Is it possible to start a cling repl from inside lldb? - c++

So I coming from a python world, trying to learn cpp fast. (at least the basics). The thing that I miss most from the python world was - how you can just add breakpoint anywhere in the code and start an interactive repl session with the context.
I am looking for something similar in cpp. I know this not going to be popular in cppworld, but it really helps in prototyping a solution fast! I found which gives me some more promise.
There is also this: which looks interesting and is similar to what I am looking for!
Would it help if I embed the cling interpreter inside my program?
Thanks for reading!
EDIT: To clarify, ideally I am seeking something on lines of - how you can enter swift repl while using lldb. I am not sure why CPP community does not see advantage in this. This would be an amazing feature to have! This would encourage a lot of people like myself to take up CPP more readily.

This is not directly answering your question, but if you run your program under lldb and stop somewhere, the lldb expr command is pretty close to a REPL. It doesn't run in a REPL like mode where you are just entering program text, instead you run the "expr" command and either put in the program text as command arguments or hit a return to enter into a little mini-editor. But you can call any methods of any of the objects you have, and can make new objects and in even make new classes and play with them as well as program objects.
There are some provisos. You can create classes in the expr, but you have to do it in one go (C++ is not about incremental building up of classes). Because the expression evaluator is meant primarily for exploring extant code and tries to avoid shadowing program variables, all types & variables defined in the expr command have to be preceded by a $. So for instance:
(lldb) expr
Enter expressions, then terminate with an empty line to evaluate:
1: class $MyClass {
2: public:
3: int doSomething() {
4: return m_ivar1 * m_ivar2;
5: }
6: private:
7: int m_ivar1 = 100;
8: int m_ivar2 = 200;
9: }
(lldb) expr $MyClass $my_var
(lldb) expr $my_var.doSomething()
(int) $0 = 20000
So you can do a fair amount of playing here.
The other funny limitation is that though you can define classes in expr, you can't define free functions. By default the expr command is trying to run expression text "as if it was typed at the point you are stopped in your program", so you will have access to the current frame's ivars, etc. But under the covers that means wrapping the expression in some function, and C/C++ doesn't allow internal functions...
So to define free functions and otherwise more freely add to the state of your program, you can use the --top-level flag to expr to have your expression text evaluated as if it were in a top-level source file. You won't have access to any local state, but you aren't required to use initial $'s and can do some more things that aren't allowed in a function by C.


How to start a REPL while debugging C++?

How can I get a REPL to evaluate simple things and test things out in the middle of a program's execution in C++?
I have some debugging tools at my disposal, lldb, but as far as I can tell, I can only view things, not test new things on the fly, even though it seems like it should be able to do it but maybe that functionality of the lldb debugger only works for Swift.
It doesn't have to be a complete REPL, but the ability to do some basic things would be so incredibly helpful. I am working with a massive binary in a new codebase with all sorts of types, classes, composition, and inheritance going on that's overwhelming and undocumented, and every test and repeat of the 50GB binary is about 10 minutes which is painful (running unit tests takes the same 10 minutes). It would be great if I could test statements out in a REPL on a breakpoint in the middle of the execution, one statement after another to play around and figure things out faster.
I'm coming from a drop into ipython/ipdb background, as well as the same lldb for Swift. Very new to C++.
The lldb command expr - aliased to p - should do what you want. expr will run the code you provide "as though it had been inserted in the current context" and will return the expression's result. So for instance, if you have a function and want to see what it returns for various inputs, you can do:
(lldb) expr my_new_function(10, 20, 30)
You can even debug functions while handling such interesting inputs by doing:
(lldb) break set -n my_new_function
(lldb) expr -i 0 -- my_new_function(10, 20, 30)
the -i tells lldb to stop on the breakpoint, by default lldb ignores breakpoints in hand called functions.
You can also define new objects & structs in the expression command, but unlike the Swift REPL mode(*) user-defined objects, functions & variables have to be named with an initial $ to keep them from getting confused with names from your code. For instance, if you have a class A:
(lldb) expr A $myA()
will make a default-constructed object of type A, then you can call methods on it:
(lldb) expr $myA().doSomething()
Note that C++ templates are poorly described in debug information - the current standard only describes instantiations and not the abstract template form. So YMMV when trying to create objects of complex template types. The other danger with C++ is that some functions you want to call may only exist as inlined code, which the debugger can't invoke. This happens for some of the STL types, e.g. the size() method is often not callable on vectors & the like because it's always inlined. That's less of a problem with -O0 code, however.
(*) When you run swift in Terminal w/o arguments to bring up the Swift REPL, you are actually just running lldb in a fancy input mode that feeds what you type to the expr command under the covers. The main difference between the bare expr and the full Swift REPL is that the REPL is focused on making new code, whereas expr is more meant for exploring the code you are stopped in right now, so the name lookup rules are different. There isn't a full C++ REPL mostly because we don't know how to do jobs like "build C++ classes incrementally", which would be required for a real REPL.

How to avoid namespace prefix for symbols in GDB?

I'm working with a C++ library. The library uses several namespaces. When debugging, I have to prefix every symbol name with the namespace prefix. It causes a lot of extra work and typing.
C++ has the using namespace X concept to make symbols available with more ease (lots of hand waiving). I'm looking for similar in GDB. For example, instead of b MyLibNamespace::Foo::bar, I want to b Foo::bar.
GDB does not appear to have help related to namespaces, but I'm probably doing something wrong:
(gdb) help namespace
Undefined command: "namespace". Try "help".
(gdb) namespace help
Undefined command: "namespace". Try "help".
How do I tell GDB to use a namespace prefix so I don't have to provide it for every symbol name?
How do I tell GDB to use a namespace prefix so I don't have to provide it for every symbol name?
There doesn't appear to be any such support in current GDB (as of 2017-08-13).
You can probably implement it using Python scripting to define a new command. Documentation.
Beware, this is entirely non-trivial proposition.
How do I tell GDB to use a namespace prefix so I don't have to provide
it for every symbol name?
You might consider a work-around...
I have (on occasion) added one or more (C++) functions to my class definitions file. (.cc), but they are not part of the class(s).
They are not part of the application, and are harmlessly removed when you are done with them.
They generally 'dump' info (with names d1(), d2(), etc.)
But they can also do practically any thing useful for your debugging effort, Usually, it is not the case that you thought of this specific test effort ahead of time.
So, your edit/compile/link iteration is simply: stop gdb, open the file, add a useful function, line, and resume gdb. Keep this 'diagnostic' code simple. Hopefully the result is ultimately time saving.
I can find no examples (in my files) at the moment. I suppose I discard these functions quickly once I've overcome a particular challenge.
Anyway ... this demo worked just a few minutes ago ...
When working in gdb near my class Foo_t, part of namespace DTB, etc. the d1 I've created knows how to access a particular instance of Foo_t (in some convenient way), and, can easily dump the current state of the instance using a Foo method to do so. Perhaps d1 can look like this:
void d1() { objDer.f("xxx"); } // a derived instance,
// the class has a long complex name.
Now, in gdb, run to a breakpoint somewhere when that instance exists, and is initialized, and use gdb print command to run d1 ...
(gdb) p d1()
that is a short gdb command to get at the instance and run a method.

how to share a lib between process and called script subprocess using SWIG?

I have a C++ program foobar which starts with main() and then the flow of control goes through a first part, then the second part of the program. If I change main to foobar_main, I can then compile the whole program and a SWIG Python wrapper to a shared library, and import this to Python, call foobar_main from within Python and everything works fine.
The second part communicates with the first one by some respectable C++ constructs. Specifically: the first part creates some single objects of some classes, and the second part uses class static methods to get those objects.
Now I want to run only the first part from main() and the second part from Python. That is, I want to start the C++ program foobar and then after the first part is finished, run a Python script (programmatically from within C++) that continues with the second part.
To do this, I:
compile the second part and a SWIG wrapper to
replace the second part of C++ code with system("python")
compile the modified C++ program to and load to foobar
write the script which imports foobar1 and foobar2 and then equivalent to the second part
Then I attempt to run foobar. It does not work, because it appears, that the routines in the second part complain that certain steps which should have been done in the first part, are not done.
This is embarasing but obviously I have some deep flaws here in my understanding of how computers work :) Can somebody clue me in what I am missing, including possibly simplifying the above process?
I'm going to assume your C++ code looks like this:
void part1()
void part2()
int main()
And that you have a Python version of part2() that is implemented with some other wrapped C++ functions. If these assumptions are wrong let me know.
I think the easiest way to go is to wrap part1() along with the other wrapped part2-related functions, then have a Python script like this:
import foobar
This of course means that the program starts in Python. If you need to start a C++ program for some reason (i.e. you need main()) then in order to use py_part2() you'll have to embed the Python interpreter inside your C++ program. This is a much more difficult and involved process, this answer has good info about how to get started.
Since you're learning I'll explain why system("python") doesn't work. In this scheme you have your C++ program start another process (program), named python, and then wait for it to finish. These are two completely different programs that in your case don't talk to each other and don't share anything in common. Hence why it doesn't work.
In general, reconsider anything that involves system. Its primary use seems to be to point out beginner programmers.

Changing a naming scheme in Eclipse

Is there a way to change variables' naming conventions in Eclipse (specifically Eclipse CDT)? For example, can I do a search-and-replace of variables with names like need_foo and change that to NeedFoo?
Adding and removing underscores is easy, obviously, but I don't see a way to change case. Perl's regexes have \u and \l modifiers to uppercase and lowercase characters, but Eclipse's apparently don't.
There's no automated way of mass-renaming multiple non conforming function names in CDT. There is, however, a Code Analysis rule, which is designed to point out these sort of things. It uses Eclipse Regex described in their online help. These will give you an "Information" level marker in your Problems View.
The way they work is matching a regex against each function name, and raising an error/warning/information if that doesn't return a match. You can access them via "Window->Preferences->C/C++->Code Analysis". It's about half way down the scroll list (in Eclipse Indigo).
To directly answer your second paragraph, Eclipse does not have an equivalent of Perl's \u and \l, the closest it has is (?ismd-ismd), which allows you to turn on matching based on case.
Depending on if the Code Analysis tool returns 5 or 50,000 errors:
Only a few function definitions to rename
You can use the standard refactoring renaming tool. Right click the function name, "Refactor->Rename" will replace all references to that function with your new function name (respecting different scopes).
Many many errors
This is... not as nice. Seeing as there's no built in method, you need to do it externally. The first approach I'd take is to see if there's an existing plugin out there that would do this.
Failing that, what you could perhaps do is use the Code Analysis tool to identify non-conforming function names, and then using the output from that as input to a custom Perl script? You could do it in a few stages:
void FooBar(void) {}
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
1) Run the code analysis, and copy and paste the warnings into a text file:
Bad function name "FooBar" (pattern /^(?-i:([a-z]+_[A-Z])|[a-z])(?i:[a-z]*)\z/) main.c /TestMultiThread line 47 Code Analysis Problem
2) Change the function definition, fooBar() --> FooBar(), using the above errors as input for a perl script (note you have the badly-conforming-function name, the file name and line number).
3) Compile it and then use the output from the compiler's undefined reference to fooBar() to rename any references:
undefined reference to `FooBar' main.c /TestMultiThread line 50 C/C++ Problem
This method would have some short comings, such as the compiler giving a partial list of undefined references due to the compilation terminating 'early', in which case you'd want to run it multiple times.
Another thing to look at is Refactor Scripts (Refactor --> Apply Script), but from the little I've seen of that, I don't think it's going to do what you want.
All in all, I've found the refactoring tools in Eclipse CDT to be no where near as powerful as those for Java (from what I remember). Still better than those in Notepad though (also, not bashing CDT, it's an awesome development environment!)

Is there a tool that enables me to insert one line of code into all functions and methods in a C++-source file?

It should turn this
int Yada (int yada)
return yada;
into this
int Yada (int yada)
return yada;
but for all (or at least a big bunch of) syntactically legal C/C++ - function and method constructs.
Maybe you've heard of some Perl library that will allow me to perform these kinds of operations in a view lines of code.
My goal is to add a tracer to an old, but big C++ project in order to be able to debug it without a debugger.
Try Aspect C++ ( You can define an Aspect that will pick up every method execution.
In fact, the quickstart has pretty much exactly what you are after defined as an example:
If you build using GCC and the -pg flag, GCC will automatically issue a call to the mcount() function at the start of every function. In this function you can then inspect the return address to figure out where you were called from. This approach is used by the linux kernel function tracer (CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER). Note that this function should be written in assembler, and be careful to preserve all registers!
Also, note that this should be passed only in the build phase, not link, or GCC will add in the profiling libraries that normally implement mcount.
I would suggest using the gcc flag "-finstrument-functions". Basically, it automatically calls a specific function ("__cyg_profile_func_enter") upon entry to each function, and another function is called ("__cyg_profile_func_exit") upon exit of the function. Each function is passed a pointer to the function being entered/exited, and the function which called that one.
You can turn instrumenting off on a per-function or per-file basis... see the docs for details.
The feature goes back at least as far as version 3.0.4 (from February 2002).
This is intended to support profiling, but it does not appear to have side effects like -pg does (which compiles code suitable for profiling).
This could work quite well for your problem (tracing execution of a large program), but, unfortunately, it isn't as general purpose as it would have been if you could specify a macro. On the plus side, you don't need to worry about remembering to add your new code into the beginning of all new functions that are written.
There is no such tool that I am aware of. In order to recognise the correct insertion point, the tool would have to include a complete C++ parser - regular expressions are not enough to accomplish this.
But as there are a number of FOSS C++ parsers out there, such a tool could certainly be written - a sort of intelligent sed for C++ code. The biggest problem would probably be designing the specification language for the insert/update/delete operation - regexes are obviously not the answer, though they should certainly be included in the language somehow.
People are always asking here for ideas for projects - how about this for one?
I use this regex,
to locate the functions and add extra lines of code.
With that regex I also get the function name (group 1) and the arguments (group 2).
Note: you must filter out names like, "while", "do", "for", "switch".
This can be easily done with a program transformation system.
The DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit is a general purpose program transformation system, and can be used with many languages (C#, COBOL, Java, EcmaScript, Fortran, ..) as well as specifically with C++.
DMS parses source code (using full langauge front end, in this case for C++),
builds Abstract Syntax Trees, and allows you to apply source-to-source patterns to transform your code from one C# program into another with whatever properties you wish. THe transformation rule to accomplish exactly the task you specified would be:
domain CSharp.
"\visibility \returntype \fnname(int \parametername)
{ \body } "
"\visibility \returntype \fnname(int \parametername)
{ Heidigger(\CppString\(\methodname\),
\body } "
The quote marks (") are not C++ quote marks; rather, they are "domain quotes", and indicate that the content inside the quote marks is C++ syntax (because we said, "domain CSharp"). The \foo notations are meta syntax.
This rule matches the AST representing the function, and rewrites that AST into the traced form. The resulting AST is then prettyprinted back into source form, which you can compile. You probably need other rules to handle other combinations of arguments; in fact, you'd probably generalize the argument processing to produce (where practical) a string value for each scalar argument.
It should be clear you can do a lot more than just logging with this, and a lot more than just aspect-oriented programming, since you can express arbitrary transformations and not just before-after actions.