That doesn't work. The token is resolved during synth / Cloud Formation generation.
You won't need the CfnOutput. Use the direct Stack -> Stack passing of fields.
The CfnOutput is really sth., which you should avoid, when having all Stacks under control in one CDK application.
That only makes sense, if you want to share between CDK applications, which are separated deployments and repositories.
If sth. is unclear, don't hesitate asking questions.
I'm trying to find a resource in AWS, but I don't know what type of resource it was provisioned as.
I don't know AWS very well, but I'm having trouble finding the page in the portal that lists all of our resources in our account. How do I find it?
You can list all resources for all regions using the tag editor
You should select all regions individually from the 'Regions*' dropdown and select only 'All resource types' from the Resource types* dropdown. Leave Tags empty and press 'Find Resources'
You could use AWS Config, which provides a detailed view of the configuration of AWS resources in your AWS account. This includes how the resources are related to one another and how they were configured in the past so that you can see how the configurations and relationships change over time.
An alternate approach, that I've used in the past, is to find resources that are not tagged. You can search for untagged resources using the tag editor, and that should find all resources (including ones that might not show up in AWS Config). This approach allows you to search across all regions whereas AWS Config works on a region basis.
As this is StackOverflow, I'm assuming it's a programming related question.
To do this programatically, create an app to read resources of specific types
Python Example
import boto3
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
instances = ec2.instances
for instance in instances:
print(, instance.instance_type)
NodeJS Example
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.update({region: 'us-west-2'});
var ec2 = new AWS.EC2({apiVersion: '2016-11-15'});
var params = { DryRun: false };
ec2.describeInstances(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error", err.stack);
} else {
console.log("Success", JSON.stringify(data));
I'm starting to use AWS IAM instance roles which is great for leveling up our security management but it adds some challenges maintaining a lightweight development flow.
The problem at hand is:
I define an AWS instance role and attach a security policy to this role. This policy specifies the permissions granted for new EC2 instances launched under this role, it's a long and complicated json document with rules such as "allow access to S3 bucket x" and "deny access to SQS y". This works well on EC2.
Next, I'd like to let developers run our code on their local boxes, when developing locally in the IDE, and use the exact same security policy as defined earlier. This is important b/c when developers produce new code I want them to test it WRT to the exact same security policy as they'd run with in production. If they run with different security policy there's a chance things will slip.
The problem is that I haven't found a way to do this. It's possible to define IAM Groups, and join the developers into the groups (e.g. "developers" group). In this group I can define an IAM security policy which applies to all developers in this group. But there's no way (that I found) to reuse the policy attached to a group in the context of an instance role. Or to use the policy attached to a role in the context of a group. (did I totally miss this?...)
So to sum up, what I want is: 1) define a security policy document once. 2) reuse this document in two places, one is in IAM instance role definition and the other is IAM groups.
Not being able to do so means I'll have to maintain two copies of a complicated JSON document (which is out of version control) for each type of service (and we have many such services) and for each environment (e.g. stage/prod). I can see how this becomes a maintenance nightmare very easily.
So far the best thing I came up with is perhaps to store the policy documents on disk, under version control, and write a tool that uses the aws api to upload the policy document to the both the instance role and the group. It's somewhat cumbersome so I was hoping for a little more agility.
Do you have a better advice for me?... Thanks!
Thanks #Steffen for pointing out CloudFormation, but I think I found a solution that works better for me.
AWS provide a Security Token Service which in short among other things, allows you to Assume a Role.
This is exactly what I was looking for since I want to define a role once (e.g. a set of AWS permissions) and then let AWS EC2 instances assume this role automatically (easy to do) as well as developer assume a role for a specific service they are developing. The developers part is a bit more involved, but I'll paste some Java code that shows how to do this below.
First when defining a role you have to say which principals are allowed to assume this role. You do so by editing the Trust Relationships section of the role (at the bottom of a role's definition page on AWS web UI)
So for example here's a Trust Relationships document that allows EC2 instances assume this role, as well as some of the users in my domain (replace your-service-id-number and
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::your-service-id-number:user/",
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
And next the Java code that assumes this role when running in local development:
This code checks whether I'm running on an EC2 instance, and if so will assume the role of the instance (or otherwise, whatever's defined by the DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain, but in my case, and the best practice is - the EC2 instance role). If running on a dev environment, e.g. outside of EC2 then it assumes the role as provided by roleName
AWSCredentialsProvider getCredentialsProvider(String roleName) {
if (isRunningOnEc2()) {
return new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain();
// If not running on EC2, then assume the role provided
final AWSCredentials longLivedCredentialsProvider = new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain().getCredentials(); // user credentials provided by env variables for ex.
// The String roleArn is defined at the top of the Role page titled "Role ARN" ;-)
final String roleArn = String.format("arn:aws:iam::your-service-id-number:role/%s", roleName);
final String roleSessionName = "session" + Math.random(); // not sure it's really needed but what the heck..
final STSAssumeRoleSessionCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider =
new STSAssumeRoleSessionCredentialsProvider(longLivedCredentialsProvider, roleArn, roleSessionName);
return credentialsProvider;
The utility isRunningOnEc2() is provided:
public static boolean isRunningOnEc2() {
try {
final InetAddress byName = InetAddress.getByName("instance-data");
return byName != null;
} catch (final UnknownHostException e) {
return false;
Using CloudFormation as Steffen suggested, might be useful in the general sense as well, mostly in order to retain consistency b/w my codebase and the actual AWS deployment, but that's something else.
One annoying point though: It's possible to define principals as actual usernames but not as Group of users, so you cannot actually say that "all developers are allowed to assume role x", but rather you have to list each and every developer specifically. This is pretty annoying, but I guess I'm not the only one with this complaint.
AWS has just introduced Managed Policies for AWS Identity & Access Management, which provide a fresh approach to sharing and maintaining IAM policies across IAM entities, specifically aimed at reducing the current duplication of information and effort:
As the size and complexity of your AWS installation grows, you might find yourself editing multiple permission documents in order to add a new permission or to remove an existing one. Auditing and confirming permissions was also more difficult than necessary.
The security blog post An Easier Way to Manage Your Policies provides a walk through with more details.
The new feature is can be used via the AWS Management Console and the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) as usual (but presumably not via AWS CloudFormation yet).
Initial Answer
So far the best thing I came up with is perhaps to store the policy documents on disk, under version control, and write a tool that uses the aws api to upload the policy document to the both the instance role and the group. It's somewhat cumbersome so I was hoping for a little more agility.
A tool like this already exists and is in fact a major backing technology for many of AWS' own and 3rd party services - have a look at AWS CloudFormation, which gives developers and systems administrators an easy way to create and manage a collection of related AWS resources, provisioning and updating them in an orderly and predictable fashion.
More specifically, the AWS::IAM::Policy resource associates an IAM policy with IAM users, roles, or groups:
"Type": "AWS::IAM::Policy",
"Properties": {
"Groups" : [ String, ... ],
"PolicyDocument" : JSON,
"PolicyName" : String,
"Roles" : [ String, ...
"Users" : [ String, ... ],
There's much more to CloudFormation of course, it's a very powerful tool (see Getting Started with AWS CloudFormation).