Check if all dates in database (sqlalchemy) are between two distinct dates - flask

If I have created a Dates column in flask sqlalchemy and also stored some dates in it, how can I check if each and every one of these dates are between to dates that I choose

There are lots of ways to accomplish this. Here's one example.
The goal is to select all rows that have a date outside your desired range. If the result set is empty, all rows have a valid date. For good measure, we'll include any rows that don't have a date value in our "bad rows" query.
from sqlalchemy import select, or_
with Session.begin() as session:
my_start_date = '2022-01-01'
my_end_date = '2022-01-31'
query = select(MyTable).where(
or_( < my_start_date, > my_end_date, == Null)
results = session.execute(query).all()
Now you can take a look at the results and see what's up.

you can use between in your orm or plain query:
with Session.begin() as session:
my_start_date = '2022-01-01'
my_end_date = '2022-01-31'
q = session.query(table_name).filter(,my_end_date))
select(table_name).where(, my_end_date))


Show all rows as default in calendar in Oracle Apex

I'm creating a report table type calendar where users can create back up by date select a filter that would filter out the table values depending on the user selected. (i.e. if they choose user1, then only back ups with user1 will show up)
I would like it to be when P106_BACK_UP_BY_USER = 0, the table shows all the values (aka getting rid of the "where" portion of the query.
Thank you for your help!
I'm having issues with trying to allow the user to see all the back ups of the table again (getting rid of the filtered value). My current query is this:
I would like it to be when P106_BACK_UP_BY_USER = 0, the table shows all the values (aka getting rid of the "where" portion of the query.
Thank you for your help!
You can use case when statements in your query's where condition as follows:
select *
from my_table
where my_table.created_by =
(select user_name from my_table2 where app_users_id =
case :P106_BACKUP_BY_USER when 0 then app_users_id
And for getting better help, please paste your code as text not as an image next time.
This should work too:
WHERE b.active_server = s.server_id
UPPER(b.created_by) =
(SELECT UPPER(user_name)
FROM eba_bt_app_users
WHERE app_users_id = :P106_BACK_UP_BY_USER

Power BI - Creating a calculated table

I am creating a dashboard in Power BI. I have to report the executions of a process in a daily basis. When selecting one of these days, I want to create another calculated table based on the day selected (providing concrete information about the number of executions and hours) as it follows:
When [dateSelected] is previously calculated from the selected day as it follows:
dateSelected = FORMAT(FIRSTDATE(TABLE_A[EXEC_DATE]);"dd/MM/yyyy")
I tried a lot of alternatives as, for example, create individualy the year, month and day to later compare. I used the format in both sides of the comparation, but none of them works for me. The most of the cases it returns me the whole source table without any kind of filters. In other cases, it doesn't return anything. But, when I put a concrete day ...
... it makes the filter correctly generating the table as I want.
Does someone know how to implement the functionality I am searching for?
Thanks in advance.
You're almost there Juan. You simply need to use dateSelected as a varialbe inside of your DAX query:
var dateSelected = FIRSTDATE(TABLE_A[EXEC_DATE])
Note that all my dates are formatted as Date so I didn't need to use a FORMAT function.
Here's the final result:
I admit that this behavior can be quite confusing! Here is a useful link that will help you understand Power BI's context:
Let's treat option 1 as FILTER(TABLE_A; TABLE_A[EXEC_DATE] = "20/02/2019") and option 2 as FILTER(TABLE_A; TABLE_A[EXEC_DATE] = [dateSelected]). Quote from the post:
In option 1, in the filter function, you are iterating
over each row of your 'Table' (row context). In option 2, because you
are using a measure as part of the filter condition, this row context
is transformed into an equivalent filter context (context transition).
Using variables (...) is very convenient when you want to filter
a column based on the value of a measure but you don't want context
transition to apply.

How to display columns depending on the date selected [From and To] in rails?

"From" and "To" filter are there in which we have to select dates. Depending upon the values selected, we have to select columns dynamically which lies between selected date filters.
These are different columns. I have to display columns depending on the date selected in From and To datepicker in rails.
eg: Suppose "From:=>Jan_2016" and "To=>June_2016" then we have to dsplay all columns between these two dates[like => |Jan_2016|Feb_2016|Mar_2016|Apr_2016|May_2016|June_2016|].
Try this. It is not the best possible solution but it may work.
start_date = params[:to]
end_date = params[:from]
columns = Model.column_names
# For date filters
start_date_index = columns.index(start_date)
end_date_index = columns.index(end_date)
result = columns[start_date_index..end_date_index]
This is your solution
current_date = from.to_date
result = []
while ( current_date <= to.to_date )
result << current_date.strftime("%b_%Y")
current_date = current_date.next_month
result contains the columns you have to display

Executemany on pyodbc only return result from last parameter

I have a problem when I try to use pyodbc executemany function.
I have an Oracle database and I want to extract data for multiple days.
I cannot use between in my request, because the database is not indexed on the date field and its taking forever.
I want to manually ask all day and process answers.
I cannot thread this part, so I wanted to use executemany to get rows more quickly.
The problem is when I use executemany I only got the result of the last argument asked.
Here is my code:
import pyodbc
conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={Oracle in instantclient_11_2};DBQ=dbname;UID=uid;PWD=pwd')
cursor = conn.cursor()
query = "SELECT date FROM table WHERE date = TO_DATE(?, 'DD/MM/YYYY')"
query_args = (
cursor.executemany(query, query_args)
rows = cursor.fetchall()
In rows, I can only find rows with (datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 28, 0, 0), ).
Always the last argument.
I am using python 2.7.9 from WinPython on a Oracle database with a client on 11.0.2.
Except this query, every other query is perfectly fine.
I cannot use IN () synthax for 2 reasons:
I want to limit operations on database side, and do most of thing on script side (I've tried but it's way too long)
I might have more than 1000 different dates in the request.
(Right now I'm using IN() OR IN() OR IN()... but if anyone find something better that would be wonderful !)
Am I doing something wrong ?
Thanks for helping.
Your query runs once with one argument. If you want to run for multiple dates either use "IN" clause, this will require to modify query_args a bit.
"SELECT date FROM table WHERE date in (TO_DATE(?, 'DD/MM/YYYY'), TO_DATE(?, 'DD/MM/YYYY'))"
query_args = (
or cursor through each date argument:
while query_arg in query_args:
cursor.executemany(query, query_arg )
rows = cursor.fetchall()

SqlAlchemy core union_all not adding parentheses

I have the following sample code:
queries = []
q1 = select([columns]).where( == #).limit(#)
q2 = select([columns]).where( == #).limit(#)
final_query = union_all(*queries)
The generated SQL should be this:
(select columns from table where id = # limit #)
(select columns from table where id = # limit #)
But, I'm getting
select columns from table where id = # limit #
select columns from table where id = # limit #
I tried using subquery, as follows for my queries:
q1 = subquery(select([columns]).where( == #).limit(#))
The generated query then looks like this:
I also tried doing
q1 = select([columns]).where( == #).limit(#)).subquery()
But, I get the error:
'Select' object has no attribute 'subquery'
Any help to get the desired output with my subqueries wrapped in parentheses?
Note: this is not a duplicate of this question, because I'm not using Session.
Okay, this works, but I don't believe it is very efficient, and it's adding an extra select * from (my sub query), but it works.
q1 = select('*').select_from((select(columns).where( == #).limit(#)).alias('q1'))
So, if anyone has any ideas to optimize, or let me know if this is as good as it gets. I would appreciate it.
The author of SQLAlchemy seems to be aware of this and mentions a workaround for it on the SQLAlchemy 1.1 changelog page. The general idea is to do .alias().select() on each select.
stmt1 = select([table1.c.x]).order_by(table1.c.y).limit(1).alias().select()
stmt2 = select([table2.c.x]).order_by(table2.c.y).limit(2).alias().select()
stmt = union(stmt1, stmt2)