What does the value 'WakeupTotalCnt' (healthstatus) mean? - tapkey

What is this value? The times a lock woke up, or if it really opened? Or maybe something else?
Here is some text, otherwise I could not pass the quality standards of s.o. Sorry for that.

As I understand your are talking about the health status of Tapkey Locks documented here:
The WakeupTotakCnt is not related to unlock events. It's an internal measurement which is not relevant for third parties. That is the reason why it is not noted in the documentation. It is a counter, how often the lock woke up from energy saving mode to handle all kinds of events.


Terminology - how do you call a thread blocked waiting on an event that never happens

If a thread is waiting on a condition, a future, a countdown latch forever (because of a bug in the logic that should have asynchronously notified the condition, completed the future, counted the latch down to zero, etc.), what is the correct name for this? Deadlock? Livelock? Something else?
Specifically, it feels wrong to call something that is not in a tie a deadlock, yet also something that is actually blocked a livelock, but it would be nice to have a specific enough term that sets these two apart.
In the book The Art of Multiprocessor Programming, section 8.2.2, there is a problem like what you describe, where it's called a "lost wakeup":
Just as locks are inherently vulnerable to deadlock, Condition objects are inherently vulnerable to lost wakeups, in which one or more threads wait forever without realizing that the condition for which they are waiting has become true.
The context in the book is narrow, it's talking specifically about checking condition variables when locking. But it doesn't seem like much of a stretch to extend its use to any case where something is hanging out anticipating an event that never comes.
On SO I've heard this type of bug referred to as "lost notifications" or "missed signals".
I would not call this situation starvation because the missed signal isn’t in itself a system resource that the thread puts to use to do work once it has woken up. Resources are things like CPU time or memory or file handles or other things it could need in order to do its work. OS threads are themselves resources and this bug can result in taking threads out of play, if the lost wake up bug happens to enough threads it can eventually result in something getting starved.

Controlled application shut-down strategy

Our (Windows native C++) app is composed of threaded objects and managers. It is pretty well written, with a design that sees Manager objects controlling the lifecycle of their minions. Various objects dispatch and receive events; some events come from Windows, some are home-grown.
In general, we have to be very aware of thread interoperability so we use hand-rolled synchronization techniques using Win32 critical sections, semaphores and the like. However, occasionally we suffer thread deadlock during shut-down due to things like event handler re-entrancy.
Now I wonder if there is a decent app shut-down strategy we could implement to make this easier to develop for - something like every object registering for a shutdown event from a central controller and changing its execution behaviour accordingly? Is this too naive or brittle?
I would prefer strategies that don't stipulate rewriting the entire app to use Microsoft's Parallel Patterns Library or similar. ;-)
I guess I am asking for an approach to controlling object life cycles in a complex app where many threads and events are firing all the time. Giovanni's suggestion is the obvious one (hand-roll our own), but I am convinced there must be various off-the-shelf strategies or frameworks, for cleanly shutting down active objects in the correct order. For example, if you want to base your C++ app on an IoC paradigm you might use PocoCapsule instead of trying to develop your own container. Is there something similar for controlling object lifecycles in an app?
This seems like a special case of the more general question, "how do I avoid deadlocks in my multithreaded application?"
And the answer to that is, as always: make sure that any time your threads have to acquire more than one lock at a time, that they all acquire the locks in the same order, and make sure all threads release their locks in a finite amount of time. This rule applies just as much at shutdown as at any other time. Nothing less is good enough; nothing more is necessary. (See here for a relevant discussion)
As for how to best do this... the best way (if possible) is to simplify your program as much as you can, and avoid holding more than one lock at a time if you can possibly help it.
If you absolutely must hold more than one lock at a time, you must verify your program to be sure that every thread that holds multiple locks locks them in the same order. Programs like helgrind or Intel thread checker can help with this, but it often comes down to simply eyeballing the code until you've proved to yourself that it satisfies this constraint. Also, if you are able to reproduce the deadlocks easily, you can examine (using a debugger) the stack trace of each deadlocked thread, which will show where the deadlocked threads are forever-blocked at, and with that information, you can that start to figure out where the lock-ordering inconsistencies are in your code. Yes, it's a major pain, but I don't think there is any good way around it (other than avoiding holding multiple locks at once). :(
One possible general strategy would be to send an "I am shutting down" event to every manager, which would cause the managers to do one of three things (depending on how long running your event-handlers are, and how much latency you want between the user initiating shutdown, and the app actually exiting).
1) Stop accepting new events, and run the handlers for all events received before the "I am shutting down" event. To avoid deadlocks you may need to accept events that are critical to the completion of other event handlers. These could be signaled by a flag in the event or the type of the event (for example). If you have such events then you should also consider restructuring your code so that those actions are not performed through event handlers (as dependent events would be prone to deadlocks in ordinary operation too.)
2) Stop accepting new events, and discard all events that were received after the event that the handler is currently running. Similar comments about dependent events apply in this case too.
3) Interrupt the currently running event (with a function similar to boost::thread::interrupt()), and run no further events. This requires your handler code to be exception safe (which it should already be, if you care about resource leaks), and to enter interruption points at fairly regular intervals, but it leads to the minimum latency.
Of course you could mix these three strategies together, depending on the particular latency and data corruption requirements of each of your managers.
As a general method, use an atomic boolean to indicate "i am shutting down", then every thread checks this boolean before acquiring each lock, handling each event etc. Can't give a more detailed answer unless you give us a more detailed question.

How to implement a timed wait around a blocking call?

So, the situation is this. I've got a C++ library that is doing some interprocess communication, with a wait() function that blocks and waits for an incoming message. The difficulty is that I need a timed wait, which will return with a status value if no message is received in a specified amount of time.
The most elegant solution is probably to rewrite the library to add a timed wait to its API, but for the sake of this question I'll assume it's not feasible. (In actuality, it looks difficult, so I want to know what the other option is.)
Here's how I'd do this with a busy wait loop, in pseudocode:
while(message == false && current_time - start_time < timeout)
if (Listener.new_message()) then message = true;
I don't want a busy wait that eats processor cycles, though. And I also don't want to just add a sleep() call in the loop to avoid processor load, as that means slower response. I want something that does this with a proper sort of blocks and interrupts. If the better solution involves threading (which seems likely), we're already using boost::thread, so I'd prefer to use that.
I'm posting this question because this seems like the sort of situation that would have a clear "best practices" right answer, since it's a pretty common pattern. What's the right way to do it?
Edit to add: A large part of my concern here is that this is in a spot in the program that's both performance-critical and critical to avoid race conditions or memory leaks. Thus, while "use two threads and a timer" is helpful advice, I'm still left trying to figure out how to actually implement that in a safe and correct way, and I can easily see myself making newbie mistakes in the code that I don't even know I've made. Thus, some actual example code would be really appreciated!
Also, I have a concern about the multiple-threads solution: If I use the "put the blocking call in a second thread and do a timed-wait on that thread" method, what happens to that second thread if the blocked call never returns? I know that the timed-wait in the first thread will return and I'll see that no answer has happened and go on with things, but have I then "leaked" a thread that will sit around in a blocked state forever? Is there any way to avoid that? (Is there any way to avoid that and avoid leaking the second thread's memory?) A complete solution to what I need would need to avoid having leaks if the blocking call doesn't return.
You could use sigaction(2) and alarm(2), which are both POSIX. You set a callback action for the timeout using sigaction, then you set a timer using alarm, then make your blocking call. The blocking call will be interrupted if it does not complete within your chosen timeout (in seconds; if you need finer granularity you can use setitimer(2)).
Note that signals in C are somewhat hairy, and there are fairly onerous restriction on what you can do in your signal handler.
This page is useful and fairly concise:
What you want is something like select(2), depending on the OS you are targeting.
It sounds like you need a 'monitor', capable of signaling availability of resource to threads via a shared mutex (typically). In Boost.Thread a condition_variable could do the job.
You might want to look at timed locks: Your blocking method can aquire the lock before starting to wait and release it as soon as the data is availabe. You can then try to acquire the lock (with a timeout) in your timed wait method.
Encapsulate the blocking call in a separate thread. Have an intermediate message buffer in that thread that is guarded by a condition variable (as said before). Make your main thread timed-wait on that condition variable. Receive the intermediately stored message if the condition is met.
So basically put a new layer capable of timed-wait between the API and your application. Adapter pattern.
what happens to that second thread if the blocked call never returns?
I believe there is nothing you can do to recover cleanly without cooperation from the called function (or library). 'Cleanly' means cleaning up all resources owned by that thread, including memory, other threads, locks, files, locks on files, sockets, GPU resources... Un-cleanly, you can indeed kill the runaway thread.

Is there a way to abort an SQLite call?

I'm using SQLite3 in a Windows application. I have the source code (so-called SQLite amalgamation).
Sometimes I have to execute heavy queries. That is, I call sqlite3_step on a prepared statement, and it takes a lot of time to complete (due to the heavy I/O load).
I wonder if there's a possibility to abort such a call. I would also be glad if there was an ability to do some background processing in the middle of the call within the same thread (since most of the time is spent in waiting for the I/O to complete).
I thought about modifying the SQLite code myself. In the simplest scenario I could check some condition (like an abort event handle for instance) before every invocation of either ReadFile/WriteFile, and return an error code appropriately. And in order to allow the background processing the file should be opened in the overlapped mode (this enables asynchronous ReadFile/WriteFile).
Is there a chance that interruption of WriteFile may in some circumstances leave the database in the inconsistent state, even with the journal enabled? I guess not, since the whole idea of the journal file is to be prepared for any error of any kind. But I'd like to hear more opinions about this.
Also, did someone tried something similar?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks to ereOn. I wasn't aware of the existence of sqlite3_interrupt. This probably answers my question.
Now, for all of you who wonders how (and why) one expects to do some background processing during the I/O within the same thread.
Unfortunately not many people are familiar with so-called "Overlapped I/O".
Using it one issues an I/O operation asynchronously, and the calling thread is not blocked. Then one receives the I/O completion status using one of the completion mechanisms: waitable event, new routine queued into the APC, or the completion port.
Using this technique one doesn't have to create extra threads. Actually the only real legitimation for creating threads is when your bottleneck is the computation time (i.e. CPU load), and the machine has several CPUs (or cores).
And creating a thread just to let it be blocked by the OS most of the time - this doesn't make sense. This leads to the unjustified waste of the OS resources, complicates the program (need for synchronization and etc.).
Unfortunately not all the libraries/APIs allow asynchronous mode of operation, thus making creating extra threads the necessarily evil.
I've already found the solution, thansk to ereOn.
For all those who nevertheless insist that it's not worth doing things "in background" while "waiting" for the I/O to complete using overlapped I/O. I disagree, and I think there's no point to argue about this. At least this is not related to the subject.
I'm a Windows programmer (as you may noticed), and I have a very extensive experience in all kinds of multitasking. Plus I'm also a driver writer, so that I also know how things work "behind the scenes".
I know that it's a "common practice" to create several threads to do several things "in parallel". But this doesn't mean that this is a good practice. Please allow me not to follow the "common practice".
I don't understand why you want the interruption to come from the same thread and I even don't understand how that would be possible: if the current thread is blocked, waiting for some IO, you can't execute any other code. (Yeah, that's what "blocked" means)
Perhaps if you give us more hints about why you want this, we might help further.
Usually, I use sqlite3_interrupt() to cancel calls. But this, obviously, involves that the call is made from another thread.
By default, SQLite is threadsafe. It sounds to me like the easiest thing to do would be to start the Sqlite command on a background thread, and let SQLite to the necessary locking to have that work.
From your perspective then, the sqlite call looks like an asynchronous bit of I/O, and you can continue normal processing on this thread, such as e.g. using a loop including interruptible sleep and a bit of occasional background processing (e.g. to update a liveness indicator). When the SQLite statement completes, the background thread should set a state variable to indicate this, wake the main thread (if necessary), and terminate.

Win32 Event vs Semaphore

Basically I need a replacement for Condition Variable and SleepConditionVariableCS because it only support Vista and UP. (For C++)
Some suggested to use Semaphore, I also found CreateEvent.
Basically, I need to have on thread waiting on WaitForSingleObject, until something one or more others thread tell me there is something to do.
In which context should I use a Semaphore vs an Win Event?
In your case I'd use an event myself. Signal the event when you want the thread to get going. Job done :)
Edit: The difference between semaphores and events comes down to the internal count. If there are multiple ReleaseSemaphores then 2 WaitForSingleObjects will also be released. Events are boolean by nature. If 2 different places Signal event simultaneously then the wait will get released and it will get set back to unsignalled (dependent on if you have automatic or manual resetting). If you need it to be signalled from multiple places simultaneously and for the waiting thread to run twice then this event behaviour could lead to a deadlock.
Replacing condition variables on Windows is extremely difficult and error-prone in the general case. Either:
Use someone else's implementation (e.g., Boost.Thread).
Rethink the problem you are trying to solve and see if Win32 can do it. Based on your description, an Event might suffice, but if the waiter needs to be triggered by some conditional expression that the other threads will setup, and not just a signal, you're better off going back to option 1.
Use boost::condition_variable if at all possible. I've been down this road before (see msg on microsoft.public.win32.programmer.kernel) and the Win32 Event API does not suffice; there are problems using events.