IWYU failing/unclear output? - c++

I recently installed include-what-you-use (IWYU) to try it out. I am on version include-what-you-use 0.12 based on clang version 9.0.1-10. (My OS is Ubuntu 20.04 on WSL1)
I tried to do a very simple example on a source code file, but it quickly comes back as an error on the very first include? (Which is just a c standard library file)
After running
include-what-you-use myutils.cpp:
In file included from myutils.cpp:8:
In file included from ./myutils.h:11:
/usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../include/c++/9/cfloat:42:10: fatal error: 'float.h' file not found
#include <float.h>
Why is it error'ing out on a c standard library include?
I cannot post the entire source here, and without extensive testing I am not sure what minimal example would cause this problem.
Am I just mis-using IWYU? I installed it via apt rather than building it and llvm/clang/etc from scratch. Is that fine?


How to compile a cpp file with the alglib library?

I'm working on a C++ code on linux that needs some special functions which can be provided by alglib: https://www.alglib.net/download.php. The thing is, i'm new to Ubuntu so I don't know how to install the library or execute the files I need for my program.
The library's manual (https://www.alglib.net/translator/man/manual.cpp.html#gs_attaching) explain that you should just pick the packages you need and add them to your project, so I downloaded the tgz file and added specialfunctions.h, and executed it like this:
But when I run the compiler through terminal I get this error:
analitica.cpp:3:9: fatal error: specialfunctions.h: No such file or directory
3 | #include<specialfunctions.h>
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
Someone has a hint of what i'm doing wrong?

cannot compile on mint 20.1: stdlib.h: No such file or directory

I am running a fresh install of Linux Mint 20.1 and I'n trying to compile a program for a GPS tracker, but it won't compile:
In file included from /usr/include/c++/9/bits/stl_algo.h:59,
from /usr/include/c++/9/algorithm:62,
from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore/qglobal.h:142,
from /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore/QtCore:4,
from pch.h:27:
/usr/include/c++/9/cstdlib:75:15: fatal error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
75 | #include_next <stdlib.h>
| ^~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
I have installed a number of additional libraries (libusb, libmarble and a few others) and qmake.
Of course, stdlib.h is present on the system:
$ find /usr -name stdlib.h
After looking at the other questions about this, I re-installed build-essential, which didn't help.
I re-installed the g++ compiler, no luck either.
I copied /usr/include/c++/9/stdlib.h to /usr/local/include, but it still complains about a missing stdlib.h
I changed the
#include_next <stdlib.h>
in cstdlib into
#include <stdlib.h>
only to find that the next include cannot find stdlib.h; changing that one produced the third include and so on. So that does not work either.
The program compiles and works on Slackware 14.2 by the way.
What am I missing?
Hello-world compiles normally; a simple program that does a malloc also compiles and runs.
I used to #anastaciu 's solution.
As it was a fresh install without much customization, I resorted to the option of a complete re-install. Bizarre that that works a bit, as it was already a fresh install. I still had to copy stdlib.h and a few others (math.h etc.) to /usr/local/lib` to get to the point where it would at least compile.

math_functions.hpp not found when using CUDA with Eigen

I have some code that is heavily dependent on Eigen. I would like to optimize it with CUDA, but when I am compiling I get:
[tcai4#golubh4 Try1]$ nvcc conv_parallel.cu -I /home/tcai4/project-cse/Try1 -lfftw3 -o conv.o
In file included from Eigen/Dense:1,
from Eigen/Eigen:1,
from functions.h:8,
from conv_parallel.cu:10:
Eigen/Core:44:34: error: math_functions.hpp: No such file or directory
I think math_functions.hpp is a file from CUDA. Can someone help me figure out why nvcc cannot find it?
edit: I am using CUDA 5.5 and Eigen 3.3, except from linking Eigen and fftw3 library, I did not use any other flags(as you can see from my code).
I encountered this issue while building TensorFlow 1.4.1 with Cuda 9.1, and strangely math_functions.hpp existed only in include/crt.
Creating a symlink from cuda/include/math_functions.hpp to cuda/include/crt/math_functions.hpp fixed the issue:
ln -s /usr/local/cuda/include/crt/math_functions.hpp /usr/local/cuda/include/math_functions.hpp
The reason nvcc cannot find the file in question is because that file is part of the CUDA Math library, which was introduced in CUDA 6. Your almost 4 year old version of CUDA predates the release of the Math library. Your CUDA version doesn't contain said file.
You should, therefore, assume that what you are trying to do cannot work without first updating to a newer version of the CUDA toolkit.
Creating symlink sometimes causes other complication.
You can try replacing
// We need math_functions.hpp to ensure that that EIGEN_USING_STD_MATH macro
// works properly on the device side
#include <math_functions.hpp>
// We need cuda_runtime.h to ensure that that EIGEN_USING_STD_MATH macro
// works properly on the device side
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
which works for me.
The reason why "math_functions.hpp" cannot be found is because "math_functions.hpp" has been renamed to "math_functions.h". So you just need to go to
and change "math_functions.hpp" to "math_functions.h"

getopt.h missing in aix 7.1

I am having a hard time figuring out how to add getopt.h in my AIX 7.1. I am using the getopt_long function in my code, which I know is in getopt.h instead of unistd.h (which contains getopt()).
This code is not compiling in AIX:
fatal error: getopt.h: No such file or directory
#include <getopt.h>
compilation terminated.
Here are the gcc packages installed:
I have gone through these links, but they haven't helped much:
Also a lot of other web searches.
Am I missing some rpms, or some environment variables?
getopt_long is GNU-only, but you can take free implementation (for example, this claims that it is of BSD license, if I understand it right) or write your own implementation (it's not so hard) and use it in your code.

Compilation error: "stddef.h: No such file or directory"

Whenever I try to compile this code it always ends up with this error:
In file included from /usr/include/wchar.h:6:0,
from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.9.2/include/c++/cwchar:44,
from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.9.2/include/c++/bits/postypes.h:40,
from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.9.2/include/c++/iosfwd:40,
from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.9.2/include/c++/ios:38,
from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.9.2/include/c++/ostream:38,
from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.9.2/include/c++/iostream:39,
from test.cpp:1:
/usr/include/sys/reent.h:14:20: fatal error: stddef.h: No such file or directory
#include <stddef.h>
compilation terminated.
The code I was trying to compile is:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello World! :D";
return 0;
The error is because your gcc-core package and gcc-g++ are not of the same version. Either downgrade one of them to solve the problem or update both the libraries. Updating both the libraries is the recommended way.
I had this error on a fresh MinGW install, it had nothing to do with the installed packages mentioned in the current accepted answer by "Prasanth Karri". In my case the issue was caused by -nostdinc in my Makefile. I actually only needed that compiler flag when building for a different target platform (not when using MinGW) so I fixed the issue by removing that flag from MinGW builds.
When I was incorporating a software library written in C into an existing demo project(used a C++ mbed library) I encountered this problem. The demo project would compile just fine, but after I replaced the existing main file by my own, this error occurred.
At this point I hadn't yet thought about the fact that the mbed library that I needed was written in C++. My own main file was a .c file that #include the mbed header file. As a result I used my normal C source as if it was a C++ source. Therefore the compiler that was used to compile my main file was the C compiler.
This C compiler then encountered a #include of a module that actually does not exist (within its scope), as it's not a C++ compiler.
Only after I inspected the output of the build log I realised the various source C and C++ files were compiled by more that 1 compiler(the c++ compiler). The project used used compilers arm-none-eabi-c++ and arm-none-eabi-gcc (for embedded systems) as seen below.
Compile log:
Building file: ../anyfile.cpp
Invoking: MCU C++ Compiler
arm-none-eabi-c++ <A lot of arguments> "../anyfile.cpp"
Finished building: ../anyfile.cpp
Building file: ../main.c
Invoking: MCU C Compiler
arm-none-eabi-gcc <A lot of arguments> "../main.c"
In file included from <Project directory>\mbed/mbed.h:21:0,
from ../main.c:16:
<Project directory>\mbed/platform.h:25:19: fatal error: cstddef: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Of course in a C++ environment cstddef exists, but in a C environment cstddef doesn't exist, in stead it's just C's implementation of stddef.
In other words, cstddef does not exist in the C compiler.
I resolved this problem by renaming my main.c file to main.cpp and the rest of the code compiled smoothly too.
TLDR/Conclusion: When building a C++ project, avoid mixing C files with C++ files(sources and headers). If possible rename .c files to .cpp files to use the C++ compiler in stead of the C compiler where required.
In order to update it, follow below.
If you are on Windows, just run these on command prompt or powershell
Update the package list: mingw-get update
After updating the package list, run: mingw-get upgrade
Source: How to update GCC in MinGW on Windows?
This problem was solved for me as I installed codeblocks with mingw compiler then I copied the mingw folder from codeblocks to C drive and added
C\mingw\bin to the environment variables.
If you try to compile and see a message like, "fatal error: stddef.h: No such file or directory", the error is because your gcc-core and gcc-g++ packages are not of the same version. Rerun the Cygwin install and make sure that you select the highest numbered versions of gcc-core and gcc-g++.
After installing the C++ compiler with MinGW I encountered this problem as well. Apparently, you have to also install mingw32-base. Go to C:/MinGW/bin/mingw-get.exe (my path) and check it for installation at the Basic Setup tab.