camunda external database integration - camunda

I am doing a POC to integrate camunda with oracle database. It works well with h2 database. To integrate with oracle, I have followed this user guide ( My application programmatically creates a datasource and transaction manager so i have no control over it. I tried to create a secondary transaction manager using above user guide and it fails due to two transaction manager bean found.
Is there a way to connect with the programmatically created datasource instead of providing a configuration.


How to query tenants on Google Cloud Identity Platform?

I am trying to setup a multi-tenant app using Google Cloud Identity Platform. So far I have successfully setup a small app that can create a tenant and a user in said tenant. When you create a tenant you pass it a displayName. In my testing I noticed that it would create multiple tenants all with the exact same display name. I started to consider how I might create a validation to prevent it from doing this by doing a lookup to see if a tenant with this displayName already existed. However in looking at the documentation I found here ( I only see a way to list all of the tenants. I was hoping for a way to query the list on displayName. Is there some other way I can prevent the duplicate tenants?

Newly created local claim isn't shown in claim configuration WSO2 Identity Server when using remote Postgres DB

I am trying to map a newly created local claim to the claims of a service providers.
Some notes about my WSO2 implementation:
I am using Postgres databases in AWS's Relational Database Service. I followed the steps here to set up my master, metrics, and bps databases:
My steps to map the claim look like this:
Create a local claim
Attempt to add the newly created claim to a service provider
My issue is that the claim I created in step 1 doesn't appear in the dropdown in step 2. I have confirmed that the claim is being written to my master Postgres database under the idn_claim table. If it's in the idn_claim table, shouldn't it show in the dropdown when adding a claim?
The same steps have worked for me with the following setups:
Using the built-in H2 database (no config changes)
Using a LOCAL Postgres database that is setup using the same configuration files and seeding scripts as the scenario above.
I'm stumped about why everything works as expected using the H2 database or a Local Postgres database (with identical setup) but it doesn't work with a Postgres database in AWS.

Content Migration to Sitecore from other resources like SQL

I have a site developed in core .Net with SQL server Database. Now i want to redesign my site using Sitecore. How the data/content can be migrated from SQL database to Sitecore CMS?
Sitecore has released the Data Exchange Framework. This tool allows you to sync content from third party application. Example:
Read contacts from a CRM and create contacts in xDB
Update a contact in CRM using information from a contact in xDB
3.Create items in Sitecore that represent products in a catalog
So, you can easily use this tool to import your data from sql to sitecore. You only have to develop the different logic that requires to translate the data from the SQL to the template of your new instance.
Here is the link where you can have the 2 released version:
From the links, Sitecore has already specified the released note, required documentation about the API and so on.

Stratos 1.6.0 - Messaging between Storage Server and Data Service Service

I am configuring Stratos 1.6.0 and trying get the following scenario working.
Create a database in Storage Server
Create a user in Storage Server
Assign the user to the database
Generate datasource for the user/database combination in the Storage Server
Create DataService in Data Service Server and use the data source above
From what I can see in the code... when one creates a datasource in a Carbon application, the org.wso2.carbon.ndatasource.core.DataSourceRepository will notify the member's in the cluster of the new DataSource. These members will then invalidate the registry cache.
The problem comes is that in the default clustering configuration in Stratos 1.6.0, the Storage Server and the Data Service Server are in different Tribe domains, so messaging using Tribe is not possible between the two types of applications.
How can one get the Data Service Server to update its datasource configuration when datasources are created in the Storage Server?
What you've mentioned in your query itself is exactly what's expected from providing the option to create a datasource via WSO2 Storage Server. However, there are certain technical complexities associated with sharing datasources across nodes/clusters of different Carbon products (other than the type of Carbon product in which the datasources are created) and we're currently in the middle of attending to them. Therefore, all considered, a better way to integrate SS with DSS would be, first create your database/database user in WSO2 SS, then create datasources with that information (connection strings, user credentials, etc) in WSO2 DSS and consume them.
P.S. You can refer which provides you with a comprehensive guide for creating databases/database users/privilege templates.

Cloudfoundry how to let two apps sharing one database service

I bind a postgresql service for two apps. They both update the database. Problem is that I use one of the app to create the tables(database schema) by using spring jdbc namespace. But since the other one is provisioned to use a different user name and password. It can not access the tables created by another one. Anyway cloudfoundry to provide the flexibility to resolve the issue?
For Spring apps, this can be achieved by taking the advantage of "auto-reconfigure". CF detects the bean of class javax.sql.DataSource under certain conditions and then replace the properties such as username or password with values of provisioned ones. You can find very detailed instructions here:
Therefore for your 2 apps you can both configure the datasource connection as the same format. As long as you bind the same postgresql service to these 2 apps, although CF will inject different values to both apps, they can access same table without any explicit configurations.