Connectycube video and audio mute option not working on website using javascript - connectycube

I'm using the javascript method of connectycube for video call implementation on my website. Followed this link for implementation.
I'm using this command session.mute("video"); for muting my video. Mute video works on the caller side, but it's not working on the receiver end. If I trigger mute video on the receiver end the receiver's local stream is hidden. But the remote video stream of the receiver shown to the caller is not muted. The session is created by calling the createVideoSession function on both the sender and receiver sides.
This is the response i got by consoling the video session created on both the receiver and caller side.
ID: 1c0d7fb7-428a-4c2b-bea9-b100bb6c9119, initiatorID: 5806679, opponentsIDs: 5815895, state: 2, callType: 1
ID: 517d58b2-f654-480b-b255-0e3f2abc1cea, initiatorID: 5815895, opponentsIDs: 5806679, state: 1, callType: 1
what I'm missing from my code?


Answering machine with Amazon Connect

We are trying to receive customer calls through Amazon Connect and leave messages in Amazon Kinesis.
When we call Amazon Connect from our cell phones, the voice plays the expected message and the Beep tone sounds as expected. But then the call ends and we cannot leave a message. We tried removing Wait and Stop media streaming but the problem persisted. What are we doing wrong?
Set Voice: OK
Play prompt(Message): OK
Play prompt(Beep): OK
Start media streaming: NG
If you have a simple, easy to understand sample for this application, let me know!
Looks like the problem is your Wait block. Wait isn't supported for voice calls, so immediately errors.
Replace the Wait block with a Get Customer Input block. Use Text to speech for the prompt, Set the prompt value manually to <speak></speak> and set Interpret as to SSML. Set it to detect DTMF and set the timeout to however long the message is allowed to be. From your flow above that is 10 seconds.
This should get the customers voice sent to the Kinesis stream and you can process the stream from there.
There is a really thorough implementation guide for voice mail here. I've used this then altered it to suite my exact needs in the past.

C++/TCP Server - Convenient way of event notification

I have created a simple C++ TCP Server application.
Client connects and receives back as a simple echo everything that the client sends to the server. No purpose at all except for me to test the communication.
So far so good. What comes as next task for me is to decide a way of how to send a notification to the server that specific event has started.
Some event examples:
Player wrote a message - Server accepts the data sent from the client and recognizes that it's a chat message and sends back data to all connected clients that there is new message. Clients recognize that there is new message incoming.
Player is casting spell.
Player has died
Many more examples but you get the main idea.
I was thinking of sending all the data in json format and there all messages will contain identifiers like
0x01 is message event.
0x02 is casting spell event.
0x03 is player dead event.
And once identifier is send server can recognize what event the client is asking/informing and can apply the needed logic behind.
My question is isn't there a better approach to identify for what event the server is notified ?
I am in a search of better approach before I take this road.
You can take a look at standard iso8583 message, it's a financial message but every message has a processing code that determine what action should be done for each incoming message.

WSO2: MQTT input event adapter is not listening

I am using WSO2 CEP 4.2.0 and have created MQTT input event adapter. I have also created the receiver which will receive the data from a external topic and then using streams, I am adding some logics and then same message will be published using publishers to another external topic.
Now, When I restart the application, I get below two messages:
INFO {org.wso2.carbon.event.input.adapter.core.internal.InputAdapterRuntime} - Connecting receiver mqttreceiver_test
INFO {org.wso2.carbon.event.input.adapter.mqtt.internal.util.MQTTAdapterListener} - MQTT Connection successful
And then When I am publishing the message from external mqtt client, I can see that message arrives the event receiver and after stream processing, the message goes to output event publisher.
But after approx 5 mins, the messages are not received any more in the event receiver. I do not get any error message also in logs but what I could sense is may be the input adapter is not listening any more.
Any suggestions or any guidance will help.
Few things I could suggest to debug this issue:
Perhaps the flow is broken so that the event does not reach the
output event publisher? You could use logger event publisher [1] and log
the stream that is generated by the MQTT input event adapter.
Enable debug logs for package
org.wso2.carbon.event.input.adapter.mqtt.internal.util so that you
will see a log when the MQTTAdapterListener receives a message (See
[2] ). You can follow [3] to enable debug logs.
When the issue
happens, take a thread dump and see whether the MQTTAdapterListener
thread is running.
Hope these will help you to narrow down the issue.

HTTP Sony's Audio Control API

I have some problem with the Audio control API by Sony using postman. Why post request from the screen didn't work?
Why is it working when I call getPowerStatus?
You haven't provided what SONY device you trying to send the command to so I can't say for sure, but not all devices support the "standby" status.
It can be a bit confusing that you can't send "standby" and then you send "off" the status is set to "standby" this is controlled by the setting "QuickStart/Network Standby :ON" that setts that "off" is resulting in status "standby".
So try using
"status": "off"
and the status will be "standby"

Block GUI when waiting for QTcpSocket data

I am writing a program to interact with a network-based API using Qt.
The interaction with the API is made with XML messages (both queries and results)
I implemented the communication and data processing in a class in a shared library project and I have a QMainWindow in which the user can enter the connection details. When clicking on the connect button, the following should happen:
1. An instance of the connecting class is created.
2. A connection message is sent to the API to get the session ID. The answer is parsed and a session ID is stored in the class instance.
3. A message is sent to the API the get some field information. The XML is then parsed to extract the required field information to get data from the API.
4. Another message is sent to get the data matching the fields. The XML answer is then parsed and stored in a data structure for processing.
5. The data is then processed and finally displayed to the user.
I made a simple console program to test the library and it is working fine - no message is sent before all the data from the previous message has been processed. However, when I implement the same process in a QMainWindow instance, no wait occurs and messages are sent one after another without waiting.
How can I block the GUI thread to wait for full processing before sending the next message?
Blocking the UI isn't achieved by blocking the event loop. It's done by disabling the widgets that you don't want to allow interaction with - either by literally calling disable() method on them, or by guarding the interaction based on some state variable, e.g.:
connect(button, &QPushButton::clicked, button, [this]{
if (! hasAllData) return;
// react to a button press
All you need is to define a set of states your application can be in, and disable relevant widgets in appropriate states. I presume that once the session is established, it'd be fastest to issue all queries in parallel anyway, and asynchronously update the UI as the replies come back in real time.