How to filter by an input as an argument - apollo

What I am trying to do
I have a type of Category and a type of Product. I want to be able to filter the products, by the category. For example, I want to be able to see only the products that are of Category "Mixed Drink". When in Apollo Studio I am unable to do this.
What I tried
This is in my TypeDef file
type Category {
name: String
product: [Product]
type Product {
id: ID
name: String
description: String
ingredients: [String]
moveActive: Boolean
price: Float
category: [Category]
input productsByCategoryFilter {
id: ID
name: String
description: String
ingredients: [String]
moveActive: Boolean
price: Float
type Query {
productsByCategory(category: productsByCategoryFilter): [Product]
What I thought this would do is create an input field that I could put as an argument to get back an array of all the products. However, this isn't working.
Here is my resolver function for this.
productsByCategory:(_parent:any, {category}, context: Context) => {
return context.prisma.product.findMany({
where: {
Any information would be helpful!


How to query a list on AppSync GraphQL by a nested object

I am using AWS AppSync GraphQL and am trying to filter a list by a nested object's value.
My schema looks like this:
type Post #model {
id: ID
title: String
content: String
hidden: Boolean
type PinnedPost #model
id: ID!
userID: ID #index(name: "byUser", sortKeyFields: ["postID"])
user: User #hasOne (fields: ["userID"])
postID: ID
post: Post #hasOne (fields: ["postID"])
I would like to run a query to list the PinnedPost for a user, but filter out the hidden ones, like so:
const pinnedData = await API.graphql(graphqlOperation(
listPinnedPosts, {
filter: {
userID: {
eq: userInfo.attributes.sub
post: {
hidden: {
eq: false
I have updated the filterinput in my Schema through the AppSync Console to:
input ModelPinnedPostFilterInput {
id: ModelIDInput
userID: ModelIDInput
postID: ModelIDInput
post: ModelPostFilterInput
and: [ModelPinnedPostFilterInput]
or: [ModelPinnedPostFilterInput]
not: ModelPinnedPostFilterInput
There are no errors associated with it, but the nested filter is not being applied as it will return both true and false values for hidden.
This question was sort of answered before:
Appsync & GraphQL: how to filter a list by nested value
but it is not clear to me where I am supposed to edit the mapping template to allow this. How can I achieve this result?

make a List from class elements

I have a simple question, I have dummy data about some products and I need to take all categories into the new list. How can I do it?
class Products with ChangeNotifier {
List<Product> _productItems = [
id: 'p1',
title: 'Red Shirt',
price: 29.99,
category: 'shirts',
id: 'p2',
title: 'Trousers',
description: 'A nice pair of trousers.',
price: 59.99,
category: 'Trousers',
id: 'p3',
title: 'Yellow Scarf',
price: 19.99,
category: 'Scarfs',
id: 'p4',
title: 'A Pan',
price: 49.99,
category: 'Pans',),];
List<Product> get items {
return [...items];
List<Product> get fovoriteItems {
return _productItems.where((prodItem) => prodItem.isFavorite!).toList();
List<Product> get stockItems {
return _productItems.where((prodItems) => prodItems.isStock!).toList();
List<Product> get categoriesList {}
I need to take a List like categories = [Shirts,Trousers,Scarfs,Pans];
Your problem isn't clear but there are notable issues in your code. You firstly need to update your items method to return all the products. So update it to something like this:
List<Product> get items {
return _productItems;
Then in the get favoriteItems method, you have not defined the isFavorite property in any of the dummy classes. So update them to include it. This also goes for your get stockItems method. Here's an example:
id: 'p9',
title: 'Apples',
description: 'A delicious red treat',
price: 1.99,
category: 'Food',
isFavorite: false,
isStock: true,
Also make sure to remove the ! from prodItem.isFavorite! and prodItems.isStock! because this will give the opposite result.
The categoriesList method should be of type String because a category isn't necessarily product. Here's the implementation:
List<String> get categories {
List<String> ctgrs = [];
for (item in _productItems) {
return ctgrs;
I would also highly recommend using UniqueKey() or using the UUID package for every product's id so you don't have to make a custom one for every product. Using UUID is very secure as well.
List<String> categories = [];
_productItems.forEach((element) {
if (categories.indexOf(element.category) < 0) {//avoid duplicates

AWS Amplify GraphQL Query For Null Connections

I have the following in my schema for my AWS Amplify project:
type DriveTime #model
#auth( rules: [
{allow: groups, groups: ["Admin", "Instructor"]},
{ allow: private, provider: iam }
]) {
id: ID!
start: AWSDateTime!
end: AWSDateTime!
openRegistration: AWSDateTime!
closeRegistration: AWSDateTime!
vehicle: Vehicle #connection(name: "VehicleDriveConnection")
instructor: Instructor #connection(name: "InstructorDriveConnection") #aws_cognito_user_pools #aws_iam
student: Student #connection(name: "StudentDriveConnection")
evaluation: DriveEvaluation #connection(name: "DriveEvaluationConnection")
I want to be able to list all drive times where the student connection is empty or null. I am able to get all driveTimes for a single student but not all driveTimes where there is no student.
Since I dont want students to be able to access drive times that are either not open for registration or already registered to another student I have added this to my schema:
type AvailableDriveTime {
id: ID!
start: AWSDateTime!
end: AWSDateTime!
openRegistration: AWSDateTime!
closeRegistration: AWSDateTime!
instructorFirstName: String!
instructorLastName: String!
type Query {
listAvailableDriveTimes(limit: Int, nextToken: String): AvailableDriveTimesConnection #function(name: "listAvailableDriveTimes-${env}") #aws_cognito_user_pools #aws_iam
And this is my current query in the Lambda resolver:
let currentDate = new Date();
const listDrives = `query ListDrives($limit: Int, $nextToken: String) {
listDriveTimes(limit: $limit, nextToken: $nextToken, filter: {and: {openRegistration: {le: "${currentDate.toISOString()}"}, closeRegistration: {ge: "${currentDate.toISOString()}"}}}) {
items {
instructor {
student {
My current solution is sorting in the lambda resolver then returning the right data but it seems like there has to be a more efficient way.

mutation to create relations on AWS AppSync

I have been trying to run a mutation to create relations to two separate Types with not much success.
** SCHEMA **
(I have used "Create Resources" to create tables in DynamoDB)
type Comment {
eventId: ID!
commentId: String!
content: String
type CommentConnection {
items: [Comment]
nextToken: String
input CreateCommentInput {
eventId: ID!
commentId: String!
content: String
input CreateEventInput {
id: ID!
name: String
where: String
when: String
description: String
input DeleteCommentInput {
eventId: ID!
input DeleteEventInput {
id: ID!
type Event {
id: ID!
name: String
where: String
when: String
description: String
comments(limit: Int, nextToken: String): CommentConnection
type EventConnection {
items: [Event]
nextToken: String
type Mutation {
createEvent(input: CreateEventInput!): Event
updateEvent(input: UpdateEventInput!): Event
deleteEvent(input: DeleteEventInput!): Event
createComment(input: CreateCommentInput!): Comment
updateComment(input: UpdateCommentInput!): Comment
deleteComment(input: DeleteCommentInput!): Comment
commentOnEvent(input: commentOnEventInput!): Comment
type Query {
fetchEvent(id: ID!): Event
getEvent(id: ID!): Event
listEvents(first: Int, after: String): EventConnection
getComment(eventId: ID!): Comment
listComments(first: Int, after: String): CommentConnection
type Subscription {
id: ID,
name: String,
where: String,
when: String,
description: String
): Event
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createEvent"])
id: ID,
name: String,
where: String,
when: String,
description: String
): Event
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updateEvent"])
id: ID,
name: String,
where: String,
when: String,
description: String
): Event
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["deleteEvent"])
onCreateComment(eventId: ID, commentId: String, content: String): Comment
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createComment"])
onUpdateComment(eventId: ID, commentId: String, content: String): Comment
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updateComment"])
onDeleteComment(eventId: ID, commentId: String, content: String): Comment
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["deleteComment"])
input UpdateCommentInput {
eventId: ID!
commentId: String
content: String
input UpdateEventInput {
id: ID!
name: String
where: String
when: String
description: String
input commentOnEventInput {
eventId: ID!
content: String
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription
mutation #1:
mutation {
createEvent(input: {
id: "id8888"
name: "some event"
where: "Tokyo"
when: "tomorrow"
description: "desc for event"
mutation #1 gives:
"data": {
"createEvent": {
"id": "id8888",
"name": "some event"
mutation #2:
mutation {
commentOnEvent(input : {
eventId: "id8888"
commentId: "id2222"
content: "some content"
mutation #2 gives:
"data": {
"commentOnEvent": null
In the React sample created by AWS AppSync creates commentId automatically but I can't recreate that in manually created schema and resource.
I would like to know how I can establish relations on separate types and query them. Has anybody successfully done this??
Starting from the console's “Create resources” functionality lets talk through how this works. Assume we have this schema.
type Comment {
eventId: ID!
commentId: String!
content: String
type CommentConnection {
items: [Comment]
nextToken: String
input CreateCommentInput {
eventId: ID!
commentId: String!
content: String
input CreateEventInput {
id: ID!
name: String
where: String
when: String
description: String
input DeleteCommentInput {
eventId: ID!
input DeleteEventInput {
id: ID!
type Event {
id: ID!
name: String
where: String
when: String
description: String
comments(limit: Int, nextToken: String): CommentConnection
type EventConnection {
items: [Event]
nextToken: String
type Mutation {
createEvent(input: CreateEventInput!): Event
updateEvent(input: UpdateEventInput!): Event
deleteEvent(input: DeleteEventInput!): Event
createComment(input: CreateCommentInput!): Comment
updateComment(input: UpdateCommentInput!): Comment
deleteComment(input: DeleteCommentInput!): Comment
type Query {
getEvent(id: ID!): Event
listEvents(first: Int, after: String): EventConnection
getComment(eventId: ID!): Comment
listComments(first: Int, after: String): CommentConnection
type Subscription {
id: ID,
name: String,
where: String,
when: String,
description: String
): Event
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createEvent"])
id: ID,
name: String,
where: String,
when: String,
description: String
): Event
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updateEvent"])
id: ID,
name: String,
where: String,
when: String,
description: String
): Event
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["deleteEvent"])
onCreateComment(eventId: ID, commentId: String, content: String): Comment
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createComment"])
onUpdateComment(eventId: ID, commentId: String, content: String): Comment
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updateComment"])
onDeleteComment(eventId: ID, commentId: String, content: String): Comment
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["deleteComment"])
input UpdateCommentInput {
eventId: ID!
commentId: String
content: String
input UpdateEventInput {
id: ID!
name: String
where: String
when: String
description: String
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription
This is what the schema should look like after running Create Resources on the Event and Comment types. When going through the "Create Resources" flow with the Comment type you should choose the eventId as the table's hash key and the commentId as the sort key. For the Event type you can leave "id" as the single hash key. So what did that do for us?
First it created 2 DynamoDB tables to hold our objects of type Event and Comment. It then imported those tables as AppSync data sources and generated new schema parts including input objects, objects, and query and mutation fields and saved them to the schema. It also wired up resolvers specific to the new table you just defined and attached them to the newly generated query and mutation fields that implement common CRUD patterns. Unfortunately this does not yet understand relations so we have to add those ourselves. To do that let's first make the mutation to create relations as you have asked about and for completeness we will do a query as well.
As you have already done, you are going to need to add something like this to your schema
type Mutation {
commentOnEvent(input: CommentOnEventInput!): Comment
input CommentOnEventInput {
eventId: ID!
content: String
Save the schema and then click "Attach" on the Mutation.commentOnEvent field to add a resolver. Select the CommentTable data source we created earlier and from the mapping template put this:
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "PutItem",
"key" : {
"eventId": $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ctx.args.input.eventId),
"commentId": $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($util.autoId()),
"attributeValues" : $util.dynamodb.toMapValuesJson($ctx.args.input)
and for the response mapping template
Click save. Now you should be able to run a query like this:
mutation {
commentOnEvent(input: { eventId: "***", content: "A comment"}) {
Let's now add away to read data via a relation. E.G. I want to be able to run a query like this:
query {
getEvent(id: "***") {
comments(first: 5) {
items {
To do this lets first add the following parts to the schema.
type Event {
# add this to existing fields
comments(first: Int, after: String): CommentConnection
Click save then click "Attach" on the Event.comments field. Select the CommentTable data source again and then provide the following for the request mapping template.
# Event.comments.request.vtl
"version" : "2017-02-28",
"operation" : "Query",
"query" : {
"expression": "eventId = :eventId",
"expressionValues" : {
":eventId" : {
"S" : "${}"
"limit": $util.defaultIfNull(${ctx.args.first}, 20),
"nextToken": $util.toJson($util.defaultIfNullOrBlank($ctx.args.after, null))
Notice the $ Since we are resolving the Event.comments field, the $ctx.source is the instance of the Event type that we are resolving comments for. In effect this makes it so that anywhere we include { comments { ... } in a selection set on the Event type, only comments for the parent event will be fetched. And then you can return the paginated result object.
# Event.comments.response.vtl
# $ctx.result = { items: [...], nextToken: "..." }
This should do the trick. Now you can run both these queries and see the results.
mutation {
commentOnEvent(input: { eventId: "***", content: "A comment"}) {
query {
getEvent(id: "***") {
comments(first: 5) {
items {
Hope this helps.

Should I extend my type with extra fields or create a new type?

I have TODO templates which are used to create todos in todo lists.
Should I create one type for both templates and created todos like this:
type TODO {
id: ID
text: String
type: String
templateId: ID
completed: Boolean
type TODOList {
id: ID
todos: [TODO]
owner: String
Or should I make separate types for templates and created todos?
type TODO {
id: ID
text: String
type: String
templateId: ID
completed: Boolean
type TODOTemplate {
id: ID
templateType: String
templateText: String
type TODOList {
id: ID
todos: [TODO]
owner: String
Or maybe there is more convenient method and I am doing everything wrong?
the second one looks better since you've introduced extra fields and probably want access to them. in that case you'll want to revise your TODO type:
type TODO {
id: ID
text: String
type: String
template: TODOTemplate
completed: Boolean