When will updates occur to the health status information? - tapkey

Recently I started logging the lock's healthstatus info. What exactly is the Timestamp of these objects?
I have lots of round timestamps (like 2022-05-20 12:00:00.000), but also arbitrary timestamps (like 2022-05-20 16:16:37.617). What exactly does this Timestamp mean? Is it when a lock is last opened?

As I understand you are talking about the healthStatuses property of a Boundlock documented here:
The timestamp means that this specific status was collected at this time. The collection can be triggered, depending from the type, from different events. E.g. during unlock, during start or internal timer.
If the event was an internal timer it can lead to a round timestamp, if the source was an external event, then the timestamp will of course not be round.


DDD - Concurrency and Command retrying with side-effects

I am developing an event-sourced Electric Vehicle Charging Station Management System, which is connected to several Charging Stations. In this domain, I've come up with an aggregate for the Charging Station, which includes the internal state of the Charging Station(whether it is network-connected, if a car is charging using the station's connectors).
The station notifies me about its state through messages defined in a standardized protocol:
Heartbeat: whether the station is still "alive"
StatusNotification: whether the station has encountered an error(under voltage), or if everything is correct
And my server can send commands to this station:
RemoteStartTransaction: tells the station to unlock and reserve one of its connectors, for a car to charge using the connector.
I've developed an Aggregate for this Charging Station. It contains the internal entities of its connector, whether it's charging or not, if it has a problem in the power system, ...
And the Aggregate, which its memory representation resides in the server that I control, not in the Charging Station itself, has a StationClient service, which is responsible for sending these commands to the physical Charging Station(pseudocode):
class StationAggregate {
stationClient: StationClient
URL: string
connector: Connector[]
unlock(connectorId) {
if this.connectors.find(connectorId).isAvailableToBeUnlocked() {
return ErrorConnectorNotAvailable
error = this.stationClient.sendRemoteStartTransaction(this.URL, connectorId)
if error {
return ErrorStationRejectedUnlock
StationUnlockedEvent(connectorId, now())
return Ok
receiveHeartbeat(timestamp) {
return Ok
I am using a optimistic concurrency, which means that, I load the Aggregate from a list of events, and I store the current version of the Aggregate in its memory representation: StationAggregate in version #2032, when a command is successfully processed and event(s) applied, it would the in version #2033, for example. In that way, I can put a unique constraint on the (StationID, Version) tuple on my persistence layer, and guarantee that only one event is persisted.
If by any chance, occurs a receival of a Heartbeat message, and the receival of a Unlock command. In both threads, they would load the StationAggregate and would be both in version X, in the case of the Heartbeat receival, there would be no side-effects, but in the case of the Unlock command, there would be a side-effect that tells the physical Charging Station to be unlocked. However as I'm using optimistic concurrency, that StationUnlocked event could be rejected from the persistence layer. I don't know how I could handle that, as I can't retry the command, because it its inherently not idempotent(as the physical Station would reject the second request)
I don't know if I'm modelling something wrong, or if it's really a hard domain to model.
I am not sure I fully understand the problem, but the idea of optimistic concurrency is to prevent writes in case of a race condition. Versions are used to ensure that your write operation has the version that is +1 from the version you've got from the database before executing the command.
So, in case there's a parallel write that won and you got the wrong version exception back from the event store, you retry the command execution entirely, meaning you read the stream again and by doing so you get the latest state with the new version. Then, you give the command to the aggregate, which decides if it makes sense to perform the operation or not.
The issue is not particularly related to Event Sourcing, it is just as relevant for any persistence and it is resolved in the same way.
Event Sourcing could bring you additional benefits since you know what happened. Imagine that by accident you got the Unlock command twice. When you got the "wrong version" back from the store, you can read the last event and decide if the command has already been executed. It can be done logically (there's no need to unlock if it's already unlocked, by the same customer), technically (put the command id to the event metadata and compare), or both ways.
When handling duplicate commands, it makes sense to ensure a decent level of idempotence of the command handling, ignore the duplicate and return OK instead of failing to the user's face.
Another observation that I can deduce from the very limited amount of information about the domain, is that heartbeats are telemetry and locking and unlocking are business. I don't think it makes a lot of sense to combine those two distinctly different things in one domain object.
Update, following the discussion in comments:
What you got with sending the command to the station at the same time as producing the event, is the variation of two-phase commit. Since it's not executed in a transaction, any of the two operations could fail and lead the system to an inconsistent state. You either don't know if the station got the command to unlock itself if the command failed to send, or you don't know that it's unlocked if the event persistence failed. You only got as far as the second operation, but the first case could happen too.
There are quite a few ways to solve it.
First, solving it entirely technical. With MassTransit, it's quite easy to fix using the Outbox. It will not send any outgoing messages until the consumer of the original message is fully completed its work. Therefore, if the consumer of the Unlock command fails to persist the event, the command will not be sent. Then, the retry filter would engage and the whole operation would be executed again and you already get out of the race condition, so the operation would be properly completed.
But it won't solve the issue when your command to the physical station fails to send (I reckon it is an edge case).
This issue can also be easily solved and here Event Sourcing is helpful. You'd need to convert sending the command to the station from the original (user-driven) command consumer to the subscriber. You subscribe to the event stream of StationUnlocked event and let the subscriber send commands to the station. With that, you would only send commands to the station if the event was persisted and you can retry sending the command as many times as you'd need.
Finally, you can solve it in a more meaningful way and change the semantics. I already mentioned that heartbeats are telemetry messages. I could expect the station also to respond to lock and unlock commands, telling you if it actually did what you asked.
You can use the station telemetry to create a representation of the physical station, which is not a part of the aggregate. In fact, it's more like an ACL to the physical world, represented as a read model.
When you have such a mirror of the physical station on your side, when you execute the Unlock command in your domain, you can engage a domain server to consult with the current station state and make a decision. If you find out that the station is already unlocked and the session id matches (yes, I remember our previous discussion :)) - you return OK and safely ignore the command. If it's locked - you proceed. If it's unlocked and the session id doesn't match - it's obviously an error and you need to do something else.
In this last option, you would clearly separate telemetry processing from the business so you won't have heartbeats impact your domain model, so you really won't have the versioning issue. You also would always have a place to look at to understand what is the current state of the physical station.

What is the meaning of the error message "scheduler queue is full" in supercollider?

I am using a class that contains a function involving TempoClock.default.sched [I'm preparing an MWE]. If I make a new instance of the class and apply the function, I obtain following error message:
scheduler queue is full.
This message is repeated all the time. What does it mean?
Every clock has a queue to store scheduled events. The size of the queue is very large - but still limited (I think ~4096 items?). The "scheduler cue is full" error happens when this queue is full - this can either happen when you legitimately have more than 4096 events scheduled on a given clock. But, a common bug case is accidentally queueing events far in the future, such that they hang out in the queue forever, eventually filling it up. It's easy to do this if you, e.g. call .sched(...), which takes a relative time value, but try to pass it an absolute time (which would schedule the event far far in the future).
If you need to actually schedule more than 4096 events at a given time - I believe the Scheduler class has a queue that can be arbitrarily large. AppClock uses this scheduler, so it shouldn't have a problem with large numbers of events. However - the timing of AppClock is less accurate than SystemClock, and isn't good for fine-grained music events. If you need highly accurate timing, you can use multiple TempoClocks and e.g. use different ones for each instruments, or each different kind of event etc.

Siddhi CEP 4.x: Multiple results per group when using time batch window

Using siddhi 4.1.0
Is there any possibility to apply time.windowBatch for upcoming events? I understood the time window is working based on already arrived events.
Say for example,
I am getting multiple results while using window.timeBatch(2 min) with group by clause.
In the given 2 min duration I passed the 50 input events periodically. The expected behavior is all those events put together and given as an single result(used count function to verify). But it gives two results like 40 and 10. Is that first 40 events are fall into the one time window period and second is next window? In this case how I will merge or get all those events are single output for 2 mins?
Also I want to start the time-window once the first event arrived.
I experienced the time-window is running in background, in case the events are coming in middle of first time window it collects the events for 1 min only. The remaining one minute events collected by next time window. So, finally I got 2 batched results.
Please suggest there is any other solution to achieve.
My usecase is based on time duration(time.windowBatch(1 min)) for monitoring switches. I would like to implement following usecase.
Use case:
The switch sends the SNMP traps to CEP. The traps are like switchFanFailed and switchFanOk.
If I am receiving switchFanFailed trap the next trap that I am expecting switchFanOk trap will be within the 1 min. Incase the switchFanOk trap is not received within 1 min, then CEP would generate a notification through email. Otherwise It will discard that trap.
Even though my trap generator generate the traps switchFanFailed and switchFanOk within 1 min duration as constant, In some cases I am not able receive the traps in same window.
Say for example, switchFanFailed is coming end of the 0.50 sec, from here I should wait for 1 min to expect switchFanOk trap.
Sorry, I am bit confused with your usecase.. :)
Whether your usecase is based on time or length or both.. For time batch window, it starts only after 1st event comes..
If you want to wait until 50 events (or any no of events to arrive) then you have to use lengthBatch window.. If you want process based on time and batch it then use timeBatch window..
Do you have any fixed no of events ? If not, CEP/Siddhi cannot wait/batch indefinitely. There should be something to say end of batch. Isn't ?
I had a same issue and it always create two summarised for any number of records sent in to my grouping query. The fix for my issue was, one value was differnt from others which was used in the grouping. i suggest you to check the grouping.
if you think of merging two records i suggest you to ues a time batch window
timeBatch(1 min) which will summarise the out put of your current data set.

Celery on SQS - Handling Duplicates [duplicate]

I know that it is possible to consume a SQS queue using multiple threads. I would like to guarantee that each message will be consumed once. I know that it is possible to change the visibility timeout of a message, e.g., equal to my processing time. If my process spend more time than the visibility timeout (e.g. a slow connection) other thread can consume the same message.
What is the best approach to guarantee that a message will be processed once?
What is the best approach to guarantee that a message will be processed once?
You're asking for a guarantee - you won't get one. You can reduce probability of a message being processed more than once to a very small amount, but you won't get a guarantee.
I'll explain why, along with strategies for reducing duplication.
Where does duplication come from
When you put a message in SQS, SQS might actually receive that message more than once
For example: a minor network hiccup while sending the message caused a transient error that was automatically retried - from the message sender's perspective, it failed once, and successfully sent once, but SQS received both messages.
SQS can internally generate duplicates
Simlar to the first example - there's a lot of computers handling messages under the covers, and SQS needs to make sure nothing gets lost - messages are stored on multiple servers, and can this can result in duplication.
For the most part, by taking advantage of SQS message visibility timeout, the chances of duplication from these sources are already pretty small - like fraction of a percent small.
If processing duplicates really isn't that bad (strive to make your message consumption idempotent!), I'd consider this good enough - reducing chances of duplication further is complicated and potentially expensive...
What can your application do to reduce duplication further?
Ok, here we go down the rabbit hole... at a high level, you will want to assign unique ids to your messages, and check against an atomic cache of ids that are in progress or completed before starting processing:
Make sure your messages have unique identifiers provided at insertion time
Without this, you'll have no way of telling duplicates apart.
Handle duplication at the 'end of the line' for messages.
If your message receiver needs to send messages off-box for further processing, then it can be another source of duplication (for similar reasons to above)
You'll need somewhere to atomically store and check these unique ids (and flush them after some timeout). There are two important states: "InProgress" and "Completed"
InProgress entries should have a timeout based on how fast you need to recover in case of processing failure.
Completed entries should have a timeout based on how long you want your deduplication window
The simplest is probably a Guava cache, but would only be good for a single processing app. If you have a lot of messages or distributed consumption, consider a database for this job (with a background process to sweep for expired entries)
Before processing the message, attempt to store the messageId in "InProgress". If it's already there, stop - you just handled a duplicate.
Check if the message is "Completed" (and stop if it's there)
Your thread now has an exclusive lock on that messageId - Process your message
Mark the messageId as "Completed" - As long as this messageId stays here, you won't process any duplicates for that messageId.
You likely can't afford infinite storage though.
Remove the messageId from "InProgress" (or just let it expire from here)
Some notes
Keep in mind that chances of duplicate without all of that is already pretty low. Depending on how much time and money deduplication of messages is worth to you, feel free to skip or modify any of the steps
For example, you could leave out "InProgress", but that opens up the small chance of two threads working on a duplicated message at the same time (the second one starting before the first has "Completed" it)
Your deduplication window is as long as you can keep messageIds in "Completed". Since you likely can't afford infinite storage, make this last at least as long as 2x your SQS message visibility timeout; there is reduced chances of duplication after that (on top of the already very low chances, but still not guaranteed).
Even with all this, there is still a chance of duplication - all the precautions and SQS message visibility timeouts help reduce this chance to very small, but the chance is still there:
Your app can crash/hang/do a very long GC right after processing the message, but before the messageId is "Completed" (maybe you're using a database for this storage and the connection to it is down)
In this case, "Processing" will eventually expire, and another thread could process this message (either after SQS visibility timeout also expires or because SQS had a duplicate in it).
Store the message, or a reference to the message, in a database with a unique constraint on the Message ID, when you receive it. If the ID exists in the table, you've already received it, and the database will not allow you to insert it again -- because of the unique constraint.
AWS SQS API doesn't automatically "consume" the message when you read it with API,etc. Developer need to make the call to delete the message themselves.
SQS does have a features call "redrive policy" as part the "Dead letter Queue Setting". You just set the read request to 1. If the consume process crash, subsequent read on the same message will put the message into dead letter queue.
SQS queue visibility timeout can be set up to 12 hours. Unless you have a special need, then you need to implement process to store the message handler in database to allow it for inspection.
You can use setVisibilityTimeout() for both messages and batches, in order to extend the visibility time until the thread has completed processing the message.
This could be done by using a scheduledExecutorService, and schedule a runnable event after half the initial visibility time. The code snippet bellow creates and executes the VisibilityTimeExtender every half of the visibilityTime with a period of half the visibility time. (The time should to guarantee the message to be processed, extended with visibilityTime/2)
private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
ScheduledFuture<?> futureEvent = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new VisibilityTimeExtender(..), visibilityTime/2, visibilityTime/2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
VisibilityTimeExtender must implement Runnable, and is where you update the new visibility time.
When the thread is done processing the message, you can delete it from the queue, and call futureEvent.cancel(true) to stop the scheduled event.

Timeticks to date format?

How to convert time from Timeticks (ASN_TIMETICKS from net-snmp library) to any c++ datetime format?
Time Ticks are units of 10ms elapsed since the agent last reinitialized; in order to convert to an absolute timestamp, you need to establish a mapping between agent uptime and wall clock time.
Typically, you query sysUptime.0 and note down when the response arrived in order to get the initialization time; you can either do this once at startup and everytime you receive one of the standard traps (cold/warm restart, link up) in order to catch agent restarts, or you include it in the GET request (for GETNEXT, ask for sysUptime, leaving out the instance ID).