Create a timeline with Milestones in Power BI - powerbi

I'm trying to create a timeline in Power Bi in which I can display Milestones, the timeline should approximately look as the one below :
I've already tried Queryon timeline but it does not meet my requirement :


How to customize Guage in Power BI

I want to show some real-time IoT data in a Guage in power BI dashboard. But I want to customize this Guage by changing colors so on. But I don't see an option to customize any element on power BI web. Could you pls tell me how can I do this?

Monitoring Power BI report usage/visits when the report is published to Microsoft Teams

Our team wants to monitor what Power Bi reports are being used/viewed by our stakeholders. Some of our stakeholders view our Power BI reports through the Power BI app in the browser and some through Microsoft Teams.
When we go to the Report Usage Metrics on the Power BI app in the browser, does it only show the views/report usage metrics for visits done through the Power BI app in the browser and not through Microsoft Teams? We are not sure but we would think it does not include it given the numbers we are seeing.
What are the steps we would need to take in order to see the Report Usage Metrics for the visits on the Power BI reports through Microsoft Teams?
It is not supported. You can track the idea here -

Power BI Connector for to prepare Power BI user activities dashboard

We want to create Power BI dashboard highlighting statistics of user activities related to Power BI for last 30/90 days.
Below are the high level statistics we want to capture:
Created Power BI dashboard
Created Power BI report
Edited Power BI dashboard
Edited Power BI report
Printed Power BI dashboard
Shared Power BI dashboard
Viewed Power BI dashboard
Viewed Power BI report
Statistics of Power BI active users
Would want to know if there is any available solution or OOB Power BI connector for the same.
You can analyze statistics of user activities using the Power BI Activity log. You can download the activities by using a REST API or PowerShell cmdlet. You can also filter the activity data by date range, user, and activity type. In order to be able to do this, you should be a Power BI Service Admin. You have to install the Power BI Management cmdlets locally or use the Power BI Management cmdlets in Azure Cloud Shell.
You will find more details here :

Import Azure Time Series Insights data into Power BI

We were implementing the Azure Time Series insights(TSI) for the data streaming through IoT hub and wanting to connect to Power BI for advanced visualization. There is a provision to build a custom query to connect to Power BI from Azure TSI but i guess there is a limitation of fetching a dataset for specific time frame and only for the time series ID selected for the view.
Is there a way we can get the latest data in Power BI as and when the data refreshes in Azure TSI and for additional number of time series ID which were not selected while building the query.
If you generate a query from TSI to feed into Power BI, you can manually edit it to include the TSIDs you want to see. If you set the "isSearchSpanRelative" parameter to true, the data should refresh in Power BI as it comes into TSI.

Power BI hybrid dataset reports on dashboard not updating

We are using a Pro trial account for Power BI. We are using a hybrid dataset (that's streaming and push) in Power BI. We successfully create dashboards using streaming tiles which can get refreshed as expected using the Card visualization.
However, when we create a simple report (using a slicer) and pin that report to the dashboard, we don't see live updates without refreshing the browser. Can anyone advise why the dashboard does not continue updating?