Apex chart marker point move reverse (top to bottom) - apexcharts

By default, when we move the mouse over the chart, the markers are activated from left to right. Is there a way to change the markers from top to bottom?
I set the yaxis to depth and my points should move in reverse


How to stack QT Charts legend items vertical on bottom

I need the legend items stacked one above another (vertically).
When I do:
QtCharts::QChart *m_pieChart; //member variable
I get this:
And setting the alignment to bottom moves the legend to the bottom:
BUT the legend items are not stacked vertically anymore!
How to move the legend to the bottom AND have them stacked vertically?

WxFreechart - adding scroll bar to bottom axis and left axis

I am using wxfreechart to generate a chart from my input dataset. The bottom axis is a DateAxis and the left axis is a NumberAxis. I was able to set scroll bar for my bottom axis. I need to set scroll bar for left axis too.. Adding it using setscrolledaxis() creates the scroll bar, but the chart becomes very unclear with no labels and all. Can anybody help me :(
Also the scrolling doesn't happen unless scroll bar is dragged using mouse.Clicking on the scroll arrows moves the scroll bar very slowly, but the chart window does not move accordingly. Any solution?

Cocos2d-x - Understanding positioning sprites on screen

Can anyone provide some basic pointers on placing CCSprites on screen?
CCSize s = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
With s, say I wanted to position a sprite on the very bottom of the screen starting at 0, think something like grass.
if I am running at 1024 x 768, middle is:
setPosition( ccp(s.width/2, s.height/2) );
so starting all the way left and middle would be:
setPosition( ccp(0, s.height/2) );
So how do I get farther down?
setPosition( 0, s.height) );
This puts me starting at the top left and staying along the top of the screen.
Any help would be appreciated.
Position is relative to the sprite's parent, as well as its anchorPoint.
anchorPoint generally ranges from 0 to 1 for each coordinate, with a default of 0.5. I say "generally" because it can really be any value, but ranges outside of 0-1 place you outside of the bounds of the sprite.
For example, an anchorPoint of (0,0) makes positions relative to the bottom left. (1,0) is the bottom right, (0,1) is the top left and (1,1) is the top right. (0.5,0.5) is the very center of the sprite, which is the default.
Basically you just multiple the value by the width to get the relative position.
If you want to place a sprite at the very bottom of the screen (the bottom left corner aligned with the bottom left corner of the screen), you can do it multiple ways, based on the anchorPoint alone.
With the default anchorPoint of (0.5,0.5), the position would be (sprite.contentSize.width/2, sprite.contentSize.height/2).
If you set the anchorPoint to (0,0), the same position is obtained by simply (0,0).
If you wanted to move that sprite to the very center of the screen (the center of the sprite right in the middle), with an anchorpoint of (0.5, 0.5), the position would be (s.width/2, s.height/2).
This is all assuming you are adding a sprite to a parent the size of the screen, which is where the 2nd part of positioning comes in.
Position is also relative to the sprite's parent - which could be any other CCNode (CCLayer, another CCSprite, etc).
The way to think of that is not much different than adding a full screen node - except think in terms of the parent's size and position, not the screen.
Also Just to add something, all buttons start out in the middle of the screen then you can move them from there. if you wanted to button at (0,0):
CCLabelTTF *label1 = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:#"Press Me!" fontName:#"Marker Felt" fontSize:20];
CCMenuItemLabel *button1 = [CCMenuItemLabel itemWithLabel:label1 block:^(id sender) { NSLog(#"button1 pressed"); }];
button1.position = ccp(-(s.width/2) , -(s.height/2)); // <---

How to make non-smooth / stepwise scolling in a qgraphicsview

I have a scene which has a basically table-like layout. Thus I'd like it to scroll like a table... one row or column at a time. Specifically, the upper left visible item should have it's upper left corner in the upper left corner of the viewport, unless the scrollbars are at their maximum (in which case it is the bottom/right item that is exactly in view). Pressing an arrow key should display the next row or column in that direction.
Normally that is easily achievable by inheriting QAbstractScrollArea and setting it up as appropriate, but QGraphicsView already does this. Is there someone who can think of a clever method for achieving this effect?
just override QGraphicsScene::keyPressEvent and...
right: move a cells width in positive x
left: move a cells width in negative x
up: move a cells height in negative y
down: move a cells height in positive y
you'll have to disable this movement at the ends of the table, but it sounds a lot simpler that you might have initially thought
overload QGraphicsView::scrollContentsBy to handle the scroll bar movement. You could store the dx and dy parameters and only scroll the movement when this value is greater than the size of a cell

Resize By Mouse

I have a rectangle class that has 2 points, the center axes point and the size of the rectangle. Lets say I want to drag the bottom of the rectangle with the mouse but keep the top of it in the same position. What is the algorithm to find the center position and the new rectangle size based on the mouse? Thanks in advance :)
Move the center in the same direction and half the distance (in either or both X and Y) as the bottom (right-hand corner) was dragged.
I would assume a graphics API is at hand here, what is it? I also assume that you have worked out how to detect that mouse clicking onto the edge of your box, have you decided exactly how that works though? do they just need to click near it, and they then drag the exact corner or what?
I can tell you that you are going to need to log the position of the mouse when they first click and get the differance to where they are now. Half that distance, and then add it to the original centre.
oh, for the new size, its the difference of the mouse position added onto the original size. so if the mouse has moved down (increasing y) and left (decreasing x) say 10 units each way, you make the box ten units taller and ten narrower, the centre will be 5 down and 5 left.
It would be easier to tell the difference in the mouse movement, and create a new rectangle that size. Then use the rectangle class to check for the center point. Far easier than offsetting the old center.