Facebook Graph Api - Requesting new app permissions and demonstrating permissions use case - facebook-graph-api

Our Facebook app is in live mode (Business app type) and needs some new permissions (for ex. instagram_manage_comments,pages_read_user_content).
We have tested these permissions with the app (using a profile with an Admin role for the app), working as expected.
In order to receive full access to these permissions we requested and app review for them, along with a detailed description of our use case and a screen recording showing the results of using the permissions with our app.
We received a response that the Facebook team cannot actually test the use case presented since their profile cannot access/grant these new permissions (since each Facebook tester uses a certain profile to connect to our app during testing, but this profile does not have an admin role in our app thus no access to these new permissions which were not yet fully granted to the app).
*We were asked to create a test app / test user and submit again.
Here is where we are stuck. It seems like a catch 22 loop.
If we create a Facebook TEST APP and a TEST USER, and send the credentials in the Submission Request description (so the Facebook testers can log in and test with this test user) then the test user will indeed have the new permissions enabled (since "Test users can grant your app any permission while it is in Development mode... or if the app is a test app"...)
They will not be able to actually test the new permissions in action since the TEST USER is not a real FB user and cannot be granted a role in a real live Facebook page (and in our case also needs a fully connected Instagram account to this Facebook page) with real live data, needed to demonstrate the usage of the requested permissions.
What are we missing here?


Facebook Graph API Explorer returning empty data for test user

I am trying to get friends who also use my app using Facebook Graph Api. I have confirmed that the test user accounts have my app active in their respective accounts Settings -> Apps and Websites. However I am still getting empty results when I fetch friends from the api. I have tried both the /friends endpoint and /taggable_friends endpoint.
Any help on why this could be happening? I can't upgrade the user_friends permission to advanced until my app is reviewed and I need to be able to get the test users working in my app to be ready for review.
The token applied is the test user token generated from the test user in the developer console.

Invalid scopes Facebook API

I have a business facebook App that has just been running fine when we add testers in user roles. I submitted a review and now no one is able to access the permissions anymore.
I get invalid scopes for:
The steps I have taken are the following:
submitted a review (that's currently pending)
verified myself as an individual (not as a business)
I am not sure what happened - Any ideas?

Facebook App Review instagram_basic not being tested properly

Currently I am trying to get my app approved by Facebook.
My app allows users to connect their instagram account. I use data like instagram_profile_picture and followed_by_count to complete their profile with reliable data.
For that, I request the permission instagram_basic within the Facebook-login process. Obviously the process only works if a instagram account is connected to the Facebook account which they are logging in with.
Facebook rejected my app because they could not test the permission properly. But they say that my screencast shows a valid use case (where my FB account is connected to a instagram account). I have checked the test-user they have used to review my app and it is not connected to a instagram account. What makes requesting the permission pretty useless.
I thought that Facebook is smart enough to understand that, but I guess that's not the case.
Can anyone help me?
Facebooks test-user-system is a mess. But you have to try (I tried several times) creating an Instagram-account using the fb test user, you should then try to connect the instagram account in the instagram mobile app to the fb test user. This worked out for me.

How do I grant the Facebook reviewer permission to use my app?

I'm developing a web site that uses FB login and the user_friends permission. I have submitted the review but It was rejected as the reviewer got the following message:
"App Not Setup: This app is still in development mode, and you don't
have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app
admin for permissions."
How do I grant the reviewer permission to use my app? I thought on changing to Live mode instead of on development but I'm not sure and I don't want to be rejected again.

My website have only login with facebook feature, can I submit it for app review?

I made a website using Django.
The only way to log into it is the facebook login.
When I had to submit my app for review in the facebook developer console. They are asking me testing id and password. Since the only way to login is facebook, and it won't work till they test.
And they are asking how to open this website for testing. It's kind of a loop.
Is there another way out?
I don't want to use other ways of logging in (is in accordance with my idea)
I believe you can test your app with your own login credentials according to Facebook:
You do not need to submit your app if it will only be used in
Development Mode by you or someone with a role on your app. Any
account listed in the Roles tab in your App Dashboard, such as admins,
developers, and testers, can use all permissions but will only be able
to access their own data, that of test users, and test pages belonging
to them.
You can use any of these accounts to test your app and create a
See this similar answer.