How to migrate AWS Amplify project to another AWS account? - amazon-web-services

I have a React application with AWS Amplify as its backend. I'm using AppSync API and DynamoDB database to save data. AppSync API is the only category that I provisoned in my project.
Resource name
Provider plugin
No Change
I need to clone this same AWS Amplify backend to another AWS account easily.
Yes, I could create another Amplify project and provision resources one by one. But is there any other easy method to move this Amplify backend to another AWS account?

I found a solution through this ( Github issue thread. But I'm not 100% sure whether this is the recommend method to migrate Amplify resources.
These are the steps that I followed.
First, I pushed the project into a GitHub repo. This will push only the relevant files inside the amplify directory. (Amplify automatically populates .gitignore when we initialize our backend using amplify init).
Clone this repo to a new directory.
Next, I removed the amplify/team-provider-info.json file.
Run amplify init and you can choose your new AWS profile or you can enter secretAccessKeyId and accessKeyId for the new AWS account. (Refer this guide to create and save an IAM user with AWS Amplify access)
This will create backend resources locally. Now to push those resources, you can execute amplify push.
If you want to export the Amplify backend using a CDK pipeline, you can refer to this guide:


Recreate AWS amplify application, after amplify delete command

I had several issues while working through this workshop including
a. AMAZON REKOGNITION not working,
b. dynamodb tables not updated with images being uploaded.
To avoid getting charged for aws resources, I deleted all the AWS resources using amplify delete command. If I run the amplify publish command, I get the following error:
You are not working inside a valid amplify project.
Use 'amplify init' in the root of your app directory to initialize your project with Amplify
Error: You are not working inside a valid amplify project.
How can I recreate all the AWS resources without going through the amplify init process again?

AWS Chalice - CI/CD - Deploy under the same gateway

When we use
chalice deploy
for a component which is to be available as REST endpoint, Chalice creates the Lambda and API on AWS infrastructure.
Every chalice project creates a new API with a unique id.
I want to be able deploy multiple chalice projects under the same API id. We want to be able to configure this API name/id and use it in CI/CD pipeline as well.
How do we achieve this?
The reason for the new API ids is because chalice when using the chalice deploy command, it creates a file in .chalice/deployed for that stage. In that file it would have the ID it would re-deploy to.
There are two solutions if you are using a CI/CD pipeline.
First being you can issue the FIRST deploy to create the file on your project LOCALLY. From your local machine you can run chalice deploy --stage {YourStageHere} and it will create the proper file and you can push that into your repo to save it. Then the pipeline will read from that file for the API ID.
The second being is much more in depth. It would require setting up a changeset to the pipeline. There is a very good starting tutorial in the official documentation:

AWS Amplify & Serverless-Stack

I am currently looking into AWS Amplify as well as I am reading Serverless Stack. My goal is to create a simple ToDo list app. Both "Getting started" / Documentations seem to have the same goal. However, AWS Amplify guide seems to be way easier from the setup.
And that's where I am confused. As far as I understand AWS Amplify also uses DynamoDB and gets data via GraphQL. But where is the difference between these two documentations?
Serverless Stack is a resource providing guidance on how to create serverless applications with AWS. It was created by a company called Anomaly Innovations.
AWS Amplify is an open source framework maintained by AWS which helps developers integrate their applications with AWS resources.
AWS Amplify is a very confusing service and consists of many components. I would categorize as follow.
AWS Amplify Console
AWS Amplify CLI
AWS SDK&Libraries to integrate to your mobile or web
AWS Appsync Transformer
AWS Amplify Console gives you the ability to easily to setup Continous Deployment for your Amplify project. Amplify Console use together with AWS Amplify CLI for you to manage different environments.
Let's say you want to start the Todo App. You start on your local using Amplify CLI and create API Gateway/Lambda/DynamoDB stacks.
Amplify CLI lets you create the whole stack easily and push it to AWS to deploy the whole stack. Then you can create a different environment based on the same stacks, let's say you want your dev environment, and QA environment and production environment.
Amplify CLI gives you all the commands necessary for you to achieve this, then if you want to auto-deploy the change to AWS when someone push the code to your Git repository, you can use the Amplify Console to set up exactly that.
Amplify Console also integrate with AWS Domain so, you can easily point your own domain to any of the environment.
On top of these, Amplify also provides, GraphQL Transformer, which you can easily define the GraphQL schema in Amplify format and it will transform and deploy to AWS Appsync. And there is a Mobile SDK which you can sync data between AppSync and you're mobile and provides some UIs as well.
We used one of our web projects and we liked it for Continues Deployment aspect of the Amplify, but we didn't like the AppSync(GraphQL) aspect of Amplify just b/c it was not easy to implement layered resolver.
Also, keep in mind that Amplify CLI/SDK/Transformer is under one project and it's still very fragile. You can take a look at the version history from and you will see few version bump just in a single month. There were many obvious bugs we encounter, even on the AWS Console.
I haven't use the Serverless yet, but as long as I know, Serverless provides No1 and No2 of Amplify with greater stability.

AWS Amplify with repository in different account - assume role

I have gone through the documents and couldn't find a solution for this..
I have two accounts dev and prod. my amplify app exist in dev but code-commit exist prod. Is there any way to connect them?
I have configured assume-role and have also tried using temporary credentials in a different profile and connecting it with:
aws amplify create-app --name app-name-in-dev --repository repo-in-prod
aws amplify create-app --name app-name-in-dev --repository repo-in-prod --iam-service-role-arn arn:aws:sts::prod:assumed-role/CrossAccountRepositoryContributorRole/cross-account
The problem remains the same. It seems impossible to connect amplify with code-commit until, repository and amplify-app exist in the same account.
Is there anyway to achieve this or is it really not configurable?
Incase Anyone comes looking for same:
After creating a ticket with AWS, I have received back a response that it is not currently possible as Amplify is still a newer service and only allow repository from same account.
I have tried setting this up at my end and observed the same. I was able to connect to the repositories only in the same account. I did further research on this and could confirm that currently, we cannot integrated with a cross account CodeCommit repository for Amplify applications.

AWS Amplify: Adding existing resources from other amplify env

Me and my partner are working on a web-project using AWS Amplify, where we have two different Amplify environments in which we are working. Is there a way for me to add the resources present in my partners environment to my environment? More specifically I would like to add/access the existing API gateway and Lambda functions my partner created in his environment to mine (have them show up as resources when using 'amplify status' in my environment). Is this possible?
This file aws-exports.js is the same meaning as .env
So everyone can have their own setting
Create a copy aws-exports.js and name it aws-exports.mysetting.js
When others run your project
cp aws-exports.mysetting.js aws-exports.js