Is it possible to generate ios module (private pod repo) from expo cli that could then later be integrated with an existing ios App? - expo

I want to create a private pod React Native expo module and then push it to github that could then be consumed by any ios App by adding in podfile like this:
pod "MyLibraryApp": git: "url", tag:"Version"
I wanted to know if its possible to do the same using expo CLI.


I'm trying to deploy nuxt app to google-cloud-platform but always fails on deploy?

I'm trying to deploy
my nuxt app to gcp following official nuxt docs, but i keep getting this error
I don't know exactly what to do?!!, please save me.
According to the error, the deployment failed due to your dependency:fs-extra which requires at least nodejs v12 or v14. Like #kissu mentioned, you should upgrade your nodejs version. I assume that you are using App Engine Flexible, by default the App Engine Flex always uses the latest LTS version of nodejs. And it seems you specified and use the lower version of nodejs.
To change the version of nodejs, edit the package.json file by using the engine field then redeploy, for example:
"engines": {
"node": ">=12"

Is it possible to install a node in a python app platform?

I have a Python application deployed in the app platform, but I need a javascript runtime, for example a node, can I somehow install it additionally?
App Platform uses containers.
For the natively-supported platforms|languages, DO has created|used buildpacks to build the container image for your app but, if these buildpacks are insufficient for your needs, you can write and use a Dockerfile directly.
You will then use the spec.yaml to define HTTP ports, healthchecks, routes etc.
When App Platform launched, I blogged an example using Rust as this is not natively-supported.

Set up customized Jwt Grant Handler when using Helm installation of WSO2 Api Manager 3.x

I have developed a custom JWTBearerGrantHandler which is packaged as a jar. In a bare metal WSO2 deployment I would add that jar into repository/components/lib and setup the relevant class in repository/resources/conf/default.json:
"oauth.grant_type.jwt_bearer.grant_handler": "xxx.MyJWTBearerGrantHandler",
However I want to deploy WSO2 API Manager in Kubernetes using the provided Helm chart ( In this case, how can I add my custom handler?
Both changes, adding JAR and configuration(repository/resources/conf/default.json) can be done by building a Docker image. In this case, the base image would be the WSO2 provided Docker image for WSO2 API Manager and you can use Docker COPY Dockerfile instruction to add JAR + configuration file into the Docker image. Once the image is built and pushed to a private registry, please refer to the image via values.yaml.
Another way of adding the JAR file, assuming the JAR file is remotely accessible, is downloading the JAR using an Init container. Please have a look at how the MySQL connector is getting downloaded using init container.
If the given configuration is changing often, it is best to apply it via a
K8s Configmap. To add repository/resources/conf/default.json as a Configmap, please have a look at an existing configuration mount

How to set up development environment for AWS Lambda?

I wish to implement the answer that is outlined here:
However, I find that I keep running into Unable to import module 'index' at exactly this line:
const _archiver = require('archiver');
So, I'm guessing that I cannot do this via the online console. Instead, I probably have to create a deployment package.
How do I go about this? I apparently need AWS CLI, Node.js, npm and I'm new to all of it. In the Amazon docs I can't find a practical list of how to set up my local development environment.
What tools do I install, which versions and in what order exactly?
Edit: Windows :)
My guess is that you need to npm install archiver and package the node_modules dependencies along with your index.js (handler file for your lambda entry point). You can zip up and deploy/upload it to your lambda.
Also have a look at framework, that will do these type of things easier.
Have a look at AWS SAM, the Serverless Application Model. It provides a local development setup for things like Lambda functions and API Gateway endpoints, and a way to easily package and deploy things. The exact steps you need are:
Create an AWS account and an IAM user with admin privileges
Install node.js
Install the AWS CLI (and configure it with aws configure)
Install SAM CLI and Docker (the local instances run in docker containers)
Initialize a new SAM project with sam init --runtime nodejs (or other runtime version if need)
Run through the quickstart to get an idea of how to define a SAM template, build a SAM app, and deploy.
If you don't want to use the framework or local development environment and just want to create the source bundle, there are docs. The gist is:
Install nodejs (e.g. using homebrew or an installer)
npm install the modules you need
Zip up your code including the node_modules folder
Upload the zip via the AWS Console

Migrating App Kit to Ember CLI - ReferenceError window is not defined

After discovering that Ember App Kit along with useage of Grunt are depricated now, I installed Ember CLI and tried to migrate a fresh copy of the App Kit to Ember CLI by running 'ember init', but I got this error 'ReferenceError: window is not defined at Object.'. I also ran 'npm install' and 'bower install' to get dependent modules, but still 'ember init' won't run. It seems that there's a problem with 'window' in 'config\environment.js'.
Rather than migrating the old App Kit, shouldn't we have a new starter kit based on Ember CLI?
While the old EAK project site suggests that you can migrate it to CLI, I found that to be problematic. But there's no need to start with the EAK anymore since Ember CLI will scaffold up a new starter project for you.