Login with Google is asking to select app from two - expo

We have an app in Expo that is logging in to Firebase with Google, but for some reason after going through the dialog it offers to select an app, which is shown twice, instead of selecting it automatically.
What is the proper configuration for solving this issue? I've had a look at this and that, but we cannot remove schema as it wouldn't work without it. There's a bug report on this issue, so I'm hoping someone managed to work around it here.


Programmatically help user create a shortcut for watchKit app?

a newbie question.
I want to make it easy for users to create a shortcut to use Siri with a watchKit app. The app runs as a companion to an iOS version.
Where I've gotten so far: Users can successfully use Siri to make a voice request for each of the watchKit and iOS apps via intent extensions that I’ve created. That is, they can do so after a shortcut is available (e.g. “Hey Siri, jot myself”).
I would love to programmatically help users create both of these shortcuts. I’m stuck on the watchKit side, though.
The closest I’ve been able to get to make it easy for users to create shortcuts is:
On the iOS app, as part of the app's onboarding, provide an “Add to Siri” button. (This works fine)
Then, ask the user to go into Shortcuts in iOS, find the shortcut, look at its “Details” and toggle “Show on Apple Watch”. (This seems like it would be hard for users and I’m afraid asking them to do it will lose them.)
Is there a better way to help users set up the watchKit shortcut? Advice appreciated.

Unable to enable AWS Amplify Admin UI

I'm currently finding myself unable to enable the Admin UI. It was enabled before and now does not seem to work.
When I looked at my backends I see this.
Image of Amplify backend environment with a button to enable admin UI.
I then clicked the switch to turn on the Admin UI as shown below.
Image of the Admin UI enable screen.
I clicked it and it says it's enabling in a popup here, before saying it succeeded in another popup here.
I thought this was originally something wrong with my project but it's happening on my other amplify project - is the Amplify Admin UI down for some reason?
P.S. I was going to post this on server fault as this post says but there was no tag for Amplify on here.
Sorry this is not an answer, I cannot make comment so I have to write here.
I wasted a whole day by meeting the exactly the same issue.
At the same time, I tried to run Amplify pull --appid --envName several times, it always stuck there.
Amazon status page shows everything is fine now but I cannot believe it.
I also posted a question here but it seems nobody answered it.
I hope this issue was discovered by more people and Amazon finally can fix it, I believe it's not a problem on our side.
The issue was resolved as shown in this ticket I opened.
Have you tried selecting the environment and then clicking Open Admin UI?
I also wasnt able to login clicking in the URL and with my credentials, but clicking there worked.

issue automatically adding members to google groups (G-suite) with Admin SDK

(I have done a search through the questions to see if I could find something on this, but have not found answers.)
I have two google groups through my G-suite and I want to automatically add people to both groups after they sign up for my club through a process on my website. I think this should be possible using:
I have gone into the API Console, created a new project, enabled the Admin SDKI API, and got an API key. However, I think I am running into the Authorization issue because we keep getting an error that the authorization token is missing.
I have tried using the OAuth 2.0 but I'm not sure if this should be "Internal" or "External". I'm not creating a whole app for someone to use - all I want to do is on the back end of the site take information that comes through when someone joins the club and automatically have them added to my google groups.
Is it possible for someone to please explain to me what I need to do?
I'm sorry this is kind of a basic question.
Thank you for your help.

how to test facebook application with extended permissions, without asking for review

i have read all the answers ( i could find on the matter), and they say, if you are a developer, tester or admin of the application, you should be able to test the app without any problem. I have tried as a admin of the app, developer, tester etc (all the roles given in the developer dashboard) no luck, next i have tried with the test users, still no luck, when i ask the user for the permission (publish_stream), the popup always says
Submit for Login Review Some of the permissions below have not been
approved for use by Facebook.
I have setup the "privacy policy link", i have uploaded the application icon, entered the application description, still no luck. in the mean time, the other two permissions i ask (user_photos and email) work with no problem.
I can't get what i am doing wrong. has anyone had problems like this?how did he manage to solve them? any help will be much appreciated.
P.S the only thing i haven't tried is to submit the freaking app for review, but the app is far from done, so i think, the review will be rejected
You really don´t need to go through the review process for testing, unapproved permissions work for every Admin, Developer or Tester of the App. publish_stream is deprecated though, what you probably want is publish_actions.
If it still does not work with an Admin/Dev/Tester and the publish_actions permission, i´d suspect a bug. In that case you could report it: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/

OpenID in django without local site accounts

I'm working on a django site, which I want the authentication part to work exactly like how Stack Overflow works. A new user comes to the site, they click on "create new account", choose their OpenID provider, get validated, then an account is created for them with "openiduser4356" or something as the username. The user can then go into preferences and change the username to whatever they want. I don't want any kind of local account sign-ups at all.
I pretty much spent all day getting django-authopenid working and it seems the only way this plugin works is by adding OpenID identities to already existing accounts. Heck, you can't even run your site when you have django-authopenid installed unless you have django-registration installed as well...
Before I spend another day wrestling with this thing to try getting it to do what I want, I'd rather just know off the bat if this kind of thing is even possible/a good idea. I noticed that there are a few other OpenID plugins for django out there. Are any of them any better at doing what I'm trying to do?
django-openid does not depend on django-registration.
You might also take a look at a fork of django-openid, django-openid-consumer. It works with the most recent python-openid libraries.
If you don't mind using rpxnow.com, check out http://github.com/howthebodyworks/django-rpx/tree/master