DID how can we use Decentralize identity with documents? - decentralized-applications

DID how can we use Decentralize identity with documents?
I want to make use my documents which are issued by issuer
and I want to put inside my digital wallet.
and then I just want to share my to verifier
but in all this case I just want to make sure i will use
DID concept similar way Verifiable credentials.
only difference is in verifiable credential we use meta data but
I want to use documents and file .
please let me know if any one done anything like this


Is it possible to use the google my business API to get location data from locations that you do not own?

I am currently researching the possibilities of the Google My Business API.
I understand that I need to be an owner/manager of a business/location in order to edit the information. But if I just want to Get the information, such as opening hours, is this possible without being a manager/owner?
No, because you need to have the ClientId, and username, password in case you are working just in playground and if you wanna read this kinda info in Java/python etc. you need client_secrets.json file which is again needed for you to have all authentications.
you can read more here [https://developers.google.com/my-business/content/basic-setup].
in order to access the playground click here [https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground]
This is not possible via the Business Profile APIs.
However, it would be possible via the Places API by making a Place Details request and requesting the opening_hours field: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/details

GSuite Vault API: Any way to get a list of users on hold programmatically?

Currently, the Google Vault API does not provide a way to get a report of all users in a G-Suite tenant or domain who are on hold in one or more matters. This information is currently available only via the admin interface for Google Vault under Reports/User Holds. It would be great to be able to obtain this report via an API call in JSON format rather than only via the admin UI. Am I missing something or is this functionality already available?
Respectfully, please keep in mind that suggesting that I perform API operations to search all matters and iterate through the users on hold in each matter to obtain this information is not the answer I am looking for. There should be a quicker, more efficient way to get this information since such a report is already available via the UI. I am simply asking if there is a way to get this same information programmatically via the APIs/automation. Thank you in advance.
Unfortunately, Vault API does not have a method for that. The only way to retrieve this information is to list all matters and iterate through them, as you already mentioned.
File a feature request:
It's not uncommon for a feature to be present only in the UI. If you want to see this implemented on the API, I'd suggest you to report it on Issue Tracker's Vault component.
I looked through the issues of this component, and it looks like this hasn't been requested yet. There's currently a somewhat related feature request, but not exactly what you're looking for:
Audit reporting functionality
The original poster filed a feature request in Issue Tracker. I'm add this to the answer in order to give it more visibility.
To anyone who would like to see this feature implemented in the future, I'd suggest starring the issue (star on the top-left) in order to help prioritizing it:
Vault API: Need API method to return list of all users who have active holds as available in Vault UI

Creating replicated claims in WSO2 Identity Server

I am using wso2 Identity Server and creating custom claims in it. In a specific use case i need two claims to replicate the same value.
So while creating user if i have give "1234" to claim http://wso2.org/claims/store1/id1 than claim http://wso2.org/claims/store2/id2 should also have "1234".
Is there any way possible to achieve this.
One way to achieve this, is to overwrite method in user store manager. There you can put your custom logic to save and get claims.

get application needed permissions

What I am trying to do is get a list of permissions that an application will ask for when a user adds it. FQL says I need an app access token (which of course requires the application secret). I must be doing something wrong...I don't find it normal than only the developer of an application would be able to use the Graph to read the permissions the app requires. Has anyone seen something similar?
The permissions that you ask for depend on the script that is calling the login at that particular point, so it could be different in many places. One place in the app may only require basic permissions, while another place might require basic and email permissions. So you can't get a one-size-fits-all answer for an app because it isn't defined in one place, and it is not saved on the facebook server.
It might be that there is another solution to the reason why you want this information. What is it you are trying to achieve?

Clarity involving Graph API Permissions

Sorry. Pretty new to this and trying to get a grasp on getting extended permissions/access_token for what I am trying to achieve.
All I need is to pull the public profile feed from someone's facebook page (returns in json format) so I can display it on said person's website. (I was going to parse this information using Jquery)
I think I understand that I will need to create an app in order to do this. Now will I need to create an app from said person's facebook account? Or is that something I can do myself, as a separate app?
Thanks for any info you can give on this.
You could in do it from both.
However im not 100% certain on if you would need any extra permissions from the target user or not. Because it is a public feed I would think not, but I haven't tried this myself so I can say for certain.