Unable to resolve symbol: new-map in this context in Clojure - clojure

I was searching and was not able to find the answer to my question.
I'm reading Clojure For The Brave and True and found the implementation of the map over map values.
(reduce (fn [new-map [key val]]
(assoc new-map key (inc val)))
{:max 30 :min 10})
which works fine, except it throws an error in both REPL and file:
java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: new-map in this context
when executed inside a function:
(defn map-map [fn hash]
(reduce (fn [new-map [key val]]
(assoc new-map key (inc val)))
My own implementation (after reading 3rd chapter) works fine:
(defn map-map [fn hash]
(into {} (map #(conj [(first %)] (fn (second %))) hash)))

The problem is that I've shadowed the fn with an argument. new-map is no longer a parameter in an anonymous function, and Clojure tries to evaluate it as the value in a vector that is passed to function fn.
(defn map-map [func hash]
(reduce (fn [new-map [key val]]
(assoc new-map key (func val)))
Silly mistake, I'm adding this answer just in case someone will have the same error, and I've already taken the time to create a question.
This was the first step as you can see there is inc in the original code that I didn't yet replace with fn, because of a compiler error even in REPL.
Also, the problem was that my first implementation of map-map didn't use the fn macro so I could use it as a function.


How do I add an element to an array-map in Clojure?

How can I add an element to an array-map in Clojure? I tried using assoc but it doesn't get added? I essentially want to set a default value of 0 for any missing items in the entry array-map.
(defn create-entry [doc]
(let [entry (assoc doc "id" (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))]
(if (empty? (get entry "foo")) (assoc entry "foo" 0))
(if (empty? (get entry "bar")) (assoc entry "bar" 0))))
Update after comments from Carcigenicate:
(defn entry [doc]
(as-> (assoc doc "id" (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))) e
(if (empty? (get e "foo")) (assoc e "foo" 0) e)
(if (empty? (get e "bar")) (assoc e "bar" 0) e)))
(defn create-entry [doc]
(prn (entry doc)))
You need to starting thinking more functional. Note how all the structures you're using are immutable; they themselves can never change. Your second last line makes a copy of entry, but you never do anything with it; it's just thrown out. There are a few ways of dealing with situations like this where you need to transform a structure over a couple steps:
Just use let:
(let [entry (assoc doc "id" (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
def-foo (if (empty? (get entry "foo")) (assoc entry "foo" 0) entry)]
(if (empty? (get def-foo "bar")) (assoc def-foo "bar" 0) def-foo)))
Note how the last line uses the def-foo copy, instead of the original entry.
Use a threading macro:
; Create a new binding, e, that will hold the result of the previous form
(as-> (assoc doc "id" (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))) e
(if (empty? (get e "foo")) (assoc e "foo" 0) e)
(if (empty? (get e "bar")) (assoc e "bar" 0) e))
e is replaced by whatever the previous form evaluated to.
Note though, that if you ever find yourself using get and assoc on the same object, you might want to consider using update instead, which greatly simplifies everything, especially when paired with the -> threading macro:
(-> (assoc doc "id" (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
(update "foo" #(if (empty? %) 0 %))
(update "bar" #(if (empty? %) 0 %)))
I had to make some assumptions about what your intent was, because your code has an error that I didn't notice until after I had already submitted my answer. In your original code, your ifs don't evaluate to anything when the condition is false. I'm assuming you just don't want to change anything when they're false.
To supplement Carcigenicate's answer, another suggestion:
I'd use merge or assoc on a map of defaults:
(merge {:default-1 123 :default-2 234} {:default-1 "foo"})
=> {:default-1 "foo", :default-2 234}
Note that the order of arguments to merge matters i.e. right-most maps take precedence over left-most maps. Your default map values will only "survive" if they're not overridden by additional map(s).
(def defaults {"foo" 0, "bar" 0})
(defn create-entry [doc]
(assoc defaults "id" (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))))
(defn create-entry [doc]
(merge defaults {"id" (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))}))
Using assoc in this example has the same effect, and I'd prefer that version.

What does Clojure function #(:jerry #%) means

I'm very new in Clojure. I'm learning with help from Clojure Koans. I found an answer with code below:
(= ["Real Jerry" "Bizarro Jerry"]
(ref-set the-world {})
(alter the-world assoc :jerry "Real Jerry")
(alter bizarro-world assoc :jerry "Bizarro Jerry")
(vec (map #(:jerry #%) [the-world bizarro-world]))))))
from: https://github.com/viebel/clojure-koans/blob/master/src/koans/16_refs.clj#L42
It's pretty unfriendly for Google to search like "Clojure #%". So I get nothing from Internet.
How does it works for the function "#(:jerry #%)"?
And the code below is the answer from me, but it doesn't work.
(= ["Real Jerry" "Bizarro Jerry"]
(ref-set the-world {})
(alter the-world assoc :jerry "Real Jerry")
(alter bizarro-world assoc :jerry "Bizarro Jerry")
(vec (map (fn [x] (:jerry x)) [the-world bizarro-world]))
#( ...) is a reader macro for anonymous function where % means the first argument passed to the function. For example:
#(println %)
is equivalent to:
(fn [x] (println x))
# is a reader macro for deref so again:
is the same as:
(deref some-variable)
and is used to dereference a current value from one of the ref types.
Thus #(:jerry #%) is an anonymous function which when applied to a ref (e.g. an atom) will deref its current value and use it as an argument to call :jerry keyword as a function with the value.
the-world and bizarro-world are "derefable", which means that you can use # in front to get their value.
You are using an anonymous function, indicated by #( ). In an anonymous function, the percent sign % indicates the argument to the function.
So #% means, "dereference the argument to this function."
:jerry is a keyword used as a function, which gets the value associated with the key :jerry in the map.
For example:
(def coll [(ref {:jerry 21})
(ref {:jerry 42})])
=> #'user/coll
(map #(:jerry #%) coll)
=> (21 42)
Besides, you could find other "weird" symbols in clojure here .

Getting a function's name in its body or :test body

In clojure, can one idiomatically obtain a function's name inside of its body, hopefully accomplishing so without introducing a new wrapper for the function's definition? can one also access the function's name inside of the body of the function's :test attribute as well?
For motivation, this can be helpful for certain logging situations, as well as for keeping the body of :test oblivious to changes to the name of the function which it is supplied for.
A short elucidation of the closest that meta gets follows; there's no this notion to supply to meta, as far as I know, in clojure.
(defn a [] (:name (meta (var a))))
Obviously it is easy to accomplish with a wrapper macro.
Edit: luckily no one so far mentioned lambda combinators.
There are 2 ways to approach your question. However, I suspect that to fully automate what you want to do, you would need to define your own custom defn replacement/wrapper.
The first thing to realize is that all functions are anonymous. When we type:
(defn hello [] (println "hi"))
we are really typing:
(def hello (fn [] (println "hi"))
we are creating a symbol hello that points to an anonymous var which in turn points to an anonymous function. However, we can give the function an "internal name" like so:
(def hello (fn fn-hello [] (println "hi")))
So now we can access the function from the outside via hello or from the inside using either hello of fn-hello symbols (please don't ever use hello in both locations or you create a lot of confusion...even though it is legal).
I frequently use the fn-hello method in (otherwise) anonymous functions since any exceptions thrown will include the fn-hello symbol which makes tracking down the source of the problem much easier (the line number of the error is often missing from the stack trace). For example when using Instaparse we need a map of anonymous transform functions like:
:identifier fn-identifier
:string fn-string
:integer (fn fn-integer [arg] [:integer (java.lang.Integer. arg)])
:boolean (fn fn-boolean [arg] [:boolean (java.lang.Boolean. arg)])
:namespace (fn fn-namespace [arg] [:namespace arg])
:prefix (fn fn-prefix [arg] [:prefix arg])
:organization (fn fn-organization [arg] [:organization arg])
:contact (fn fn-contact [arg] [:contact arg])
:description (fn fn-description [arg] [:description arg])
:presence (fn fn-presence [arg] [:presence arg])
:revision (fn fn-revision [& args] (prepend :revision args))
:iso-date (fn fn-iso-date [& args] [:iso-date (str/join args)])
:reference (fn fn-reference [arg] [:reference arg])
:identity (fn fn-identity [& args] (prepend :identity args))
:typedef (fn fn-typedef [& args] (prepend :typedef args))
:container (fn fn-container [& args] (prepend :container args))
:rpc (fn fn-rpc [& args] (prepend :rpc args))
:input (fn fn-input [& args] (prepend :input args))
and giving each function the "internal name" makes debugging much, much easier. Perhaps this would be unnecessary if Clojure had better error messages, but that is a longstanding (& so far unfullfilled) wish.
You can find more details here: https://clojure.org/reference/special_forms#fn
If you read closely, it claims that (defn foo [x] ...) expands into
(def foo (fn foo [x] ...))
although you may need to experiment to see if this has already solved the use-case you are seeking. It works either way as seen in this example where we explicitly avoid the inner fn-fact name:
(def fact (fn [x] ; fn-fact omitted here
(if (zero? x)
(* x (fact (dec x))))))
(fact 4) => 24
This version also works:
(def fact (fn fn-fact [x]
(if (zero? x)
(* x (fn-fact (dec x))))))
(fact 4) => 24
(fn-fact 4) => Unable to resolve symbol: fn-fact
So we see that the "internal name" fn-fact is hidden inside the function and is invisible from the outside.
A 2nd approach, if using a macro, is to use the &form global data to access the line number from the source code. In the Tupelo library this technique is used to improve error messages for the
(defmacro dotest [& body] ; #todo README & tests
(let [test-name-sym (symbol (str "test-line-" (:line (meta &form))))]
`(clojure.test/deftest ~test-name-sym ~#body)))
This convenience macro allows the use of unit tests like:
(is (= 3 (inc 2))))
which evalutes to
(deftest test-line-123 ; assuming this is on line 123 in source file
(is (= 3 (inc 2))))
instead of manually typing
(deftest t-addition
(is (= 3 (inc 2))))
You can access (:line (meta &form)) and other information in any macro which can make your error messages and/or Exceptions much more informative to the poor reader trying to debug a problem.
Besides the above macro wrapper example, another (more involved) example of the same technique can be seen in the Plumatic Schema library, where they wrap clojure.core/defn with an extended version.
You may also wish to view this question for clarification on how Clojure uses the "anonymous" var as an intermediary between a symbol and a function: When to use a Var instead of a function?

Read each entry lazily from a zip file

I want to read file entries in a zip file into a sequence of strings if possible. Currently I'm doing something like this to print out directory names for example:
(defn entries [zipfile]
(if-let [entry (.getNextEntry zipfile)]
(cons entry (entries zipfile)))))
(defn with-each-entry [fileName f]
(with-open [z (ZipInputStream. (FileInputStream. fileName))]
(doseq [e (entries z)]
; (println (.getName e))
(f e)
(.closeEntry z))))
(with-each-entry "tmp/my.zip"
(fn [e] (if (.isDirectory e)
(println (.getName e)))))
However this will iterate through the entire zip file. How could I change this so I could take the first few entries say something like:
(take 10 (zip-entries "tmp/my.zip"
(fn [e] (if (.isDirectory e)
(println (.getName e)))))
This seems like a pretty natural fit for the new transducers in CLJ 1.7.
You just build up the transformations you want as a transducer using comp and the usual seq-transforming fns with no seq/collection argument. In your example cases,
(comp (map #(.getName %)) (take 10)) and
(comp (filter #(.isDirectory %)) (map #(-> % .getName println))).
This returns a function of multiple arities which you can use in a lot of ways. In this case you want to eagerly reduce it over the entries sequence (to ensure realization of the entries happens inside with-open), so you use transduce (example zip data made by zipping one of my clojure project folders):
(with-open [z (-> "training-day.zip" FileInputStream. ZipInputStream.)]
(let[transform (comp (map #(.getName %)) (take 10))]
(transduce transform conj (entries z))))
;;return value: [".gitignore" ".lein-failures" ".midje-grading-config.clj" ".nrepl-port" ".travis.yml" "project.clj" "README.md" "target/" "target/classes/" "target/repl-port"]
Here I'm transducing with base function conj which makes a vector of the names. If you instead want your transducer to perform side-effects and not return a value, you can do that with a base function like (constantly nil):
(with-open [z (-> "training-day.zip" FileInputStream. ZipInputStream.)]
(let[transform (comp (filter #(.isDirectory %)) (map #(-> % .getName println)))]
(transduce transform (constantly nil) (entries z))))
which gives output:
A potential downside with this is that you'll probably have to manually incorporate .closeEntry calls into each transducer you use here to prevent holding those resources, because you can't in the general case know when each transducer is done reading the entry.

"->>" macro and iterative function application

I'm working through a book on clojure and ran into a stumbling block with "->>". The author provides an example of a comp that converts camelCased keywords into a clojure map with a more idiomatic camel-cased approach. Here's the code using comp:
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(def camel->keyword (comp keyword
(partial interpose \-)
(partial map str/lower-case)
#(str/split % #"(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])")))
This makes a lot of sense, but I don't really like using partial all over the place to handle a variable number of arguments. Instead, an alternative is provided here:
(defn camel->keyword
(->> (str/split s #"(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])")
(map str/lower-case)
(interpose \-)
This syntax is much more readable, and mimics the way I would think about solving a problem (front to back, instead of back to front). Extending the comp to complete the aforementioned goal...
(def camel-pairs->map (comp (partial apply hash-map)
(partial map-indexed (fn [i x]
(if (odd? i)
(camel->keyword x))))))
What would be the equivalent using ->>? I'm not exactly sure how to thread map-indexed (or any iterative function) using ->>. This is wrong:
(defn camel-pairs->map
(->> (map-indexed (fn [i x]
(if (odd? i)
(camel-keyword x)))
(apply hash-map)))
Three problems: missing a parenthesis, missing the > in the name of camel->keyword, and not "seeding" your ->> macro with the initial expression s.
(defn camel-pairs->map [s]
(->> s
(fn [i x]
(if (odd? i)
(camel->keyword x))))
(apply hash-map)))
Is this really more clear than say?
(defn camel-pairs->map [s]
(into {}
(for [[k v] (partition 2 s)]
[(camel->keyword k) v])))